
时间:2022-07-05 13:15:47 | 来源:语文通



In our class, there is a super-loved math teacher-Teacher Zhong.


She has a curled hair, the root of her hair is slightly brownish -yellow, and a pair of watery eyes seem to have starlight shining. When she laughs, there are two small dimples on both sides of the cherry mouth, but she just likes to drag the hall.


I like the gentle Teacher Zhong.One day, our fourth lesson was math lessons. Teacher Zhong was lectured seriously, and the students were also interesting.I don't know how long, I glanced at the classmates in front of me. He had pulled one foot out, his body leaned slightly, and the other hand slowly pushed the chair to the desk.His legs also tied up, looking at him like this, he was going to be out of class.I also sneaked the table, and it was only a few minutes to get out of class.


At this time, Teacher Zhong said, "Please turn the book to pages 58. Let's take a look at the example." After that, Mr. Zhong draws pictures and write an example on the whiteboard.The teacher does not seem to know that it is going to go to get out of class at all. If the teacher speaks again, it must be overwhelmed. After class, there was a shout and laughter of others outside the classroom. My stomach was hungry. Sure enough, the teacher, like nothing, still talked about the topic.I was irritable, but she was a teacher and I had to listen to her.I was paralyzed on the table like a pair of mud, and I didn't want to resist.


Finally, the teacher said that he had finished class, the teacher arranged the question, and he packed the textbook.There are only complaints from the students.


I did the question and found that the question was talked about by the teacher. I finally knew why the teacher was dragged, because the teacher wanted us to understand the questions, master methods, and learn more.



"Be big today, ! " "What ? You have to drag the hall ? "The red Japanese humanistic composition class is dragged almost every day, which deepen my impression of the Red Ri teacher -Ai Dao Tang !


The first time I saw the Red Ri teacher in his humanistic composition lessons.His knowledge, his humor, and his kindness left a great impression on me.Just when I looked at the watch for a second to count the preparing to get off the get out of class, the word "Dragon Hall" passed into my ears.The "burning fire" in my heart was wiped out by a pot of cold water.How can this red day teacher who loves dating? ?


But gradually I have a new view of the "Dragoning Church" of Mr. Hongri: the rigorous, humorous, and richness of the class has made me fall in love with the humanistic composition lesson.Slowly, I walked out of the small corner of the classroom, walked towards everyone, let everyone know me, and understand me.At the same time, I also have the courage to learn from others, and to enrich my knowledge.So, I changed from a dumb person to a happy girl who loves to talk and laugh with the teacher's pace. !


I changed the ! I have been in the second year of the Red Ri teacher, but now it is different. It seems that I was unknowingly after I was hearing the cheerfulness.I no longer disgusted the drag of Teacher Red Ri, but I support him more, because I enjoy the time of this drag.!


Sometimes, I also thought about it many times. Why did Teacher Red Ri Drag the ? Dragoning could not let him make more money, but let him go home later.After finishing five lessons, I finally understood that it was his selflessness of love, and I wanted to let us learn more;The title of "Teacher"; even his attachment to literature made him fall in love with this special profession.


Teacher Hongri's Drag Master made me understand a truth: The teacher is one of the careers that value their conscience in this world.Therefore, I like the composition lesson of the Red Ri teacher. I have not only learned a lot of knowledge, but also like the "Dragoning Red King" -Red Ri teacher.



Short, melon seed face, thick black, exuding shiny hair.She is my math teacher -Teacher Cai.She likes to drag, so everyone calls her "Drag Class Cai Tianwang" in the back.


After class, Teacher Cai had two great tricks to let us continue to listen to her lectures.


One trick is to take people's law.The beautiful and brisk get out of class bell rang from the "Ding Ling Bell", and Xiao Yifan's eyelids were lifted up, and the excited light flashed in his eyes.Gao Tianhao picked up the basketball and rushed to the back door of the classroom. He was ready to open the door to play ... Teacher Cai's eyes glanced around like an infrared ray, and he could see the idea of everyone can't wait to go out to play.I saw her turn around, walked slowly in front of the class, and looked at it, "Did you not find that the math lessons of this semester have been compressed?Only when others spend more energy and time to improve their grades! "Listening to Teacher Cai said, everyone returned to the seat and sat upright.Everyone concentrates on listening.


Strike two, ears are not heard outside the window."The decimal removal ..." Mr. Cai's voice covered the ringtone, his expression seemed to have nothing, and he continued to give lectures calmly.Her hand was habitually placed on the first row of tables, leaning back slightly, her feet crossed one after the other.Until the content of the class, she smiled easily: "Okay, you can come up and change the wrong." The classmates lined up, watching the other class students running and playing, listening to their happy screamsEssenceLook at Teacher Cai again, her eyes are staring at the homework.It was not disturbed by the noise outside.Hey, the king is the king! Class 5 is her site.The ringtone of the school could not work for her.Isn't this a hilling peak in reality?


After the whole class was changed, Mr. Cai looked at his watch, opened his eyes, and his half of his mouth showed white teeth.She rubbed her eyes with her hands, and looked at the watch again, and quickly said, "Everyone goes back to the toilet!" As a result, the words were just falling, and the class bell rang again. She had to say, "Come hereWe continue class! "


This is the "Drag Class Cai Tianwang" in our class.Although Teacher Cai often dragged classes, we all know that she sacrificed her rest time for us to make us better.



The surname of the Chinese teacher is Cai. She is a teacher with a teaching and learning.


Teacher Cai is not tall, her hands are a bit rough, and she has a cocoon. That is to teach the students to teach the students, let the students get blue than blue, and often go to learn to make notes.


The teacher's requirements for us are very strict.At a time in class, the students were so noisy that they were not allowed, and the class was late. The teacher said: "The class is still taking it, then it is 40 minutes, it is a waste of time." As a result, the students did not rest after class after class.From then on, when the classmates saw Teacher Cai, they immediately quiet, and they were afraid that they had encountered a dragging.I gave Teacher Cai a name "Dragon" teacher.


Once, the teacher was dragged again, but this time it was pretty good.The bell rang at the end of the get out of class, and the teacher said, "Classmates, now the appearance is too hot, you can watch the public account in the classroom, and accompany the teacher." The students were very excited, listening to the column of "You Sheng Lou", and sometimes discussed To talk about the west; sometimes listening carefully, when readers heard the voice of discussing their works, each was a bit shy.The teacher continued to change the homework as tall as a hill, with a gratifying smile on his face, and looked up at us from time to time.There are reading notes on our public account and reading aloud; there are compositions ... Our small eyes admire these, from time to time, a happy laughter is very leisurely, the teacher is very busy, working hard to change homeworkEssenceThe weather is still hot, but in the classroom, we feel cool and comfortable.


We gradually like such a drag.Sometimes when the class is about to go home, let us write some homework home so that there are more free time when you go home.The classmates were very energetic, and they began to write homework crazy, and their homework became less and less.Since then, it is no longer a teacher, but the classmates voluntarily dragged the hall.The classmates love to do my homework in get out of class. Everyone takes out the homework in the lesson, like a driver who has just added oil.The teacher said, "Go out and play! Don't write it, don't write it! Go out to play." But everyone said, "Don't, we have to go out after writing the homework!" The students became the students.


As the classmates continue to drag the hall, the classmates in the class have become more loved and learned, and the discipline is better. The students prefer the "Dragging" teacher.Because the teacher has made us more reasonable to use time, do you like homework, relax, and rest. Do you not like it?



"Dingling Bell, Ding Ling Bell" was class again, and this lesson was actually a class of "Dragoning King".


"Attend class"


"Good king of Dragoning." Of course, I could only say silently in my heart.


Before the class, they played table tennis with their classmates "falling flowers and flowing water", always thinking about winning the face! But now it is the class time, and only when this class is after class to "revenge snow hatred".


... The teacher talked with interest on the podium, but I was moody.


The "Dingling Bell, Ding Bell" ringtone once again sounded. It seemed to be a secret code between me and my friends."What did you run, did I say?!" The teacher was staring at me with a very lethal look, and I had to return to the seat obediently."Talk to get out of class in two minutes." The teacher continued to give lectures.


Two minutes? That's okay, I won't delay too long, I actually believe in it.However, the end result was that the "Dragoning King" talked about a full class -40 minutes, it was a "century"! I seem to feel that the boys in the class have become little old men, girls, girls, girls, girls, girls, girls, girls, girls, girls, girls, girls, girls, girls, girls, girls, girls, girls, girls.It also became a little old lady.


The next day, oh! No -there is a class of King of Dragon, it is really moldy for eight lives! After class, I immediately flew out."What do you run! I haven't finished class yet! After talking about this question, I will go back to get out of class!" I returned to my seat smoothly.Oh my god! I am destined to escape her "magic claws" in my life! She dragged a full class! Oh my god! I never hurt the heavens, why should God treat me like this?!


Teacher, I beg you, "change the evil to correct"! My good youth time has been occupied by you -no! To be precise, you should be occupied by you.



1、拖堂:拖堂读音为tuō táng,是指老师上课超过时间。 教师不按时下课,拖延下课时间拖堂 tuō táng词语解释:老师上课超过时间。[delay] 教师不按时下课,拖延下课时间分词解释:超过:1.超出;高于。 2.越过同方向行进者,到其前面。时间:①物质存在的可用钟表来量度的属性。某一过程的发生、发展、终止,既反映了过程的持续性也反映了顺序性。过程的持续性表现为时间间隔,顺序性表现为日期和时刻。②见“时间与空间”。● 堂 táng ㄊㄤˊ◎ 正房,高大的房子:堂屋。堂客。堂倌。礼堂。澡堂。◎ 同祖父的亲属关系:堂房。堂兄弟。◎ 旧时官吏审案办事的地方:大堂。公堂。过堂。◎ 量词:上了一堂课。一堂家具。● 拖 tuō ㄊㄨㄛˉ◎ 牵引,拉,拽:拖车。拖船。拖累(lěi )。拖儿带女。◎ 耷拉着:拖着辫子。◎ 延长时间:拖延。拖欠。拖债。...拖堂的近义词,拖堂的同义词是什么»

2、老师:老师读音为lǎo shī,是指尊称传授文化、技术的人。泛指在某方面值得学习的人。老师 lǎo shī词语意思:尊称传授文化、技术的人。泛指在某方面值得学习的人。(1) [teacher](2) 今为教师的尊称(3) 古为年老辈尊的传授学术的人;泛称传授文化、技艺的人(4) 明清两代,生员、举子称座主和学官为“老师”(5) 对僧侣的尊称分词解释:值得:认为有价值;合算:值得重视|代价太大,不值得。传授:教给别人(知识、技艺等):传授经验。尊称:1.尊贵的称谓或称号;敬称。 2.尊敬地称呼。...老师怎么造句,用老师造句»