
时间:2022-11-21 13:03:28 | 来源:语文通



自我反思作文 篇1自我的反省 篇2自我反思作文 篇3自我反思作文 篇4我最需要反省 篇5反省人生 篇6自我反思作文 篇7

自我反思作文 篇1


Reflection is people's thinking about life and our summary of ourselves. Everyone should improve in reflection and create a better self.


There are many things to reflect on. Thinking about a trivial matter in life is reflection, and thinking about national affairs is also reflection. There is no distinction between high and low, high and low, right and wrong. Reflection is to improve ourselves and make the country wonderful because of us.


The degree of reflection varies from deep to shallow. If you think about things superficially, it is reflection, but if you can dig deeply, it is a realm. We should keep thinking, feel and realize from the little things in life, open a deeper level of thinking, reflect deeply, and transform the shallow into the deep, which is a kind of state of life.


There are mistakes and right things to reflect on. It is not only your mistakes that you should reflect on. It is easy to avoid making mistakes in a day. But do you ensure that you do everything wholeheartedly and strive to do it? I don't think so. So we should also reflect on what we have done right, and think about how to do it better. Only by insisting on reflection every day and comprehensively reflecting, can our life be better.


People who reflect have themselves and others. It is necessary for them to reflect every day. They should first reflect and understand what they have done badly but not enough. Do you care about others? Maybe someone frowns and tells you that what you did was wrong, so we should reflect on what was wrong. When others smile happily, it shows that this matter is in line with his mind, but we should not be proud and not reflect. We should improve ourselves from reflection and create better ourselves.


There are things to reflect on, and there are also people who need to reflect on what they have done. In the same way, people should also reflect on, and some things reflect a person's accomplishment. Then, even if people reflect on things, they will improve, but they will still rise and fall on the surface. Only by combining people with things, and reflecting on people in their work, can we achieve a high level of improvement.


People grow in reflection. With each in-depth reflection, we also have a higher level of growth. We should grow in reflection and reflect in growth.

自我的反省 篇2


I can't see the stars in the sky and feel the vast universe in the dark. Only the cool wind makes me awake.


Looking back on my more than ten years of life, there are no big ups and downs, but only ordinary memories. I have always been myself in the ordinary. But such self has made me very tired. Suddenly, I fell in love with silence. I won't show resistance in loud reprimands, but I know that I should write it down in the book and lock it up. Of course, there are also those stories that are difficult to say. At the same time, I also rely on and fantasize, always fantasizing about things that I cannot achieve or desperately desire in reality. After having the pleasure for a while, it is the reality. repeatedly.

视力一直很好的我却总是看不清楚自己的现状。总觉的一切对我都是万丈光芒,孰不知若要保持现状,就将会是昏田地暗。忽然间,发现自己是一个承受能力强,控制能力差的人。一个人的时候,我总是会把刺激我内心的事,稍加幻想,然后收藏的很好。可就在有人,有意无意的触碰是,我便会当众崩溃,陷入万丈不复之深渊。然后,再当一个人时,自我安慰。我知道这样做不会为我带来任何有进步的思想和行为,但我总是很懒惰接受这一切。( 沧州市锐烨钢管 - 沧州文学 www.vg- )

I always have good eyesight, but I can't see my current situation clearly. I always feel that everything is brilliant to me. I don't know if I want to keep the status quo, it will be dim. Suddenly, I found myself a person with strong tolerance and poor control ability. When I am alone, I always fantasize about things that stimulate my heart, and then collect them well. But when someone touches me intentionally or unintentionally, I will collapse in public and fall into the abyss of irretrievability. Then, when you are alone, comfort yourself. I know this will not bring me any progressive thoughts and behaviors, but I am always lazy to accept all these. (Cangzhou Ruiye Steel Pipe Cangzhou Literature WWW. VG -)


Maybe sometimes I will get a thorough understanding in a moment, but I will often dissipate it in an instant. Perhaps, this is what I am used to. I finally realized that the word "negative" was enough to summarize my life for more than ten years. Now the illusion and silence have also retreated, because I am too far away from the reality!


--500 words

自我反思作文 篇3


From primary school to university, I have been getting along well with my classmates and teachers, and have also been very popular with students around me. I have established deep friendship with many students. While learning knowledge, I learned that I should be considerate, which was fully demonstrated in my graduation thesis design. One of my characteristics is that I don't like a tiger's head and a snake's tail. I always start from the beginning and finish everything. Even if it is difficult, I will go all out to pursue the best results. Because of this, I regard my will as the main factor. I believe that as long as I have a stick of perseverance, I can grind it into a needle. A man's greatest enemy is not others, but himself. Over the years, I have been fighting against myself, to be exact, against my will. In retrospect, I am indeed more determined than before, but I will not relax. The above advantages are the basis of my future life. I should continue to maintain them and encourage myself to make progress.


Personally, I think my biggest weakness is that I like to use both at once and even more. He is eager for quick success and quick profits. He likes to learn many things at one time, but he can't chew too much. Even if he can finally learn, he has already made himself very tired of 1500 words of self reflection 1500 words of self reflection. Now think about it, this is actually not good, it is the so-called essence rather than wide. If I focus on one kind of knowledge for a period of time, not for erudition but for refinement, I believe I can understand and master this knowledge more deeply. Since I found that I had this shortcoming and problem, I often warned myself that I could not be dual-use after entering the society.


Through four years of college life, I have learned a lot of knowledge, and more importantly, I have the ability to master a new thing quickly. Thought has become more mature and character has become more determined. I got to know many students and teachers, established friendship, improved my own quality in the communication with them, recognized my own shortcomings and tried to correct them. The social practice ability has also been greatly improved, laying the foundation for the future society.


The four years of college life is a small and shining part of my life. It contains sweat and harvest, and plays a vital role in leveling my life.

自我反思作文 篇4


Time passed quickly. In the twinkling of an eye, the mathematics course of the first volume of the third grade had been finished, and I learned a lot of new mathematical knowledge. After learning, the teacher gave us a self comprehensive test. I did well in this test, and I was very happy. I think that through testing, I should have a full understanding and profound reflection on the learning of mathematics in this semester, and how to improve the ability to learn new knowledge, learn to understand and master mathematical knowledge, so as to achieve good academic results.


First of all, have a good learning attitude. No learning, no learning, no learning. The teacher is so good at teaching, I should listen carefully, learn mathematics well and love mathematics. As long as the goal is clear and we work hard, we will learn well.


We should also be strict with ourselves. Be sure to listen carefully in class and never lose focus. Only in this way can we afford the hard work of teachers and turn new knowledge into our own. You can't deal with the homework assigned by the teacher. You must complete it carefully. It should be a learning process.


In learning mathematics, we should use our brains more, think hard, combine theory with practice, and think more about the new content of learning. If you really don't understand, go to the teacher until you understand. At ordinary times, we should review and practice more so as to master mathematical knowledge.


Then there is the comprehensive examination. Don't be nervous, just as usual. As long as you don't careless, do it carefully to ensure that you can do well in the examination.


I should have made a little progress in this evaluation, but I know that a good test does not mean a good test forever. I should work harder, pay more, learn from the students' strengths, and learn mathematics well. I must live up to the expectations of teachers and parents.

我最需要反省 篇5












反省人生 篇6


If time could go back, half the people in the world would become great people.


——Nader Ransom


Self reflection can make the losers stand up again and meet new challenges; Introspection can make people with bad conduct become great people; Self reflection can also help the fallen young people regain their strength and climb to the peak of success.

在德国,有个少年无恶不作,逃课、打架、捣乱……全世界的坏事他差不多都做尽了。但他的作文写得特别棒,让人几乎看不出是个顽劣的孩子写的。( 沧州市锐烨钢管 - 沧州文学 www.vg- )

In Germany, there was a young man who did all kinds of evil, playing truant, fighting, making trouble... He almost did all the bad things in the world. But his composition is so excellent that it is almost impossible to see that it was written by a naughty child. (Cangzhou Ruiye Steel Pipe Cangzhou Literature WWW. VG -)


When everyone thought he was hopeless, he met a new teacher. The new teacher read his composition and said that he would become a great poet like Goethe. The boy didn't believe it, so the teacher told him how Goethe treated others. After listening to this, the young man felt thoughtful, reflected on what he had done, and seriously corrected it. Finally, he became the first great man like Goethe in German history. He is Heine.


How powerful is the power of introspection. Now let's look at the consequences of non introspection.


Xiang Yu, the most powerful man in the world, lost to Liu Bang, the defeated general in the past. Because he was too narrow-minded, he just wanted to run the world by himself, never introspecting on his own mistakes. After losing Han Xin and many other capable people, one Fan Zeng didn't make good use of it, and finally even Fan Zeng left in frustration and died. What a big mistake! On the contrary, Liu Bang reflected on his mistakes in time after Han Xin left, and was awarded the title of general after he recovered Han Xin, finally defeating Xiang Yu and unifying China.


Self reflection is water, and life is tea. Only by making it several times can tea be strong.


--500 words

自我反思作文 篇7


As for my current learning status, I feel that I still don't work hard enough, and there are still many areas to be improved.


Although I got a good result in the mid-term exam. There may be some complacency, which makes me unable to study quietly. I found that my study state was not as good as before. I used to read and write in extracurricular time every day, but now I can't. I am reflecting on why I am like this. My parents nag me all day long, so I can study. I know the importance of learning. I can't help playing games after all. It's much more interesting to learn. Chinese, mathematics, general subjects, but why is English so poor. Science has always been a weak subject for me. I feel that I have made great efforts to learn it, but it has no effect. Isn't it that many points when I pass the exam? To tell the truth, I'm worried because the final exam is coming soon. If I can't adjust my study state, I know I will lose completely. Those who have been defeated by me will jump on my head. I am a very competitive person. I know I can't go on like this. Time passed quickly. I was doing my homework and didn't pay much attention to it. While I was playing, my classmates were all working hard. While I was studying, their family was still studying. Swallows are gone, willows wither when they come again, peach blossoms wither when they are green again, and peach blossoms bloom again. But my time is gone forever. Every step I took yesterday is history. Learning state is my biggest problem. R's attitude is not as serious as before. I have encountered many problems, I want to know and retreat. I know I'm not a smart boy. But I don't think it suits me if I don't follow my heart. I want to work hard, I want to surpass everyone, I know. I am the strongest.


Attitude is more important than achievement. Attitude also determines everything. I must grasp every minute and every second to work hard and learn. I don't think I will regret myself in the end.