It was a night that made me and my sister's fear.
That day was the 15th Lantern Festival of the first month.When we were about to eat dinner, my father found that his mother's face was wrong, and it looked like he was going to be sick.
Dad quickly helped my mother sitting on the bed and asked me to get root chopsticks.Because the mother will tighten her face when she is ill, her teeth are bite, and she will bite her tongue accidentally. Bite chopsticks to avoid this danger.Dad quickly called the doctor in the clinic and asked him to get an injection for his mother.The mother's face became purple, her thighs were tight, which was really terrible.
When the needle was hit, the mother was calm for about an hour.Symptoms began to appear again, and it was tight for a while. I was frightened and shouted: "Mom, you wake up! Mom, we will never make you angry again ..." But we willMom is still like that.
Will my mother wake up? My sister and I are scared to cry.
Later, the eldest sister returned, and Dad and the elder sister discussed 120 and sent her mother to the county hospital.The doctor performed intravenously for his mother.In less than ten minutes, my mother calmed down, her face had blood, and she fell asleep quietly.Seeing that my mother was sleeping safely, I was paralyzed in front of the bed.Tears kept falling like a bead that broke the line.
Dad pulled me to her, patted me gently, and said calmly, "Zhenger, don't be afraid, mother is okay, she will definitely watch you grow up."
My tears fell again.
I hope I can grow up quickly, I hope my mother can be healthy and healthy. I hope there will be no such fear in the future ...
1、恐惧:恐惧读音为kǒng jù,是指惧怕:恐惧不安。恐惧 kǒng jù词语意思:惧怕:恐惧不安。分词解释:不安:1.不安定;不安宁。 2.不当,不稳妥。 3.不适,指有病。 4.客套话。表示歉意和感激。惧怕:害怕:惧怕困难ㄧ我们不惧怕任何敌人。● 恐 kǒng ㄎㄨㄥˇ◎ 害怕,畏惧:恐惧。恐怖。恐慌。惊恐。有恃无恐。◎ 恫吓(hè):恐吓(hè)。◎ 疑虑:恐怕。恐不能成功。● 惧(懼) jù ㄐㄩˋ◎ 害怕:恐惧。惧怕。惧惮。惧怯。惧色。临危不惧。...恐惧怎么造句,用恐惧造句»
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