
时间:2022-10-18 12:46:02 | 来源:语文通



春节放烟花二年级作文 篇1烟花爆竹作文 篇2过年放烟花的作文 篇3春节放鞭炮的作文 篇4春节放鞭炮作文 篇5过年放烟花的作文 篇6过年放烟花的作文 篇7初中生春节放烟花作文400字 篇8春节放烟花的作文 篇9

春节放烟花二年级作文 篇1


After the New Year's Eve dinner, my father and I came to the center of the community, and we put fireworks in a row on the ground. Then, my father lit the fuse, and heard a "bang". A bunch of firelight rushed up, and saw that the sky was bright with the fireworks in full bloom. My father lit a bucket of fireworks again. The sky seemed to change into the day. There were red, green and yellow, and there was a huge "boom" sound. I quickly covered my ears with my hands and hid far away. Then, my father ordered another one, jumped up to the top with a whoosh, and then a bright and big "flower" opened in the air.


I applauded happily: "Ah, how beautiful!"

烟花爆竹作文 篇2


During the Spring Festival, one of the happiest things is that you can see beautiful fireworks and hear loud firecrackers almost every day. Fireworks are very beautiful, bringing us happiness and adding joy to the festival. However, fireworks and firecrackers also have unpleasant aspects, that is, the ground is very dirty after they are put out; A large gray smoke will appear in the sky, causing air pollution; Because of the loud noise of fireworks and firecrackers, we will be frightened to cover our ears quickly; Sometimes it will bring disasters and fires to human beings, and more importantly, fireworks will also threaten our safety


Every year, people are injured or even killed when setting off fireworks. Safe setting off is very important, and no one wants to make a happy holiday dull. I particularly hate those people who set off fireworks in the middle of the night. We all fell asleep, but were woken up by their fireworks and crackers, which made me feel bad. I have been awakened by the sound of fireworks many times in my sleep, and I was also scared to death. If you think it's OK, go "taste" yourself! I know what it's like to be woken up.


I hope that people will not set off fireworks in the middle of the night. Only by setting off fireworks in a civilized and safe way can we enjoy the happiness of the festival.

过年放烟花的作文 篇3


"Wow!" "How beautiful!" "How beautiful!" Do you know what we are doing? We are setting off fireworks!


My mother and I prepared several kinds of fireworks and went downstairs to set them off in a flat space.


We came to an empty place downstairs and took out the fireworks. Mother lit a stick of incense with a lighter. I took some good incense and lit the fireworks on the ground one by one. I saw fireworks like butterflies dancing in the low air, as if playing games with us. My mother and I lit several more in one breath. After a while, there were more butterflies in the sky. There is also a kind of cylindrical fireworks which is also very interesting. Once it is opened, the pattern of "Flaming Trees and Silver Flowers" will appear, and it will continue to show its colorful, and the sparks will continue to come out. It is really beautiful.


The most interesting is a small fireworks called "Space Flying Car", which looks like a dart. As soon as I lit it, it flew up. The gorgeous fireworks drew a beautiful arc in the air. The "space flying car" turned quickly, turned into a dazzling top, and finally slowly landed.


After we put off the fireworks, we saw the fireworks in other people's houses and went home reluctantly.

春节放鞭炮的作文 篇4


The bitter cold wind in winter can't break the smile on people's faces, the joy of reunion, the sound of firecrackers during the Spring Festival, and people's expectations for the New Year.


Laughing in the firecrackers, my partner and I played firecrackers under a red Spring Festival couplet. We were mischievous. We were concerned that the bottle was filled with colored thunder. The bottle filled with thunder swelled like a balloon. There were a few cracks under the bottle. It was really shabby and pitiful. I struck a match hard, and the light slowly moved to the bottle, and my hand stretched out to light the fuse, When everyone heard the voice of "Zizizizizi...", they pushed and pushed, and swarmed up the stairs. I was almost squeezed out. The exploded bottle turned like a transparent butterfly for several times, and jumped over the top of the tree like a high jumper. The residue of some colored thunder on the bottle was shaken down, and the colorful "snowflakes" were flying all over the sky. At this time, the little partners gathered together, "Wow!" I can't help saying, "It's so cool!" Then, like a demon, we ran to the banana tree. The tree was rotten. We looked at each other and smiled cunningly. Then we grabbed a big colored thunder, carefully stuffed it into the tree and ran away. We ran away from place to place. This time it was not a joke, but it was too quick to cover our ears... "Boom!", A bunch of rotten banana flesh hit my left hand, "Hoo!" I sighed with relief and ran to the tree. The rotten tree in front of me was scarred and terrible.


Everyone recovered from surprise, "One more time!" Everyone said with one voice. So everyone rushed to a piece of mud again, and I buried the colored thunder, leaving only a fuse and lighting it... Everyone ran away in the sound of "Zizi", and a hole was blown out of the mud, and a piece of debris flew out. Finally, we took a "missile" and inserted it on the ground.


The setting sun sprinkled the last ray of light with a strong flavor of the year on the ground, and everyone turned back home and planted expectations again.

春节放鞭炮作文 篇5


The Spring Festival is one of the traditional festivals in China. It is celebrated in the first month of the year.


There are many customs during the Spring Festival: pasting couplets, setting off firecrackers, dancing lions, eating reunion dinner, etc. One Spring Festival, my brother and I went to set off firecrackers. My brother first found a place with snow, then he inserted a firecracker into the snow pile, and then lit the firecracker. When the firecracker was about to explode, my brother quickly covered some snow on it. "Touch", only one firecracker sounded, and the snow was blown into the air, leaving a black mark on the snow... Soon, there was only one firecracker left. My brother sighed and said, "What can I do if there is only one left?" Just as we were feeling dejected, my brother suddenly saw a bamboo stick. He went over and looked carefully: there was snow on both ends of the stick, and there were two holes on it... "Let's set off this firecracker here!" My brother said happily to me. I said repeatedly: "Good! Good!" So my brother put the lighted firecracker into the bamboo stick. There was a loud noise of "touch", and the bamboo stick was blown to pieces. At this moment, snowflakes floated in the sky, and my stomach was singing. I said to my brother, "Let's go home!" My brother agreed. When I got home, my mother cooked a delicious dinner. She said, "Today, everyone is here for the reunion dinner. Let's wait for the two of you. Hurry up and wash your hands and eat!" After saying that, my brother and I ran to the bathroom, washed our hands, and went to the table to eat with gusto

春节,一个中国传统的节日!春节,一个中国最隆重的节日 !

Spring Festival, a traditional Chinese festival! Spring Festival, the most solemn festival in China!

过年放烟花的作文 篇6


Fireworks are indispensable activities on New Year's Eve. On New Year's Eve every year, our family goes to see the fireworks party in the factory. At seven o'clock, we arrived there. There were already many people there. I managed to squeeze to the front. There were many large and small boxes full of fireworks in the middle of the square.


I started to set off fireworks. I only heard the sound of "Hua Hua Hua". I saw the fireworks flow down from the roof like a waterfall, like the poem "It flies down three thousand feet, and it seems that the Milky Way falls nine days." Next came the "flying squirrel" who flew into the dark sky like fire dragons, red, green, purple and so on. When I looked like a god, a huge chrysanthemum appeared in the sky with a bang. People cheered, "How beautiful! How beautiful!", and there were several connected sounds. The fireworks in the sky burst. Some were like waste fireflies, some were like peacocks, some were like roses, some were like peonies, some were like lanterns, some were like double hearts, some were like balls, and some were like parachutes. Then they fell down into countless small stars in the sky and slowly disappeared in the dark sky, It's like a meteor shower in the sky. It's really beautiful.


In a word, fireworks shine in the sky like in the daytime. I am dazzled by all kinds of fireworks in the sky. It seems that it is not enough to grow a pair of eyes. Fireworks flash and fly in the air, causing laughter and cheers. Ah! What a beautiful sky! What a happy New Year's Eve! I really want to leave this beautiful scenery in my heart forever.


The Spring Festival is so fun. I really want to celebrate it every day!

过年放烟花的作文 篇7


On the evening of New Year's Eve, our whole family came to Qianmen Fireworks.


Dad took a "skyrocket" and lit it carefully. With a "bang", a beautiful flower blossomed in the sky. Looking at the petals like meteors, it seemed that it would fall on my head. Frightened, I was as timid as a mouse. I quickly put my head in my hands and closed my eyes tightly. I really wanted to shout.


It was my turn to set off fireworks. I picked up a "Ruyi Golden Stirrup Stick", swallowed some saliva, and then carefully lit it. I immediately closed my eyes and felt uneasy for fear that the fireworks would hurt myself. With a whoosh, I slowly opened my eyes and looked forward. The fireworks exploded around me. Countless star shaped fireworks scattered on the ground like fairy flowers. All of a sudden, the surroundings turned yellow. Suddenly, an orange light flew from the paper tube. Then, it soon sounded in the air and chrysanthemums of various colors appeared. It can be said that it is colorful and beautiful.


The streets and alleys were also put up with beautiful fireworks. The lights on the ground flew into the sky and became colorful flowers in the sky. The stars in the sky fell down from the sky.


We are all intoxicated with the colorful fireworks and enjoy the joy they bring us.

初中生春节放烟花作文400字 篇8


In the long river of my memory, there are many memories, some of which have been gradually forgotten, but the most memorable one is "fireworks".

记 得那是在去年春节的一个晚上,晚饭时,我和弟弟迫不及待地想要出去放烟花,妈妈说:“可以啊,但是你们要先吃完饭,还要收拾干净!”我和弟弟异口同声地 说:“好!好!好!”妈妈才放上最后一盘菜,我和弟弟就早已狼吞虎咽地吃了起来,妈妈刚刚坐下,我和弟弟就早已吃完了。妈妈接着说:“好吧,我这就下楼去 给你们买。”我和弟弟早已迫不及待地想要放烟花了,一会的功夫,妈妈一进门,我们便一把拿过烟花跑到楼上,准备开始放烟花。

I remember that it was one night of last year's Spring Festival. At dinner, my brother and I couldn't wait to go out to set off fireworks. My mother said, "Yes, but you should finish your meal first and clean up!" My brother and I said with one voice: "Good! Good! Good!" My brother and I had already devoured the last dish when my mother put it on. As soon as my mother sat down, my brother and I had already finished eating. Mom then said, "OK, I'll go downstairs and buy it for you." My brother and I can't wait to set off fireworks. After a while, as soon as Mom came in, we took the fireworks and ran upstairs, ready to set off fireworks.

我 拿来一只点燃的香,弟弟一把抢过去,慢慢地把香靠近那些小烟花,我想他心里也在害怕炸到自己吧,接着弟弟点燃了一些小烟花,然后他往下一扔,只听“嘭”的 一声巨响,吓得妈妈魂飞魄散,弟弟也吓到了,我也像一个木头人一样站着,接着,我看到形状各异的烟花接二连三地冲向天空,它们在天空中竞相开放、争奇斗 艳,真是美丽迷人那!绽放的烟花就像春天的花儿在花园里开放一样,我看到这些五彩缤纷、五颜六色的烟花真是让我如痴如醉啊!

I took a lighted incense, and my younger brother grabbed it and slowly put it close to the small fireworks. I think he was also afraid of exploding himself. Then my younger brother lit some small fireworks, and then he threw them down. He heard a loud "bang" sound, which scared his mother's soul away. My younger brother was also scared. I also stood like a wooden man. Then I saw fireworks of different shapes rushing into the sky one after another, They compete with each other in the sky for openness and beauty. They are really beautiful and charming! The fireworks are just like spring flowers blooming in the garden. I am so fascinated to see these colorful fireworks!


Look around, everyone is very happy, and my heart (WWW.. CN) is as happy as fireworks.

春节放烟花的作文 篇9


On the evening of New Year's Eve, many people set off fireworks outside. Colorful beams of light rushed into the sky, and then burst out in mid air, blooming one after another. They are so colorful that even the stars in the sky are eclipsed. I envy those people who can set off fireworks. They pester my father to buy fireworks for me, but my father refuses without mercy.


After the New Year's Eve dinner, we watched the Spring Festival Gala. We laughed at each other for a while, and we couldn't help participating in the interaction on TV for a while... When we were half excited, my father said to me, "Tingjia, let's go down and set off fireworks!" "Fireworks? Didn't you say you wouldn't buy fireworks?" I looked surprised. My father came into the room and took out a red bag full of fireworks! I jumped three feet high with joy.


I opened the bag excitedly and saw all kinds of fireworks inside: a good start, Tiaotiao cat, chrysanthemums in full bloom, and the great fortune whip... The most interesting one was the chrysanthemums in full bloom, which were placed on the ground and would rotate after being lit, giving off colorful lights, like the bright lights on the street. It was really beautiful.


We got off to a good start. Dad lit the fuse of the fireworks with a lighter, and then immediately ran to one side. White sparks came out of the fuse, and then with a "bang", something like a ball rushed into the sky.


"Pa!" The little ball exploded in the air, forming a purple circle. There was another "bang" sound, "pa", and the circle became green again. Then, a lot of small bright dots appeared in the sky, like twinkling stars. "Pi li pa la......" The little dots disappeared in the sky one by one, leaving a thin layer of misty smoke.


The "big fortune whip" is also fun. Dad lit the fuse with a lighter, and the "Greatly Rich Holy Whip" sounded like a firecracker. I covered my ears nervously and backed away, but a happy smile hung on my mouth.


Each kind of fireworks has its own interesting place. They have their own characteristics. Some are gorgeous, some are festive, and some are novel... After the fireworks are put off, we go back to the house to continue watching the Spring Festival Gala.


This New Year's Eve was really fun and lively! Moreover, when relatives get together, even in the cold winter, they are also very warm.