
时间:2022-11-19 13:03:15 | 来源:语文通



与梦同行作文800字 篇1同行作文 篇2以同行为话题的作文 篇3与梦同行作文700字 篇4以同行为话题的作文 篇5与梦同行作文600字 篇6与青春同行的作文 篇7我与阳光同行作文 篇8我与阳光同行作文 篇9

与梦同行作文800字 篇1


Dream is a beacon in the sea, so that the returning ships will not lose their direction; Dream is a dazzling diamond, which makes countless people stick to it; A dream is a pair of huge wings that lift people's heavy bodies and soar in the sky. Each of us has a dream, but the dream can only be realized through setbacks. Police uncle's dream is that people live and work in peace and social tranquility; The doctor's dream is that people are healthy and safe; I also have a dream. My dream is that all water sources are clean and free from pollution.


When we mention this, we have to mention the five water governance, which refers to sewage treatment, flood prevention, waterlogging drainage, water supply protection and water-saving. Water is the basis of production, the essence of ecology and the source of life. We can not eat for a few days, but we can not drink for a few days. This shows how important water is. Therefore, to cherish the source of our human life, we must save water to protect our human lifeline, which is everyone's obligation and responsibility.


Water is now seriously polluted, and freshwater resources are becoming less and less. Take the rivers in the city where we live. In the past, the river was clear and the fish could freely shuttle back and forth in the water. Now, because of the industrial wastewater and the domestic wastewater of the citizens, the clear river water becomes black, and there is no longer a beautiful scene of fish in the river. We should cherish every drop of water and every tear of Mother Earth. Maybe you don't know that many parts of China are already short of water, and many people can't drink a drop of clean water. On the other side, we turn the tap to the maximum and waste clean water one by one. You can imagine how people there want to drink clean water!


"Woo~Woo~" Eh? Who is crying? I looked around and saw the bird crying. I walked over and asked, "Bird, why are you crying?" "I, I, I have been drinking in the river in front of you since I was young, but now the river is very dirty. I'm so sad, ooh, ooh," "Yeah, yeah." At this time, a dead tree nearby said, "This river is the" mother river "that gave birth to me. Now the water I drank from it has changed from its original prime into a dying dead tree. It's all because of the hateful human being!" I saw that there were bags of garbage and leftover fruit peels on the river, and the rotten smell was suffocating. The infamous flies also danced "buzzing" on it. Looking at this shocking scene, I felt sad and sad.


It is still too late to control the water from now on. Let's make better use of the water. Don't let the water shed tears sadly, or the last drop of water in the world will become human tears!

同行作文 篇2


Books are the condiment of our life; Books are our companions in life; Books are teachers in our life; Books are the nourishment of our life!


On the way back to my hometown, I picked up the "Power of Dreams" and "Red Shoes" that I liked most, opened the window, and breathed fresh air. When watching The Power of Dreams, I couldn't help crying. It's so touching! The hero is Ah Wei. He has been poor since he was born, but he has had a dream since he was young. The red dancing shoes The landlord was a very ugly person with poor study, but she got into the dance team by chance. Since she joined the dance team, she has been practicing every day. Like from an ugly duckling to a white swan!


I never tire of reading a book!


As soon as I saw that it was still a long way from my hometown, I picked up another book and looked at it. I couldn't help laughing. My mother said, "What's the matter with you? You are giggling like a little maniac." I said, "Don't you see? I'm reading." Mom read me and then read magazines. I continued to look down for about an hour. I felt my eyes were tired. My mother saw it and let me rest. Although I was resting, I was still thinking about the plot.


I felt like I was in the sea of books and swam in everything there. But I just walked halfway and saw a river in front of me. I thought I had to figure out a way to get there! I thought: I went there by book. After a while, I arrived at the opposite bank and walked on. As I walked farther and farther, I was afraid, so I picked up a book beside me and read it. I woke up in my dream. Mom said: "You are a little bookworm. You will itch all over your body if you don't read for a day, or you won't hear what you say when you read! Hey, it's true. Reading is a good thing, but you should learn to read scientifically, understand?" I nodded and said to myself, "I really should change my way of reading, eh..."


One book, two books are finished, I continue to read the next book. Reading is as sweet as eating lollipop! As I read the book, I felt that it was not a good place for him to write, and I would change it? He wrote a sentence like this: Xiao Hong is breathing fresh air. I think we can change the word "fresh" into "fresh"! I have finished reading such a book!


Before I prepare to read the next book, I want to review the previous books. One day, a small ant went to see his child off, but a small stone was in the way in front of him, which was very urgent for the ant. The father of the ant said, "Son, wait here first, and I will ask someone to remove the stone." After a while, a long line of ants came in an orderly line. Five minutes later, they finally removed the stone. The father of the ants was very grateful to them. From this we can see that the ants are united and friendly!


After reviewing the story, I read the next book with great interest!


Books are like my friends, accompanying me all the way! From then on, I am no longer alone! Along the way, I would like to thank these books! Books are my confidants!

以同行为话题的作文 篇3


The song brings a kind of happiness to people. Whenever you listen to this song, you will hear these things.


1: Little Star


"Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle. The sky is full of small stars." This song is my favorite song when I was a child. Its cheerful melody accompanied me through the spring, summer, autumn and winter of my childhood. It also reminds me of the early summer night when I was a child. My grandfather and I came to the terrace in front of our house and sang the "Little Star" loudly with the "crunch" sound of the rocking chair and the singing of crickets.


2: Meet


"On a cloudy day, in the evening, outside the car window, there will be a person waiting in the future. Look left and right, and love will come after several turns." During the period of primary school, I met all kinds of people, I met many friends, I was honored to know them, because they make my life more colorful. When we were in primary school, my friends and I loved to sing this song. We often held hands on the way home and sang the song "Meet".


3: Don't want to grow up


"I don't want to, I don't want to, I don't want to grow up, I'd rather be stupid and stupid forever." This song is a popular song. I think the reason why this song is popular is that most people like it do not want to grow up. I also do not want to grow up, because I have remembered something before. I used to live a very relaxed life. Happy time with friends before, but we must grow up.

与梦同行作文700字 篇4


Gently close the book "Walking with Dreams", my thoughts have become the wind, and I begin to fly on the beautiful and rich land of my hometown. It is like an invisible spirit, always touching my heartstrings.

这本书主要写了我的家乡浙江的山水之美、人文之美、发展之美,还 有浙江人敢为人先的追梦精神。读了这本书,我的内心久久不能平静,心中总有一个问题在我的思索中回荡,为什么我的家乡这么美丽?在细细的品味这本书后,似乎我找到了一丝答案。

This book mainly describes the beauty of landscape, humanity and development in my hometown Zhejiang, as well as the dream chasing spirit of Zhejiang people who dare to be the first. After reading this book, my heart cannot be calm for a long time. There is always a question in my mind that echoes in my thinking. Why is my hometown so beautiful? After carefully tasting this book, it seems that I have found an answer.

阅读《与梦同行》这本书的过程中,我们的美丽浙江让我感受到了它是如此之美,各地的景色如一幅幅美丽的画卷浮现在我的眼前:有浙东的海天佛国——普陀山;有浙南的世界地质公园——雁荡山;有浙西的天下第一秀水——千岛湖;有浙北的千年古运河——京杭大运河;还 有著名的世界文化遗产——西湖。几千年的文化熏陶和浸染,让浙江的山山水水都充满着浓郁的文化气息,让我深深感受到了美丽浙江的自然美,心中倍感幸福和骄傲。

In the process of reading the book "Walking with Dreams", our beautiful Zhejiang made me feel how beautiful it is. The scenery of various places emerged in front of me like beautiful scrolls: Putuo Mountain, a Buddhist country in the sea and sky in eastern Zhejiang; Yandang Mountain, the world geological park in southern Zhejiang; Qiandao Lake, the world's most beautiful water in western Zhejiang; There is the Millennium Canal in northern Zhejiang - the Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal; There is also the famous world cultural heritage - the West Lake. Thousands of years of cultural influence and influence have filled Zhejiang's mountains, rivers and waters with rich cultural atmosphere. I have deeply felt the natural beauty of beautiful Zhejiang, and I feel happy and proud.


What moved me most in the book was "the beautician of the canal". In order to keep the canal clean, they salvage the floating garbage in the Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal on the boat every day. In summer, it is windy and sunny, and the scorching sun makes them sweat, and the smell is disgusting. In winter, the cold wind was piercing their bones, and the cold river made them shiver all over. It was their hard work for more than 30 years and a day that left a beautiful "makeup" for the Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal.

在我们身边,还 有许许多多这样的“美容师”,有清晨中美丽的马路天使——环卫工人,有苗木中辛勤的园丁——园林养护工人,还 有许许多多的最美浙江人,正是他们的美带来了我们美丽浙江精神美!

There are many such "beauticians" around us, including the beautiful street angels in the morning - environmental sanitation workers, the hardworking gardeners in the seedlings - garden maintenance workers, and many of the most beautiful Zhejiang people. It is their beauty that brings us the beautiful spiritual beauty of Zhejiang!


What about me? Maybe I think beauty is always around us. I am not the most beautiful, maybe never will be, but it doesn't matter, I have a beautiful heart. Their deeds tell us that these are not simple deeds, but the beautiful spirit and quality of not succumbing to the bad environment, not giving up easily, down-to-earth persistence.


This is what I want to learn, and it is also worth learning. It will make me a beautiful phoenix chasing dreams.

以同行为话题的作文 篇5


The mountains are green, the rivers are vast, the mountains are high and the rivers are long, and a hundred years of prayer and dreams come true in one day to create brilliance! Since July 2001, I have been looking forward to the arrival of the 2008 Olympic Games.


"One World, One Dream". From the Olympic slogan, I saw solidarity, friendship, progress, harmony, participation and dreams; "Welcome the Olympic Games, stress civilization, and build a new style". I found that there was less paper scraps around me, the environment was cleaner, and there were more pictures of warmth and mutual assistance; In the selection of torch bearers in Huzhou, the competition among the competitors showed moving pictures, which made me feel that the Olympic Games were around.


Since Beijing won the Olympic qualification, I have been watching her all the time. With the approaching of the Olympic Games, the prelude to the collection of the flame of the sacred flame finally opened, and my heart trembled. Such a noble and sacred flame symbolizes hope and is coming to China and Beijing! How can this not concern people? How can people not expect! I watch the flame every day. On the way of the torch relay, a red ocean appeared. They sang the national anthem and shouted for justice! I am gratified to see that the Chinese people around the world are watching the torch, which epitomizes the Chinese people's love for the Olympics.


I admire the higher, faster and stronger spirit; I am fascinated by the Chinese seal with oriental connotation; Let me remember the catchy slogan... The past, I went through together with the Olympic Games, looking forward to the future, and we move forward together!


Olympic Games, I look forward to it! 2008, I have a copy!

与梦同行作文600字 篇6


Someone once asked me, "What is the Five Water Governance?" When I was very young, I just smiled and said, "Maybe the five major river systems of the Yellow River, the Yangtze River, the Huaihe River, the Pearl River and the Songhua River should be managed together." The man smiled and shook his head for a moment. It is only now that I have grown up and learned a lot that I know that "five water governance" was originally the five major decisions of sewage treatment, flood prevention, waterlogging drainage, water supply protection and water-saving.


From the ancient Hemudu people who built Ganlan style buildings to the Yuan Dynasty Zhuge Liang's descendants who built Bagua Village in Lanxi, generations of Zhejiang people have made arduous efforts for their own homes and a better life. The story of their home building has been handed down to this day, becoming our precious spiritual wealth and transmitting the beauty of Zhejiang.


China's dream, beautiful Zhejiang.


I grew up in Zhejiang since I was young. The water in Zhejiang, like my mother's words, is warm to my young mind; The mountains in Zhejiang are towering and towering, like a brave and fearless soldier waiting behind me to protect me for a better tomorrow; The sky in Zhejiang is beautiful, and the white clouds are like a traffic policeman guiding us on the road ahead; The land of Zhejiang, like my motherland mother, is amiable. I am growing up in her arms


"We will implement the principle of co governance of five rivers, three reforms and one demolition to create a better Zhejiang." From time to time, slogans appear on the road. A few days ago, my father took me to Wuchang. When I passed by, there was a river, beside which stood a row of artistic slogans, which were slogans about the "five water governance", "three changes and one removal". Several workers' uncles in orange overalls and yellow helmets were pushing a cart. There should be a yellow sand bar in the cart. There was an uncle in different clothes, with drawings in hand and yellow helmets in his head. I guess that might be the mentor of the workers - the engineer!


Let's go with the dream!


During the 13 years of Dayu's flood control, he passed through his family three times and did not enter, serving the people. There are many people around us who do this for everyone. Last month, we had a class on environmental protection. Later, I learned that the lecturer was the water conservation ambassador of Zhejiang Province. Today, in March, he was elected as the chief civilian river governor of Hangzhou, mainly for supervision and inspection.


Let's sail to the harbor of dreams! Go forward and work hard for dreams!

与青春同行的作文 篇7

青春是一首充满激情的歌,青春是一首…作文迷 .cn…荡气回肠的诗。时光悠悠,我们挥别了欢乐的童年时光,进入了人生最美好的时期——青春期。

Youth is a song full of passion, youth is a poem... composition fans. CN... soul stirring. The time is long, we have waved away the happy childhood, and entered the best period of life - adolescence.


Walking with youth, we should accompany her. We should eliminate the pests of greed on the way, and keep youth pure and simple.


Walking with youth, we should care for her. We should water and fertilize the bud of youth on time, and we should not let it wither prematurely.


Walking with youth, we should harvest her. As long as we work hard, the sprouts of youth will grow into clusters of beautiful, white and holy flowers.


Youth is short, but it is eternal. It is even more memorable. As long as we go with youth, the smile of youth will always bloom on our face and remain in our heart. Everyone's youth is different, but in retrospect, everyone is so happy and happy.


Our youth is not only young, but also needs vigor, courage, enthusiasm, boldness and ideals. Perhaps our youth will encounter many difficulties and dangers, so our youth needs more courage to overcome these. However, it is our youth that gives us more courage and pursuit.


Youth is the richest prime time in our life, and also the colorful mileage in our life. Perhaps our youth will be ordinary, but ordinary is not mediocre. All of us are equal at the starting line of youth. On the ideal road, as long as you have enough confidence and perseverance to bear hardships, youth is not afraid of failure, and you look for your own reasons in failure, there will be different success.


When Park Shu flicks up The Flowers, what he can't forget is the flower like youth in his life. When the old wolf sings You at the Same Table affectionately, what he can't forget is the girl at the same table who once lent him half a rubber.


Go with youth! No matter whether you are young or ever young, let's set sail together with the hand of youth, and go all the way to the other side of the youth dream!

我与阳光同行作文 篇8


The sun shines on the lake like a dynamic mirror; The sparkling water reflects on the ground, and the cold ground becomes much warmer, so does my heart.


The sun was bright and cloudless. I lay down on the broad grass, rolling about freely, as if the long constrained heart had also opened.


Everything in the world is good or bad, but I don't want my troubles to accompany me through my childhood. Only when everything is good, can I be light and have no burden.


When I was at school, I was haunted by trivial things in the class. My good friends dragged me to talk about comic novels and gossip. My teacher gave me a lesson in philosophy of life and thought, and had to rehearse "Petite", "Roar" and "Gardenia". There are endless cram schools on weekends. I am like a busy person, "running around". Although the young heart has become much more mature than my peers, the young heart will also be tired. My troubles are inseparable from me. My heart seems to have been put on a layer of solid shackles, and no one in the world can open it.


That day


I sat at my desk alone, remembering the good and bad experiences I had. There were several things that made me cry. For example, my friend betrayed me and I was not accepted by Ningwai. Maybe I was not good enough, but it was just maybe... There were several things that made me laugh, Xiao Wu's "kneeling ceremony" made me still remember, and there were several things that still puzzled me. Sometimes when I think about it, I find it strange that my feelings can be so changeable.


Maybe only sunshine can dispel the gloom in my heart. I tried to open my heart to others, and they accepted me very quickly.


Gradually, I fell in love with the sun. When I saw the sun, the window of my soul naturally opened. Some people said that the world was beautiful, but my answer was: maybe. But I'm sure that a sunny place must be beautiful.


Walk with sunshine and beauty. Remember that "maybe" is just a guess, not a certainty. No one has the ability to completely deny the good or bad of a thing. Be confident of yourself and walk with happiness!

我与阳光同行作文 篇9


In the early morning, the sun shone through the window into my little house. I opened my eyes and looked at every corner around me. A warm sun shines on my desk, which is so peaceful and peaceful.


I looked out the window and saw some birds passing by, leaving beautiful arcs in front of my window. I put my hand in the sun and felt a wonderful feeling. As a child, I was timid by nature, so few people would like to play with me. But her appearance completely changed my view of everything.


She was my first class teacher. When I first entered the palace of learning, I worked very hard. But sometimes, some topics can't be done, and I don't want to ask others. Gradually, my grades gradually declined; Gradually, the teacher found me hiding in the corner; Gradually, she stepped into my heart.


Once, I watched others play as usual, which almost became my "required course" every day. Suddenly, she came to me with a smile. My heart was tight, and I thought: "I shouldn't have come to find me, should I? The teacher never paid attention to me, I should..." Just when I was comforting myself, the teacher had come to me and smiled at me. Faced with a smile, I felt a sense of inexplicable intimacy. I could not help saying, "Good morning, teacher!" "Why don't you go when everyone else is going to play?" This is the first thing she said to me. I didn't dare to speak up because I was nervous. Then, the teacher said many words to encourage me. Looking at the teacher's encouraging eyes, I finally made my first friend. At that time, I realized the importance of friends.


Let your heart be filled with sunshine, let yourself and others walk with sunshine!