
时间:2022-07-07 14:04:07 | 来源:语文通



I will never forget those happy days, those days when he accompany him, those brilliant days.It was him, shining in my memory, and it was difficult to wear out; it was him that made my distant memory no longer lonely.


In the long -seated childhood, he couldn't forget, his figure.


The sun is bright and the weather is clear.I look at the students who play football, want to join, but do not know where to start.At this time, he came over and smiled at me sitting on the steps. The naive smile made me feel kind.He asked me what happened, and I said it in 151.He pulled my hand and ran to the playground with the smile.Finally, with his help, I and I had a piece.And he often waved his arms while running, signaling the passing, becoming the most lively person.I thanked him, but he said nothing.Later, he reached out and said, "Let's be friends!" I nodded excitedly, held his hand, and ran forward in the sun.It was his brilliant smile that left the happiest day in memory.


Hanmo Fragrant, full of fighting rooms.There is always him, there is always his book, accompanied by me, every time he is leisure, he always sits beside me, opens the book, puts it on our legs, and time will slowly pass, sometimes heBring a sad book, looking at it, tears dripped on the paper, and what I could not forget was that time.His tears dropped, and I reminded him softly: "Time is here." He wiped it and said to me, "Goodbye." I watched him leave.It was his broken -tech face that made that time the most memorable day.


The sun is like a fire, and the heat strikes.He took me to climbing together. Whenever I want to give up, he always encourages me, and every time I see the smile, I will be full of strength. I can't forget his true and lively back that day.Like a child, he ran around on the mountain road and picked a flower for a while to make me smell how fragrant it was.I can only barely smile and walk towards the top of the mountain. Finally, we reached the top of the mountain. I sat on the steps and the sunset westward. "Let's climb together next week!" I nodded with a smile,It was that smile. That sunset became my most brilliant day.


Whenever I want to give up, I always think of him, it is him, creating my brightest day.His smile illuminated me, I wanted to say to him, "Thank you!"



1、光辉灿烂:光辉灿烂读音为guāng huī càn làn,是指色彩光亮耀眼。多比喻前程的远大或事业的伟大。光辉灿烂 guāng huī càn làn词语解释:色彩光亮耀眼。多比喻前程的远大或事业的伟大。(1) [bright]∶前途、事业光明一个人,如果在他的心目中没有一个光辉灿烂的将来,那末,他现在的一切也必然都是暗淡无光的(2) [splendid]∶光芒耀眼,富丽堂皇,指胜过一般的光辉、雄伟壮丽放射出一片光辉灿烂的异彩。分词解释:耀眼:光线或色彩强烈,使人眼花。前程:①前面的路程:策马赴前程。②比喻将来的好光景:锦绣前程|前程无量|年富力强,前程远大。③旧指众人企求的功名、职位:再过一年,我就可以得个知府的前程。光亮:①明亮:光亮的窗子丨这套家具油漆得挺光亮。②亮光:山洞里一点儿光亮也没有。伟大:雄伟宏大;超出寻常的:伟大的祖国|伟大的中华民族|伟大的事业。...光辉灿烂怎么造句,用光辉灿烂造句»

2、日子:日子读音为rì zi,是指1.指某日。古代纪日的一种方法。日,指某日,如初一﹑初二。子,指那一天的干支,如甲子﹑乙丑等。 2.太阳的儿子。日子 rì zǐ词语意思:1.指某日。古代纪日的一种方法。日,指某日,如初一﹑初二。子,指那一天的干支,如甲子﹑乙丑等。 2.太阳的儿子。(1) [day;date]∶固定的某一天日期今天是她结婚的日子(2) [days;time]∶天数他走了有些日子了(3) [life;livelihood]∶指生活、生计现在日子好过多了分词解释:儿子:男孩子(对父母而言):二儿子◇人民的好儿子。方法:关于解决思想、说话、行动等问题的门路、程序等:工作方法ㄧ学习方法ㄧ思想方法。代纪:即世纪。记载帝王世系及其事迹的史籍。唐代避太宗讳,改“世”为“代”。如初:跟当初一样:消除嫌隙,两人和好如初。...日子怎么造句,用日子造句»

3、那些:那些读音为nèi xiē,是指1.哪里。表示反诘。 2.哪里。何处。那些 nà xiē词语解释:1.哪里。表示反诘。 2.哪里。何处。(1) [those](2) 指较远的两个以上的人或事物我认识茶馆里那些小人物(3) 指较远的多数时间和处所在那些地方他们有势力(4) 指代前文已出现过的两个以上的人或事物校长指着一群玩滑梯的孩子说:“那些是刚入学的新生”分词解释:反诘:反问。哪里:1.问什么处所。 2.表示不确定的处所。 3.泛指任何处所。 4.用于反问句,表示否定。 5.谦词。婉转地表示否定。何处:哪里,什么地方。表示:1.显示某种意义。 2.用语言﹑行动显出某种思想﹑感情﹑态度。...那些怎么造句,用那些造句»