
时间:2022-10-25 12:59:48 | 来源:语文通



我家那点事作文 篇1我家那点事作文 篇2我家那点事作文 篇3我家那点事作文 篇4我家那点事作文 篇5我家那点事作文 篇6

我家那点事作文 篇1


Recently, something new happened to my family. Do you want to know what it is? Come with me to my home.


It was a sunny day. My father and mother went to work. Once I came back, I put my schoolbag on the sofa and did my homework. I wrote that I fell asleep, and only heard the footsteps of my father and mother when they came back. When I woke up, I saw that the door of my father's and mother's room was closed, and my curiosity was suddenly aroused, so I sounded stealthily. I heard my mother whispering, "Hurry up, it will be too late if you don't rob again." My father also answered in a low voice: "I'm already robbing. You should steal quickly. It's too late to steal again." Mother said, "My daughter is about to wake up. Don't steal first." Dad agreed. I quickly pretended to sleep on the sofa. I thought to myself: I can't let my parents make mistakes again and again, and I can't let them leave me. When I pretended to sleep, I picked up the mobile phone I had hidden all day and called 110. After a while, the police broke in and gave me a sense of security. The policeman said, "The people in the room came out and surrendered." Mom and Dad came out with a silly face.


"Say, what did you two rob and steal?" The police uncle said sternly. Mom and Dad said in unison, "We didn't rob or steal anything." I opened my mouth and said, "Mom and Dad, I called the police. I heard what you were saying about robbing and stealing. I can't let you make mistakes again and again." Mom and Dad smiled and said, "Son, we are playing QQ Farm." Then Dad explained the story to the police, so that we could understand the whole story. While I stood by, I lowered my head in shame.


This is something new in my family, something I will always remember in my heart.

我家那点事作文 篇2


I gradually became addicted to playing "gunfire". Brother saw that there was a hide and seek mode, which was very interesting, so he was also fascinated.


Last week, I wanted to play the "bullets" that I missed so much every day However, my mother only let me play other games, but she didn't let me play this one. Why? Because that game is very dizzy. How did my brother tell my mother that my mother would not let them play. My brother and I are very sad.


At noon, I winked at my brother and said, "We can..." My brother nodded and agreed. My brother and I deliberately slowed down our meal. When Mom and Dad had a rest, we went downstairs to play "shooting". Before we went down, I saw my mother looking at her mobile phone. I thought, "Mom must watch us from the monitoring." Let's go downstairs and turn off the surveillance. Well, it's over. My brother and I take turns to play. We start at one o'clock and play until three o'clock.


Ah! This feeling is great. It's good to play for such a long time. Suddenly, the sound of footsteps came out from the second floor. I said to my brother, "Mom must have come down! Turn off the computer and turn on the monitoring." After finishing the work, my brother and I put on gloves and rode our bikes to Tanghe Park.


Fortunately, my mother didn't catch me. Otherwise, my brother and I would be scolded by my mother. Each of us bought a cotton candy and went home. My mother asked, "Where have you been?" The elder brother said, "I went to Tanghe Park and one person bought a cotton candy." Mother went to watch TV with half confidence.


Alas! It was almost seen through. Later, I realized that I should not lie, but should dare to be honest and trustworthy.

我家那点事作文 篇3


Have you seen The Family with Children? In this family, many interesting things have happened. In our home, there are many interesting things!


Every evening, after a walk at dinner, it is time for the three of us to watch TV together. The head of the bed is made of wood, so it's very uncomfortable to lean against. Whenever this happens, I will habitually lean against my father's belly. My father is a little fat, so he has a big belly, which is very comfortable to lean against. One day, Dad suddenly said, "Can't you lean on the pillow?" "No, I can't." So my father started tickling me. I had a little more time, and then I leaned on him again.


In order to "make my own decisions" at home, when I saw my father sitting in bed watching TV, I leaned up. At first, he tickled me. But later, I kept pestering him, and he became impatient. When I saw that I was going to bed to watch TV, he "ran away". I didn't care about him. I didn't believe he didn't want to watch TV in the air-conditioned room. Later, he came back, but as soon as he saw me approaching, he would "run away", and then come back again and again. I have been used to this every day, so now the home is "my world"!


In order not to let me lean on his belly, we signed a "contract": if I do not lean on his belly, he will not make me itch. And I am so ticklish that I have to compromise. Unexpectedly, I spent so long "fighting for the world", and it was so "gone"!

我家那点事作文 篇4


"Dinner! Dinner!" While we were eating, my mother knocked the pot with a spoon, which seemed to be accompanied by music. I flew to the kitchen, and later I found a black and hairy thing in the cupboard. I was so surprised that my mother shouted "Mouse!" Dad heard that he rushed to the kitchen with lightning speed and shouted, "Hurry up, catch the mouse!"


Dad ordered, but we didn't dare to neglect it at all. I picked up a stick with my father holding a badminton racket and my mother holding a cooking spoon. When the mouse saw our posture, it crept under the refrigerator. Hum hum! Let me show you how powerful my young master is. I thought to myself and smiled sideways. The big stick in her hand went into the bottom of the refrigerator and turned the river upside down. The refrigerator was knocked "bang bang". Mom said nervously, "Be gentle! Be gentle!" Before long, the mouse was broken by me. When my mother saw it, she rushed forward to face the mouse in three or two steps and beat it like a storm. The mouse ran away when she saw the situation. The mouse quickly jumped from the chair to the vegetable washing pool. Its bright eyes stared at us, as if they were seeing our every move. Its ears were slightly up, and its gray coat was also shaking slightly. We outflanked them from the left and right sides of the vegetable washing pool in three ways, and saw that the cornered mice would be captured by us and become prisoners. To my surprise, it rushed towards my mother. My mother was most afraid of mice. She disarmed and ran away hurriedly. After the mouse easily rushed out of the enclosure, he was about to rush out of the kitchen. Dad rushed to the kitchen door in a flash, and shut the door with a snap, blocking the mouse back under the cupboard.


"This time it was flooded with water. Why don't we learn from Guan Yunchang's flooded Seventh Army?" I suggested. Dad immediately agreed, and Mom thought for a moment and then agreed. Dad said, "I'll come this time!" Just finished, he brought a basin of water slowly. I thought: Mouse, mouse, I will wash you this time. Dad splashed the water under the cupboard. The water went under the cupboard at once. We picked up the guy, stood aside and waited quietly. The mouse did come out and shook the water on his body in confusion. I hit the mouse exactly when I hit it with one stick. The mouse became paralyzed like mud when it moved. Mother put the mouse in a cloth bag and threw it into the trash can downstairs. I smiled and said to my father, "What's my plan?" Dad said, "Good! That's wonderful! But I'm hungry!" After my father said this, I realized: Yes! I haven't eaten just now! My father and I looked at each other for a while and rushed to the pot of rice together.


At this time, my mother came up and said calmly, "Clean up the water on the ground and then eat it." My father and I couldn't help shouting "Ah!" There are many interesting things in my family! It may take three days and three nights to finish the talk!

我家那点事作文 篇5


Every family has its own sutra. Whether it is difficult to read or happy, it is a beautiful memory.


In previous years, when the Spring Festival came, all the family members were brimming with happiness. Before the Spring Festival, they had already gone to the next year. The family's New Year goods were piled up, but they were eaten up within a few days. On the evening of New Year's Eve, my brother, father and mother gathered together in a bed, watching the Spring Festival Gala, playing cards and taking some snacks


But this year, January 23, on this happy day, the atmosphere of our family was not active at all. Because my brother joined the army at the end of October and ran to Baicheng, Jilin Province, far away. There was nothing added to the family, and even the time was left until the beginning of February. On that night, after the New Year's Eve dinner, we went our separate ways. Only I stayed in front of the TV until 8:00. I asked my parents to watch the Spring Festival Gala. But after watching a few programs, my parents went to bed. But at 10:00, my father asked me to go back to my room to sleep. I wonder why everyone is so cold this year? I went back to my room, opened the curtains, and looked at the night scene. There appeared one after another "flowers" in the sky, with different shapes and colors. There are laughter downstairs, fireworks in the sky, and that kind of excitement can be imagined... In this way, the night passed, saying goodbye to the Jade Rabbit and welcoming the Golden Dragon has also been realized. But I didn't hear the bell ringing to welcome the New Year. Later, I understood. It is because my elder brother is not at home, and everyone is not used to this kind of life, which is why this is so. More importantly, parents should always be worried about him.


No matter where people are, that kind of kinship will not be separated. Because of this unbreakable kinship, our hearts are linked. Although cold, but that concern, will affect this cold feeling.

我家那点事作文 篇6


I'm glad my parents didn't do it as quickly as I did.


"Wrong command, please insert the password setting floppy disk!" The words on the screen startled me


Yes? Is there something wrong? When I was in a panic, a disheveled woman appeared behind me, and the dark red corners of my mouth on my pale face showed a Sadako smile... "Ah ah -" I had a little foreboding. I glanced behind me, and then my back became cold. Then I made that scream, which scared the dogs downstairs mad. "My son is mature! He knows how to play tricks with us..." "Zhenzi" said.


"Yeah, yeah, it's fresh." My "boss" agreed with a straight face. God, Dad is here too... I was scared twice.


"Chen Sijie, you look down upon your mother. I have set up a password setting disk this afternoon. You can't count on me. You are out!" What and what! This is new! Computer idiot mom mom has become a master! My God! MYGOD。


The next day, this event miraculously spread to the north and south of the river, on both sides of the Yellow River, on the shore of the Black Sea, and on the bank of the Pearl River


What a new thing! You reporters, cameras!


Stop taking pictures