
时间:2022-07-07 14:04:04 | 来源:语文通



Wild Rose grows in erosion.--Inscription


As soon as he was dawn, he didn't set up a cloud, and he embarked on the road to school.


The sky in May seemed to be washed by water, clean, and cleaned, just like him who returned early and late.Every day through the winding path, the wild roses on the mountain are driving, but the sea of flowers that no one ask for it seems a little desolate.


Several rows of rows of rows of rows of rows of rows of rows of rows of rows of rows. In the middle of the open space in the house, there is a five -star red flag with a long wooden stick as a flagpole.He was quietly looking around under the flagpole and a few rows of houses set up by the dark brick and gray tiles around, which was his school.The red cheeks were rushing to fall into the sweaty beads, and the class teacher who had not had a class has been in class.The head teacher nodded with a smile to signal him to come in, and he walked to the last row and sat down.


He did not have a new red scarf like other children. The desk was eliminated in the city and used textbooks donated by the city.But they are still happy, their clear eyes have never been slack, and the sound of the book is still loud ...


One day after day, year after year.


The wild Qiangqi opened and opened, and the magpie came again.


It has been completely changed here. The children not only have textbooks, but also have various books.


All this comes from him.


At that time, he grew up stubbornly like wild roses in the mountains. His school was earlier than the first cloud that brightened, accompanied by the last bright star asleep.In the end, with his diligence and hard work, he got out of the mountain with excellent results and admitted to the normal university in the city.After graduating, he returned to the mountain and returned to the place where the wild rose opened and opened.He is now a young man, and he became a teacher in the mountains. The head teacher of the year couldn't do it, and he obliged to cook him and other children.It was another time when he was blooming. He went to the city to pick up a female college student volunteer who met on the Internet because of his Weibo, and brought back the books given by netizens by the way.


The wind in the mountains was very strong, but the light in his eyes was still there, and he never extinguished it.


He, like the wild rose, grew up and blooming in erosion, and opened and opened.



1、山村:山村读音为shān cūn,是指山野间的村落。 山区中的自然村落沿着山村小道,我找到了大队部,可是不见一个人。——《太行青松》山村 shān cūn词语解释:山野间的村落。[mountain village] 山区中的自然村落沿着山村小道,我找到了大队部,可是不见一个人。——《太行青松》分词解释:山野:1.亦作“山埜”。 2.山岭原野。 3.喻指民间。与“朝廷”相对。 4.犹粗鄙。村落:村庄:远远地见一村落|村落重来野径移。● 山 shān ㄕㄢˉ◎ 地面形成的高耸的部分:土山。山崖。山峦。山川。山路。山头。山明水秀。山雨欲来风满楼(喻冲突或战争爆发之前的紧张气氛)。◎ 形状像山的:山墙(人字形房屋两侧的墙壁。亦称“房山”)。◎ 形容大声:山响。山呼万岁。◎ 姓。● 村 cūn ㄘㄨㄣˉ◎ 乡下聚居的处所:村子。村塾(旧时农村中的私塾)。村民。◎ 粗野:村野。村俗。村话。村气。...山村怎么造句,用山村造句»

2、野蔷薇:野蔷薇读音为yě qiáng wēi,是指落叶灌木,茎细长,蔓生,枝上密生小刺,羽状复叶,小叶倒卵形或长圆形,花白色或淡红色,有芳香。果小,球形,可以入药,有利尿作用。 泛指野生的蔷薇野蔷薇 yě qiáng wēi词语意思:落叶灌木,茎细长,蔓生,枝上密生小刺,羽状复叶,小叶倒卵形或长圆形,花白色或淡红色,有芳香。果小,球形,可以入药,有利尿作用。[multiflora rose] 泛指野生的蔷薇分词解释:细长:1.与长度或高度比起来直径很小的。2.瘦的,长得不胖的;不丰满的。如:因为节食变得瘦削细长的身躯。3.像线的;细而长的。如:细长的头发。利尿:促进排尿:吃西瓜利尿。落叶:落叶植物在生长季节末或一短时间内的叶子分离或脱落,或裸子植物在全年内断断续续的自然掉叶。芳香:香味(多指花草):梅花的芳香沁人心脾。...