
时间:2022-10-14 13:26:37 | 来源:语文通



朝着阳光奔跑作文 篇1向着阳光奔跑作文600字 篇2朝着阳光奔跑作文 篇3面朝阳光奔跑 篇4向着阳光奔跑作文700字 篇5向着阳光奔跑作文500字 篇6

朝着阳光奔跑作文 篇1


What moved me was not only the flowers that bloomed enthusiastically in winter, but also those with family and country feelings, which were also worth running along with us like sunshine.


I remember that it was a few days before the Spring Festival. All the streets were empty. But the road was blocked. The bright shadows of flowers flashed through the car window, and there was a black shadow standing like a mountain peak, like a statue.


The car then stopped on the road and quietly waited for the green light. I was able to observe the shadow carefully. He saw a young man wearing green clothes. The cold wind blew his hat upside down. He just picked it up quickly and stood there again. "It's a traffic policeman. It's winter and the Spring Festival. Doesn't he plan to get together with his family to welcome the New Year?" Doubt crept into my heart.


In front of him, like a scarecrow, he worked as several old grannies. I noticed that his eyes were full of attention. The grandmothers seemed to be in their seventies and eighties. They were walking with crutches.


But the cold wind played a joke with these grannies who had been through many years, stayed in front of a short granny, and also blew her slender crutches to the front. The dazzling sunshine in front pierced my heart: there are only cars coming and going on the street. Who will pick up a crutch for the old lady who has nothing to do with her?


When I was deeply worried, it was the familiar bright green figure, running in the bright sunshine, and the cold wind around seemed to have no power, just set off his slender shadow, shining in the sun. I don't know how he looks at the moment, but I know that helping the elderly grandma is nothing in his mind, it is just the tip of the iceberg of his work. Perhaps accompanied by the warm sun, I clearly saw that she walked slowly and brilliantly back, with a solemn crutch in her hand.


He came back and handed Grandma the cane. Grandma said something gratefully. Sitting in the window, I vaguely knew that this was the old generation's appreciation for the new generation. But he just smiled, walked back to the sentry box where he stood, and continued to watch the traffic. My heart was moved inexplicably. At this time, the sun poured freely.


Sunflowers grow towards the sun, so they are warm and active; We live in the sunshine, so we are vigorous; He runs with the sun and is not afraid of the cold wind, so he is warm and enthusiastic. He spreads his national feelings on the earth and turns them into sunshine, so that more people can run hard.

向着阳光奔跑作文600字 篇2


Dreams are something that everyone should have when they are young. Some want to be an excellent teacher when they grow up, some want to be a boss and make money lying in the office, and some want to be a white soldier who is not afraid of life and death. Although everyone's dreams are different, there is no difference between high and low. Dreams belong to everyone.


I have a dream and I have to fight for it. My dream is to become an excellent sportsman. I am still very talented, and I am one of the best in my class. But I can't stop working hard for this reason. I still have my own pursuit.


Actually, I used to be arrogant for this reason. Later, our school held a long-distance race. The competition brought together the elites of several classes, and I was also one of them. I was full of expectations and started to run slowly according to my own habits. But I saw that they all ran ahead of me. I wondered what the hell they were and how to run after they were so fast in the early stage? But I also subconsciously increased the starting speed. I just finished two laps in this way, because I was much faster than the front, so I was a little powerless behind me, and was gradually surpassed by the people behind me. I was very dissatisfied with this situation, gritting my teeth and running with all my strength, but finally I only ran the sixth place, which was very unsatisfactory.


The teacher also saw my shortcomings, After running, he called me to the office to talk with me and said: "Your endurance is still poor. When you come to the back, you will not be able to run. You should think more about the use of strength. In any case, you must leave strength to sprint. It is wrong not to speed up because they run fast in front. They run fast in front because their physical strength is good. You are different. The key to your physical strength is to see the sprint behind to catch up with the ranking. The focus of your future training is on endurance and physical strength …”


Since then, I have run to school every morning. I believe I can run on the playground with heavy load and run towards the sun.

朝着阳光奔跑作文 篇3


Walking on the path in the morning, wisps of sunshine sprinkled on my face, and my mouth slowly rose, which strengthened my faith in my heart and ran towards the place where the sun rose.


In summer morning, it is very cool and comfortable. I put on my shoes and recited the dishes my mother told me to buy. I grabbed the 50 yuan on the table and started my shopping trip.


The vegetable market is bustling with shouts. Some people who buy vegetables walk in a hurry, some choose carefully, and others, like me, wander around aimlessly, not knowing what to choose.


At this time, my eyes were attracted by a group of people. I broke through the crowd and squeezed in. It turned out that an old man was selling vegetables. The food was fresh and the dew was in the morning. The old man was wearing a thin coat, a pair of washed light blue pants, and a pair of mud stained old liberation shoes that were already out of date. He stooped and weighed the dishes with an old-fashioned steelyard. The disheveled hair and dark skin are incompatible with this clean place. With a smile on his face, he asked me: Little girl, do you also come to buy vegetables? I have grown all my own farm dishes. I just picked them this morning. They don't need medicine. Mmm. I answered and picked up the dishes on the ground with an experienced look. Finally, I chose some cucumbers, beans, and tomatoes, and asked Grandpa to weigh them for me.


Grandpa's hands trembled. What kind of hands are they? The back of the hand is reddish brown, like rough old bark, which has split deep and shallow gullies. It is black, as if it will never be cleaned. The thick calluses stand like hills. This is a pair of years of hard work hands! I can't help feeling sorry for the old man.


After a while, the food was ready. The grandpa said, "Little girl, a total of twelve yuan.". I gave the 50 yuan in my pocket to my grandfather. I took his change and walked out of the market with the food.


At this time, there are more pedestrians coming and going on the road, and the deserted streets begin to play the music of the morning. I hold the money in my hand. Why is it so thick? At first sight, the old man changed 20 yuan more! At this moment, I hesitated. Usually, my mother doesn't give me pocket money. I also have things I want to buy. With this 20 yuan, I can buy it. In the tangle, grandpa's hand kept emerging in front of me, as if I saw grandpa working in the field. At this moment, I didn't hesitate any more. I rushed to the vegetable market and returned the extra 20 yuan to Grandpa. The old man held the money, his weather beaten face showed a simple smile, and repeatedly said: Thank you, little girl! Grandpa's thanks, like a beam of light on me, also illuminate my way forward.


The sun rose and shone warm on my body. I ran towards the sun with firm steps.

面朝阳光奔跑 篇4


I always walk backwards in front of my best friends.


On Sunday afternoon, I took a walk in the neighborhood with my neighbor's girl. Since I saw the softness in her heart, I have been closer to her. Although we didn't talk much, I still walked backward and stared at her and my shadow.


"Do you like to walk backwards?" She asked. I nodded, and then there was silence. The golden sun covers the earth, adding more peace to the peaceful country.


Before leaving, the little girl said to me something inexplicable: "Why don't you face the front?" I looked back and saw that the warm spring sun fell on the ground, splashing gold spots. Adolescent girls are sentimental and sentimental. The political teacher is right. It reminded me of the memory I never want to recall.


At that time, I didn't want to communicate with others. Except for the students who sat close to me, few of them talked to me. My grades were also poor, my writing speed was slow, and my sports were even worse than now. I liked writing all day long and sitting alone. In winter, I also liked to wear sweaters and walk around shivering aimlessly outside. My mother was worried about Zhongzhong and thought that I was a little autistic. At that time, the head teacher also talked to me about this, but I was still the same as before. This memory is an absolute "black history" for me now, a memory that even my closest friends who spent that time with me would not say more than half a word. It is absolutely impossible for her to know, but because of the sentence "Why not face the front", my heart is difficult to calm. "The listener is intentional, the speaker is unintentional" This is really awkward! I walked alone for a while, "worrying a little bit", silently thinking.


Facing the sunshine in front, I was shocked and seemed to realize that where there is light, there must be shadows. Walking backward, I only have dark eyes and no sunshine. If I compare my hopeful youth to light, then this part of my childhood is shadow. Since the shadow cannot disappear when walking backward, it is better to turn around and let the sun shine on your face and run towards it.

向着阳光奔跑作文700字 篇5


How did the winter of Jiangcheng begin?


It is not the drifting, leisurely and lazy snow, but the farfetched autumn wind that runs away with full trees and plane leaves; It is not the sadness of gloomy clouds and dark clouds, but the bright sunshine that breaks through the haze; It is not the lonely footprints of those who walk in the Gobi Desert, but the flighty shadows of wild geese flying to the south, together and side by side.


The cold winter of Jiangcheng begins with sunshine.


Running in the sunshine, Jiangcheng loses its weight and runs towards the bright.


In Jiangcheng. If I could, I would like to ride my seventeen year old bike and fly to every mysterious corner of it. Even if there are many beautiful flowers, there is no red clouds and snow everywhere. If I can, I will gently look for whether there is such a stubborn leaf on the French sycamore tree, and will not return to its roots. I will stretch out into the sun by the branches in winter, and my eyes are full of longing for spring. If possible, I would like to rush to a place with full expectation, hold a bunch of wind, pick a piece of cloud, dress her up as a familiar look, and witness my growth. If we can, Jiangcheng and I will run together, no longer blind.


In winter. You and I sit alone at dusk, even in the streamer, and do not let the heart drift with the streamer. In my spare time, I played a piano, a pot of wine and a stream of clouds. When we are busy, we have the heroic spirit of crossing the world. Even if a gust of cold wind, a cold rain, a blizzard obscures the sun in front of us, erasing the journey ahead, it will be a journey of wind and rain. It will be safe to cry and laugh until the sunny day.


In the sun, I can sit on a tall tree outside the city and watch the quiet river flow through the arms of winter, holding a few remnants of cold. Holding the last nameless flower in winter, sing a dirge of the four seasons. "The course of life just goes from excitement to serenity, from brilliance to insipidity." Those familiar childhood figures, the frivolous youth, the short songs of youth, warm into people's arms, full of fragrance. Even if I am sad and sobbing, I will count the beautiful things and listen to the wind. Sunshine is a gift that Jiangcheng will never tire of.


Jiangcheng, run with me. Run into the next cycle of the four seasons, and the next thing will change. At this time of the next year, reach out again, feel the traces of years, and continue to move forward.


How will the next winter of Jiangcheng begin? with vigour and vitality? Silence? But its end will surely step on the tail of the sun. Not wandering, not lazy, but running, running, running!

向着阳光奔跑作文500字 篇6


Sunshine is our way forward; Love is the pole we seek; We run towards the sunshine of love—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article


In the summer afternoon, the sun is very warm.


I asked several partners to come to the court to play happily. The scorching sun is burning the earth, and only our figures show a sense of vitality.


Turning around, I saw someone calling me: "Hey, let's play with us." We gladly accepted and joined their team. I was surprised to find that there was a very short man in their team. His chin was not shaved clean, his slightly young eyebrows were locked, and his sweat inadvertently dropped from the corners of his eyes. The light blue basketball uniform looked so fat on him.


I just stared at him blankly and wondered: would he be too small in front of me?! I think he must be a person who has a bad life.


The game started in discord. However, he is so natural and casual. Between a dribble and a shot, he shows the steadiness and ability of a mature man. Suddenly, his figure flashed out in front of my eyes - we were opportunely aligned. I decided to take strict precautions against him - I think only in this way can he show his respect for me.


However, his technique is really good. He takes off lightly, makes soft shots, and shoots very accurately. I occasionally heard people nearby say that he would come here to practice basketball almost every day, as if he had no profession. But this is also a matter of course. No enterprise or company like him is willing to accept him, right?


I think that the only person in the world who can accept him may be himself.


I hit a three pointer. His short body is so vulnerable to attack in front of me! I could not help feeling proud, and some contempt... Some thoughts were dirty and true in my heart.