
时间:2022-11-16 12:50:25 | 来源:语文通



迎新年 篇1迎新年作文 篇2迎新年作文 篇3迎新年作文 篇4迎新年作文 篇5迎新年作文 篇6迎新年作文 篇7迎新年作文 篇8

迎新年 篇1


Today is New Year's Eve. Every family is pasting couplets and making dumplings. Grandma and Mom got up early and began to mix noodles and dumplings. Dad and brother posted couplets outside the door. Grandpa and I posted New Year pictures and tied red ropes at home.


In the evening, we watched the party while eating dumplings. The sound of firecrackers rang out of the window. At the Spring Festival party, I like a sketch best, which tells me that people all over the world are one family.


5 seconds, 4 seconds, 3 seconds, 2 seconds, 1 second, New Year! I cried excitedly, "I'm twelve years old!" The elder brother hid his excitement and continued to eat dumplings.


At this time, Grandma asked us to put on new clothes. I was curious. Grandma said, "Put on new clothes at 12:00 in the morning, and we will meet the God of Wealth." I then asked, "How do you greet me?" Grandma said, "We should write a composition and put incense around the incense burner. Then everyone kowtowed 15 heads, burned some paper money, and finally set off firecrackers." Unexpectedly, there is such an interesting custom. After kowtowing, I became braver and braver and set off firecrackers.


After returning home, we continued to watch the Spring Festival Gala. At this time, my mother asked me, "Do you know why people say that one night they grow two years old at 12:00 a.m. on New Year's Eve?" "I don't know." "This is because the new year has passed. After the old year, we welcome the new year, so we will grow old." "Oh, I see." "Do you know what this is?" Mother continued to ask. "What is it called?" I became more and more curious. "This is called Shousui.". Mother said, smiling at her brother.


The next day was New Year's Day. I put on new clothes, combed my hair, and carried my bag to harvest the New Year's money! I hope the new year will be wonderful.

迎新年作文 篇2


This afternoon, we went to the auditorium to watch the New Year's performance. The class bell rang, and the students all walked to the auditorium cheerfully.


Walking into the auditorium, I couldn't help exclaiming: How beautiful! The design layout on the stage is ingenious and the decoration is unique, especially those colored lights, which make the stage colorful.


When the program began, I quickly found a seat to sit down and watch it attentively. "The first program is a hundred family names performed by the school dance team." After a while, some sisters came out from both sides of the stage. They were smiling, wearing beautiful dance clothes, and holding a Taiji fan. I thought: Usually, there are some characters written in the Taiji fan, but can those fan forces also write characters? Sure enough, as I imagined, there were different surnames written in those Tai Chi fans: He, Zhou, Sun, Wu, Huang, etc. With the music playing, the sisters danced beautifully. Sometimes they ran, sometimes they raised fans, sometimes they turned around. Each movement seemed to represent a meaning. Finally, they ended the program with a fan raising movement, which won thunderous applause from the audience.


"The second program is a duet by the teachers and students of Class 8, Grade 5. Please enjoy it." As soon as the host's voice fell, the music began to ring. I saw a sister come out with great vitality. Seeing this, I wondered: The host clearly said that it was a duet of teachers and students, but now why only "life" came out without "teacher"? Ah! It turns out that the best is yet to come! The elder sister sang for a while, but a clear voice came from somewhere. We were all puzzled. Suddenly, a teacher came out of the stage. These two voices were intoxicating. I could not help singing and clapping my hands for some reason. Until the end of the music, I was still intoxicated with the wonderful singing.


Unconsciously, the performance is over. This performance is really wonderful!

迎新年作文 篇3



还有写对联的活动,怎么样,够喜庆吧?小组内派我和黄可馨上场。 https://www.d8qu.com/ 我写完毛笔字回座位的时候,发现原来的“薯条大山”已经变成了凹凸不平的“大地”了。



迎新年作文 篇4


I was very happy as soon as I got to the classroom this morning. Why is this? Because we had to be very beautiful. The blackboard was full of balloons, the windows were pasted with Mickey Mouse, and the ceiling was hung with ribbons. Even the tables were moved, forming a zigzag pattern.


After two classes in the morning, we held a New Year team activity, and the children performed a variety of programs. Wang Daiyang was the first to come on stage. He played the flute, and his flute sound was beautiful. The second one came to the stage was the versatile Ruan Haowen. She played the zither and sang songs. The children gave him warm applause. Then, many children, such as Fang Kun, Chen Shuohan, Zhang Anlan, and so on, performed the program. We were very happy to watch it, and even Tiaotiao came up to recite the Three Character Classic.


At noon, Miss Shen gave each of our children oranges, dates, oranges and pears. We are so happy that we eat fruit while watching TV.


I'm so happy today.

迎新年作文 篇5


Lead out topic


With the cold wind, the new year came to us quietly, and everything in the world changed into beautiful new clothes.


New Year's News


Look! A lot of grass changed into golden clothes; The giant trees put on colorful flower skirts, ranging from yellow, red, green, brown, thick and dense, sparse and sparse; The flowers are not willing to be outdone: Chimonanthus praecox has already shown its new clothes for the New Year, which is white and clean


The snow is falling, and the snow doll has turned the world into a poetic fairy tale world, full of white. The snow kept floating down. Whose clothes fell on the wheat seedlings, accumulating considerate temperatures? One piece after another, many pieces, whose bosom friend wrote the blessing of love on the pieces of snowflakes?


In this snow, the farmers' uncles all wore sweet smiles on their faces, because nothing was happier than having enough food and clothes. Where are the children? Everyone built a snowman on the square, and everyone played happily. Beans of sweat appeared on his face, and there was a happy atmosphere everywhere. Look! Snowmen stood on both sides of the square. The children dressed them in red clothes and red hats and scarves and were ready to welcome the New Year


Adults are busy too. You steam steamed bread and my family cooks meat; Every kitchen stove is full of ashes; The cupboard is full of fish and meat


In the evening, the sound of "crackling" made the quiet night lively. This house set off firecrackers, and that house set off fireworks. The dark sky burst into colorful flowers: chrysanthemums. A string of red...... "Crackling" into the night. Late at night, people still don't seem to want to sleep, because of what? Because of the expectation and yearning for the new year


The new year is a new starting point, we will start from scratch, and we will not recall the past; We are no longer sad because of the past sorrow... We will face the new year and hope again


End of blessing


I hope you will open up new roads and study hard in the new year.

迎新年作文 篇6


"I protested and starved to death!" Listen, little seed Yan Xi has protested again. Alas, this little seed is really a gluttonous person. He is still hungry after eating a lot of things at his own table. I think she will not stop until she eats her own table. But she happened to be at the same table with me. Sobbing, but I can't blame her. I heard Yan Xi didn't eat lunch.


You must have no idea what I'm talking about! Today is our New Year's party. When our 41 seeds went to science class, the adults helped the classroom to dress up beautifully. There are several seeds performing, including violin, flute, singing and many other programs. After performing several programs, we also played drum beating to pass flowers. Mr. Zhu played drums on the platform, and whoever the flowers fell on would go up and guess a riddle. Unfortunately, I have almost guessed all the riddles on the whiteboard, but the "flower" is always in the hands of others. Sobbing, there is no sugar left. My mouth watered three thousand feet. At this time, I suddenly thought of a poem, "Flying down three thousand feet, I suspect the Milky Way is falling into the sky."


After playing the drum and passing flowers, the seed who can write the Spring Festival couplet with a brush went to write the Spring Festival couplet. For the seed that can't, the parent handed out a small piece of paper, wrote his wish on it, and then tied it with a rubber band, said to the microphone that his wish was successful, threw the paper into the jar, and finished!


Next is my favorite meal. There are so many things on the table! There are beef, flower fairies, pistachios, chicken wings, tomatoes and other things that are too delicious to be delicious. The little seeds wolfed down like a group of hungry wolves.


I'm so happy today. We are ushering in a new year, 2022!

迎新年作文 篇7


This is the last night of the year - New Year's Eve. The intermittent rain fell into the embrace of the earth. Although the sky is not beautiful, it does not lose the festive atmosphere. If you don't believe me, listen, "Bang - pa!" "Crack!" The sound of firecrackers and firecrackers can be heard all the time, which is like a moving symphony.


The night is getting deeper and deeper. The lights of thousands of households are transparent. The neon lights of various colors compete for beauty, like stars twinkling. "Chi." I don't know who can't wait to take the lead in lighting a fireworks, which instantly draws a beautiful landscape in the sky. Like golden flowers and silver rain. At this time, we look around the sky again, and all kinds of fireworks have already been busy competing for fragrance and beauty in the sky. Look, "Fairy Scattering Flowers" rises in the east, and big colorful flowers slowly fall from the sky; The "peacock opens its screen" appears in the west... It looks like a group of bright stars, showing its beauty and illuminating the sky like day. The red fireworks are like rosy clouds, yellow ones, green ones like emeralds, and blue ones like gemstones. They are colorful and colorful, which makes people dazzling.


"Dong." The bell rang at midnight, the new year came, and the old year passed. At this moment, the sound of firecrackers and firecrackers reached a climax. This is the so-called "firecracker to bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new year with joy and happiness!"

迎新年作文 篇8


This morning, I was reluctantly woken up by my grandfather. I opened my hazy eyes and inadvertently glanced out of the window. Wait, am I blind? Why is it so white? I rubbed my eyes to make sure I was right. It was snow! I jumped three feet high: "Yeah! It's snowing!"


Walking on the way to school, looking at the white and crystal snowflakes, I felt that they were just like a beautiful and pure spirit, dancing beautifully and falling from the sky, covering the earth with a layer of white quilt, and finally turning into drops of dew, moistening the sprouting seedlings.


It snowed harder and harder, so I had to go out with an umbrella. But it still could not resist the progress of the elves. As soon as they hit my warm cheek, they immediately turned into a crystal bead. I carefully observed the snow that had not completely melted, and when I saw it, I was stunned: every snowflake was crystal clear and angular. It was God's perfect work of art and the greatest gift to mankind.


The snow has accumulated a thin layer on the ground, which is white and soft. Although it is not enough to make a snowman, it can be rolled into small balls, that is, snowball fights. This is the morning, there is no partner on the way, otherwise I will have a good time with him.


The snow, originally white, was trampled black by messy footsteps. I don't know when it stopped. I looked at the snow and felt very sorry.


I don't understand the snow in 2022. There are people's expectations and blessings!