
时间:2022-10-26 13:09:11 | 来源:语文通



艺术的魅力作文 篇1艺术的魅力作文 篇2艺术的魅力作文 篇3艺术的魅力作文 篇4艺术的魅力初中作文 篇5艺术的魅力作文 篇6

艺术的魅力作文 篇1


On May 3, I came to the city library with my mother with excitement and excitement. Because I usually like singing best, I will listen to this lecture carefully.


As soon as I entered, I saw that many people had already sat down and waited. I sat down and waited and looked forward to it. Finally, Yan Yongli, the master, appeared. She sat down boldly, picked up the microphone, and first talked about what singing art is. I listened with interest and carefully remembered that the most impressive sentence was: "Music has rhythm and rhythm."


Second, Mr. Yan talked about the origin of singing again. She gave us examples one by one, which made us feel as if we were in the scene. I was even intoxicated with them. I never thought that small music could have such great charm. Finally, teacher Yan gave us a correct answer: "Singing originates from love."


Then, teacher Yan talked about the characteristics of singing, singing instruments and singing posture. Each one makes me think. Finally, Mr. Yan sang a song. The loud and high voice made us couldn't help singing along, and the audience cheered and applauded.


It's eleven o'clock. It's time to say goodbye. We reluctantly said goodbye to Mr. Yan. I thought to myself: If Mr. Yan gave another lecture, I would definitely go!

艺术的魅力作文 篇2


The charm of art is beyond your imagination.


A grain of sand, a petal, a fallen leaf, and a feather may all be the shadow of art. But real art, like the wind, can feel the charm wind unconsciously.


Art may be an object, or it may be delineated by a pen.


My hobby is the latter.


The name of painting sounds very simple, but it contains the traditional spirit and thread like mystery.


When the pencil draws the first stroke on the white paper, you seem to be in it, like a figure in the painting, as if you are painting a portrait. When you continue to paint, you will be surprised to find that you seem to be weaving a gust of wind. It is not an ordinary wind, it is the charm of art. You may not believe that painting a picture can have such an unforgettable feeling. It is just like a dream that cannot be realized. But, you know what? If you paint just for homework or work, you can't paint emotions unless you really love it. Its charm will be changed by your heart.


When you are a birthday gift to others, you weave the spring breeze and put the best wishes into the picture; If it is a sketch when traveling, you weave a warm wind and put beautiful memories into the painting; If it is a mutual gift at parting, you weave a bleak autumn wind and put the sad nostalgia into the picture.


The winter wind is the coolest. When you put hatred into a painting, it is like a declaration of death. After painting, you will be frightened even when you see it.


The charm of art is invisible. You don't know what it is, but sometimes it flickers. Painting may give you an answer.

艺术的魅力作文 篇3


I like dancing since I was a child, and started to learn dancing when I was three or four years old. At that time, my sister usually taught me some basic movements, such as split, lower back, leg pressing, etc. I am very interested in dancing. I practice these movements every day and they last for a long time.


Later, my mother asked a professional to teach me how to dance. She is tall and thin. She dances like a soft willow branch, swaying and beautiful. She is very kind, but she teaches very strictly. If I had not been very enthusiastic about dancing, I would have been unable to continue. As the days passed, I was finally able to dance with the music without wasting the efforts of my teachers and parents.


All along, I have a dream that I can become a dancer when I grow up. No matter how hard and tired the training is, I will stick to it and never give up.

艺术的魅力作文 篇4


Human beings -- higher animals with emotions, thoughts and languages. It is precisely because God has endowed us with thoughts, feelings and languages that we should give full play to this unique human thing. Art is the best way of expression.


In our life, there is art everywhere, including garden art, architectural art, literary art, music art... But my favorite is painting art.


I know nothing about painting, but I like to appreciate paintings very much.


It was an accident.


The midday sun was just high above me, and wisps of warm sunshine scattered on my head and reflected on the river. The gentle breeze brushed my cheek like a mother's thin fingers. I just came back from the library. Because it was too early, I wandered here and went home. In the distance, a group of people stood by the Jiuwu Bridge, which aroused curiosity. A closer look showed that it was the students of Hangzhou Academy of Fine Arts who came to pick up the style. Each painting style, classical painting style, idea painting style, aestheticism painting style, classical painting style... showed the same scene in different painting styles in front of me. After some taste, I decided to work on a woman's painting. I heard that she was a famous painter. She combined the simple themes of sun, sky, small bridge and flowing water family incisively and vividly. Adjust the color carefully on the color palette to match the target color, which is simple and clean. Use bright colors to draw the river course red by the setting sun. The elegant dark green shows the beauty of the ancient city.


In the evening, the setting sun dyed the river red. She finished her work. Comparing this wine bridge, although it was the same scene, I saw a different side. In her pen, the scenery that usually let me pass by, but at the moment, it reveals a more simple and quiet feeling.


Perhaps, this is the charm of art, with unlimited reverie and space to play.

艺术的魅力初中作文 篇5


Since I was young, I have special feelings for painting. I remember when I was in kindergarten, my mother asked me what I wanted to learn, and I didn't hesitate to say, "I want to learn painting." So I made an indissoluble bond with painting.


Painting not only brings me fun, but also comfort like a good friend. When I am happy, draw my joy with colored pens; When I am unhappy, paint my troubles. Painting has become an indispensable part of my life.


Painting has a unique charm. I like comics and gouache very much. In particular, cartoon characters have always been my favorite. Although there is no teacher's guidance, I have been working hard on how to draw cartoon characters better. From the beginning of drawing cartoons to now, I have used countless sketchbooks. Now I look at them and find that they have a special flavor. Although they were not very good before, each painting has condensed my love for painting. As we all know, the level of Japanese cartoons is very good. Although I hate Japanese, I really admire their level of cartoons. After having a computer at home, I found some Japanese comics on the Internet and copied them myself. Over time, my level has improved a lot. Not only comics, but also others I like very much. When I was in primary school, I always took part in painting classes on weekends and took several grade examinations. I have kept a copy of this certificate.


In my opinion, painting is a very elegant art. It can not only cultivate people's sentiments, but also temper their will. I would like the art with endless charm to accompany me all my life.

艺术的魅力作文 篇6


Before, I was not interested in Chinese drama. When I watch TV at ordinary times, when I see my grandparents watching a play, I feel very disgusted. I also argue with my grandparents on the channel. Now, after studying drama, I have learned something about drama, and then I changed my view on drama.


Drama has a long history and distinctive national style. Every place has its own unique drama, and this is a local life. Drama is not only a wonderful performance, but also a true reflection of the national culture. Peking Opera, Yue Opera, Kun Opera... There are about 360 kinds of operas, forming a huge family of dramas. It also makes me feel that Chinese drama is like Chinese painting. Everyone knows that Chinese paintings do not pay attention to "likeness", unlike Western paintings, which are similar to real objects. However, this is not true of Chinese drama.


Foreign drama, seeking truth. If there is nothing to show, show it in kind. The Chinese drama is different. Although there is no real object, a look, a movement, a sentence... all show nothing. For example, in the Beijing opera "Sanchakou", the actors performed the scene of fighting in the dark on the bright stage, which made people applaud. The environmental atmosphere in Chinese drama depends entirely on the performance of actors. Therefore, Chinese drama is a noble artistic image. Drama can adjust our thoughts and interests, improve our mood, and enrich our life. However, most modern people are not interested in drama. More and more people like to listen to popular songs sung by XX singers.


I now believe that drama is not inferior to popular songs. Because drama is a kind of artistic beauty, which is very artistic and representative.