
时间:2022-08-09 14:42:38 | 来源:语文通



Thinking of that summer_Mamin Notes 800 words


The sky is still so blue.A little white cloud reminds me of that summer.




That summer, read and understand affection


"Don't bother me, OK, I will solve my own things!" I turned around, closing the door with a snap.


"You child, people have not grown up their hearts, and they are like walking like walking like a walking mouth. How can it become like this?" Mom still kept talking outside the door.


I hid in the room and covered my ears.Tears flowing down the corner of the eyes."Didn't I just watch a while? What happened? As for it to the present?" I thought angrily in my heart.I don't know when I started, I was no longer a good baby in my parents. I started to talk to my parents and quarrel.I started to feel that parents became more and more unreasonable.Maybe it is a psychology of growing up, but even if I am wrong, I will never apologize to my mother.


"Eat." My mother called me outside the door.


I was lying on the bed and motionless.Seeing it, my mother gently opened my door."Good baby, it's not right to eat. Mom is afraid that you watched TV for too long ..." I couldn't help it anymore, hugging my mother's neck, tears sprayed out, "No, Mom, I am wrong, I shouldn't talk to you ... "I crying in my mother's shoulders whispered.At that time, I realized that the person in the world loved you was the mother.When you are sad, only her will lend you your shoulders to rely on, even if you are wrong.


That summer, I read my affection.Since then, I know what is filial piety and what is gratitude ...


That summer, read and understand friendship


The flowers in June bloomed very brilliantly, like Zhang Zhang smiling, blooming in every corner of the campus.


After graduating, we are going to separate."It's okay, after all, you are still in a school." You pretend to comfort me easily, but I clearly see the tears that flashing your eyes.I closed my eyes and thought of me and you.From the first grade to know you, the two of us have become good friends who are inseparable.When there are difficulties, you put out a helping hand and tell me, "It's okay, there is me." When there is happiness, we shared together. When failed, you encourage me: "You are really great, come on next time!"I saw a joyful smile on your face.I hug you tightly.At that moment, I found that you seemed to be another me in the world. No matter where we were, my heart was always together.


That summer, I read friendship. Since then, I understand what it means to give and what is sharing ...


I closed my eyes and recalled that summer.I grew up at that moment and grew into a person who really read love.


That rain, fall in summer




Three years ago, in the early morning, after a thunderstorm in early summer, the wind moved the orchid fragrance.I walked forward with the aroma, saw a row of orchid trees, and her standing by the flower tree.She was wearing a long purple dress, Tingting was chanting with English books.Smelling the spleen of the spleen, listening to the crisp and pleasant reading sound, I am a little intoxicated.


Why should you meet each other


Since then, in the playground, in the cafeteria, my eyes will always chase the shadow.She had a faint smile on her plain face, and Ling Bo flashed across, so I did not expect that when the first first was divided into class, she became my table at the same table.


She greeted me generously, "Hi, I am Han Xiaoyi." I was stunned first, and then she laughed at joy and said, "My name is Ling Xiaoxuan, and I am glad to know you." In this way, we formed a friend.Sometimes she encountered questions that she didn't understand, and she explained to me patiently over and over again.After late self -study, she likes to eat apples.After cutting the thin peel, she cut the apple in half and handed it to me half of them.


I took it, and a small mouth and a small mouth were slowly ate.The sweet melted into my mouth, turning into my heart, and quietly raised a faint feeling.


The sun gently stroked the ground along the small gap between the stars between the leaves, and stroked her soft hair ends.The two we were lying on the shade of the trees, talking and laughing together, and occasionally describing the gossip in the class.We widen our eyes, suspicion of the truth, and then pointed at each other's nose and laughed.How long and unforgettable happiness was that.


Don't be the general taste in your heart


Time passed quickly, in a blink of an eye to last year.Another summer, the rain wet your face, and the countdown to the school's entrance examination was ruthlessly declared our parting.On that day, after everyone walked out of the test room, our faces had endless relaxation and endless bitterness.The happiness is the shackles that finally got rid of the three years and completed a choice of turning point. The bitterness is the flower of friendship blooming at the same table.


The rain was a little gentle.


You and I are sitting next to the classroom, looking at the window, silent, Ren Liangfeng brushed the tip of our hair, the crystal liquid fell almost at the same time, but still did not look at each other.Endless, many sorrows."Well, will we ... see you again?" "Well, will definitely." Almost all of them questioned.Breaking all silence.We stunned each other, and then rose with the wet cheeks.


The orchids of the treetop were hit by the rain, but even the heavy rain could not erase its aroma and could not stop it from blooming again.


That rain fell in the summer and left you and me.



1、回忆:回忆读音为huí yì,是指回想:回忆过去 ㄧ童年生活的回忆。回忆 huí yì词语解释:回想:回忆过去 ㄧ童年生活的回忆。分词解释:生活:①指人或生物的各种活动:文化生活|政治生活|蟋蟀的生活。②进行各种活动:我们生活在一个开辟人类新历史的光辉时代。③活着;保存生命:民非水火不生活。④生计;衣、食、住、行等方面的情况:生活水平不断提高。⑤方言。活儿:做生活|这生活做得灵巧。回想:想(过去的事):回想不起来ㄧ回想起不少往事。童年:①儿童时期;幼年。②长篇小说。苏联高尔基作于1913年。自传体三部曲的第一部。写作者童年在外祖父家的生活。外祖父家的小市民气息令阿辽沙(作者乳名)窒息,只有外祖母的慈爱给他带来安慰。她讲述的童话、背诵的歌谣对阿辽沙未来的人生道路产生了很大的影响。过去:时间词,现在以前的时期(区别于‘现在、将来’):过去的工作只不过像万里长征走完了第一步。...回忆怎么造句,用回忆造句»

2、暑假:暑假读音为shǔ jià,是指学校夏季的假期,一般在公历七八月间。 指学校夏季的假期,在七、八月间暑假 shǔ jiǎ词语意思:学校夏季的假期,一般在公历七八月间。[summer vacation] 指学校夏季的假期,在七、八月间分词解释:七八:1.七八成。表示将近达到某种极限。 2.差不多;大概。 3.七乘八,五十六。夏季:1.见“夏天”。2.埃及古历一年三季之一,每季四个月,其他两季为冬季和洪水季。...暑假怎么造句,用暑假造句»