
时间:2022-07-05 13:15:44 | 来源:语文通



"snoring." I slept positively and was suddenly awakened by noise.I rubbed my eyes and stood up.I do n’t know if I do n’t stand.A cloud arrow passed by my head and was impartial. It happened to be inserted on my meatball head. I screamed in fright, squatted quickly, and rolled into the bushes to hide.


I observed the battle and thought: Hey? Why is this picture so familiar? Before I reacted, someone took me a picture behind me.I turned around and found that a person was ride on the horse, facing me with a bow and arrow, and asked the humanity: "What is this person doing?"The novel is here.So I replied, "I came through the 21st century!" The man couldn't touch his head, and told his men to tie me up and took it away.I was afraid of sweating on my body, for fear he killed me.The man brought me into a mountain, and I thought: Is it possible that he is a good man in Liangshan? No no, how can it be possible.I fantasize about what happened after reaching the destination ...


After a while, he took me into a temple.I looked around and found that there was a table in the middle of the temple. There were some spider webs in the corner of the temple, which looked very old.Then I walked out of a person, I met, and yelled at the man: "You are the one ... Song Jiang!" Song Jiang was kind and smiled at me, asking me where I came from, and I answered him like just now.He thought I had broken my mind and asked me to invite a doctor for examination.


In the evening, I woke up.I think: I can find the weapons that go back while dark, so I secretly went down the mountain.On the way, I met a tiger.I thought to myself: finished! At this time, Wu Song should be here! Why am I so unlucky.No, you have to retrieve the artifact and go back, otherwise you will be difficult to protect.When I was in a nervousness, Wu Song came.I took a sigh of relief, and quickly went down the mountain while he was fighting with the tiger.


I pretended to be a idle man in the village, but in fact, he was looking for a crossing artifact.After a while, I saw a team over and hid behind the wall and looked at it.I saw a book holding a book with "Crossing Artifact" on it.I was very happy, so I ran to him in front of him, pretending to play the little bug.The man looked at me, looked at the piece of paper in his hand, and got off the horse.He asked me, "Do you know what this is?" I pretended to be thinking: "Well -this is a hammer book! As long as people with horses use it, they will suffer!" The man believedThe book was given to me.I was very excited and hurried to a small alley and returned myself.


"Oh!" I fell on the stool, holding a pen in my hand, and a work like a hill in front of my eyes.Well, although to write homework, it is always better than in the war era of Water Margin.I thought about it and continued to write homework again.



1、水浒传:水浒传读音为shuǐ hǔ chuán,是指长篇小说。明代施耐庵作。一说施耐庵作、罗贯中编次。根据民间流传的宋江起义故事加工定型。全书叙述北宋末年官逼民反,梁山泊英雄聚众起义的故事,再现了封建时代农民起义从发生、发展到失败的全过程。塑造了宋江、李逵、武松、林冲、鲁智深等英雄形象。是中国古代优秀长篇小说之一。水浒传 shuǐ hǔ zhuàn词语解释:长篇小说。明代施耐庵作。一说施耐庵作、罗贯中编次。根据民间流传的宋江起义故事加工定型。全书叙述北宋末年官逼民反,梁山泊英雄聚众起义的故事,再现了封建时代农民起义从发生、发展到失败的全过程。塑造了宋江、李逵、武松、林冲、鲁智深等英雄形象。是中国古代优秀长篇小说之一。分词解释:优秀:(成绩、品行等)极好:成绩优秀|优秀学生。一说:进言或劝说一次。编次:按一定的次序编排。叙述:将事情的经过写下来或说出来:叙述事情的经过|他的叙述很有条理。塑造:1.用石膏或泥土等可塑材料塑成人﹑物形象。 2.用文字描写或戏剧舞蹈表演创造人物形象。...

2、穿越:穿越读音为chuān yuè,是指经过;穿过。 跨过;越过;穿过穿越 chuān yuè词语解释:经过;穿过。[pass through] 跨过;越过;穿过分词解释:经过:①通过(处所、时间、动作等):从北京坐火车到广州要经过武汉 ㄧ屋子经过打扫,干净多了ㄧ这件事情是经过领导上缜密考虑的。②过程;经历②:厂长向来宾报告建厂经过ㄧ说说你探险的经过。穿过:1.从…一边走到另一边。如:穿过布雷区。2.横过,越过或从…上延伸过。如:穿过花园的一条小径。3.延展到或占据某一空间或地点。如:一条小道穿过山谷。4.克服阻力而进入。如:钉子…够长的,足以穿过绝缘部分。5.指气流通过。如:微风穿过房间。● 越 yuè ㄩㄝˋ◎ 度过,超出:越过。越冬。越级。越轨。越权。越境。越位。越狱。越俎代庖。◎ 声音、情感扬起,昂扬:激越。声音清越。◎ 表示程度加深:越发(更加)。越加。越快越好。◎ 消散:“精神劳则越”。◎ 失坠,坠落:陨越。“射其左。越于车下”。◎ 中国古民族名:百越(亦作“百粤”)。◎ 中国周代诸侯国名。后用作浙江省东部的别称:越剧。越凫楚乙(“乙”,燕子。喻对于同一事物,由于自身条件的局限而作出不同的判断)。◎ 姓。● 穿 chuān ㄔㄨㄢˉ◎ 破,透:穿透。揭穿。穿窬(钻洞和爬墙,指盗贼)。穿凿。◎ 通过,连通:穿过。穿行(xíng )。◎ 着(zhuó)衣服鞋袜:穿衣。穿鞋。...穿越怎么造句,用穿越造句»