
时间:2022-11-05 12:47:53 | 来源:语文通


2022年道德模范人物事迹材料 篇12022年道德模范人物事迹材料 篇22022年道德模范人物事迹材料 篇3

2022年道德模范人物事迹材料 篇1


He Junbin, a boy born in 1996, is a freshman majoring in marine fishery science and technology in the School of Fisheries, Tianjin Agricultural University. On the evening of April 3, 2015, He Junbin and his classmates walked out of the school gate. Suddenly, a bus rushed over without warning. At the moment when the bus rushed, He Junbin pushed his classmates away, but he was seriously injured and unconscious. He died after rescue. His push brought the students a chance to live. We don't need to ask whether it is worth it or not. Because some of the most simple and shocking forces are often displayed in the moment of instinct. In May 2015, He Junbin was listed on the "China Good Man List".


"Love is now, don't wait." This is the last WeChat message that He Junbin, a freshman majoring in marine fishery science and technology from the School of Fisheries of Tianjin Agricultural University, distributed in the circle of friends at 12:33 p.m. on April 3, 2015. When he sent this message, he must not have thought that he would encounter that accident in 8 hours. On the evening of April 3, the college student in Fuyang, Hangzhou, pushed his classmates away when facing the traffic accident, but he was hit and unconscious. He stayed in the ICU for 10 days and left forever. The flower time that leaves quietly is like flowers scattered from the branches, leaving a fragrance all over the ground. The enthusiasm of so many people failed to keep him, and he flew away like an angel. He pushed away the god of death for his classmates, illuminating us with the last flash of life.


1. At the moment of life and death, he struggled to push death away from his classmates


On the evening of the weekend on April 3, He Junbin and his classmate Xiao Zhenlun walked out of the school gate. They were also good friends in the marine class of the Fisheries College of Tianjin Agricultural University.


At about 8:50 p.m., they went to school. In front of the school is National Highway 112, because the weather was late, there were not many cars. The two men tried to cross the road almost side by side. He Junbin was on the right, and Xiao Zhenlun was on the left. When walking near the yellow line in the middle of the road, two cars appeared on the right front. The front is a red van, and the back is a bus. "We want to wait until they drive past, but who knows that the bus suddenly rushed towards us..." Xiao Zhenlun said. He estimated that the bus behind wanted to overtake the red van in front, so he suddenly changed lanes.


"I thought the bus would knock us both off at the same time. Before I knew it, I suddenly felt pushed by A Bin (he said that students like to call him He Junbin that way)." Xiao Zhenlun said. The bus only scratched his right leg, while He Junbin was directly hit. "At that time, I was still conscious and wanted to stand up and have a look, but Ah Bin fell to the ground and did not move."


His push brought the students a chance to live, but it probably brought him death.


2. Enthusiastic for public welfare and good popularity "One meter of kindness" is very touching


After the accident, He Junbin was immediately sent to Xiqing Hospital of XX City for rescue. The car accident caused his brain hemorrhage, fracture, rib fracture and lung injury.


In the intensive care unit of Xiqing Hospital, many of He Junbin's classmates came to see him. There are college students and high school students. Junbin is an introverted child. He doesn't like talking, but he is very popular. After entering the university, he is keen on public welfare activities. In the first semester of the university, he only participated in a school level organization, Zhiyuan Society (volunteer), and he volunteers at least one day a week.


He Yu, Junbin's roommate, said: "Although we have only known each other for more than half a year, he is very interested in many things, such as watching the anime" The Pirate King "; for example, he likes to participate in English corners and many foreign bands. His academic performance is especially good. When no one can see him in his bedroom, he will either practice oral English or volunteer."


On the days of Junbin's accident, all the students in the class came to see him, and the fellow villagers of the Association also kept close by. College students, high school students and junior high school students expressed their concern for Junbin in WeChat circles and QQ groups. Their alma mater, Tianjin Agricultural University, Fuyang No. 2 Middle School, etc. carried out fund-raising activities, and the love donations from all walks of life also kept gathering.


However, two craniotomy operations and numerous minor operations still failed to prevent multiple organ failure and complications. At 8:50 a.m. on April 13, He Junbin left forever.


At the age of 19, his life came to an end, but the virtue of this rich boy was always shining.


In He Junbin's hometown, the neighbors of Sanhe Village, Lushan Street, always speak highly of this shy boy. "He is my brother, because he always makes me admire him." Li Jianwei, a junior high school classmate, said that he often went home with Junbin, and he often saw him prepare coins and change. "Whenever he sees a beggar on the street, he always throws a coin on his own initiative."


Ye Yilin, a classmate, also thinks He Junbin is very "interesting", although things are very small: he is willing to lend them his mobile phone at any time, and he will take the initiative to help clean up at any time, and he will bring them takeout like a friend at any time. "He is the best friend I have ever met in more than ten years from primary school to high school.".


Zhang Shundong, the head teacher of He Junbin's high school, was deeply impressed by his carefulness, kindness and simplicity: "In one class, the teacher coughed several times and said, 'My voice is not very good', which nobody paid attention to. But after class, He Junbin secretly went to the pharmacy to buy a box of medicine, didn't say anything, and silently handed the medicine to the teacher." The teacher who delivered the medicine to Junbin was surnamed Yu, and her child was one year older than Junbin. "In the face of a little boy who bought me medicine, in the face of a child who would leave an orange for me on Teacher's Day..." Miss Yu cried before saying anything. Junbin's strongest lesson was English, and she was Junbin's English teacher.


Another time, the school was going to hold a sports meeting, but none of the students in the class took the initiative to sign up for long-distance running. After a silence, He Junbin, who is not a long-distance runner, stood up and took the initiative to register for the race. "He is introverted, but his heart is fiery. He always puts the collective first." Zhang Shundong said.


Xu Enyuan, the head teacher of He Junbin's junior high school, will have this comment: I don't want to believe that you have left us... It is your accumulation and precipitation of kindness in ordinary life that finally constitutes the most powerful force in your heart, and finally has the beauty that shocks everyone.


At He Junbin's alma mater, Fuyang Lushan Middle School, the school has been teaching students "one meter responsibility" - "my responsibility within one meter". "With his hard work, Junbin demonstrated the 'goodness of one meter' with his life!" Said Jin Lei, the principal of Fuyang Lushan Middle School.


3. Honor the frugal old boy who wanted to go back to work in his hometown after further education


When He Junbin was 5 years old, his parents divorced, and his mother insisted on it for 14 years alone - the child she raised with difficulty was her all hope. "When Bin Bin was 5 years old, he promised to hold an umbrella for me when he grew up. He promised that his mother would carry me upstairs when she was old. He also promised that if my mother's teeth fell out one day, she would grind the food and bring it to me again..." Thinking of the past life and her son's sensible, Zhou Juanjuan, 41, wept like rain.


Open the door of He Junbin's house in Fuyang downtown, and the clean room, less than 10 square meters, used to be his small world. There was a new pair of sneakers on the desk, which was a birthday gift from his mother. Next to it was a stack of notes, and a letter to my mother a long time ago, writing that I felt guilty for not doing well in the exam. Clothes were stacked on the bed, and homework books and cartoons he loved were neatly placed in the cabinet on the wall. Mother Zhou Juanjuan said that everything in the room was the same as before, as if her son was still around.


Jiang Hui, a junior high school classmate of He Junbin, thinks that Junbin is the most frugal person in the class. "Anyhow, when I think of the him, I will first think of the his gesture of the putting pen tip into his mouth and breathing." He said that the ink pen was out of ink, and He Junbin generally would not lose it immediately. He used his mouth and then continued to write; Junbin's homework book is always full and leaves no blank pages; The pencil used for drawing is always the shortest.


After the college entrance examination, unlike most of the students who stayed in Hangzhou or the surrounding areas, Junbin chose to go to Tianjin. His mother said that Junbin was very independent since he was young and didn't need her to worry at all. This self reliant child also loved his family. In his QQ space, 6 of the latest 10 pieces of news were about his hometown: "Mei Mei Da, the little girls who helped the Second Middle School to make headlines and pass on Chinese culture", "COOL, the beautiful fireworks in the evening of Dafuyang"... When he saw the beautiful scenery of Hangzhou sent by his friends, he would send a sorry expression, "It's a pity that I'm not in Hangzhou".


When chatting with Xiao Zhenlun, a college friend, he once said that he wanted to take the postgraduate entrance examination. He still studied this major now, and he would return to his hometown to work after finishing his postgraduate studies. In Junbin's mind, the outside scenery is not as good as that of his hometown, Fuyang, because there is a grandmother who raised him and a mother who endured hardships.


4. Tangible heritage and intangible heritage, love will last forever


He Junbin has left, but the love relay triggered by him has not stopped, and a positive energy of kindness is driving.


After he was seriously injured and hospitalized, the injury of He Junbin became a concern of countless people. The daily cost of hospitalization and treatment was 20,000 yuan. At that time, there were at least 7 charity donation accounts for him.


China Poverty Alleviation Foundation, Fuyang Sunshine Public Welfare, Sina WeChat Public Welfare and other public welfare institutions, as well as Sanhe Village, Lushan Middle School and Fuyang No. 2 Middle School in their hometown of Lushan Street, have launched fundraising; Alibaba Public Welfare sends 10000 yuan of public welfare awards every day with positive energy; A single mother took out 1/6 of her savings; Enthusiastic citizens from Zhejiang, Tianjin, Beijing and even Hong Kong have called Junbin's mother to comfort her and ask if she needs help


After Junbin left, the remaining 13. The donation of 60000 yuan was transferred to help more people, and the suggestion came from Junbin's mother, Zhou Juanjuan. The mother was in great sorrow, but the love from all walks of life made her injured heart feel warm.


On April 16, Zhou Juanjuan suggested to Sunshine Public Welfare and the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation to donate 50000 yuan of the donation to Xiao Zhenlun, who survived the accident because of Junbin; As for the rest of the donation, after discussion, it was decided to give it to Zhang Lan, a poor student of Fuyang No. 2 Middle School, and Xiao Yuzhe, a 4-year-old leukemia boy from Huanshan, to let the love from the society warm these children who need help badly.


3. 60000 yuan, which is a tangible legacy of donations, to be donated to people in need; 3842 netizens contributed their love and more than 80000 message clicks, which is an invisible virtue heritage and has moved more people.

2022年道德模范人物事迹材料 篇2


If you have 350000 yuan in cash in front of you, what is your choice? Chang Yong, 36 years old, is an ordinary plumber in Datong, Shanxi Province. He rented a house of more than 40 square meters, but when faced with the huge amount of 350000 yuan he found, he was unmoved. He chased after the house and handed it to the owner. In his life, helping others has already become a habit. More than ten years ago, people saved people without leaving their names, helped the poor, and donated money with love... A series of love stories made people remember the name Chang Yong. Chang Yong said that he would continue to do good things. In May 2015, Chang Yong was listed on the "China Good Man List".


January 22, 2015 was an unforgettable day for Chang Yong, a 36 year old plumber in Datong Fangyuan Property Company of Housing Construction Section of Taiyuan Railway Bureau.


At 18:45 that day, the 2014 "Moved Shanxi" Top Ten Award Ceremony entered the countdown. Suddenly, a man in a blue trench coat rushed out of the crowd and shouted: "I'm coming! I'm coming!" The people present finally breathed a long sigh of relief. It turns out that this person is Chang Yong, a 36 year old plumber, who is one of the top ten figures in 2014 "Moving Shanxi" who plans to take the stage to receive awards.


The reason why he was "late" was beyond reproach. He had just arrived from the Taiyuan Railway Bureau to receive the award. He held two awards, one was the "youth moral model" of Taiyuan Railway Bureau and the other was the "moral star" of Taiyuan Railway Bureau. The two awards were selected by Taiyuan Railway Bureau from the 110,000 employees in the overall situation. In 2014, a total of 13 people won the award. Chang Yong said that he will never forget the award speech given to him by Taiyuan Railway Bureau - the most influential person of Taiyuan Railway Bureau in 2014. Chang Yong said that he would continue to do good things and continue to be an influential person with positive energy.


Renting a house of more than 40 square meters, he returned it to the owner at the first time when he found a huge sum of 350000 yuan. More than a decade ago, he saved people without leaving his name, helped the poor, and donated money with love. A series of love stories made Datong people remember the name Chang Yong. Speaking of these, Chang Yong felt nothing. In his life, helping others has already become a habit.


1. Faced with 350000 yuan in cash, his choice is to immediately catch up with the owner


If you have 350000 yuan in cash in front of you, what is your choice? Chang Yong's choice is to catch up with the owner immediately.


At more than 22:00 on June 28, 2014, Chang Yong drove a car borrowed from a friend to pick up his mother who was shopping at the night market in Anyi Street of Datong City. When he stopped, he saw a man take out a black plastic bag from the trunk six or seven meters in front of him. At this time, the man answered the phone and put the plastic bag on the trunk lid. After the call, the man completely forgot about the plastic bag and opened the door to start the car. Chang Yong hurriedly got off the bus and shouted at the man, "Your things have dropped!" The man did not hear. The car drove away quickly and the plastic bag fell on the ground. Chang Yong picked up the plastic bag and opened it. There were hundreds of RMB in it. He did not hesitate to drive to catch up with the huge amount of money. When catching up with the railway station, Chang Yong found the man's car waiting for a red light. He jumped out of the car and ran to knock on the man's window. The man was very alert and didn't give Chang Yong a chance to speak. As soon as the green light came on, the car drove forward again. Chang Yong ran back to his car, chased it again, and chased it for more than 500 meters. Chang Yong finally forced the man's car to stop near the railway swimming pool.


"You lost something!" Chang Yong said. The man was still very alert and sat in the car and said, "No, I haven't."


Chang Yong took out the plastic bag and asked the man, "Is this yours?" The man's face suddenly turned white, and then he ran out of the car to shake the trunk and trunk crazily. There was no one in the compartment, nor in the trunk. The man's sweat almost soaked through his thin clothes. "Here you are, see if you have enough money?" Chang Yong puts the plastic bag in front of the man. The man thanked him repeatedly and took it over with trembling hands: "There is 350000 cash in the bag!" The man's name is Liu Ran (a pseudonym), and he is a medical device dealer. The 350000 yuan is intended to be remitted to the manufacturer.


After counting the money in the plastic bag, Liu Ran picked up 10000 yuan and put it into his hands as usual. "Brother, thank you so much. It's my intention to take this money." Chang Yong pushed away without hesitation and said, "I didn't chase you for money. If I wanted to chase you for money, I wouldn't chase you. I just took the bag and left." Liu Ran insisted and Chang Yong refused. Finally, at Liu Ran's repeated request, Chang Yong left his mobile number. Afraid that the other party would thank him, he lied and said he had no job.


Since then, Liu Ran has called Chang Yong many times and repeatedly said, "If you don't have a job, just follow me in the medical device business. Or, if you want to do something, I will invest in you." Chang Yong had no choice but to tell the truth. It turned out that he was an ordinary plumber in Datong Fangyuan Property Company of Housing Construction Section of Taiyuan Railway Bureau.


Liu Ran immediately rushed to Chang Yong's unit and sent a banner to Chang Yong.


Someone asked him, "The place where the accident happened was not monitored and there were no witnesses. 350,000 yuan is enough to change your destiny. Why do you want to return it to the owner?" The simple and honest young man smiled and replied, "I may not see so much money in my life, but it is someone else's, and I should be honest. I feel happy doing this."


2. He received a call for help late at night, and his action was to send the patient to the hospital


He has done such a good deed too many times.


At about 23:00 on July 22, 2014, Chang Yong, who was gathering with his comrades in arms, received a call from an elder sister who had not been contacted for many years. The other side of the phone was incoherent. For a moment, he said that he had drunk more than 30 cold pills, and for a moment, he said that no one was helping her buy sleeping pills. Many years ago, Chang Yong got to know this elder sister because of his work. Compared with his previous impression, he felt that this elder sister might have an accident. After questioning, he initially judged that this elder sister might be in danger of life because she had taken too much medicine. After asking for the address, Chang Yong immediately took a taxi. At this time, the elder sister was lying downstairs in the community with white foam at her mouth, and she had no consciousness. With the help of taxi drivers and property management personnel, Chang bravely and painstakingly took her to the taxi and went straight to the hospital to handle admission procedures and pay medical fees on behalf of her.


The doctor said that it would be very dangerous if the delivery was a little late. Chang Yong was busy in front of the hospital bed for a whole night. It turned out that the elder sister had cancer and her husband was away from home on business. She was confused and had the idea of suicide. Because it was too late, she could not contact other people, so she had to boldly call Chang Yong, who had not been contacted for a long time. When she was about to leave the hospital, the elder sister said with emotion, "I didn't expect an ordinary brother to be so enthusiastic. If he hadn't been Chang Yong, he might have been separated from life and death." After leaving the hospital, the elder sister offered 20000 yuan to express her gratitude, and Chang Yong declined. Later, without Chang Yong's knowledge, she sent the banner of gratitude to Fangyuan Property Company. At this time, the company's colleagues learned that Chang Yong saved people late at night, but Chang Yong still thought that he had just done an ordinary thing.


3. A late "thank you". He is the one who has been looking for help for 12 years


Under the "banner" of gratitude, Chang Yong finally "surfaced" reluctantly. In September 2014, when the story of good man Chang Yong "surfaced" was reported, it led to his 12 years of saving lives. The saved man searched for him for 12 years, but Chang Yong almost forgot about it.


It happened one evening in August 2002. When Liu Erdong Road, a young man in his early 20s in Inner Mongolia, passed Wuding North Road in the urban area of Datong City, he was knocked down by an oncoming car. Liu Erdong was in a coma on the spot and was seriously injured. Several of his classmates were also scared out of their wits. At this time, Chang Yong, who happened to be passing by the scene of the accident, saw that the situation was critical and did not hesitate to carry Liu Erdong, who was covered in blood, to the nearby Datong Railway Hospital. In the early morning of the next day, Chang Yong learned from the doctor that Liu Erdong was out of danger and left quietly.


More than ten days later, Liu Erdong woke up in a coma and asked his classmates how he was sent to the hospital. Then they remembered the kind person who sent Liu Erdong to the hospital. They hurried out to ask about it, but they didn't get any information. Thinking that the benefactor saved his life, he could not even say thank you. Liu Erdong, lying on the hospital bed, was deeply sorry.


Soon, Liu Erdong learned from his classmates that the man who saved himself at the scene of the accident was a young man in a railway uniform, possibly a railway worker. He decided to go to Datong to look for this kind man who did good deeds without leaving his name on it. He and his parents went to the scene of the accident many times to inquire about it, but nothing came of it. Twelve years have passed.


On September 29, 2014, the Datong Evening News published the story of Chang Yong with a picture. Liu Erdong's classmates saw the newspaper, and after careful identification, they determined that Chang Yong was the kind person who sent Liu Erdong to the hospital that year. On hearing that his saviour had been found, Liu Erdong, who was working in Shuozhou at that time, was very excited. He immediately found the news on the Internet and almost finished the report in tears. He finally (WWW.. CN) can say "thank you" to the rescuer who is 12 years late.


4. The principle of forming a "charity group" whose family style influences people


In fact, Chang Yong's life was not rich. When he was very young, his father was gone. Liu Shuilan, the mother of many diseases, brought up her brother and sister by picking vegetable leaves in the vegetable market, sewing and mending for others, and doing odd jobs. "In those years, our family depended on each other, and our neighbors helped us a lot. My mother said that we should repay the kindness of others by pouring water. Let's remember these kind people and do more good deeds." Chang Yong said that he always remembered his mother's words.


After working in Datong Fangyuan Property Management Company, Chang Yong not only has a warm attitude and meticulous work, but also leaves his own phone number whenever he sees an elderly person who is alone or whose children are not around.


It is easy for a person to do a good deed, it is difficult to do a good deed all his life, and it is even more difficult to do a good deed without publicity. Chang Yong has saved and helped others for many times: he has supported two primary school students in Sichuan mountainous areas for three consecutive years; At the night market of Quanyechang in Tianjin, seven thieves were captured with comrades in arms and sent to the police station; On the bus in Zhengzhou, Henan, I fought with 3 pickpockets and was stabbed in the process of unifying them; Take the injured to the hospital with the family members of the little girl who was hit by a car on the west side of the Datong railway bridge; In Xiashan District, Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province, an old man fainted on the road due to high blood pressure. He resolutely sent the old man to the Zhanjiang People's Hospital and left when his family members arrived


In November 2014, Chang Yong and his friends formed the "Chang Yong Charity Corps", which currently has 75 members. Their main service targets are the five guarantee households in the surrounding villages of Datong City. He firmly believes that people who are poor cannot be short of ambition, and that they should live a serious life, work happily, and contribute to society. Apart from his work, he is still firmly on the road of public welfare, and his vision is getting wider and wider.

2022年道德模范人物事迹材料 篇3


Focus on one thing for 20 years, and set an example with dedication


In August 2000, XXX, who graduated from Huangshan Medical School, walked into the door of grassroots health centers and opened the first stop of grassroots health work. The medical oath of "health is the key to health, life is the key to life" has become a practical action. At the beginning of his career, XXX was mainly engaged in nursing and immunization. More than 20 years ago, in rural areas, the infrastructure was weak, the flow of information was not smooth, and there were many inconveniences in work and life. Especially at that time, the rural economy was not rich, the public health awareness was not strong, and hundreds of people generally lacked disease prevention knowledge. Some parents even rejected vaccination, and many vaccines were unwilling to vaccinate their children. Faced with all kinds of difficulties and the hidden danger of immunization blank, XXX puts the health of the masses in the first place, and often uses the time of noon and evening to conduct household visits and surveys on every child who is not vaccinated in time. The traffic in the countryside is inconvenient, and the mountain road is rugged. She often rides her small bike on the tree lined path. If the parents are unreasonable, she can only brazenly visit the door many times, try every means to communicate, reason, appeal, explain the importance of vaccination for disease prevention, and list a large number of infectious disease cases to persuade. Her efforts have paid off. Her efforts have brought gains, and the vaccination rate in the area has steadily increased. Later, many parents who brought their children to get vaccinated said, "Doctor Niu, I would be embarrassed if I didn't bring my children to get vaccinated."


After 21 years of work, XXX has always maintained its original mission, its love for the cause and its dedication to patients. Colleagues and people familiar with her often say that Director XXX is the most reassuring! Health and epidemic prevention knowledge came with her mouth open. Vaccine dispatching and management were in good order. She knew the situation in her jurisdiction very well. For a long time, whether it was clinical nursing, planned immunization, infectious disease prevention and control, health publicity, or data analysis, statistics and reporting, she insisted on the principle of being precise and meticulous, warmly received every service object, and took every specific work seriously, in her own words, Sanitation and epidemic prevention are no trifles. "It is not difficult to do one thing, but it is difficult to do one thing all one's life". Her persistence, concentration and perseverance for more than 20 years are extremely rare. The ancients said: "One step at a time will not lead to a thousand miles. One small stream will not lead to a river." This persistence and dedication, perseverance and perseverance have been rewarded. Since 2008, the immunization planning work of Huangshan District Community Health Service Center has been among the best in the annual assessment of the grass-roots health system for 12 consecutive years. XXX individuals have also been outstanding for three consecutive years from 2003 to 2005, three consecutive years from 2014 to 2016 and the annual assessment in 2018.


Put the masses first and make selfless contributions to warm people's hearts


It has always been XXX's principle of wholehearted and enthusiastic service to think about the patient's needs, to be urgent about the patient's needs, and to help the patient's needs. Grass roots medical units directly face the rural and community people, and things are trivial, concentrated and repetitive. However, XXX is always not afraid of hardship, fatigue and trouble, and often independently overcome various difficulties to make the people satisfied and the organization reassured. In September 2009, XXX was sent to the District People's Hospital by his colleagues for treatment because he had been engaged in the computer entry of the plan and exemption information for a long time and had neck pain, numbness of hands, dizziness and other symptoms at work. After being diagnosed as "cervical atlantoaxial subluxation", the hospital required to be hospitalized for skull traction treatment. Such treatment generally requires at least 3 weeks, and cervical traction should be maintained for 6-8 weeks after reduction. However, due to the shortage of staff in the hospital, the prevention and protection work was heavy at that time, and caught up with the provincial measles intensification and hepatitis B leak detection and replanting. XXX people were in the hospital, but their hearts flew to work. She only treated for a week, and her symptoms were alleviated, so she immediately applied to the hospital for return to work. With the guidance and help of the doctor, XXX went to work with a neck brace during the day and dragged himself with a brick at home at night, and completed the work tasks at that time with quality and quantity guaranteed. Without thorough treatment, her cervical spondylosis broke out again in 2011, so she had to go to the spinal specialist of Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital for treatment. After three days of treatment, her condition eased slightly, and she rushed back to work. She never missed work because of personal problems. Wearing a neck brace to work has become the norm.


New City Community Health Service Center not only undertakes the immunization task of Class I and II vaccines, but also undertakes the daily rabies vaccination work. All the patients bitten by animals want to be vaccinated earlier. During the break time, XXX often receives calls from the hospital. She always puts down her housework and children's work, goes to the hospital to serve the patients, and even goes to the hospital in the middle of the night. One time, it rained heavily at 7 o'clock in the evening, and she slipped and fell on the way to the hospital on a battery car, causing her hand bone fracture. However, she still insisted on walking to the hospital, properly handled the vaccination, and then went to plaster herself. After that, the hospital asked for a month's rest, but less than 10 days later, she began to worry about her work, and insisted on going to work despite the opposition of her family, She quipped to her colleague, "If I lie in bed again, I will get moldy".


XXX treats patients and people equally regardless of wealth and status, and always puts people's health and safety first. It is common for her to cry when she vaccinates her children. She never dislikes and avoids, but always maintains patient and enthusiastic service. Her mobile phone is powered on 24 hours a year, so that parents of children can contact them anytime and anywhere. Every time a child has been vaccinated, in addition to carefully explaining the precautions, she never forgets to say, "Call me at any time when you come home", anxious about the parents' worries. On weekdays, parents and friends also like to ask her about some small problems in the process of children's growth. XXX does his best to help them solve their problems and give them guidance.


Earnestly work hard every day and strive for excellence


There are 365 days a year, and XXX has more than 300 working days. She often said that our job is to race against time and do a good job ahead of us. Doing well every day and everything has become her work creed. However, to achieve this, it is far from enough to rely solely on enthusiasm. Business proficiency is the greatest confidence, and medical literacy is the strongest support. To this end, she is strict with herself, constantly improving her quality, strengthening learning, and improving her professional skills. In recent years, she has actively participated in continuing education and professional training, and has constantly recharged herself through semi off the job learning and other forms, spending a lot of energy on studying business. On this basis, she also attaches great importance to the shaping and cultivation of medical ethics, improves the service concept with the times, solidly starts from every detail, improves the service quality throughout the whole process of work, and strives to make every service object receive family care.


At the end of 2020, Gantang Health Center will carry out the vaccination of HPV vaccine and COVID-19 vaccine for the whole region. In particular, since 2021, COVID-19 has a large demand for vaccination, heavy task and tight schedule. In the short term, it will complete more than 40000 person times of vaccination in Gantang Town. In addition, children's vaccination work cannot be slackened, nor can it be out of gear. XXX's average working hours every day are more than 12 hours, and the economy is often busy from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. or even to early morning. From the scanning and warehousing of vaccines, the management of cold chain equipment, the update and maintenance of the vaccination platform, the registration and vaccination of vaccines, and the statistics and reporting of data, XXX was busy, but she did not complain. It was summer, and it was hot and stormy. In the face of bad weather, she always stood by the front line, braved the scorching sun and heavy rain, ran up and down the stairs, and commanded the vaccination work of 1000 or 2000 people every day. She also told everyone to observe for half an hour before leaving after the vaccination. In case of disabled people with mobility difficulties, she tried her best to help them complete every link, and even forgot to drink a drink of water at the end of the day, Her clothes were wet and dry, and she did not care about them at all, just to do a good job and satisfy the people. Looking at the "fruits" of the day, I feel a full sense of achievement.


30. In 2010, he was rated as one of the "Top Ten" public health personnel in Huangshan District, in 2011, he was rated as "Advanced Individual in Disease Prevention and Control" in Huangshan City, in 2015, he was rated as "Excellent Inoculation Doctor" in Huangshan City, in 2016, he was awarded the titles of "Huizhou Hundred Workers" technical expert in Huangshan City, "March 8th Red Bannerman in Huangshan District" and so on.


In her 21 year medical career, she has always pursued lofty ideals and seriously focused on the life and health of the masses. Never forget why you started, and your mission can be accomplished. Comrade XXX wrote a wonderful chapter of dedication and selfless dedication with practical actions!