
时间:2022-10-11 13:18:18 | 来源:语文通


我的烦恼 篇1我的烦恼作文600字 篇2我的烦恼作文600字 篇3我的烦恼 篇4我的烦恼500字作文初一 篇5我的烦恼优秀作文 篇6我的烦恼作文 篇7我的烦恼优秀作文 篇8我的烦恼作文 篇9我的烦恼作文 篇10

我的烦恼 篇1


Hello, I'm a book. Lie on the bookshelf every day.


I am an ordinary book, and few people touch me. I look lonely.


Some people do not cherish me and touch me without washing their hands, which makes me feel uncomfortable. These people who do not love books should also let them taste my feelings. I don't want to live like this!


I escaped from the bookshelf without anyone noticing. Ran outside. It's good outside. The warm sun shines on me, and my heart is warm. A dog came and greeted me. He and I became good friends. I told him that my experience was similar to his, and he said that he escaped because the master was not good to him. I decided to travel around with him and feel the world.


We came to the grassland and lay on the lawn to rest. The lawn is really comfortable. It really looks like the bed of nature.


The dog said, "I heard that there are many animals in the forest. They are very friendly. We can make friends with them." I promised. After asking for directions, we finally reached the forest.


When we got to the forest, we first saw a monkey. Monkeys are very smart and know a lot. The monkey told us that the king of the forest was a lion. We decided to go to the lion.


When we arrived at the lion's territory, we met the Lion King, who was as friendly as the dog said. The lion gave us a warm reception. We stayed in the forest for a few days. We are all homesick and ready to go home.


Let's go home. I went back to the bookshelf. The master was very happy. He said that he could not find me for several days. He was very sad. Never hurt me again!

我的烦恼作文600字 篇2


Everyone has his own troubles, and my troubles are super.


A lot of homework assigned by the school teacher is enough for me to do. When I have done it, I have to do the homework assigned by my parents. When I finish, I can finally have a rest. But my father said, "Chen Wei, hurry up to read English." I have to read English again. When I finish reading, it is almost 9 o'clock. I am ready to go to bed, but just lying in bed, my mother's voice came again: "Chen Wei, go and read the composition book." I can't help listening, I had to pick up the composition book again. At 10 o'clock, I lay on the bed and thought: These assignments are so many that I can hardly breathe.


After the exam, I didn't do well. When I got home, my parents kept criticizing me. My father said, "I've done so much practice for you, but my grades haven't improved. You..." Before I finished, my mother said, "You're so stupid, you're as stupid as a pig!" I didn't listen to it at all. I stood in front of them stupidly, thinking: These nagging noises are really annoying. I really want to get rid of them.


In math class, the teacher told the question once and asked me again. The first one asked me to answer. I stood up. I had forgotten the answer the teacher had just given me. I didn't answer. The teacher said angrily, "Can't you answer such a simple question?"


I'm thinking now, how can I alleviate these troubles? I can't help but think of the reasonable arrangement of time in the ideological and moral education class. We should be good at arranging. We should adjust our study, work, entertainment and rest to be the master of time. This lesson has inspired me a lot. So when I got home, I didn't wait for my parents to tell me to make plans for eating, watching TV and doing my homework, so that I could adjust reasonably and flexibly.


After a period of time, because I learned to use time, my super trouble gradually disappeared. Lu Xun said, "Time is like water in a sponge. As long as I am willing to squeeze, there will always be some." As I make full use of my time rationally, my grades have risen and my burden has also been reduced. My father, mother and teacher all praised me as "awesome"!

我的烦恼作文600字 篇3


Life is a colorful book, and trouble is an indispensable adjunct to life.


Speaking of troubles, everyone should have them. I used to be. One month before the final exam, I had already entered the state of preparing for the exam. At this moment, the atmosphere became extremely tense. Even the normally busy students suddenly became quiet, and classes became more serious. Every day was busy and tense. However, just a few weeks before the exam, we had a quiz. Seventy four cents, it's dazzling. I was disheartened. Did all my previous efforts go in vain? My heart suddenly became very upset. This trouble came too quickly and made me breathless. In the self-study class, every student was reviewing carefully. I looked up and looked out of the window. As always, there were continuous clouds like silk floating on the blue sky like jade. I was indifferent, but I felt deeply sad. I came back to my senses and began to study again.


After all, the long awaited exam came. I tried not to put too much pressure on myself. I slowly read the questions. Finally, the last exam was finished. My heart is not calm, but more irritable. This hot and dry weather makes me want to cry, and I want to find a breakthrough to vent. Finally, the results have come down. It's still normal. The impatience in my heart was relieved, but I could not stop. Suddenly, there was no pressure, no daily busyness, but something was lost. Although that time was hard, I missed that time very much.


It is time to calm down, and everything will pass. Don't impose your troubles on yourself. Although summer is hot and dry, it is not without colorful time. Summer night, with its special tranquility and quiet beauty, makes people intoxicated. Worry will not always be there. It is not easy to overcome it and solve it slowly.


Worry is necessary in the process of growth. We have been happy, we have been happy, but this kind of luck will not always be there. Then, we should learn to run, throw away troubles and run for freedom.

我的烦恼 篇4


Worry is a kind of mood that everyone will have. I don't know when the growing pains have increased. I have a lot of feelings about this composition topic.


As I grow up day by day, there are many worries around me. I don't want to talk about some things that happen in school with my parents, because as long as they talk about it, they will talk about it in a long way. They may also talk about me, and my ears can't stand so much nagging, so I don't want to let my ears suffer, so I don't want to talk about it with the head of my family. However, I wrote everything I wanted to say in a notebook every day, that is, a diary. After writing, let yourself appreciate and solve your own problems. It started very well, but gradually, I felt that parents looked at me unnaturally, as if I had something to hide from them. (But I did hide something from them.) That day, when I came home from school and finished my homework, I went to get my diary according to the routine. Suddenly, I found that the diary had been moved. I immediately became very angry and knew it must be them. I walked out of the bedroom and asked loudly if they had read my diary? On the contrary, they said frankly that it was their duty to know everything about me.


I can't stand it. I just want to have my own piece of blue sky. Why do you take it away so selfishly? Do you want to know me? I went back to my room and felt that I had nothing left. Alas! Why do parents always want to know us when we grow up and do not want us to have any ideas of our own? Alas! How cruel! Our life is full of colorful sunshine, but even when the sun shines, it is inevitable that there will be temporary clouds.


After I entered junior high school, I would inevitably have some lingering worries. These troubles come from life, from study, from the communication with classmates... However, it is not terrible to have troubles. The key is to treat them correctly. From now on, let's clean up our troubles together, eliminate them, and become mature with colorful dreams. (Wang Sun Jiashuo)

我的烦恼500字作文初一 篇5


"Little boy, no worries..." Every time I hear this familiar song, I think of myself. The young people in the song are always so carefree, why are my troubles so numerous? The taste is like overturning the Wuwei bottle. It is bitter, sour, astringent and hot, but not sweet.


After entering junior high school, there are more subjects and more homework. Every day I worry about too much homework. Not only that, each student has the same amount of homework, but if you don't learn more than others, how can you exceed others? It's not easy to look forward to a weekend, but also to an endless cram school. God has a day off in a week! But I have to do my homework on Sunday, so I'm busier than God. Alas! How can my troubles not be as bitter as Huanglian?


Every time I failed in the exam, it was my most "tragic" time. At school, the teacher nagged endlessly. When I got home, I wanted to hear some comforting words from my parents, but what I got was just a few sarcastic remarks. Mom's sharp words shot in my heart like sharp arrows, making my heart sour, but who can feel it? Alas! How can my troubles not be as sour as vinegar?


At home, I have to listen to my mother's words that have been repeated for more than 10000 times every day. My ears are almost worn out, but she is not tired at all. Alas! How can my troubles not be as astringent as green apricots?


As the "king of carelessness", I have left many regrets for carelessness in every exam. One mistake will cause "everlasting regret". When the exam roll comes down, my face will be hot and red. Alas! How can my troubles not be as hot as peppers?


Learning is like climbing a mountain. Examinations are like passing the exam. Climbing a mountain every day is like passing the exam. How I wish I could sing happily: "Little boy, no worries..." Taste the happiness and good taste of the youth!

我的烦恼优秀作文 篇6


I always like to look up at the sky with star like eyes, watching the bright stars slide down with their long tails; Under the bright moonlight, when I see the spring flowers blooming, my heart is covered with a few wisps of haze.


"Don't learn, do you?" Mother obviously improved decibel, "If you want to learn, you can learn! You chose to learn the violin yourself, don't you forget?"


When I first saw the violin, I was deeply attracted by the elegance of the player and the beautiful sound of the violin. The melodious melody always fascinates me. After a lot of hard work, I finally got what I wanted. My mother bought me a 1/2 size violin with excellent sound quality, and asked someone to teach me how to practice it one-on-one.


In the first stage of entry, I must first learn how to clip the piano between my neck and shoulder. This posture is very difficult. My neck is sore and painful after a short practice. I can bear it. I thought, no matter how hard it is to choose, we should stick to it!. "Squeak, squeak, squeak" finally came out, from the squeak of "sawing wood" to the cheerful and smooth "Shearing", to the witty "Little Star" with various variations. I was so excited that my blood was boiling.


No road of art is smooth, and I am no exception. The good times are not long. In summer and cold weather, maybe the violin string is too thin. My left finger belly is getting more and more painful, and even the cocoon is worn out; My neck was also skinned because I had been pinching the piano for a long time. Recently, as long as I play the violin, I will wince with pain. My mother often told me how proud it is that Hou Yijia, a Chinese violinist in Shanghai, played "Butterfly Lovers" for more than ten times in Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom, bringing China's classical music to the world. I know my mother's real intention, and I know that if I give up now, all my previous efforts will be wasted. I certainly don't want my efforts to go to waste, but it's not easy to insist!


The twinkling stars are my tears. I know that the time I spend with Qin will only get shorter and shorter as my grades rise and my studies get worse, but I will often play my "three thousand annoying" Qin.

我的烦恼作文 篇7


In this era, every family should have two children, and our family is the same. Just last year, our family had another member. My sister, her arrival made me very upset.


At first, I was very excited about the new members, but later I gradually felt that the elders paid less and less attention to me, focusing on the new kids. Although I knew that every brother would think like this, I still had an unspeakable feeling in my heart.


As my sister grew up, she knew more and more. She learned to walk, use her hands, and speak some simple languages. This was a good thing, but she also became naughty. She would compete with me for things every time. I thought to myself: Let her go when she was young! She always gave it to her, but she was ungrateful. Every time she put down her schoolbag, she would take out all the books in it, but my mother always thought that I had thrown the books around. Even if I tried to explain, my mother always said: "My sister is still so small, how could she have such great strength?"? I believe this sentence is the one that every brother hears most often. Finally one day, when my sister was smoking my book, my mother happened to pass by, and I thought to myself: You little rascal have finally been caught! But my mother said that my sister was too young to be sensible. I was shocked by what my mother said. I thought my sister would be told, but my mother knew the truth, but she chose to forgive her. I couldn't help it anymore. My mother and I quarreled, and then went back to my room angrily. I heard my mother's voice in the living room educating my sister. I felt better. I calmed down and thought that my sister was really young. I shouldn't have shouted to my mother just now, so I went out to apologize to my mother, My sister never turned over her schoolbag again.


In the same family, we should understand and help each other, not just quarrel. Only in this way can a family be considered as a family.

我的烦恼优秀作文 篇8


"Alas! Recently, I am tired, tired, tired..." I am powerless to lie down at the table and hum this song. As I grow older, my troubles become more and more: more homework, less grades, even the most gentle mother has become nagging... In a word, boring!


My mother started again: "What are you doing at the desk? Have you finished your homework? You should read the book when you have finished your homework. How can your academic performance be better like this..." Alas! cannot bear sth! cannot bear sth! I can't provoke me to hide. I'd better do my homework and read!


After a while, my mother called me again: "Take out the garbage quickly!" My heart was very reluctant, so I gave a random reason: "I want to do my homework, I have no time!" "Do your homework after you have emptied the garbage. Go!" Mother gave the order again. "I don't want to go!" I whispered. As expected, my mother began to use her "three inch tongue" again: "I asked you to do something, but you don't want to go there. How can you be free when you were there just now? I just asked you to take down the garbage. What's the point of walking more......" After listening to my mother's thoughtful "teaching", I still had to go downstairs to take out the garbage. Although I was reluctant to do so, I nodded helplessly.


When I got home, my mother began to tell me "meaningfully": "We should pay attention to efficiency in everything we do, and the same is true for homework. Don't play while writing. We should finish homework at one go... I nodded weakly.


In fact, I also know that my mother is doing this for my own good. Maybe my mother thinks that it will let me know all the time. But I don't think so.


Hey! Who can help me solve my troubles!

我的烦恼作文 篇9

我是一个初一的学生,人小可烦恼还真不少 。

I am a junior one student, and I have a lot of troubles.


I have been fat since I was young, and I am greedy. I tried to lose weight many times, but my plan always failed again and again. I'm very upset about that. Later, I wanted to forget it, but someone always gave me some nicknames. I tried not to pay attention to them, but they still often shook in front of me. The sound of their nicknames still reverberated in my ears all the time.


Once, a classmate who often laughed at me insisted on singing to me. I knew that he meant no harm, so I tried to go as fast as possible to avoid him, but he even sang directly. The tune was right, but the lyrics were completely out of shape, and there were all laughing at me. The people around burst into laughter. At that time, I was really wronged to cry. I have never provoked them. Do they laugh at me for fun? But why should we base our happiness on the pain of others? I didn't laugh again that day, and I couldn't sleep at night.


Later, I found out why he laughed at me. He is not afraid of other people's jokes at all. When others laugh at him, he laughs and listens to them.


From then on, I realized that this is almost a vicious circle. I can't change the nature of this circle. I can only try not to be a part of it, but it's really not easy.


"He who keeps company with others will be red, and he who keeps company with others will be black." Sometimes I have the impulse to laugh at others. Although I try my best to control it, it can't be like this forever!


Some people say that I am arrogant and unwilling to communicate with my classmates, but who knows that beneath my arrogance is an inferiority complex! Because, in front of the ridicule of my classmates, I feel unable to raise my head. Because of my inferiority, I do not want to communicate with others and resist the outside world with indifference. I'm tired. I want to get out of this house, but I'm afraid of being hurt. Why is the contradiction of youth so difficult to overcome? I want to face everyone sincerely, but why do so many people block it. Who told me why?

我的烦恼作文 篇10


that day. Everyone had a good time. But I was troubled.


Another night, how did time pass so fast?


During the day, I hit my upper eyelids straight down, just like a person who has sworn enemies. At noon, it was not easy to have a rest, but Luo Qiuru always came to make trouble. The rain has been falling, as if in tears for me. In the afternoon, I distributed extracurricular books, which I had been looking forward to for a long time. However, a few people behind us did not receive them. It was sad that my heart fell from the top of the mountain to the canyon, and it plummeted. The teacher assigned homework. "Another composition." The students complained incessantly, and I also lamented. I thought: "Composition, composition, composition, composition... It's all composition. Teacher Ye is really true. Every day there is a composition, not even a subject matter. Hi!"


When I got home, I spread it on the table and sighed all the time. When I wanted to write a composition, I was confused and had no clue. Without Nai's help, I turned around and rushed into the room, jumping up and down on the bed, rolling left and right, and then a shower of rain. The sound of crying is intermittent, just like the time before the storm. I hit the quilt and cried again. At this time, my mother said, "Crying can solve any problem. Please write something casually!" My mother's words made me very angry. "It's not good to keep a diary for two or three sentences. Go and write it," I cried. Suddenly, I had a flash of inspiration. If I couldn't write it, I could just copy it. I turned over the composition book. It was good if I didn't turn it over. I was even more angry if I turned it over. Why didn't I have a good article! Later, I had a whim, so I might as well write this.


Look, this is my trouble.