
时间:2022-10-14 13:26:33 | 来源:语文通



我的老师作文500字 篇1我的老师作文 篇2我的老师作文400字 篇3我的老师作文 篇4我的老师作文 篇5我的老师作文 篇6我的老师作文 篇7我的老师_200字 篇8

我的老师作文500字 篇1


Teachers, like gardeners, have nurtured young plants one by one and have nurtured children one after another. Under their careful instruction. Our healthy and lively growth, among so many teachers, what impressed me most is the Chinese teacher Duan, who has taught us for nearly two years.


Teacher Duan has a melon seed face, with big watery eyes, long black hair, and a talkative mouth. It is this talkative mouth that gives us knowledge, happiness, and growth together.


In class, teacher Duan will ask students to give lectures. When students make mistakes, teacher Duan will explain the text in person. The teacher explains the text in a vivid way, so that you can listen to it with fascination. In this way, our expression ability is improved, and we learn to help each other in interaction. Teacher Duan will really think of ways.


However, since the outbreak of the epidemic, the state has suspended classes to teach online. Teacher Duan had to teach on his own. At the beginning, everyone was not very comfortable with online classes, and teacher Duan was not very familiar with them. Sometimes she doesn't even know whether her classmates are listening in class. Later, Mr. Duan thought of a way. In the video lectures on nailing, it can be like in school. Teacher Duan is so smart! I really admire her! When we encounter problems in online classes, Mr. Duan will always discuss with us and study with each other. He will never be arrogant because of his knowledge. In this way, we will gain a lot in the discussion. Recently, I found that Miss Duan, who worries about us every day, has lost much of her hair.


Teacher Duan's teaching is just like the spring breeze, laying a good foundation for us. I will go all out to be a useful person to the society in the future. In addition to repaying my parents, I also thank you for your careful cultivation. Thank you, my dear teacher Duan!

我的老师作文 篇2


Tonight, it is already late at night, and everything around is quiet. I lean against the window, looking at the bright moon, accompanied by the twinkling stars, ah! Beautiful picture! The gentle smile reappeared in my mind. The smile was so sweet and unforgettable. He is my composition teacher, Mr. Cannon.


The first time I saw him, I found that he was very talkative. He had already said a lot before he could stand firm. His skin was black, like a Filipino living in the tropics. His character is very gentle. Even if there are bandits robbing him, he will gently say to him: "Ho ho, why?" He told us that for us pupils, the important thing in writing a composition is not "how to write" and "what to write", but "I want to write". So he assigned us an assignment in the middle of the semester - to finish a novel with ten thousand words in one month. I thought: 10000 words? I can't finish it! However, under the guidance of the artillery teacher, I made an outline of the story and wrote more than 4000 words in the first week. I thought he would praise me, but he said firmly, "Please hand in 10000 words next week!"


10000 words? I didn't dare to think about it, so I plunged into my novel. In the novel, I explored with everyone and solved many difficulties. This week, I really wrote more than 10000 words.


When I handed two thick simulation books to the cannon teacher, he looked me up and down and said to me: "Chen Zhulan, I found your arm is thicker! And you also have the temperament of a little writer!"


Night, deeper; It was quieter around; Moon, more clear; The stars are brighter... Here, I really want to say to the cannon teacher: "Thank you, teacher!"

我的老师作文400字 篇3


"Boys and girls, the test is coming." A loud voice sounded. Then came a sigh. A female teacher with a smile, square glasses and a ponytail came with great strides. Who is she? She is Miss Tao.


"Xiaomi" sings with a sigh: "Tang Shi, Tang Shi, I hate you, just like mice hate fat cats. I love you on holidays, just like mice love rice, alas!" Teacher Tao was shocked, and immediately asked him, "Do you hate Tang Shi so much?" Then, he said bluntly, "It's no big deal, isn't it Tang Shi?" Xiaohe made a face and said, "Don't test it. It saves paper and labor." Everyone immediately burst into laughter, and the teacher immediately said seriously, "Hurry up, no one will leave a question today!" "Ah!" Everyone shouted. As a result, the pen in his hand could not help speeding up, and the hall test storm was over.


Then there was the lecture. The teacher was so excited that he almost jumped up. Teacher Tao said, "This kind of question is called 'Brother misses brother'. You see, his brother walked forward all the time. After the whole journey, he twisted his head and looked. Alas? His brother is gone. He hurried back and found it on the way. So, the whole journey was his brother's plus his brother's." As soon as Teacher Tao finished speaking with a smile on his face, Xiaomi broke in, "Teacher, it's half past five, and we have a rest." The teacher immediately pretended to be angry and said, "I'm so excited about what I said, but you interrupt me. Well, tomorrow we will 'reward' 50 questions." no Laughter broke out again.


This is Mr. Tao, an interesting math teacher.

我的老师作文 篇4


When it comes to teachers, some people say they are like spring silkworms, while others say they are like candles. This is also true of the ancient poetry: the silkworms will not end until they die, and the wax torches will not dry until they are ashes and tears.


Although the spirit of a teacher is very similar to these things, what a teacher has is not something that can be replaced. Let's talk about our Chinese teacher! She is responsible for her work, great and selfless, and she cares about her classmates very much. Like a diligent gardener, she carefully watered the sprouting seedlings with her own efforts; She is also our guide, letting us know how high the sky is and how thick the ground is


She is medium height, with dark bright hair, big bright eyes, and a sharp chin. She shows the posture that intellectuals often have. Her serious expression often reminds us to listen carefully. She is our head teacher, Miss Li. She has a magical power that often inspires us, supports us and warms us.


Teacher Li is conscientious and responsible, and pays great attention to our achievements. Look, she is carefully correcting the test paper again. Even a small typo cannot escape her. Every time the test paper is handed out, students will find that the red circle in the whole paper is a typo. In addition, every lunch break, she always brings her examination papers to the dormitory for inspection. If the results are ideal, Miss Li will encourage us to continue to work hard; If it is not good, we should receive a ideological education.


Mr. Li is also a good teacher who is "selfless" and has the title of "Bao Qingtian". Whether you are a good student or a poor student, whether you are a boy or a girl, whether you are a monitor or a "civilian", or whether you have ever won any honor for the class, as long as you make mistakes, you must be criticized.


In her spare time, Miss Li has also become our best friend, playing with us, talking and laughing. Just let us find Mr. Li's amiable and amiable side.


Miss Li will be the process of my growth, and an important chapter that I will never forget. The sweat and hard work she has paid, let us get, she has no reservations, no regrets, she is selfless. I am proud of my former student, Mr. Li, who will remain in my memory forever!


My teacher, she is unique, she is not a silkworm, nor a candle, but her own - a most respectable teacher.

我的老师作文 篇5


She, surnamed Wang, is tall, thin, with a fair face and curly hair. She likes to wear a blouse and jeans. This is the new teacher who just transferred to our school this year. It seems to give you a very kind feeling. I am honored to be her student.


The teacher's attitude towards us was really kind, with a kind look in his eyes. Therefore, some students who do not observe discipline in class take the opportunity to "drill holes".


Once in a math class, Yang Zhiwen and his teacher were openly against each other. Unexpectedly, the teacher was neither anxious nor angry. He took a chair and said to everyone, "On the first day of school, I told you that whoever didn't listen carefully to my lecture or the students' answers would be invited to be a teacher. Now let's invite Yang Zhiwen to lecture for us." Then, the teacher gave him the method of teaching, and with the help of his teachers and classmates, he finally managed to finish the topic that the teacher wanted to talk about. The teacher smiled and asked him, "Do you still speak freely?" He bowed his head in shame. We were afraid that he would not correct, so we observed him secretly for several days. Unexpectedly, he did.


I found that teachers are not only good at educating people, but also good at teaching. Once, when the bell rang, we quickly ran into the classroom and sat at our desks, waiting for the teacher to teach us the second lesson, "Forest Sea". When the teacher came, she asked us, "You must know what the sea looks like. Have you ever seen an endless forest like the sea? Today we will walk into the Great Khingan Mountains with the famous writer Lao She to enjoy the scenery there. The forest like the sea can be called --?", The students answered with one voice: "Lin Hai!" "By the way, it's great.". The teacher picked up a piece of chalk, turned around, and left two beautiful words "Lin Hai" on the blackboard with snow-white chalk.


"Now, please read the text by yourselves and find out the sentences in the text that are kind and comfortable. OK, let's begin...". We listened to that lesson very carefully. Under the guidance of our teacher, we seemed to be in the green ocean, enjoying the Xing'an Mountains where green pines are made into shirts, white birches are skirts, and embroidered shoes are still on. We felt the tenderness of the mountains... We didn't even hear the bell ringing after school.


The teacher also investigated our personal hobbies. She also said that a wide range of interests is beneficial to our healthy development. As long as it is reasonable, she will support it, but we should correctly treat its relationship with learning. No, one of the athletes in our class who took part in the county sports meeting said that exercise would delay learning, but the teacher said it was an opportunity to show himself


How about, you will like our teacher after listening to it? Although she taught us for a short time, she left a deep impression on me.

我的老师作文 篇6


My former head teacher was Miss Wang. She was medium height, tall and straight, full of vitality, and her bright big eyes always looked at us kindly and kindly.


Miss Wang is very strict. When we don't pay attention in class, she will severely criticize us. When we behave well, she will encourage and praise us. When it is cold, she will ask our dormitory teachers to give us more clothes... In short, Miss Wang cares about and cares for us everywhere, so that we learn a lot of knowledge!


Our new head teacher is called Mr. Wu. Mr. Wu walks with a pair of glasses and is very energetic. I heard that he is a good teacher with teaching experience. He sent away a batch of excellent graduates. I think, with such teaching experience, I must study hard and make progress every day. I must get rid of the small trouble of doing small things in class and strive to be a good student. Please believe me, teacher!


Today is Teachers' Day. I wish all teachers a happy holiday! Family happiness!

我的老师作文 篇7


I study in Fengle Primary School. I like math teachers and Chinese teachers best. They taught me the truth of life. They work hard to teach us every day. They need to drink a few glasses of water after each class. When I saw them working so hard, I told myself to study hard and not waste the teacher's expectation on us.


Therefore, I study hard every day. I once got 85 points in the exam. The teacher's eyes showed disappointment. I felt very guilty. So, I vowed to give the teacher a score of 100. In this way, the teacher will not be disappointed. So I review every night. I must get 100 points in the final exam. If so, I really got 100 points when the teacher said to me, "Zhou Wenmin, you have made great progress, and you are my pride." I love my teacher! Deng Sufang and Xie Miaoxiu.

我的老师_200字 篇8


My teacher has big eyes and long hair. She is very beautiful.


The teacher usually likes reading, sometimes, the teacher is very strict, sometimes, the teacher likes to talk and laugh.


The teacher was about thirty years old, tall, and straight, no matter walking or standing, just like a poplar tree beside the road.


The teacher likes to wear gray clothes. It's windy and fiery when walking. The laughter floats wherever the teacher goes, even in class.


The teacher's eyes are like the stars on the autumn night, kind and bright, as if they are looking at me kindly.


In class, the whole class looked at the teacher. If anyone didn't obey, the teacher would look at her with a stern expression.


At the beginning of the third art class, I quietly noticed the teacher's eyes. These eyes are very special and bright. When the teacher's eyes turned and met mine, I lowered my head quickly. Really, the eyes had already shone into my heart.


I love my beautiful teacher!