
时间:2022-11-28 12:44:41 | 来源:语文通


"Homeland" has many synonymous words, such as hometown, country, native wells, townships, townships, natives, hometown, hometown, hometown, hometown, Sangzi, hometown, etc.




2. Citation explanation


1. The garden in the home.Fortunately, family or hometown.

  《后汉书·桓荣传》:“﹝ 桓荣 ﹞贫窶无资,常客佣以自给,精力不倦,十五年不闚家园。” 唐 薛能 《新雪》诗:“香暖会中怀岳寺,憔鸣村外想家园。” 金 元好问 《九日读书山》诗之三:“山腰抱佛刹,十里望家园。” 清 纳兰性德 《好事近》词之三:“何路向家园,歷歷残山賸水。都把一春冷澹,到麦秋天气。” 峻青 《秋色赋·故乡杂忆》:“人们都坚定地相信着胜利,相信着明天,相信着不久的将来,一定能够在战争的废墟上,建设起从未有过的美好的家园。”

"The Biography of the Han Dynasty": "﹝ 桓 ﹞ ﹞ ﹞ ﹞ ﹞ ﹞ 窭 窭 窭 窭 窭 窭 窭 窭 窭 窭 窭 窭 窭 窭 窭 窭 《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《能 能 能 能 《”Yue Temple, the imaginary homeland outside the village. "Jin Yuanhao asked the third poem" Reading the Mountain on the Nine Days ":" Hold the Buddha's Charity in the Mountainside, and look at the home in ten miles. "He Lu Xiangjiayuan, vividly reached the remaining mountains. All the spring is cold to the weather in Mai Qiu. "Jun Qing" Autumn Fudy · Hometown Miscellaneous Memories ":" People firmly believe in victory, believe in tomorrow, believe that in the shortcomings of the short time, I believe in the near future.In the future, it will definitely be able to build a beautiful home that has never been built on the ruins of war. "


2. Your own garden.

  晋 潘岳 《橘赋》:“故 成都 美其家园, 江陵 重其千树。” 丁玲 《母亲》四:“原来她的父亲特意来看她时,给她带来了许多点心和水果,水果都是乡下家园里的。”

Jin Panyue's "Orange Fu": "Therefore, Chengdu Meizhi's home, Jiangling has a thousand trees." Ding Ling's "Mother" 4: "When her father came to see her, she brought her a lot of snacks and fruits.It's in the homeland in the countryside. "


3. Home.

  清 李玉 《人兽关·豪逐》:“我儿,自从你父亲亡后,家园荡尽,夕不谋朝,如何是好?”

Qing Li Yu's "Human Beast Guan · Hao Chao": "My child, since your father died, his home was gone, and he did not seek the dynasty. How can it be good?"


1. Basic explanation

  家园,指家中的庭园。泛指家庭或家乡。语出《后汉书·桓荣传》:“﹝ 桓荣 ﹞贫窭无资,常客佣以自给,精力不倦,十五年不窥家园。”

Homeland refers to the garden in the home.Fortunately, family or hometown.The words "The Biography of the Han Dynasty · The Biography of the Rong Rong": "﹝ 桓 ﹞ ﹞ ﹞ ﹞ ﹞ ﹞ 窭 窭 窭 窭 窭 窭 窭 窭 窭 窭 窭 窭 窭 窭 窭 窭 窭 窭 窭 窭 窭 窭 窭 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 语 I do n’t see my homes for fifteen years."

  1. [homeland;home]:家里的庭院。

1. [Homeland; Home]: The courtyard at home.

  2. [hometown]:故乡

2. [Hometown]: Hometown

  3. [family]:泛指家庭。

3. [FAMILY]: refers to the family.