
时间:2022-11-05 12:47:52 | 来源:语文通



进入初中的感受作文600字 篇1进入初中的感受作文600字 篇2进入初中的感受作文500字 篇3上初中的感受作文 篇4进入初中的感受作文600字 篇5进入初中的感受作文600字 篇6进入初中的感受作文600字 篇7进入初中的感受作文500字 篇8进入初中的感受作文500字 篇9进入初中的感受作文500字 篇10

进入初中的感受作文600字 篇1


What is happiness? I have studied deeply, but I still can't get the gist. But then I learned that happiness is a glass of water.


After getting up in the morning, the breakfast prepared by my mother and a cup of warm water were placed on the table early. My mother has her job. After preparing my breakfast, my mother went out first. The morning sun shines in from the balcony, and the cup with warm water is still curling with heat.


I took a sip of warm water and wandered around the room. After breakfast, I carried my schoolbag and walked to my daily destination.


At the end of a full and fun day, I returned home from the campus with my schoolbag on my back. After I entered the house, my mother came home only one step earlier than I did in the morning, and there was still a glass of water on the table at home. The school is a long way from home. When I return home from school every day, the first thing I do is not put down my backpack, but take a glass of water and drink it clean.


I can't remember when this habit began. I don't know when my mother used to put a glass of water on the table. I never thought about it carefully before, but once my mother returned to her grandmother's house for a few days, and I realized that the cup of water actually contained the taste of happiness I had been looking for.


Water is colorless and tasteless, but this cup of water poured by my mother is no longer colorless and tasteless.


When my mother was away from home for a few days, there was no glass of water on the table. It was also at this time that I suddenly woke up and felt happy. In fact, it was to let us feel the most ordinary details of life. Happiness often lies in these inadvertently.


A glass of water is my mother's concern and love for me, and I feel happy, just like I drank that cup of warm water, which brings warmth to my body and mind. Happiness is warm. When we pay attention to life, we will find that happiness is everywhere. When we close our eyes and feel happiness quietly, even the air seems to have a taste of happiness.

进入初中的感受作文600字 篇2


The passing of time day by day, year by year, makes all of us so caught off guard. Sometimes I even suddenly ask myself: Are you in the third grade of junior high school? Really junior high school third grade?


Junior high school grade one, junior high school grade two, junior high school grade three now. In fact, when I recall the past two years, first I was ignorant, then I was muddleheaded, and then I was unruly, hey hey! just so so!


The feeling of the third grade of junior high school is completely different from that of this part. At the beginning of school, after the new textbooks were issued, I opened the textbooks instead of wondering about interesting articles and strange scientific knowledge. Most of them are about math problems and complex physical formulas that I don't understand at all. They worry about how I will learn to understand them. Looking at the full schedule and mountains of books and homework every day, I have asked me: How can I persist!


I have to get up at 5:30 every morning. Almost every day, I have to fight against the alarm clock. I only get up after the alarm clock rings at least three times. It's 9:20 after school in the evening. It's 9:40 when I get home. If I finish my homework after dinner, it will be around 10:30. I look at my parents watching TV every night. How I envy them, but I think there are still many homework waiting for me! All of them have killed my desire to watch TV. Alas, which let me junior high school third grade? No matter how hard and tired I will persist!


In the class, we can see that the students are busy all of a sudden. Xiang Jingbo takes a book to ask this and that all day long, working tirelessly; Zhao Mengqi also made up her mind. If she didn't understand, she had to ask. In chemistry, she made the greatest effort. Li Mengyao and Zhao Tiantian were also making progress. I felt heavy pressure, and the students were working hard. What reasons could I not refuel?


In the third grade of junior high school, I also know a lot, and I'm not crazy anymore. No longer do nothing like before.


It's the third grade of junior high school, and I should grow up.

进入初中的感受作文500字 篇3


"Dingdingding", another new semester has arrived, but this time it is different from the previous school, because I have come to a new school, yes, I have transferred. Early in the morning, I was both excited and nervous on my mother's way to school.


When I arrived near the school, I found that there were already many cars parked. Parents and students were bustling about. Entering the south gate, a huge playground emerged. From time to time, several students walked. Like me, they started school today. After taking temperature and other checks, I walked around the corridor and walked up to the third floor to the door of my new classroom. Before I entered the classroom, I could already hear some students reading the text aloud. I thought I had to hurry up and not be late.


When I walked to the door of the classroom, there were strange faces, some were surprised, some were surprised, some were still immersed in reading for a second. My heart was up and down, and my little heart was "thumping". I was afraid that I could not get into this group. I lowered my head to find a seat and sat down, feeling more nervous. At the end of the class, these new students came to greet me in twos and threes, and my heart slowly dropped its guard. Soon, I met many new students.


As our Chinese teacher and head teacher, Mr. Wu, who is conscientious, told us the school system and class rules seriously on the first day of school, which is my first feeling. Mr. Wu told us that we are now in the fourth grade, and many things need to be completed independently. We can't rely too much on teachers and parents. Our math teacher is a male teacher, but he speaks softly and feels like a big brother. On the first day of class, I thought the time passed quickly. Obviously, the 40 minute course time was only 10 minutes.


New school, new atmosphere! I like my new campus, new teachers, new classmates! In the new campus, I will study hard and set sail!

上初中的感受作文 篇4


In the sixth grade, I always thought: What is junior high school like? What is my class like? What are your classmates like? I have raised many questions, but who can answer them for me?


In a twinkling of an eye, Grandpa Time took me to the first day of junior high school. When I walked into the school gate, I was full of pride. I looked at the bulletin board and went to the gate. On that day, I went late, and many students were already sitting in the class. I stood at the door, ready to knock, but retracted. My heart was very confused. Knock? Don't knock? Knock but dare not. How can I get in without knocking! It's better to knock. I got up my confidence and knocked again.


A few seconds later, the teacher opened the door and smiled at me. I felt very warm in my heart and walked in. Looking at the strange eyes of my classmates, I felt a little panic. I quickly found a seat. Before I could sit down, I found that there was no stool under the table. When the students nearby saw it, they quickly took a stool over there and smiled at me. The warmth immediately spread all over the body.


I finally sat down, and my thoughts came out again. What was junior high school like? What is our class like I answered in my heart: junior high school is beautiful, the class is warm, and the students are friendly. At the end of the answer, I felt full of a great sense of responsibility.


Junior high school life is beautiful and tense. I don't feel the unspeakable happiness of primary school, but it makes me feel a new and different feeling.

进入初中的感受作文600字 篇5


Success has been the aspiration of thousands of people since ancient times. How many real successes have been achieved in the world? What does success mean? Only successful people can truly understand what it means to be successful? Only successful people can "taste" this. However, success is both so near and so far away.


Early in the morning, I went to my brother to borrow a bike and asked him to teach me how to ride a bike. He readily agreed, and he and I came to the station gate where there was no traffic to learn to ride a bike. My brother first gave me a demonstration, which was aimed at people like me. First, teach me to get on the car, put one foot on the ground on the left side of the bracket below the front of the seat, then put the other right foot on the right foot pedal, and then step the left foot on the left foot pedal, and then sit on the seat. At first, I needed my brother to help me to get on the bus. Slowly, I began to feel comfortable, but I could get on the bus without my brother's help later. Next, I started to learn to ride. My brother gave me a demonstration. I saw that it was just stepping on the pedals one circle at a time. I was eager to get on the bike and fell down after two and a half circles. I felt pretty good. After all, I didn't need my brother to help me. I walked two and a half laps alone before falling down. So my confidence was greatly increased. I tried and strode so repeatedly, and finally I could ride after a long time. But when I was riding, I encountered a problem: how to get off the bus. In a hurry, I jumped off the bus with my left foot on the ground on the left side of the bracket in front of the bus seat, and my right foot on the ground on the right side of the bracket in front of the bus seat. So I often get off the bus like this.


Although I am young, I firmly believe in the saying "Aspiration is not high in years". Because my determination, desire and intelligence have created miracles. So my mother had to live up to her promise to buy me a bike.


Success is a cup of sweet wine, success is a wonderful poem, success is a ray of warm sunshine, success records my best feeling, making me memorable. It feels good to be successful!

进入初中的感受作文600字 篇6


Feel the four seasons and the nature. The four seasons give us too much joy. Now, let's experience the four seasons together!


In spring, when we were still immersed in our dreams, the messenger of spring, Xiao Cao, had already stretched, pushed away all the obstacles hindering its growth, and stood up tenaciously. In the wind, swaying its gentle posture, willows also spit out a little green in this vibrant season, and the tender leaves have been quietly covered with branches when we are not paying attention. Nature is full of vitality.


In summer, many famous and unknown flowers bloom in this hot summer. If you don't let me, I won't let you compete with me. Close your eyes, as if you are living in a heaven on earth. On a summer day, the baby's face changed as soon as it was said. The sky was clear, and soon dark clouds covered the sky. All the things in nature that could make sounds were invited. They had really discussed for a long time for this concert! As soon as they appeared, they cooperated with each other, and many colorful mushrooms grew on the ground. Nature makes us listen to sounds.


In autumn, there are many fruits, and the trees are full of heavy fruits. This is a reward for the hardworking farmers. Sweet and delicious corn, sweet and juicy grapes, and purple eggplants... In this harvest season, we want to harvest the hope we planted in spring. Nature makes us happy.


In the cold winter, white and flawless six edged snowflakes floated down one after another, then put one on the palm of the hand, and it melted in the blink of an eye, cool. Looking around, the earth is covered with a big white blanket. The children ran out, and I followed the army to the snow. Three groups, two groups, fought the "War of Resistance against Japan". My dog also came to join in the excitement, but it could not withstand the cold, ran quickly to the home, leaving a string of plum blossom prints on the snow... Nature let us feel the joy of snow to the children.


Spring, summer, autumn and winter are the four seasons. Although the calendar has been turned over, the past is still vivid. I would like to taste the mellow coffee of nature and taste the taste of life!

进入初中的感受作文600字 篇7


Everyone is happy in this world, whether poor or rich, they are happy. Some people will ask why? If you don't know, let me tell you!


In fact, everyone is happy in this world. Why? Because every life in this world will have a mother's care, will have a friend's care, will have a perfect life course. Like me, I am very happy. When I was a child at my grandparents' home, I felt very happy when my grandparents loved me and loved me. And when I am not sensible, my mother always washes my face and hands before I go to bed. At this time, I feel very happy. And when I was in primary school, I couldn't sleep every night. My mother looked at it and said to me, "Daughter, can't sleep? Let my mother tell you a story! Maybe you can sleep after listening to it!" After listening, I had to say, "OK, Mom, tell me a story!" Every night my mother told me stories, she would see me very late until I fell asleep. And after each speech, I left a deep good night kiss on my forehead. Every night. Whenever I recall that time, I will feel that I am really happy to come to this world! I feel so happy!


And when I was a child, I was really happy at my aunt's house! Every morning when I get up, my two brothers and sisters call out the first time: "Mom!" I also followed the call: "Mom!" The aunt heard the three of us shouting and immediately came to the room and said to me, "Little Dream, I'm not your mother! I'm your aunt!" When I heard this, I would say to my aunt mischievously, "No! No! You are my mother! You are my mother!" At that time, I will feel very happy!


In my life, I think everything that happens around me is happy. For example, when I get up in the morning and go for a walk, the birds will say hello to you, and the flowers will smile at you. In short, I feel that I am the happiest person in the world, and no one can be happier than me.

进入初中的感受作文500字 篇8


As usual, it was another hot summer. However, when this summer comes, we will go out of junior high school and embark on the journey of high school.


From the first day of junior high to the third day of junior high, every student has witnessed our growth in the past three years together with teachers and parents. On the first day of the junior high school, the crooked handwriting on the Pinyin book and the unmatched pen marks on the math book announced the beginning of junior high school and the first systematic learning stage. Over the past three years, our smiling faces and excited eyes have proved our success again and again.


Do you remember the smart elf in the math book in the junior grade? Do you remember the cabbage teacher and the radish student in the middle grade math book? Do you remember the cute figure chasing a kite in a hat in a junior Chinese book? Do you remember the happy eyes of the girl walking with the dog in the fourth grade Chinese book


For three years, perhaps time can really wash away something, but it can't wash away the memory left on the books, the sound of books, and the happiness with the students who made the sound of books. This is true both in the past three years and in the next three years.


Students are the most beautiful words on campus, while teachers are the most noble words on campus. In study and life, with the company of classmates and the guidance of teachers, it is no longer difficult, no longer difficult, no longer lonely.


With the students, some may not only laugh, but also argue, and even fight red in the face; However, in the end, the students will come together and work together - because we never hated anyone.


Looking back on the three years of social time, although short, but also left a lot of. Hold your head high and walk forward to meet the sun tomorrow. Although we miss the past, we should also move towards the future; In the past, it should be used for collection.

进入初中的感受作文500字 篇9


What is happiness? Happiness is a feeling, a state of mind, and an experience. Happiness is leisure, happiness is hard work, happiness is treasure hunting, happiness is close to nature; Happiness is grasping and possessing, and happiness is mutual assistance and dedication; Happiness is a straw hat handed by my father, a call from my mother, and a bunch of flowers held by my friends. For me, the greatest happiness is to stay with my mother forever.


Everyone said: "Motherly love is priceless, maternal love is great." It is true. For myself, if I can't see and hear my mother's voice for a period of time, I will be unaccustomed and uncomfortable.


My mother is a rural woman who has never been to school, so her greatest hope in her life is that I can study hard and get into a good university in the future. At home, my mother always said to me: "Only reading can change your destiny and make you have a better future." I didn't feel bored with my mother's words, because I knew that my mother taught me for my own good, so I felt very happy.


Mother not only cares about my study, but also about my daily life. Whenever I go home on Sunday, I always care about how well I eat at school, and whether I get along well with my classmates? Tell me to go to bed on time at school and pay attention to my body.


I remember when I was young, my family was poor and could not afford anything. In winter, when I had no gloves, my mother would sit under the lamp at night and sew them for me by hand because I was too busy during the day. Seeing my mother's hard work, I was very distressed. I vowed to study hard when I grew up, in order to repay my mother.


I feel very happy every day with my mother.


I believe that not only do I have such feelings, but all people in the world will have the same feelings!

进入初中的感受作文500字 篇10


What is success? Ah, success is the combination of pain and joy; Success is laughter after sweat; Success is the goal that people strive to pursue; Success is... Let's feel success together and enjoy the joy that success brings us.


On my way of growing up, I have experienced countless successes. What impressed me most was that time - successfully running 800 meters.


It was a sunny afternoon, and the teacher assigned a difficult task to challenge the 800 meter long distance race. When I heard the news, I was shocked. I've always been afraid of long-distance running. It's really more difficult to complete the 'task' than climbing into the sky. I can't help it. I can only take one step at a time.


As soon as the whistle sounded, we rushed forward, looked straight ahead, and kept swinging our hands. After two laps, most of the students were exhausted, and only a few of the male students remained as usual. I fell behind and was very worried. I wanted to rush to the front. But my legs did not listen to me and ran feebly. After three laps, only the last lap is left, which is also the hardest lap. The birds on the branches chirped, as if they were cheering me on. The colorful flags in the air danced in the wind, as if they were cheering me on. I gritted my teeth and ran again. The end point is in front of us, but it is so far away. I tried my best to rush to the end.


After the whole run, I collapsed in the arms of my classmates, and the whole person seemed to collapse. However, I successfully ran 800 meters. The tears of excitement slowly fell from the cheeks, and the smile like flowers opened on the face. In tears and laughter, I tasted the taste of success. It was a kind of feeling from the heart. At that moment, the ups and downs, the ups and downs, the ups and downs, the ups and downs, the ups and downs


Success is just like this. It contains all kinds of emotions in the world, which cannot be described in words.