
时间:2022-11-12 12:52:11 | 来源:语文通



游秦始皇兵马俑 篇1西安兵马俑作文 篇2兵马俑作文 篇3兵马俑作文 篇4兵马俑作文 篇5

游秦始皇兵马俑 篇1


Someone once said, "If you don't look at the terracotta figures, you can't really come to China." During the Tomb Sweeping Day, my parents took me to the ancient capital Xi'an to visit the "Eighth Wonder of the World" and the Terra Cotta Warriors, the burial objects of the First Emperor of Qin.


The Terra Cotta Warriors are world-famous, and I am full of expectations. As soon as I entered the gate of the scenic spot, I was very excited. According to the tour guide, the ambitious Qin Shihuang, hoping to live in glory and wealth after death, sent people to build the world-famous Terra Cotta Warriors, which became a golden card in ancient China!


The hospital is full of people, old and young, and many foreigners. Looking around, you can see green everywhere. Rows of pines and cypresses stand among them, like loyal guards.


We first went to Pit 1 of the Terra Cotta Warriors. This is the largest pit. As soon as I entered the door, I saw all kinds of Terra Cotta Warriors: some were squatting, looking serious, as if they were visiting some generals; Some hold their heads high and are confident, as if they don't take the enemy seriously; Some frowned as if they were thinking about how to defeat the enemy


Their headdresses are also different: some wear chopstick crowns, some wear cloud long crowns, and more are tied hair in buns. They are all carved vividly.


Then, we visited the Second Composition Pit. Pit 2 is a little smaller than Pit 1. Here, we see a picture, which indicates that there is a hole left by tomb robbers. My father and I searched for a while, and we found it! This hole is uneven. The guide said that if you look carefully, you can see a wooden stick supporting the hole. It seems that the tomb robbers are earlier than the investigators! It's a pity that such precious cultural heritage has been lost!


Finally, we came to No. 3 Pit. There are fewer Terra Cotta Warriors here, and the most prominent one is the carriage. The carriage is pulled by four horses. The horse is fat, healthy and majestic. Behind it is a standing Terracotta Warriors. His hands are hollow fists, he holds the reins tightly, his eyes are flying, and he is energetic. He seems to know some good news, and he is eager to report it.


After looking at these pits, I found one thing in common: there are many walls. After consulting, we learned that this is a rammed load-bearing wall, and the groove on it is the impression of shed wood, which is really knowledge everywhere! At this moment, I also understand what my mother always said: "Read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles"!


The Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses of the Qin Dynasty are the crystallization of the blood, tears and wisdom of the ancient working people of our country, as well as the treasure of human spiritual civilization!


It is the pride of Chinese people! How can we let such a valuable and meaningful legacy be destroyed?

西安兵马俑作文 篇2


The Terra Cotta Warriors in the west are world-famous. When you come to the Terra Cotta Warriors Museum, first buy tickets and invite the tour guide to visit.


First, the guide led us into Pit 1, and many Terra Cotta Warriors came into sight. The guide told us: "At this time, there are more than 6000 Terra Cotta Warriors in Pit 1, including the vanguard, chariots, the flanks and the center of the chariots..." After a closer look, it turns out that each Terra Cotta Warriors is different. They have different attitudes, different movements, different faces, and even different heights. It's amazing! Ancient dating is really imaginative! This is really a wonderful craftsmanship! So many Terra Cotta Warriors cannot be repeated. I admire them very much. No wonder Emperor Qin Shihuang was able to fight from south to north and unify the six countries.


It is a supporting force to walk through Pit 1 and come to Pit 2. There are kneeling figurines, standing shooting servants, chariots, standing shooting servants and kneeling figurines, forming a powerful military array. The right foot is kneeling, the left foot is standing, wearing armor and riding boots, and the expression is serious. The bun is left, as if holding a bow and arrow. The vertical archer is almost like a kneeling statue, but he stands. Why don't they have weapons? Experts speculated that these weapons had been corroded because they had been buried underground for too long, so the servants clearly had hands to "hold" and "take", but they returned empty handed. It seems that I heard the design of "brush"... I saw the dense arrows and smelled a strong gunpowder smell.


Then we came to Pit 3. The guide said that Pit 3 was a special team of the headquarters. There are two carriages inside, one for nurses and the other for Qin Shihuang. Qin Shihuang is really brilliant. I could not help seeing the dust raised by the horse's hooves and hearing the sound of hoofs stepping on the ground. I seem to see him sitting in a chariot commanding thousands of troops, unifying China and fighting all over the country.


The guide also said that Pit 4 had not been opened. It was a place to store food.


This underground army is the work of the ancient working people and the pride of our motherland. No wonder such a spectacular scene has become the eighth wonder of the world.

兵马俑作文 篇3


The morning in this ancient city is especially refreshing. I got up early and walked with the cool wind, feeling extremely comfortable.


Birds are my companions, trees are my confidants, and they have become my confidants.


Each tree is so green and straight. I close my eyes and feel the charm of the ancient city with my heart.


After breakfast, we stood in line, carrying bags, and the waiting bus kept urging us to get on the bus, which was not very good tempered.


The bus drove straight to the direction of the Terra Cotta Warriors. When we arrived at the square, rows of people poured into the entrance. Many foreign friends greeted us. We also shouted simple greetings to them in less fluent English, trying to make foreigners feel the enthusiasm of our people.

兵马俑作文 篇4


Villagers in Xiyang Village, Lintong County, Shaanxi Province will never forget the chilly spring day in March 1974. At that time, the three young farmers held their breath in a short moment, because this field seemed to annihilate them, as well as their drill bits, tripods and wooden shovels. A moment ago, a well was drilled 1.5 kilometers east of the Qin Shihuang Cemetery.


On March 29, people will never forget this day. On that day, villagers Yang Zhifa and Yang Yanxin found a large number of fragments of pottery figurines, bunches of bronze arrowheads, bronze crossbows and other weapons, as well as a large number of floor tiles when digging underground.


The news spread quickly. Soon, an archaeological excavation team settled in Xiyang Village and began the arduous excavation work. No one could have expected that this modest archaeological work shocked the world with an astonishing discovery half a year later: this is a rectangular Terra Cotta Warriors pit of the Qin Dynasty, which is at least 203 meters long from east to west and 59 meters wide from north to south. Not only in China, but also in the whole world, there has never been such a large-scale funerary pit!


The excavation work continued. In 1976, two more Terra Cotta Warriors pits were found 20 meters and 25 meters north of the pit. According to the time of discovery, they were named Pit 1, Pit 2 and Pit 3 of the Terra Cotta Warriors respectively. The total area of the three pits is 22780 square meters. In addition, a deserted empty pit, No. 4 Pit, was found.


Archaeological work finally confirmed that a total of more than 8000 life size pottery Terra Cotta Warriors were buried in this basement. They are close and lifelike. Since 2000 years ago, they have been guarding here silently and faithfully.


So far, the mysterious underground palace in the wilderness has been completely rediscovered. After 2000 years of history, the huge underground army of Qin Shihuang came to the world in formation. They made every witness feel deeply shocked, experienced time and space flow in a trance, and returned to the distant era when flags were flying and wind was surging.

兵马俑作文 篇5


It is the crystallization of the wisdom of the Chinese people. It is the most loyal army of the Qin Shihuang. It is also the most precious world-class cultural relic. It is the Terra Cotta Warriors of the Qin Shihuang Mausoleum.


After the ancient nobles died, they still wanted to continue the luxurious life when they were alive, so they liked to find slaves to be buried with them. But Qin Shihuang had many troops and slaves. After he died, he could not find so many people to be buried with him, could he? So the wise ancients used clay figurines instead, which is the origin of the Terra Cotta Warriors.


The Terra Cotta Warriors of the Qin Shihuang Mausoleum was discovered in 1974. It covers an area of 20170 square meters, which is the size of 50 basketball courts. So far, about 11400 Terra Cotta Warriors have been dug up, which is worthy of being the army of Qin Shihuang, the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty.


The Terra Cotta Warriors are distributed in three pits in a certain order. Pit No. 1 mainly contains some chariots and soldiers; The things in Pit 2 are similar to those in Pit 1. The difference lies in the formation, but Pit 2 is the most spectacular of the three pits! Not only are there many figurines, but also the kneeling shooting figurines were found for the first time; There are mainly cars and horses in Pit 3. Their colors are much richer than those of human figures. Why? Scientists are still studying. Maybe there will be an answer in the near future.


When I stood in front of the Terra Cotta Warriors, I felt as if I had returned to the battlefield of flag hunting: the face of the Terra Cotta Warriors showed a serious expression, his eyes were bright, as if he was staring at the map, as if thinking about how to win the war; The Terracotta Warriors clenched their weapons in their hands, but stared into the distance, as if missing their hometown; Even the horse knew that there was going to be a war. He closed his lips and said nothing, as if he were listening to his master's order with all his attention.


After reading my introduction, is your heart ready? Did you become curious about the Terra Cotta Warriors? Be sure to visit the Terra Cotta Warriors after the holiday! I'm waiting for you in Xi'an!