
时间:2022-06-09 13:38:58 | 来源:语文通

  每个小学生都想成为优秀学生,作为一名中学生要学会自律,养成良好的学习习惯,才能成为一个优秀学生。下面是小编整理的一些初中优秀学生事迹范文 于的相关资料,供你参考。

Every elementary school student wants to be an excellent student. As a middle school student, he must learn to discipline and develop good learning habits in order to become an excellent student.Below is the relevant information of some essays compiled by composition fan network editors for your reference.


  男,20xx年9月出生,13岁。20xx年9月被户县 中学录取成为一名中学生,在校期间,能模范地遵守《中学生守则》《中学生 、 日常行为规范》和学校的各项规章制度;能认真刻苦地学习科学文化知识,团结 同学、尊敬师长。同时能坚持做到上课前预习好,课上认真听讲,课后完成好老师布置的作业及温习好作业, 受到各任科老师的一致好评。同时我还在思想认识上积极要求,向团组织靠拢,通过自己的努力,于 20xx 年 10 月光荣地加进了中 国共产主义青年团,圆了自己的团员梦。

Male, born in September 20xx, 13 years old.In September 20XX, he was admitted to a middle school student in Holy County Middle School. During his school, he could model the "Middle School Students' Code", "Middle School Students, Daily Behavior Specifications" and the school's rules and regulations.Unity classmates and respect for teachers.At the same time, you can insist on making good preparations before class, listen carefully in the class, complete the assignments and assignments arranged by the teacher after class, and have been well received by the teachers of all deities.At the same time, I also actively requested my ideological understanding, moved closer to the group organization, and gloriously entered the Chinese Communist Youth League in October 20xx through my own efforts, fulfilling my dream of my team members.

  在班里,同学们都称我为“智多星”,那是因为我的数学、英语棒。有时候,全班同学只有我能做出难题的正确答案。俗话说:“金无足赤,人无完人”。我的语文成绩却一直不是那么突出,作文水平也不及他人,幸亏有老师的教导、同学的帮助,通过不断的学习语文成绩有了明显的提高。我很有集体荣誉感,从来不去做破坏班集体荣誉的事。积极地参加学校组织的各种活动,认真地做好自己的工作,值日时绝不偷懒,同时搞好个人卫生,勤洗头、剪指甲,养成了良好的学习习惯。我的性格是开朗的,我爱和同学们交往,帮他们解答问题,和同学们一同探讨与交流,我愿意虚心听取别人的意见 。

In the class, my classmates called me "Zhi Duo Xing", because of my mathematics and English.Sometimes, the classmates are only the right answer to me to make problems.As the saying goes: "There is no golden gold, no one is perfect."My Chinese grades have not been so prominent, and the level of composition is not as good as others. Fortunately, there are teachers' teaching and help of classmates. Through continuous learning Chinese grades, it has improved significantly.I have a sense of collective honor and never do everything to destroy the collective honor of the class.Actively participate in various activities organized by the school, and do your own work carefully. He will never be lazy at the day. At the same time, you do a good job of personal hygiene, wash your hair, cut your nails, and develop good learning habits.My personality is cheerful. I love to associate with my classmates, help them answer questions, and discuss and communicate with my classmates. I am willing to listen to other people's opinions with an open mind.

  在家里,尊敬长辈,孝顺父母。在每天的日程计划里,都会列上帮父母做些力所能及的家 务。打扫卫生、收拾房间是我和 妈妈周末的必

At home, respect the elders, filial piety to parents.In the daily schedule plan, you will help your parents do some of the family affairs.Cleaning and cleaning up the room is a must -have on weekends with my mother

  修课,自己的事情自己独立完成,今天的事今天做好,是我对自己的一惯 要求。因为我家庭里充满欢笑、和谐的气氛。 我追求全面发展,兴趣广泛,除认真学习课本知识外,我还特别喜欢看书、绘画、唱歌。闲暇时,我总是挤出时间来看书,我喜欢看的书有《十万个为什么》、《三国演义》、《哈利波特》、《格林童话》等,由于我养成了良好的看书习惯,促进了我写作水平的提高。我还担当节目主持人参加演讲比赛,主持少先队员入队仪式,多次获得“三好学生”称号、“优秀少先队员”称号、喜迎北京奥运会全国少年儿童摄影大赛绘画作品铜奖 、第六届中华经典讲解大赛先进个人、“迎国庆”书画展获优秀作品奖、《太空旅行》 绘画获优秀作品奖、慧光英语培训“校园之星”称号、跆拳道蓝带级别。

Course, I have done myself independently. Today's business is done well today, it is my habitual requirement.Because my family is full of laughter and harmonious atmosphere.I pursue comprehensive development and have a wide range of interests. In addition to studying textbooks, I also particularly like to read books, paint, and sing.In my spare time, I always squeeze out time to read books. The books I like to read include "100,000 why", "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Harry Potter", "Green Fairy Tale" and so on. Since I have developed a good oneReading habits have promoted the improvement of my writing level.I also played the program host to participate in the speech contest. I presided over the ceremony of the young pioneers.The Chinese Classic Explanation Competition's advanced individual, the "Welcome National Day" Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition won the Outstanding Works Award, the painting of "Space Travel" has won the title of "Campus Star" of Huiguang English Training, and Taekwondo Blue Belt.


Without the hard work of a teacher, there is no health growth and progress.Learning is like climbing peaks. In the process of climbing, it will be sad and painful because of every failure.But I firmly believe that after the storm, there will be a rainbow.I must persist, persist, and persist, because the beautiful tomorrow is waiting for me.


This is me, an excellent young man who loves to learn, loves labor, and versatile.


  我叫任静,今年14岁,是宝东镇中学二年级的学生,在班级担任 职务,我在学校里尊敬师长、团结同学,从不迟到、早退、旷课,学习认真、刻苦。担任班干部工作,工作积极主动,认真负责,发挥自己的组织能力。能够在老师、班主任的指导下独立完成学校、班级布置的各项任务,尽心尽力为同学服务。

My name is Ren Jing. I am 14 years old. I am a second -year student in Baodong Town Middle School. I have held a position in the class. I respect the teacher and united classmates in the school.As a cadre work, work is proactive, serious and responsible, and uses his own organizational ability.Under the guidance of teachers and class teachers, they can independently complete the tasks arranged in schools and classes, and serve their students.


In the two years of junior high school, I gradually have both talents and talents, comprehensively develop this goal, work hard, fully understand myself, improve myself, continuously grow knowledge in learning, continue to cultivate sentiment in life travel, and constantly grind in social practice in social practicePractice will.I will summarize my deeds as follows:


1. Thought

1. Thought

  认真学习马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想,遵守和执行国家法律法规、学生守则以及学校的规章制度。诚实守信,尊敬师长、团结同学、生活严谨、作风正派,具有优良的道德质量和良好的文明行为。政治上积极上进,初一就向学校递交入团申请书。于20xx年11月被评为“校优秀团员”。 入团后,我能更加严格要求自己。并写学习心得体会。除了在课堂上学习政治理论知识外,在课外通过阅读相关著作、报纸,听讲座各种形式来拓展和巩固理论知识。作为一名团员,刻牢记要保持自身的先进性,不断进步,虚心向他人请教,接受同学监督。

Carefully study Marx Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping theory, and the "three representatives" important thoughts, and comply with and implement national laws and regulations, student conservation, and school rules and regulations.Honesty and trustworthy, respect for teachers, unite classmates, rigorous life, decent style, and good moral quality and good civilization.Politically, he submitted an application for admission to the school on the first day.In November 20xx, he was named "Outstanding School Members".After joining the group, I can require myself more strictly.And write your learning experience.In addition to learning political theoretical knowledge in class, you can expand and consolidate theoretical knowledge by reading related works and newspapers outside the class and listening to various forms of lectures.As a member of the group, keep in mind to maintain his advanced nature, continue to make progress, ask others with an open mind, and accept the supervision of classmates.


In terms of learning

In terms of learning


Learning is a top priority for students.


In terms of knowledge, we can lay a solid foundation for future practice and become useful talents in society.As a middle school student, I understand the importance of learning deeply. Only by learning can people gain broad knowledge and intelligent intelligence, understand the most cutting -edge technology and the greatest thoughts of human beings. Only learning can make people use wisdom to face face to face.For the impermanence of life, and then "poetically inhabits" in this world.

  在课堂上,我能认真听讲,积极发言,遇到不理解的地方也常常向老师请教,还勇于向老师提出质疑。在学习上做到不拖拉,提前预习,对班上其它同学也起到了好的带头作用,并且能主动帮助其它同学解决学习上的难题,和其它同学共同探讨,共同进步。帮助他人的同时,既提高了别人,也在无形中加深了自己对知识的理解。 每个学期,能制定出各科的学习计划,合理、周密地安排时间,不偏科。这样,在上学期末考试中取得了好成绩,

In the class, I can listen carefully, speak positively, and often ask the teacher to ask the teacher when I encountering it, and I also have the courage to question the teacher.Do not drag in learning, preview in advance, also play a good role in other students in the class, and can actively help other students solve the learning problems, discuss with other students to make progress together.While helping others, it not only improved others, but also deepened his understanding of knowledge.Each semester, you can formulate a study plan for various subjects, and arrange time reasonably and thoroughly without partial subjects.In this way, good results were achieved in the last semester,


In short, I combined a good combination of positive and aggressive spirit and scientific and practical attitude, and solidly solved professional basic knowledge and social adaptability.It is social -oriented and strives to cultivate themselves into a compound talent, and will make a difference in the future.Of course, these achievements are by no means an end. I will work hard to develop to higher goals.


Third, work

Third, work


Strictly demand yourself, actively serve students, take the initiative to help students, and maintain a good relationship with classmates.Through hard work, there are good evaluations among classmates.At the same time, the ability of the class teacher to give back to the teachers in time to give back the opinions of the students, work hard to do a good job of the students' ideological work, and play the role of the teacher to communicate with the classmates.

  担任班级 ,工作中能以身作则,讲原则,讲方法有很强的组织协调能力和团结合作精神。带领全班同学树立优良的学风、班风。

As a class, he can lead by example, speak principles, and talks with strong organizational coordination ability and solidarity and cooperation spirit.Lead the classmates to establish an excellent style and class style.


Fourth, life aspect

Fourth, life aspect


I am a child of a peasant family. I know it is not easy to make money for parents.I also worked for two days during the holidays to reduce the burden on my parents.In the process of going out to work, not only did he earn money but also exercised his social adaptation ability, laying the foundation for future practical work.

  在学校,能做到课堂和校园要求的”十要五不要”;在家里,体恤父母工作的艰辛,所以经常做一些力所能及的家务活。积极参加校内外的文体和科技活动,多次参加演讲比赛,取得了好成绩。积极锻炼身体,体育课成绩优良,今年运动会我还是班级的主力运动员呢。 这次我有幸被评为“好习惯”示范生,我感到非常荣幸!我拿到这个奖首先十分感谢老师、同学们对我的肯定,那么看好我,其次我会继续勤奋刻苦,努力钻研;脚踏实地,勤俭节约,助人为乐,做一名德、智、体全面发展的中学生。

At school, the "ten or five do not want" that can be required to achieve classrooms and campuses; at home, it is aware of the hardships of parents' work, so they often do some housework that can do.Actively participate in the style and science and technology activities inside and outside the school, participate in speaking competitions many times, and achieve good results.Actively exercise the body and excellent physical education lessons. This year's sports meeting is still the main athlete of the class.This time I was fortunate to be rated as a "good habit" demonstration student. I am very honored! I first thanked the teachers and classmates for their affirmation of this award, so I will be optimistic about me. Secondly, I will continue to work hard and work hard;It is down -to -earth, diligent and frugal, and helps others. He is a middle school student who develops virtue, wisdom, and physical development.



First, respect for teachers and discipline, positive.


In the past two years of studying, Malaysia XX can model the "Middle School Students' Code", "Specifications for the Daily Behavior of Middle School Students" and the school's rules and regulations.At the same time, you can insist on making good preparations before class, listen carefully in the class, complete the assignments and assignments arranged by the teacher after class, and have been well received by the teachers of all deities.At the same time, she also actively requested her thoughts, moved closer to the group organization, and gloriously entered the Chinese Communist Youth League in June 20xx through her own efforts, fulfilling her dream of her members.


Second, hard work and grade.

Second, hard work and grade.


In the two years of junior high school, the Ma XX classmates have taken "diligent and pragmatic, and the first of forever" as their own blessing.In real life, she also uses this to spur herself, with severe learning attitude and clear learning.Each semester, she can develop scientific and fair learning plans, and thoroughly arrange time, never partial.In this way, you can achieve satisfactory results in each test since middle school.Although he has achieved such a gratifying result, he is never proud, but he has worked hard and earnestly; in the past two years, he has never been late, prematurely, and lack of classes.

In the two years of junior high school, the Ma XX classmates have taken "diligent and pragmatic, and the first of forever" as their own blessing.In real life, she also uses this to spur herself, with severe learning attitude and clear learning.Each semester, she can develop scientific and fair learning plans, and thoroughly arrange time, never partial.In this way, you can achieve satisfactory results in each test since middle school.Although he has achieved such a gratifying result, he is never proud, but he has worked hard and earnestly; in the past two years, he has never been late, prematurely, and lack of classes.


Third, lead the whole class, common.


Malaysia XX not only studied hard and worked hard, but also enthusiastically helped the classmates.He is "not fragrant in one flower, and the flowers are full of fragrance garden."Therefore, when a classmate encounters difficult problems in learning, he always helps them explain patiently and teach them to solve problems and learn skills without preservation.On one occasion, the classmates in the class were busy reviewing, because they were about to take the exam in a day.A classmate encountered a mathematical problem that he always couldn't understand. When he saw this, he didn't say a word. He immediately put down the book in his hand and helped the classmate to answer the difficulties until the classmate's eyebrows stretched out.Continue to review.Although he sacrificed a lot of time, he was still excited and didn't mind.In addition, under her advocacy, the class set up a learning mutual aid group to conduct guidance specifically for the learning "difficult households" in the class, so that the scores of the class in the various exams ranked first in the first grade.The praise of the school teachers.


Fourth, do a good job of assistant and display ability.

Fourth, do a good job of assistant and display ability.


Although the Ma XX classmates are studying hard and diligent, he will not forget that he is the deputy squad leader in the class. She can work hard to play the role of a good class teacher.Therefore, when the Chung Yeung Festival is approaching each year, she will suggest to the class teacher to lead students to the elderly in the community's nursing home to show the congratulations on festivals, and cultivate students to develop a good morality of respecting the elderly and love.She also organized the various labor tasks of the class and played a good role in the role of an assistant, fully showing her ability to work.

Although the Ma XX classmates are studying hard and diligent, he will not forget that he is the deputy squad leader in the class. She can work hard to play the role of a good class teacher.Therefore, when the Chung Yeung Festival is approaching each year, she will suggest to the class teacher to lead students to the elderly in the community's nursing home to show the congratulations on festivals, and cultivate students to develop a good morality of respecting the elderly and love.She also organized the various labor tasks of the class and played a good role in the role of an assistant, fully showing her ability to work.


Fifth, care about classes and care for public property.

Fifth, care about classes and care for public property.


As the deputy squad leader, Ma XX knows that he is used as the side, focusing on the overall situation, and sacrificing his personal time. Whenever the school arranges the sample mission, she led her classmates to find information.Extra -class time, but he has no complaints. He often says: "As long as he compete for honor for the class and sacrifice his personal interests, he will not hesitate!" Sometimes, the labor tools, podiums, doors and windows, and classmates in the class are broken.He will actively use extra -curricular time to repair the tools, podiums, doors and windows, and tables and chairs, and never care about personal gains and losses.

As the deputy squad leader, Ma XX knows that he is used as the side, focusing on the overall situation, and sacrificing his personal time. Whenever the school arranges the sample mission, she led her classmates to find information.Extra -class time, but he has no complaints. He often says: "As long as he compete for honor for the class and sacrifice his personal interests, he will not hesitate!" Sometimes, the labor tools, podiums, doors and windows, and classmates in the class are broken.He will actively use extra -curricular time to repair the tools, podiums, doors and windows, and tables and chairs, and never care about personal gains and losses.


Ma XX is such a good role model for such a good assistant to respect, aggressive, hardworking, hard work, not impatient, carelessness, care of public property, class teacher, class teacher, and classmates.

Ma XX is such a good role model for such a good assistant to respect, aggressive, hardworking, hard work, not impatient, carelessness, care of public property, class teacher, class teacher, and classmates.

  姓名 马 性别 女 年龄 16 民族 汉 职务 学委 政治面貌 团 所在校年班 xx中学八年三班 何年何月受何奖励 20xx年荣获朝阳县八年级基础知识竞赛一等奖 主要事迹:

Names Horse Gender Female Age 16 Ethnic Han Vocational Studies Committee Political Appearance Group XX Middle School XX Middle School Eight Years Three Class Heyue He Yue He Reward 20xx won the first prize of the first prize of the Basic Knowledge Competition of Chaoyang County:

Names Horse Gender Female Age 16 Ethnic Han Vocational Studies Committee Political Appearance Group XX Middle School XX Middle School Eight Years Three Class Heyue He Yue He Reward 20xx won the first prize of the first prize of the Basic Knowledge Competition of Chaoyang County:


Speak a positive speech and think carefully.Help teachers organize class activities and help students and help students. 在第四届全国中国学生语文能力竞赛中荣获初中组省级一等奖,先后在20xx、20xx年初中八年级综合知识竞赛中荣获二等奖、一等奖。

In the 4th National Chinese Student Language Competition Competition, he won the first prize of the junior high school group, and won the second prize and first prize in the 20xx and 20xx junior high school eighth grade comprehensive knowledge contest.


In the 20xx period, the total score of the total score was first, and he was rated as a study pair.

In the 20xx period, the total score of the total score was first, and he was rated as a study pair.



My name is Xu Xinyi, a middle school student. I realize that as an excellent middle school student, thought, learning, and excellent quality is necessary, so I strictly demand myself at all times.


I love this country, love this society, school, and more love for class! I love learning, thinking, respecting teachers, united classmates, excellent grades, and sincere.In addition, I also strictly requested myself in accordance with the "Code of Primary and Middle School Students" and "Specifications for the Daily Behavior of Middle School Students", and they were examples in all aspects, and never dared to relax.Because, I know that if you want to be a qualified middle school student, it is the most basic and most important.In terms of study, I would like to lie on the style of miles, do not let go of a problem that I do n’t understand, pursue the truth, and learn it with an open mind; in discipline, I never violate the law and discipline it., I am diligent and self -reliance, never waste a grain of rice, a piece of paper.I am an excellent middle school student with ideals, morality, culture, and perseverance.


I have been ranked among the best since I was in school. Although I first entered junior high school, although my mathematics scores ranked among the top classes, I did not satisfy the pursuit of perfection, but instead of stricter requirements for myself.I often use Hua Luogeng to say a word to encourage myself: "Diligence and replenishment is a good training, and one point is hard and one point." I always believe that "a point of hard work and one point", "as long as you work hard, there will be a return."So I always increase the amount of practice in mathematics, and actively answer the questions raised by the teacher in class. I took the initiative to ask the teacher or classmate to ask the teacher or classmates to ask the difficult questions, and to copy the unwilling application questions.EssenceSoon my math scores had a big leap, and I achieved good results in the exam.


In normal times, I always enthusiastically help teachers and classmates. I can be harmonious with each classmate. Whether it is eugenics or poor students, when they have problems, I always appear in time.I listened carefully with my classmates in the class. After the class, I played a small teacher, looking for a difficult classmate in learning, and actively helping them to solve the difficulties in learning. It is because of my sincerity and patience that I made a fidelity.Many friends have won the trust of students in the class and established their own prestige.


Due to my outstanding performance, I have won the honorary titles such as the "Excellent Students" of "Demonstration Students".



, Female, members of the Communist Youth League, are currently XX students in XX No. 1 Middle School,


Study seriously, hard work, respect the teacher, unite classmates, and have a strong spirit of aggressive. He is a good role model and a good partner for students to learn.In three years of high school, she has served as a group branch and study member. She is active, serious and responsible in her work, and has strong organizational ability.Being able to independently complete the work and class arrangement of schools and classes under the guidance of the teacher has a great influence among classmates.


During the school, he continuously worked hard to move forward to Germany and talents.Continuously grow knowledge in learning, fully understand yourself, improve yourself, constantly cultivate sentiment in life, and constantly hone your will in social practice.Won the National Second Prize in the "Civilized Style" competition in the 20xx year of the 20xx year; it was named Zhuhai City "Three Good Students" in the 20xx school year; from 20xx to 20xx, it was rated as the school -level "three good students" for 3 consecutive years., Summarize her deeds as follows:


1. Thought

1. Thought


Earnestly study Marxism -Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping theory, and the "three representatives".Model abide by national laws, regulations, and the rules and regulations of the school.Be honest and trustworthy, actively lead students to carry out group day activities and volunteers inside and outside the school, and have excellent moral quality and good civilization behavior.


In terms of learning

In terms of learning


Have good learning habits.Before class, you can make early previews and understand the focus of the course.In class, actively speak.After the class, while studying hard, he can also actively help other students to solve the problem of learning, discuss with other students to make progress together; assist the teacher to complete the teaching tasks, and also play a positive for the formation of a good learning atmosphere in the class.enhancement.It can achieve balanced development in the study of various subjects and never partial subjects.In the end of each semester, the top three grades can be achieved in the exam, including the number one of many single subject scores.In sports actively participating in school exercises, good physical fitness, stubborn hard work at the sports meeting, and honoring the class.


Third, work

Third, work


He has served as a group branch and study member, insisted on strictly request himself, actively served the students, actively understood the ideological dynamics of the class members, and the students who helped the ideas of the thoughts actively joined the group organization, strengthened the team members, and won the unanimous praise from the students.At the same time, she is also a capable assistant of the class teacher. She gives up the opinions of the students in time to the teachers, and strives to do a good job of the students' ideas. She has played a bridge between teachers and students and won the teacher's praise and trust.


Fourth, life aspect

Fourth, life aspect


Although the family's economic conditions are not good, in order to allow you to complete the high school studies, successfully admitted to the ideal university, and work outside the cold and summer vacation to solve the cost of living and some tuition fees for yourself.In the process of participating in social practice, I have exercised my social adaptability and laid a good foundation for future work experience.


In short, actively ask for progress in thought; study hard and work hard, work hard to study; work carefully, meticulous, down -to -earth; life and frugality, helpful, and strong practical ability. He is an excellent contemporary student with comprehensive development of morality, wisdom, and comprehensive development.



First, respect for teachers and discipline, actively progress.


In the past two years of studying, Malaysia XX can model the "Middle School Students' Code", "Specifications for the Daily Behavior of Middle School Students" and the school's rules and regulations.At the same time, you can insist on making good preparations before class, listen carefully in the class, complete the assignments and assignments arranged by the teacher after class, and have been well received by the teachers of all deities.At the same time, she also actively requested progress in her mind, moved closer to the group organization. Through her own efforts, she was glorious into the Chinese Communist Youth League in June 20xx and fulfilled her dream of her members.


Second, hard work and grade.

Second, hard work and grade.


In the two years of junior high school, the Ma XX classmates have taken "diligent and pragmatic, and the first of forever" as their own blessing.In real life, she also uses this to spur herself, with severe learning attitude and clear learning.Each semester, she can develop scientific and fair learning plans, and thoroughly arrange time, never partial.In this way, you can achieve satisfactory results in each test since middle school.Although he has achieved such a gratifying result, he is never proud, but he has worked hard and earnestly; in the past two years, he has never been late, prematurely, and lack of classes.

In the two years of junior high school, the Ma XX classmates have taken "diligent and pragmatic, and the first of forever" as their own blessing.In real life, she also uses this to spur herself, with severe learning attitude and clear learning.Each semester, she can develop scientific and fair learning plans, and thoroughly arrange time, never partial.In this way, you can achieve satisfactory results in each test since middle school.Although he has achieved such a gratifying result, he is never proud, but he has worked hard and earnestly; in the past two years, he has never been late, prematurely, and lack of classes.


Third, lead the whole class and make progress together.


Malaysia XX not only studied hard and worked hard, but also enthusiastically helped the classmates.He is "not fragrant in one flower, and the flowers are full of fragrance garden."Therefore, when a classmate encounters difficult problems in learning, he always helps them explain patiently and teach them to solve problems and learn skills without preservation.On one occasion, the classmates in the class were busy reviewing, because they were about to take the exam in a day.A classmate encountered a mathematical problem that he always couldn't understand. When he saw this, he didn't say a word. He immediately put down the book in his hand and helped the classmate to answer the difficulties until the classmate's eyebrows stretched out.Continue to review.Although he sacrificed a lot of time, he was still excited and didn't mind.In addition, under her advocacy, the class set up a learning mutual aid group to conduct guidance specifically for the learning "difficult households" in the class, so that the scores of the class in the various exams ranked first in the first grade.The praise of the school teachers.


Fourth, do a good job of assistant and display ability.

Fourth, do a good job of assistant and display ability.


Although the Ma XX classmates are studying hard and diligent, he will not forget that he is the deputy squad leader in the class. She can work hard to play the role of a good class teacher.Therefore, when the Chung Yeung Festival is approaching each year, she will suggest to the class teacher to lead students to the elderly in the community's nursing home to show the congratulations on festivals, and cultivate students to develop a good morality of respecting the elderly and love.She also organized the various labor tasks of the class and played a good role in the role of an assistant, fully showing her ability to work.

Although the Ma XX classmates are studying hard and diligent, he will not forget that he is the deputy squad leader in the class. She can work hard to play the role of a good class teacher.Therefore, when the Chung Yeung Festival is approaching each year, she will suggest to the class teacher to lead students to the elderly in the community's nursing home to show the congratulations on festivals, and cultivate students to develop a good morality of respecting the elderly and love.She also organized the various labor tasks of the class and played a good role in the role of an assistant, fully showing her ability to work.


Fifth, care about classes and care for public property.

Fifth, care about classes and care for public property.


As the deputy squad leader, Ma XX knows that he is used as the side, focusing on the overall situation, and sacrificing his personal time. Whenever the school arranges the sample mission, she led her classmates to find information.Extra -class time, but he has no complaints. He often says: "As long as he compete for honor for the class and sacrifice his personal interests, he will not hesitate!" Sometimes, the labor tools, podiums, doors and windows, and classmates in the class are broken.He will actively use extra -curricular time to repair the tools, podiums, doors and windows, and tables and chairs, and never care about personal gains and losses.

As the deputy squad leader, Ma XX knows that he is used as the side, focusing on the overall situation, and sacrificing his personal time. Whenever the school arranges the sample mission, she led her classmates to find information.Extra -class time, but he has no complaints. He often says: "As long as he compete for honor for the class and sacrifice his personal interests, he will not hesitate!" Sometimes, the labor tools, podiums, doors and windows, and classmates in the class are broken.He will actively use extra -curricular time to repair the tools, podiums, doors and windows, and tables and chairs, and never care about personal gains and losses.


Ma XX is such a good role model for such a good assistant to respect, aggressive, hardworking, hard work, not impatient, carelessness, care of public property, class teacher, class teacher, and classmates.

Ma XX is such a good role model for such a good assistant to respect, aggressive, hardworking, hard work, not impatient, carelessness, care of public property, class teacher, class teacher, and classmates.

  姓名 马 性别 女 年龄 16 民族 汉 职务 学委 政治面貌 团 所在校年班 xx中学八年三班 何年何月受何奖励 20xx年荣获朝阳县八年级基础知识竞赛一等奖 主要事迹:

Names Horse Gender Female Age 16 Ethnic Han Vocational Studies Committee Political Appearance Group XX Middle School XX Middle School Eight Years Three Class Heyue He Yue He Reward 20xx won the first prize of the first prize of the Basic Knowledge Competition of Chaoyang County:

Names Horse Gender Female Age 16 Ethnic Han Vocational Studies Committee Political Appearance Group XX Middle School XX Middle School Eight Years Three Class Heyue He Yue He Reward 20xx won the first prize of the first prize of the Basic Knowledge Competition of Chaoyang County:


Speak a positive speech and think carefully.Help teachers organize class activities and help students and help students.


In the 4th National Chinese Student Language Competition Competition, he won the first prize of the junior high school group, and won the second prize and first prize in the 20xx and 20xx junior high school eighth grade comprehensive knowledge contest.


In the 20xx period, the total score of the total score was first, and he was rated as a study pair.

In the 20xx period, the total score of the total score was first, and he was rated as a study pair.

  学校盖章: 意见 县(市)区教育局 年 月 日

year month day 市教育局意见

  年 月 日

year month day



1、主要:主要读音为zhǔ yào,是指1.把握事物的关键。 2.指事物中关系最大,起决定作用的。 事物中关系最大、起决定作用的主要条款主要凭证主要 zhǔ yào词典解释:1.把握事物的关键。 2.指事物中关系最大,起决定作用的。[main;chief;principal;major;leading;essential;primary;first] 事物中关系最大、起决定作用的主要条款主要凭证分词解释:事物:指客观存在的一切物体和现象:任何事物都不是一成不变的。关键:①门闩或功能类似门闩的东西。②比喻事物最关紧要的部分;对情况起决定作用的因素:摸清情况是解决问题的关键丨办好学校关键在于提高教学质量。③最关紧要的:关键问题丨关键时刻。把握:①掌握;控制:把握时代的脉搏|把握时间。②成功的根据或信心:必须统筹全局,果有把握而后可行|这事你有把握吗?关系:①事物之间相互作用、相互影响的状态:正确处理科学技术普及和提高的关系丨这个电门跟那盏灯没有关系。②人和人或人和事物之间的某种性质的联系:拉关系丨关系户丨同志关系丨军民关系丨社会关系。③对有关事物的影响或重要性;值得注意的地方(常跟‘没有、有’连用):这一点很有关系丨没有关系,修理修理照样儿能用。④泛指原因、条件等:由于时间关系,暂时谈到这里为止。⑤表明有某种组织关系的证件:随身带上团的关系。⑥关联;牵涉:棉花是关系到国计民生的重要物资。...主要怎么造句,用主要造句»

2、事迹:事迹读音为shì jì,是指过去所做的比较重要的事情:英雄事迹|战功事迹|事迹彰明。事迹 shì jì词典解释:过去所做的比较重要的事情:英雄事迹|战功事迹|事迹彰明。分词解释:重要:1.指重镇﹑要地。 2.谓重大而主要。事情:1.事物的真相;实情。 2.事理人情。 3.人类生活中的一切活动和所遇到的一切社会现象。 4.犹工作,职业。比较:①就两种或两种以上同类的事物辨别异同或高下:有比较才能鉴别ㄧ这两块料子比较起来,颜色是这块好,质地是那块好。②介词,用来比较性状和程度的差别:这项政策贯彻以后,农民的生产积极性比较前一时期又有所提高。③副词,表示具有一定程度:这篇文章写得比较好。过去:时间词,现在以前的时期(区别于‘现在、将来’):过去的工作只不过像万里长征走完了第一步。...事迹怎么造句,用事迹造句»

3、优秀:优秀读音为yōu xiù,是指(成绩、品行等)极好:成绩优秀|优秀学生。优秀 yōu xiù词语解释:(成绩、品行等)极好:成绩优秀|优秀学生。(1) [excellent;outstanding;fine]∶出色,非常好优秀作品(2) [superior]∶品行、成绩等非常好优秀儿童分词解释:品行:品性、行为:品行清正。成绩:1.成功的业绩;成效。 2.今亦指工作或学习所取得的成就﹐收获。极好:1.显著或非凡的。如:极好的职业。2.极为有利的。如:极好的机会。...优秀怎么造句,用优秀造句»

4、初中:初中读音为chū zhōng,是指见“初级中学”。 中学教育的第一至三年级阶段初中 chū zhōng词语解释:见“初级中学”。[junior middle school] 中学教育的第一至三年级阶段分词解释:初级中学:我国学校教育制度规定,中学阶段修业年限为六年,前三年为初中。只设初中教育的中学称为初级中学。● 中 zhōng ㄓㄨㄥˉ◎ 和四方、上下或两端距离同等的地位:中心。当(dàng)中。中原。中华。◎ 在一定范围内,里面:暗中。房中。中饱。◎ 性质或等级在两端之间的:中辍(中途停止进行)。中等。中流砥柱。◎ 表示动作正在进行:在研究中。◎ 特指“中国”:中式。中文。◎ 适于,合于:中看。● 中 zhòng ㄓㄨㄥˋ◎ 恰好合上:中选。中奖。中意(会意,满意)。◎ 受到,遭受:中毒。中计。◎ 科举考试被录取:中举。中状元。● 初 chū ㄔㄨˉ◎ 开始时,开始的部分:初始。正月初一。初旬。初稿。初等。初版。初试。初创。初绽。初叶(指某一历史时期的最初一段)。初夜(a.指进入夜晚不久的时候;b.指新婚第一夜)。◎ 原来的,原来的情况:初衷。和好如初。◎ 姓。...初中怎么造句,用初中造句»

5、学生:学生读音为xué shēng,是指①在学校肄业或在其他教育、研究机构学习的人。②向老师或前辈学习的人。也用于弟子对老师或前辈的自称。学生 xué shēng分词解释:①在学校肄业或在其他教育、研究机构学习的人。②向老师或前辈学习的人。也用于弟子对老师或前辈的自称。(1) [student;pupil]∶在学校学习的人(2) [disciple;follower]∶接受他人的教导并帮助传播和实行的人分词解释:弟子:①古代泛指弟和子:弟子入则孝,出则弟(悌)。②学生:先达德隆望尊,门人弟子填其室。自称:1.自己称呼自己。 2.自己叫作﹐自己认为。 3.自我称扬。肄业:1.修业;学习(课程)。2.(学生)没有达到毕业年限或程度而离校停学:肄业生/高中肄业。在学:就学;在校学习。如:在学十年有成。...学生的近义词,学生的同义词是什么»

6、范文:范文读音为fàn wén,是指语文教学中作为学习榜样的文章:熟读范文ㄧ讲解范文。范文 fàn wén词语解释:语文教学中作为学习榜样的文章:熟读范文ㄧ讲解范文。分词解释:语文:语言和文字;语言和文学:语文水平|语文课本。榜样:作为仿效的人或事例(多指好的):好榜样ㄧ你先带个头,做个榜样让大家看看。讲解:解释;解说:讲解员ㄧ他指着模型给大家讲解。...范文的近义词,范文的同义词是什么»