
时间:2022-10-31 13:03:56 | 来源:语文通


国庆节作文500字 篇1欢乐的国庆节作文500字 篇2欢乐的国庆节作文500字 篇3欢乐的国庆节作文500字 篇4国庆节 篇5国庆节作文500字 篇6国庆节作文500字 篇7欢乐的国庆节作文500字 篇8

国庆节作文500字 篇1


After a good sleep, we will climb the mountain again the next day. My mother told me that there are three waterfalls connected to the place I'm going to today, called "Sandie Spring". We started to climb the mountain. We didn't see the waterfall for a long time. I was very tired. I told my father I didn't want to climb. My father told me to stick to it and give me rewards as long as I climbed up. I had to take my father's hand and climb up slowly. Later, I was hungry and ate all the dates my mother brought. Finally, I heard the sound of water and saw a waterfall in the distance. My father said happily, "Come on, Guoguo, we are almost there. We are victorious!". So I took all my strength and led my father to climb up. Finally, there are three waterfalls, the smallest at the top, the second largest, and the largest at the bottom. While we enjoyed the beautiful scenery, Dad took pictures for us. Later, my mother took me to wash my feet in the stream below the waterfall. The water was cool and comfortable.


After going down the mountain, we had lunch and went to an ancient school. The guide told us that it was just like the ancient Tsinghua Peking University. My father took a picture of me on the No. 1 Scholar Bridge and bought me a super large No. 1 Scholar pencil. I like that pen very much.


Later, we went to play in a tall building by car. My father told me that the building was called "Tengwang Pavilion", which is one of the three famous buildings, as famous as the Yellow Crane Tower in our hometown. The building was built on the bank of the Yangtze River, with many steps, and a total of six stories high. I climbed to the roof and enjoyed the beautiful scenery with my parents. I was very happy.


Finally, we went to a big square where there was a high monument. Where we had a rest, it was getting dark. After dinner, we took the train back to Hangzhou and went home happily.

欢乐的国庆节作文500字 篇2


It is also the harvest season - autumn, and the birthday of our motherland - National Day is coming.


Now people in the farmland are busy in the crisp autumn weather. Now many farmers have reached a comfortable life. They walk into the countryside to breathe the fragrant air. Seeing the full fruits makes you want to bite.


Let's have a look at the city! Now the National Day is coming. Many small stores are offering discounts to celebrate the National Day. There are many vehicles coming and going on the road.


It is very different from the past. Now there is peace everywhere. There is no killing or war in the past. Now the happiness is bought by those soldiers with their lives.


How many storms have our mothers survived! It is just like a small grass, emerging from the ruins, standing strong and stubborn in the heavy rain and fierce storms. The weak body is suffering from wind and frost, standing strong and unyielding even when tired. Isn't that our motherland? She did not fall here, but persevered and fought bravely, letting the wind and snow freeze her temperature and tear her body, but the hot heart would never disappear.


Now I feel beautiful and hateful when I recall the past, but those that have already become history. We should look at the present and the future, but we should not forget the glory and humiliation of all of us. This is both the beginning and the end. We have all started the new China and ended the old era.


Sunshine always comes after the wind and rain, and only after suffering hardships can there be sweet satisfaction. Look at how happy and peaceful our motherland is after the weather! There is no war, no killing, only a breath of peace. Let's welcome the arrival of New China together!

欢乐的国庆节作文500字 篇3


On October 2, we had lunch at grandpa's house. Everyone (grandpa, grandma, uncle, mother, father, mother, me and sister) proposed to go to Zhapu to see the sea crossing bridge. On the way, we watched the scenery while our big mother asked questions for my sister and me, so that we could improve our observation ability.


Before we knew it, we had arrived at the place where we saw the bridge. Our car stopped next to the approach bridge. As soon as we got off the bus, we saw the endless bridge. The stop bar on the bridge had not been built yet, so we only looked at the bridge on the bridge sightseeing platform. When my sister saw this long bridge and the sea water kept splashing with brave waves, she asked me curiously: "How was such a big project built?" I said to my sister: "This is the wisdom of all the designers and builders. They first inserted hollow iron columns into the deep sea floor, pumped out the water in the columns, and then poured a lot of cement and reinforced concrete into the columns. After that, a bridge pier was built. All the piers were built according to the original method and then connected with beams, so that the basic steps of the bridge were completed. After the bridge was built and opened to traffic next year, we only need one and a half minutes to go to Ningbo After listening to this, my sister said doubtfully, "The man who built the bridge is too great."


Later, when we reached the sea wall, we saw the billowing sea water. The sea water was yellow and different from other sea water. After asking Dad, we knew that it was caused by more sediment under the water of the Yellow Sea.


The blue sky, the endless bridge, and the yellow and yellow sea water are connected. In this nature, my sister and I took many photos. We had a good time. We will definitely come back after the National Day Bridge is completed and opened to traffic next year.

欢乐的国庆节作文500字 篇4

今天,爷爷早早地起了床,对我笑了笑,我看到后觉得很奇怪,于是就走过去问:“爷爷,你今天怎么这么高兴呀?” 爷爷笑盈盈地说:“我们今天去游西湖,好吗?” “好啊!好啊!”我兴高采烈地说。于是,我们二话不说,骑着电瓶车出发了。

Today, my grandpa got up early and smiled at me. I felt strange when I saw it, so I went to him and asked, "Grandpa, why are you so happy today?" Grandpa smiled and said, "Shall we go to the West Lake today?" "Good! Good!" I said cheerfully. So, without saying a word, we set out on the battery car.


After half an hour, we arrived at the West Lake. The most striking thing was the tall and straight willows. The slender willows looked like little girls' eyes. When a breeze blew, the willows fluttered with the wind, as if they were combing their hair! The lake is green, like a big bright mirror. The fish in the water are swimming happily; The birds in the big tree chirped; Crickets in the grass are singing beautiful songs excitedly. There are many people on the shore, not only domestic tourists, but also many foreign tourists!


Moving slowly along the crowd, we unconsciously came to the famous six suspension bridges, which are: Hongqiao Bridge, Dongpu Bridge, Dike Bridge, Wangshan Bridge, Suolan Bridge and Yingbo Bridge. Because these bridges are too arched, we had a lot of effort to ride them, and even used a lot of electricity!


Then, we came to the Prince Bay Park. As soon as we entered the gate, we were intoxicated by the scenery in front of us. There were beautiful mountains, beautiful waters, green trees, and bright sunshine. The most noticeable thing is the clear spring water. The water is so green that it looks like a flawless emerald. The water is so clear that you can see the stones under the water. What a beautiful spring! I really hope I can stay here forever to enjoy the beautiful scenery!


Time passed by minute by minute. In the afternoon, we said goodbye to the beautiful West Lake and ended our happy journey today!

国庆节 篇5


October 1, 2019 is the 70th birthday of the motherland. A grand ceremony was held in Tiananmen. The people of the whole country came to the TV early to celebrate the birthday of the motherland!


The flag raising ceremony started. When the national anthem sounded, there were thousands of people singing around, which made me feel excited! Therefore, I could not help but face the national flag, salute a standard team salute, and sing along. In an instant, I felt a love for the motherland all over my body, and suddenly burst out with excitement.


The most exciting thing came: the parade ceremony began, and orderly rows of troops came face to face. They were magnificent, powerful, orderly and impressive. The army, navy, air force... show our power! Even foreigners cheered after reading it, reflecting the solemnity of our great country. Every soldier seems to be full of energy. Build a strong military and a strong country, and raise our prestige! What impressed me most was the artillery square array. Their cars were loaded with many shells, which made me feel our country's advanced weapons and great sense of security! I can't help thinking of that sentence: "I will not regret joining China in this life!"


From just a few cars in 1949 to thousands of cars now, how much has China changed!


The floats from all over China gather in Tiananmen, and each one is very beautiful. The old Red Army soldier's car records the history of China's War of Resistance! Finally, the Chinese women's volleyball team's car is full of glory!


At night, various fireworks and firecrackers were set off in the sky. What impressed me most was the words composed of salutes, which were extremely beautiful.


I want to thank my motherland for making us feel safe.


I was born a Chinese, and the blood flowing in my veins is Chinese. As a Chinese, I am extremely proud! I love my country.

国庆节作文500字 篇6


The National Day arrived. After much consideration, the three of us decided to go in and out for a visit and went to the Wu Jingzi Memorial Hall in Quanjiao.


In fact, it's not far to Quanjiao. Mom drove for about 50 minutes to get there. It's really crowded. We entered the gate of our former residence, which was spacious enough. The guide first led us to understand Wu Jingzi's history: Wu Jingzi was born into a rich family and was born into a noble family. He began to study at the age of 14, but his experience was also very bumpy. At the age of 13, he lost his mother, and at the age of 23, he lost his father. Since then, he spent money like dirt, was optimistic and straightforward, and soon lost all his money. At the 30 year old friend party, his friend enlightened him and let him live in Nanjing. He listened to his friends and wrote the satirical novel Unofficial History of the Scholars in Nanjing. He died at the age of 54. We watched all the way. Wu Jingzi's home is really big! When viewing Wu Jingzi's great grandfather's room, the tour guide began to explain passionately: "Wu Jingzi's great grandfather was called Wu Guodui. He was the last brother to take the high school entrance exam, but he had the highest reputation. He was the one who won the high school entrance exam in the evening. Wu Guodui ranked third in the country and became a fourth grade official." We were all amazed and walked this way to the back garden: "Wow! The third back garden in China!" I exclaimed. It's really big, about 200 square meters, and there is a small river with several fish in it. After visiting the garden, we basically finished viewing the whole former residence, so we started to go to the memorial hall again.


The memorial hall is not far from the former residence. We walked quickly to the memorial hall. There were not many people in the memorial hall. It was cold and quiet. Along the house, we visited the memorial hall, which mainly houses some collections of Scholars and Wu Jingzi's profile. The memorial hall is not very big. Soon, we finished watching it.


Today is not only my happiness, but also my knowledge.

国庆节作文500字 篇7


The National Day on October 1 is the 73rd anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. The whole country is boiling. Just 73 years ago today, Chairman Mao said forcefully, "The People's Republic of China is founded!" And saved the Chinese people from deep suffering.


Seventy three years ago, people ate everything, whether it was delicious or not. Grandma said that when they were young, they ate steamed bread or white rice porridge every day, which was only eaten by qualified people. During the Spring Festival, people with conditions can sell dumplings to cook. But now, people can eat whatever they want, and some people also need to eat high-end supplements. Once, when I was eating out, I saw a man pick up a piece of chicken and bite it. It might not be delicious, so he threw it on the ground. At the moment when he threw it away, why didn't he think about what people ate 73 years ago? Why didn't you think you were wasting your time when you only ate one mouthful of chicken? If you are hungry for a few days, see if you still eat.


73 years ago, people lived in a house of more than ten square meters, and there were only one or two tables and beds in the house. Grandma said that they were all dozens of people crammed into one bed and couldn't move. Now, people live in spacious, comfortable and beautiful houses, and almost every family has three or four computers or televisions. There are only two or three beds and tables to three or four computers or televisions. What a change!


On the 73rd anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, China has become prosperous step by step, and Chinese people live and work in peace and contentment. Our motherland is changing with each passing day on the 73rd anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China! On the 73rd anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Chinese people have created countless miracles, making the people of the world look at us with new eyes! I believe that China is just a lion that has just woken up. He has a bright future and will surely create another splendid 73 years!

欢乐的国庆节作文500字 篇8


10.1 Finally, the holiday I longed for finally arrived. Today, the weather is sunny and sunny, which makes people feel relaxed and happy. Our family came to Grandma's house happily!


When I got to Grandma's house, all my relatives came. Grandma cooked chicken porridge tonight.


I found my cousin and asked him to teach me to dribble more stably. My cousin and I came to the court and said, "Let's practice dribbling first." I hit the ball in the same way as I used to, but when people walked away, the ball couldn't keep up. So I patted and walked, patted and walked again and again. One time, I almost fell down. I patted and walked away with all my strength. The ball also walked away. I thought to myself: Why did I tell you to walk flat? Why did I tell you to walk backward? Look at your temper! When my cousin saw me like this, he knew that I must be in trouble, so he strode to me, picked up the ball and said to me: "Pay attention to the forward stroke of the dribble, so that you can walk. Come on, come on, you must do it!" As he said it, he made some moves. I tried it when I saw it. But the ball was still obedient. I practiced again. This time I grasped the essentials of the movement. Slowly, I could control the ball. It didn't take me long to learn how to dribble. No matter whether I moved forward or backward, the ball could "beat" up and down under the palm of my hand. At this moment, I was so happy that my cousin gave me a thumbs up when he saw it.

后来,表哥又教我投篮,我先尝试原地投篮。一个、二个、三个…我投啊投,就是进不了球,表哥过来帮我纠正了姿势,还教我一个方法,只要击中篮板上的黑框,球就能擦进球篮。这 一招果然厉害,我纷纷投进了好几个两分球。后来,我还投进了一个三分球呢!

Later, my cousin taught me to shoot, and I tried to shoot in situ first. One, two, three... I shot and shot, but I couldn't get in the ball. My cousin came to help me correct my posture and taught me a way. As long as I hit the black box on the backboard, the ball would wipe into the basket. This move was really powerful, and I scored several two-point goals one after another. Later, I also made a three-point shot!


In this way, I not only learned how to dribble but also how to shoot the ball. I also learned a truth, as long as I have patience to grind the iron pillar into a needle!