
时间:2022-07-23 13:21:03 | 来源:语文通



Since the turtles and rabbits race, the rabbit has been very unconvinced, so it will run again with the turtle today.


On this day, the rabbit went to the turtle game, and the turtle agreed happily. At the stadium, the rabbit said happily: "Turtle, don't win this time!" The turtle did not reply, and entered the field with the rabbit.Unlike before, there are mountains and rivers, rivers, and trees.


The turtle didn't think about anything, just stood on the runway, "Prepare -run!" Hearing this password, the rabbit ran quickly, and the turtle worked hard to climb forward, climbing while thinking, the rabbit must be sureIt's the end.


Thinking about it, he came to the small river and was seeing the rabbit walking anxiously by the river and walking over. The turtle saw it immediately and said, "Don't worry, the rabbit, I came to cross the river." The rabbit heard and said:"Turtle, you are so nice!" It smiled and climbed up the turtle's back.

过了河,乌龟和兔子一起跑到了山下,乌龟伸长脖子惊恐地看着那座又高又大的山,心里想:这也太难了,我要爬过那座山,那就是要了我的小命也爬不上去啊!兔子看到了,连忙跑过来摸了摸乌龟的头 ,“乌龟老兄,别着急,为了报答你的好心,我背你上去。”乌龟感动极了,兔子也开开心心背着乌龟过河了。

After the river, the turtle and the rabbit ran to the mountain together. The turtle stretched out his neck and looked at the tall and big mountain in horror.My little life can't climb! The rabbit saw it, and quickly ran over and touched the turtle's head.Open the turtle to cross the river with happiness.


In this way, the two of them worked together, you helped me, I helped you, and they reached the end. The two were tied for first.



1、并列:并列读音为bìng liè,是指平列,不分主次:并列冠军。 并排地摆列,不分主次并列第三名则莲实与藕皆并列盘餐而互芬齿颊也。——明. 李渔《闲情偶寄.种植部》并列 bìng liè词语解释:平列,不分主次:并列冠军。[juxtapsition] 并排地摆列,不分主次并列第三名则莲实与藕皆并列盘餐而互芬齿颊也。——明. 李渔《闲情偶寄.种植部》分词解释:平列:平行排列;平等列举。不分主次:指人办事不能分辨主要的和次要的。● 列 liè ㄌㄧㄝˋ◎ 排成一行:罗列。行(háng )列。队列。列岛。◎ 名,众:列位。列强。列传(zhuàn )。◎ 摆出:列举。◎ 安排到某类事务之中:列席。◎ 量词,用于成行列的事物:一列火车。◎ 类:不在此列。◎ 姓。◎ 古同“烈”,强烈,猛然。◎ 古同“裂”,分裂。● 并 bìng ㄅㄧㄥˋ◎ 合在一起:并拢。合并。兼并。◎ 一齐,平排着:并驾齐驱。并重(zhòng )。并行(xíng )。◎ 连词,表平列或进一层:并且。◎ 用在否定词前,加强否定的语气,表不像预料的那样:并不容易。● 并 bīng ㄅㄧㄥˉ◎ 中国山西省太原市的别称。...并列怎么造句,用并列造句»

2、第一:第一读音为dì yī,是指1.等第次序居首位或首位的。 2.形容程度最深;最重要。第一 dì yī词语解释:1.等第次序居首位或首位的。 2.形容程度最深;最重要。(1) [the first (1st);firstly;primarily;at the head;in the first place]∶排在最前的 排名第一(2) [first;most important]∶首要的,最重要的质量第一分词解释:次序:1.先后顺序。 2.犹次第。常态。 3.调节;安排。重要:1.指重镇﹑要地。 2.谓重大而主要。程度:1.法度;标准。 2.程限;进度。 3.文化﹑教育﹑知识﹑能力等方面的水平。 4.事物发展达到的状况。等第:1.等级次第。 2.谓分等级。 3.唐代科举﹐由京兆府考试后选送前十名升入礼部再试﹐称为“等第”。...第一怎么造句,用第一造句»