
时间:2022-11-08 13:01:02 | 来源:语文通



续写我的叔叔于勒作文 篇1续写《我的叔叔于勒》作文 篇2我的叔叔于勒作文续写作文 篇3《我的叔叔于勒》续写 篇4续写《我的叔叔于勒》 篇5续写我的叔叔于勒作文 篇6续写我的叔叔于勒600字初 篇7续写我的叔叔于勒700字初 篇8《我的叔叔于勒》续写作文 篇9续写我的叔叔于勒600字初 篇10

续写我的叔叔于勒作文 篇1


The Philips, when they got home, never said anything about Yu Le again. The brother-in-law also seems to be aware of something about his divorce from his sister. One day, there was another knock on the old door that had been destroyed. I opened the door and looked out to see Uncle Yu Le. Mom and Dad also came out. Seeing Uncle Yu Le was still wearing the tattered sailor's uniform, Mom and Dad shouted in unison, "Get out! You liar, you rascal!" My uncle didn't know what to do. Just then Uncle Hule saw me and said to his parents, "Brother and sister-in-law, I've never cheated you..." Before my uncle finished speaking, Mom and Dad slammed the door. The door rang again but soon stopped. When I saw my parents returning to their own room, I couldn't help opening the door. My uncle Yu Le had fainted on the ground outside the door. Looking at his haggard face, I had to touch my pocket. Oh, there are 15 coppers left. I went to the shop next door and bought a bottle of water and a loaf of bread. There are still 10 coppers left. At this time, my uncle woke up and saw that I had swallowed my mouth with water and bread. He asked, "Joseph, is this for me?" I nodded to my uncle and motioned to him not to go outside my house. The uncle asked sadly, "Are you going to drive me away, Joseph?" My uncle put down the water and bread and went out. I picked up the water and bread and chased after my uncle. Finally, I caught up with my uncle and said to him, "My uncle is not what you think. I mean it's not easy to talk there." The uncle then turned his head with a smile and said, "Oh, my dear nephew, do you want to go with me?" I was stunned. My uncle looked at me and said, "Oh, no wonder I really made a fortune in America, but I was expelled before I said anything." I said, "Oh, uncle, why did you faint at my door?" "That's just to try you!" My uncle explained, and I replied, "Uncle, I'm willing to go with you to the money oriented home. I've had enough! But Uncle, can you let me tell my parents?" The uncle replied, "Joseph is not needed. I will tell them myself."


The next day, my uncle and I dressed up and knocked at my door. My parents opened the door this time. When they saw Uncle Hule and me, they were shocked. The uncle said, "Brother and sister-in-law, I will give you the money I owe you again. Now I'm taking Joseph away! Goodbye!"


The trip to Zhe'er Sai Island became a big problem for parents. They became afraid of meeting people for that matter. My father no longer said the words "never change", and my mother would not show Uncle Yu Le's letter to others. Whenever others mentioned Uncle Yu Le to their parents, they always answered vaguely and prevaricated.


"Oh, my almighty Lord! I hope that the rascal will not come back again, and that the disaster he gave us has ended.". Mother prays like this every day, which can at least give her some comfort.


But the terrible thing finally came.


One day, as I was walking home, I suddenly saw a familiar figure. I rubbed my eyes, yes, it was him, my uncle Yu Le. He was standing on the roadside, groaning all over, begging for food from passers-by. I walked in the past, I don't know why I walked in the past, maybe it was the reluctant family that drove me! I painstakingly took out my only 15 coppers from my pocket and gave them to him. He smiled and looked at me, turned and walked away, gradually disappearing into the dusk.


When I got home, I walked to my mother who was cooking with my head down and whispered, "I saw Uncle Yu Le today."


"When", my mother's spoon fell off. I picked it up, handed it to my stunned mother, and turned to go out.


At dinner, everyone talked about this matter, and even thought about how to humiliate Uncle Yu Le when he came home, so that he could not stay in this home. While talking, "Dangdang..." A knock came at the door, and my sister said to me, "Joseph, go and see who the nasty guy is.". I opened the door, and my poor uncle Yu Le stood outside. The whole family was shocked. Father tried hard to swallow the food in his mouth and said, "My God! Why are you here?"


"Plop", Uncle Yu Le knelt down in front of his father with tears in his eyes, "Philip, I know you hate me, but I...... I have nothing to eat, and it is so cold, so I have to come to you......" "Get out! You rascal, you rascal." Mother suddenly woke up, pushed Uncle Yu Le out of the door, and locked the door, ignoring Uncle Le's hard knock. "Oh! This is too terrible, too incredible. He unexpectedly, unexpectedly, came to complain to us. Hum! This rascal is a despicable villain. I will never be cheated by him again." Mother said angrily, like an erupting volcano.


At last, everyone calmed down and did not want to mention this unforgettable shame again.


Three days later, a man who looked like an attendant but dressed in style came to my house. His parents quickly poured coffee for him, offered his seat, and asked him what he wanted. The man pushed the coffee away from his mother's hands and said, "My master will take Joseph away.". The "master" parents were shocked. All eyes turned to me. I shrugged my shoulders. I didn't know what was going on. We all looked at the door! I can't believe that the man with a stiff suit and a gentlemanly manner is Uncle Yu Le who was kicked out by his mother three days ago!


He, he really became a rich man.


The mother's face changed quickly, and she ran over with a loud cry, oh! Dear, my God! Yu Le, my good brother, is it really you? My father was so excited that he wanted to hug Uncle Hule, but Uncle Hule ignored them completely. He came over, bent down and said to me, "Joseph, my kind child, how are you?" "I'm fine, Uncle Yu Le." "Would you like to go with me?"


"No, I will not abandon my father and mother."


"Oh, my God! Look at this silly boy." "Hule, you can take him away. We trust you. Of course, life will be better if..." The middle part was very low. I didn't hear what my mother said, but I could think of it.


"Will you, son?"


"No, I have already said that."


Uncle Yu Le asked me to open my hand. He stuck his palm to mine, and then wrote a word "LOVE" on my palm. I smiled, and Uncle Yu Le smiled, too.

续写《我的叔叔于勒》作文 篇2


The father suddenly became excited. Although he tried to restrain himself and make himself appear calm, he still had a smile of pride on his lips. He left his sister and brother-in-law behind, trotted to us, and said to his mother in an excited voice, "Oh, God! My God! Guess who I saw just now? You must have never thought of it!" Mother was puzzled: "Who did you see?" The father calmed down and said, "It's Yu Le! I saw him. He is talking to a businessman!" The mother asked in a daze, "Which one is the master?" My father said proudly, "It's my younger brother, Yu Le, who went to America!"


The mother grabbed his father's clothes and asked in disbelief, "Really? Is that Hule?!" Mother took her clothes out of her mother's hands and smoothed the pleats. Then she slowly said, "It's true. I just heard them talking about the development of Hule in America!" The mother looked forward and said, "Great! It's really him. In this case, we will be rich in the future! I will buy a villa first, and then prepare a decent dowry for my second daughter, so that she can marry off gracefully. Oh, of course, we can't treat our eldest daughter unfairly. We should set up a good family for her." "Of course, but we have to recognize Yu Le first." The father said. Hearing this, my mother urged me and my sisters to go faster.


When we came to Uncle Yu Le's side, he had stopped talking with the businessman, and he was holding a cocktail to tell funny stories to two elegant ladies, which made them giggle. I came closer and found that it was a man with smooth hair and a suit of a brand I didn't recognize. The appearance of the ruffian in my memory has been replaced by the charming gentlemanly demeanor.


The father stepped forward and said, "Hule, do you still remember me? I'm your brother Philip!" When Uncle Yu Le saw someone looking for him, he made a gesture of apology to the two ladies. When they saw Uncle Yu Le was busy, they left first. Then he asked, "You said you were my brother Philip?" Father quickly nodded. He looked at his father again and then said, "Oh, yes, you are my brother. I think you came to let me fulfill the promise mentioned in my letter, right?" The mother answered anxiously, "Yes! Yes!" Uncle Hule said, "Now you say what you want! I will try my best to satisfy you." "We want a villa." Mother rushed to answer. Uncle Yu Le nodded, indicating that there was no problem. Mother said, "We want to become rich like you." Uncle Yu Le said: "Wait, I can only satisfy your villa wishes, because I can only repay you one villa for the losses I caused to you in those years." "But..." "Needless to say, I'm a successful businessman, so I don't do a loss making business." Uncle Yu Le interrupted his mother and sent the check to his father. Then he left his father and mother, who were in the same place.

我的叔叔于勒作文续写作文 篇3


Time flies like an arrow, time flows like water, and several years pass in a flash. My elder sister and the second elder sister are married and have children, leaving me and my parents at home.


My parents are worried about life, and all this is because of Uncle Yu Le. For so many years, my parents think that Uncle Yu Le is a great savior, but in the end, they did not expect that he is a poor sailor. They have been angry for this for a year.


That day, Mom and Dad took a beautiful job and went to the International Hotel to work as a temporary waiter. They didn't want me to be worthless, so they took the opportunity to bring me out to see the world.


Just entering the hotel, I saw a man in a white suit with a smile and neat collar, who was being interviewed by a reporter. But within a few minutes, the reporter was driven away by the police. At that moment, Dad was excited and his eyes were shining.


Dad looked at the man, very excited, his eyes shining. Quietly said to her mother, "Isn't that Hule?" Mother also hurriedly put down her work and stood on tiptoe to see: "I didn't expect that he really became a rich man." Unable to restrain their inner excitement, they shouted: "Hule!" The man suddenly turned around and asked coldly, "What's the matter?"


My father said hesitantly, "I'm your brother!"


Uncle Hule said contemptuously, "I remember my brother and sister-in-law are vain, greedy and mercenary. Are you really my brother?" Dad was very angry for a moment. Uncle Yu Le said again, "What did you think when you drove me away? What did you think on that ship? Tell you the truth! I arranged everything on that ship, including the captain. I just want to see if you are still the same." With that, Uncle Yu Le left without looking back.


At this time, the parents became angry and scolded: "It's nothing to be rich. You can bully people with money." At the same time, they were very upset. "Alas, if I had known this, why should I have done it?"

《我的叔叔于勒》续写 篇4


When they got back on board, everyone was silent. Father tore up the Gospel and threw it into the endless sea like an oyster. The mother was still shivering, unable to believe her eyes, and murmured: How can I place my hope on this CHU student. The brother-in-law and sister were looking at the sea, as if nothing had anything to do with them.


The whole sky was shrouded in dark clouds. The waves were rolling, and we sat on the boat like swinging. The people on board screamed uneasily. Then a storm came. A few minutes later, we escaped the storm. We looked even more embarrassed and impoverished. Suddenly, my mother looked stiffly at the other one, who was neatly dressed. A man with a lot of money is surrounded by a woman who is elegant, dignified and has a noble smell. The mother stammered, "Come on, then... isn't that Yu Le?" Just after that, she took her son-in-law and said, "Come on, come on, that's your uncle Yu Le. Go to recognize him." The son-in-law looked at Yu Le and said, "Uncle Yu Le, I'm the son-in-law. I'm going to marry your brother's daughter, and then we will be a family. "My father also hurried up and said," Brother, I don't think about tea every day, and I don't want to wait for you to go home. I miss you so much, and the old man finally opened his eyes. I hope you come back, and hurry to go home with me! "My mother said directly:" Yes, yes. "Yu Le smiled, as if he understood everything.


The sea is roaring!


Several pieces of shredded paper floated on the sea. Uncle Yu Le stared at the lake closely, and we followed his eyes. Uncle Hule was puzzled, and his mother hurriedly explained: "There was a storm just now, and I accidentally blew the letter you sent me. You don't know how sad we are. "After that, mother wiped her eyes as if she were wiping tears.


”Go home! Let me have a good look at my brother. "My father said that, and we went home. Everyone was silent all the way. When we got home, everyone who kept silent was polite to Le. Some poured water for him, and some beat his back. The women around Yu Le said," It's uncomfortable here. It's a small and broken house. Let's go back to our own home! "So Yu Le took out a large sum of money from his pocket and handed it to my father. The mother and father, eyeing the stars, quickly grabbed the money and said, "What a good brother!" Uncle Hule said, "This is the money for you and the dowry gift for your daughter. Come to me if you have any difficulties in the future. "I went back.


The mother looked at the two faraway figures and smiled. However, my sky is full of dark clouds!

续写《我的叔叔于勒》 篇5


True or false


After our second daughter got married, our family decided to travel to Zhersai Island. I made a heartless decision to book three first class tickets, and two people crowded into one cabin. With excitement, we set off.


When we got on the yacht, I took Clarice's hand in a rare way. Like a group of proud geese, we reached the top of the yacht with our chests outstretched, necks stretched and heads raised.


I lean on the railing to overlook, and the sea breeze is filled with salty fragrance; Golden waves roll on the beach; The snow white wings of gulls are covered with a layer of carmine rays; "Clarice, how beautiful it is!" I have a comfortable smile that I haven't seen in years. "Yes, if Hule were on this boat, we could often enjoy such beautiful scenery... Her voice was full of expectation, and her eyes shone golden.


"Hey, Dad, I heard that there is a masked dance in the hall. How about going to have a look?" The three children looked at me with begging eyes. I hesitated because it cost money to buy the mask, but because of vanity, I persuaded my wife to reluctantly agree to their request.


When I came to the dance, I could not help but feel that we were like a group of ducks in the swan's jade pool by mistake. But this was not the first time that I fell into an inferiority complex due to the huge gap between rich and poor. Fortunately, I did not keep silent, but invited my wife to dance a waltz.


"Oh! Mr. Yu Le! So you are the famous Yu Le. I heard that you have recently made a large business of millions..." The words of a lady next to me attracted my attention.


"Wow, millions of business...... Really powerful, Yule is really good!" I kept nodding and curling my mouth. My eyes were both envious and jealous. "Wait, Hule! My brother!" My voice suddenly changed sharply. My wife obviously noticed the pronunciation of these two words. She jumped on the young man called "Hule" like a hungry wolf before me, "Oh! You are Hule, my dear brother Hule. You finally came back with millions of pounds and countless possessions..." Her red lips were exaggerated. "Ah? You... Are you?" "Hule was puzzled." Hey, do you forget too much? My good brother, this is your sister-in-law. "" I'm your brother! You can't just forget! " I followed him and grabbed his arm. The lady was puzzled and frowned: "Oh? Mr. Yu Le, shouldn't you explain it?"


"I... I don't know..." "Hmm, Philip? My brother, what a surprise to see you here!" The youth's hesitation was interrupted by a warm call. When we looked closely, we saw that this was a middle-aged man with a simple face like Yu Qin. Everyone was shocked, and the young man Yu Le was even sweating.


"Bullshit, this millionaire is my brother. How can you, who looks like a poor man, pretend to be Mr. Yu Le?" After weighing it for a few seconds, I decided to speak ill of the middle-aged man.


The two "Hule" were shocked. The middle-aged man strode towards me and held my shoulder. "Brother, can you see clearly now? I'm your brother, he is a fake. I still remember that when you were young, you took me to the beach to pick up seashells for your mother, and..." "Enough, it's hateful. You bastard investigated my brother's background so carefully in order to pretend to be a rich man!" "Tut!" Clarice looked contemptuous and pushed him away.


"But, Mom and Dad, you shouldn't trust a person who hasn't taken off his mask anyway?" "Shut up, Joseph! What do you know?" I stared at my innocent son and scolded.


"Brother... brother? It's strange. Where did Yu Le go?" I looked puzzled. In a twinkling of an eye, the young man had disappeared. A gentleman raised the middle-aged poor man who was sitting on the ground. "Mr. Yu Le, you are here, so I can find you easily. Will we continue to talk about our big business?" His respectful tone made us seem to understand something.


"That young man was just a poor guy pretending to be rich to meet girls. This is a real rich man!" Said the gentleman. Clarice quickly winked at me, and suddenly she and I jumped on the middle-aged man together. "I'm sorry, it's our mistake. You are Hule, my brother!"


However, at this time, the middle-aged man changed his face, brushed off his ashes without looking up, and said with a sneer, "Ah! No, I was rude, and I accidentally recognized the wrong person." He turned to the gentleman and said, "Sir, let's continue to talk business!" He turned and walked away. Only my wife and I stayed where we were.

续写我的叔叔于勒作文 篇6


At night, I couldn't sleep. Suddenly, there was light outside. I opened the door and saw my father tear the letters written by my uncle to pieces and throw them on the ground. He cursed, "This damned rascal! I knew this bastard would never make a difference. I hope he wouldn't come to eat us together." Then he stepped on the fragments on the ground. The mother then said, "Why don't we wait for him every week, you bastard!" Mother thought for a while and then said, "No, we have to wait for him." The father shouted, "Why should we wait for that guy?" The mother quickly covered his father's mouth, gestured to the brother-in-law's room, and then said, "We still have to wait in order, or the son-in-law will fly back home, and you want to let your daughter be abandoned."


One day, my sister and her husband were cooking in the kitchen. Someone knocked at the door. Mother went to open it. Suddenly, the mother changed her tone and shouted, "Get out, get out of here, you bastard!" I heard the noise and my mother slammed the door. When her brother-in-law asked who it was, her mother said, "It's just a beggar." But I clearly saw the familiar face, old and poor, full of sadness, and those withered and wrinkled hands, which I would never mistake. That was my uncle, my father's brother - Hule. The mother dragged her father into the room and heard him say, "What do you want to do if you want to come back? Do you want to borrow money to eat and drink?" Later, I couldn't hear what was said. I ran upstairs, took the private money I had secretly saved in my arms, rushed out of the door, ran after my uncle, gave it to him, and said, "I only have this money, you can use it!" At that moment, I saw his eyes shining with strange light. He said, "Oh, thank you, my Joseph. May God be with you."

第二天,有一个管家模样的人站在门口,与父母交谈,递给父母一张支票说:“我们主人吩咐我们将约瑟夫少爷带走,我们会给予他最好的待遇,他将会受到最顶尖的教育,这是我家主人给的小费。”父母看到支票上“1”后面的那么多“0”,眼都直了,态度立刻恭敬起来,小心翼翼地问:“你家主人是?”“于勒·达尔芒司,现在美洲最大连锁公司董事长,兼美洲部分金矿的特权开采者。这是主人的名片,请收下。”父母惊呆了,一下子竟然忘记了叫我,管家不耐烦地问:“请问可以把约瑟夫少爷叫出来了吗?我们很快就要启程去美洲了!” 父母懊悔不已,但母亲最先反应过来:“可否将我们一起带上,我们作为他的监护人,应一同前往,况且我们是你家主人的大哥大嫂啊!”“很抱歉,我们主人吩咐只带约瑟夫少爷,而我们向来只照主人吩咐办事。”父母极不情愿地将我叫来。

The next day, a housekeeper stood at the door and talked with his parents. He handed them a check and said, "Our master told us to take Master Joseph away, and we will give him the best treatment. He will receive the best education. This is a tip from our master." When parents saw so many "0s" behind the "1" on the check, they were straight eyed. They immediately respectfully asked, "Who is your master?" "Jules Darmans is now the chairman of the largest chain company in the Americas and a privileged miner of some gold mines in the Americas. This is the owner's card. Please accept it." The parents were shocked and forgot to call me. The housekeeper asked impatiently, "Can you call Master Joseph out? We are leaving for America soon!" The parents were remorseful, but the mother first responded: "Can you take us with you? As his guardian, we should go together. Besides, we are the eldest brother and sister-in-law of your master!" "I'm sorry, our master told us to take only Master Joseph, but we have always followed his orders." My parents called me reluctantly.


After I left, my parents still felt regretful. But it seemed that they suddenly thought of something. Holding the check in their hands, they screamed, as if they were happy to "sell" my son for so much money.

续写我的叔叔于勒600字初 篇7




My father sighed, "Fortunately, it's not him." The mother finally calmed down: "It can't be him, he is not in America." The atmosphere eased a lot.


Because we couldn't find Hule, we had to go back by the ship when we came.


The next day, the first ray of sunshine shone on us in the morning, and I walked on the boat with my head down as if thinking about something. Suddenly, "bang". "I'm sorry." I subconsciously apologized to the other party, and then looked up. He was a man who was very similar to his father, and also similar to the man who sold oysters. But he was cynical in nature. His clothes were much better than mine. He was simply a "playboy".


Father and mother also ran to see each other's "noble spirit" and were shocked, but more seemed surprised. The man smiled, but he was a little sorry: "I'm back!" The father walked up to him and hugged him. "Good to come back! Good to come back!" he said excitedly My mother seemed relieved: "Come on, let's go home!"


When we returned to the cabin, father and mother introduced their sisters and brother-in-law to Uncle Yu Le. They smiled at each other and said, "This is... That is..." Then they pulled my sisters and me to Uncle Yu Le and said kindly, "This is your dear Uncle Yu Le, your father's brother." I ran to him and called out "Uncle Hule" sweetly. "This is my uncle, my father's younger brother... maybe it is also the source of money for our family in the future." Seeing how polite I am, my mother's eyes flashed a shrewd look and winked at my father again.


Father sat down with Yu Le and talked with him about the days of separation. "It was not easy for you. In fact, where are we now? The children's clothes are all made by themselves." The father also pretended to wipe his tears.


Yu Le regretted: "Brother, don't worry. You won't suffer any more. I will pay you back what I owed you..."

续写我的叔叔于勒700字初 篇8


Xu Jingqing Yang


The San Marino slowly sailed into the port, where a magnificent American ship was parked, which was incompatible with several small, dilapidated fishing boats around. "I don't know which rich man came to Le Havre to play!" Her mother's eyes lit up and said to Philip, "Come on, Philip, go and see if you can make a profit from him."


The sky darkened. The Santa Malo docked, and my parents couldn't wait to get off the ship. They took three steps and two steps, and walked quickly to the ship. I followed them slowly. They listened to the captain of the ship to passers-by, and their faces gradually took on some surprise and joy. "Is it really him?" I seem to hear my parents' surprised voice. Is Yu Le back? Is the old sailor on the ship going to Zhersai Island just a person who looks like Yu Le? The parents got permission to go to the captain's cabin. They knocked carefully on the cabin door of the captain's cabin, looking forward to it, and a little nervous. I can't believe it. It was Yu Le who opened the cabin door to meet his parents. Yes, Yu Le Darmans. He wore a white suit, a captain's cap, and polished his leather shoes. The parents looked at him for a moment. "Are you Philip? My brother?" "Oh, it's me. Look at you. You are so rich now. How are you doing in America?" Yu Le was also very happy. "You did a good job and got a lot of money. When I came back this time, I wanted to let you live a rich life. In three days, I will go to America again." Hule coughed a few times. "Well, well!" Father answered loudly.


The wind whistled past. The father walked out of the captain's room, pulled his mother aside, and whispered, "Don't let Yu Le run out again this time. If we run out again, our life will be sad. Find any reason to keep him!" Mother nodded.


That night, we had the worst storm in years. The next morning, Yu Le kept coughing, even coughing up blood. In the afternoon, Yu Le was found to have tuberculosis. At that time, there was no drug that could cure tuberculosis.


A week later, Yu Le left in pain. I was at a loss. My father cried bitterly with the money left by Uncle Yu Le

《我的叔叔于勒》续写作文 篇9


It was just getting dark when we got home. The faces of father and mother were so gloomy that we could see that they were still worried about today's events.


At dinner, my sister asked for some reason: "Father, Uncle Yu Le will come back one day with a lot of wealth, won't he?" My father's face turned red like a rotten tomato. He said, "Yes... yes, we will have a good life one day, God bless us..." My sister seemed to believe this and began to imagine a better life in the future, He said, "When the time comes, our family will move to the villa and eat seafood together in the magnificent restaurant..." "Enough, go to bed as soon as you finish eating. It's getting late." My mother coldly interrupted my sister's dream. My sister took me back to my room to sleep with a little dissatisfaction. She held my hand trembling. It seems that she has been deeply immersed in the dream of getting rich.


Lying on the hard wooden bed, I began to recall what happened today. It was unbelievable. An old and poor face appeared in my mind, "Oh, this is my dear uncle Yu Le. God bless him to live on his own." After whispering this sentence, my left eyelid began to jump, as if something big was going to happen.


I was woken up just before dawn. "Philip, come with me to the beach!" My mother's shrill cry startled me. I quickly changed my clothes and went out with my father and mother. "Joseph, hurry to go home......" My mother was trying to drive me home, but the bus had already arrived, and I couldn't bear it, so she let me get on the bus together. "Joseph, remember, no matter what happens later, don't tell your two sisters, especially your brother-in-law..." I promised. My father and mother looked solemn. I could see what had really happened. The car drove very fast and soon arrived at the seaside. I heard the noise of people's voices. It seems to smell an unusual smell from the sea breeze. Sure enough, as soon as I got out of the car, I saw a group of people surrounded by the sea. My father held my hand tightly and went into the crowd with my mother.


There was a man in the open space in front of me. He is deep and covered with sand, his messy hair droops on both sides of his ears without spirit, his face is wrinkled, and his white lips all declare his death. "This... This is Uncle Yu Le?!" I exclaimed, and my mother promptly covered my mouth and nose with her rough palm. I couldn't believe the amazing reality for a moment, so I trembled all over. The father and mother stared at the body with frightened eyes, and they were shocked and didn't know what to say.


"It is said that when he was catching oysters, his ankle was entangled by seaweed, and then... people now, in order to save a little money for purchasing goods, even their lives were lost..." The crowd began to stir, and the police came. My father and mother pulled me away from the beach soon. All the way, they were silent, their heads bowed and they didn't know what they were thinking. When I got home, my father and mother were as busy as ever, as if nothing had happened. If they hadn't told me, "Don't tell me anything." I almost thought what just happened was just my imagination.


The next day, I saw a pile of torn kraft paper in the bucket, and the old and dirty face came back to my mind. I never heard the name "Hule" again.

续写我的叔叔于勒600字初 篇10


Shen Yuqiang


On the boat where we came back, my mother and father whispered: "Be careful when you go out in the future. Don't let him see us when he comes back and talk about us again." What they did not know was that there was a gorgeous person on the boat when they came or when they returned. In the crowd in the distance, they looked at them quietly and saw their every move in the eyes. If Philip were there, he would be surprised to find that the man looked exactly like the old sailor.


The next day, we returned home. At the door, we met a man. He had an old and wrinkled face, wearing clothes made of linen, a pair of dark black pants, and a pair of broken cloth shoes, which were patched in several places. That man is my uncle Yu Le. I wanted to go up to say hello, but my father stepped ahead of me. He showed an angry expression and shouted: "Who are you, an old man? What are you sneaking around at our door? Do you want to steal?" The old man said sadly, "Brother, I'm Hule! I'm back, don't you know me?" But his father still said angrily, "My brother is not like you at all. He is a rich man, and he won't leave soon." At the same time, the coldness and ferocity in the eyes became stronger. Yu Le had no choice but to reply, "Since you only recognize money and don't recognize people, I will leave. You can't regret it later." Then he turned around and walked to other places.


At the corner, several people with suits and plaques suddenly came out, each with a box in his hand. They came to Yu Qin and said respectfully, "Boss, what you want us to buy..." One of them was the "captain" who talked to his father. Hule gave his father and mother a cold look, which seemed to say that since you only know money, but don't know your family, I think we don't know each other. Then he opened his mouth again and said, "These gifts are for you. In any case, hundreds of thousands of francs are not much for me. Go back." Then Uncle Yu Le walked away from his parents' frightened and regretful eyes until his figure disappeared in the distance.