Today I came to Yangchunmen Park to visit Yangchunmen in May!
In May, Yangchunmen Park was green, and the embellishment of a few flowers, the sun shines through the green leaves, shines on the ground, the leaves emit a glittering light, and the flowers dance with the breeze.
A grandfather by the moat is filming the video with great interest, doing this, looking at it, the wide moat is even more eye -catching. The fluorescent fluorescence on the sun shining on the sun, a few water ducks emerged from time to time, very cute.
It is called the first city of Huaxia, and it is also a place where we are proud of our Xiangyang people. Standing by the river to appreciate the taste of the river in the breeze, it seems that countless ancestors have emerged to create a scene where the moat., Asia's largest moat, it is really impossible to believe that it was built by the ancestors, where their hard -working sweat was splashed. Grandpa patted the moat and let everyone see their proud hometown! Proud moat!
When I was looking at it, there was a sudden "I and my motherland and my motherland, and I couldn't divide the" back to God.
Walking in the direction of the sound, a grandfather who passed the flower armor was sang his wife in the pavilion for a year.From time to time, Grandpa raised his head from time to time, his voice was very heavy, his expression was very serious. I ran over to wash my ears and listened. Grandpa wore military uniforms and made me feel the patriotic atmosphere in the park.Excitedly applauded, Grandpa said with a kind smile and said happily. Thank you, when he was not in the patriotic feelings, he was also a cute child.
There was a laughter of laughter with erhu. Erhu is our traditional Chinese instrument, which has a history of more than 1,000 years.
A big tree under the pavilion under the shade of the tree is covered by a big tree.Later, I taught her to pull the erhu. From time to time, she would make a laugh. The girlfriends and grandma surrounding the surrounding and the grandparents also laughed at each other, so that a grandma even rushed up to guide.They learn Chinese musical instruments together, learn Erhu, and inherit Chinese traditional musical instruments together. If you are foreigners, then you can feel the extremely charm of our Chinese instrument Erhu, of course, it is indispensable for grandparents' love.With the sound of erhu, you will deeply feel that you will learn because you love the motherland and love the tradition of the motherland.Laughed!
There is a cultural atmosphere everywhere, Chinese and American virtues! Yangchunmen Park not only makes me feel the beauty of the scenery, but also the beauty of China! The government has also created a good environment for grandparents and grandma. The retired grandparents will come here.Show the motherland's style.
A wind and sunny and sunny Sunday, my mother and I came to Yangchunmen Park.
Entering the gates of the park, a tall weeping willow is in sight. The leaves on the long branches are tender and tender, green, like little girl's braids, long and soft.A gust of gusts, the wicker swayed with the wind, and like a girl's dance skirt, it was even more graceful. The green grass under the tree was like a red flower on the edge of the lawn.It's so beautiful.
Listen! There are many children's laughter in front.I ran over, it turned out that the children walked the brick above the water-the stone on the small side.I looked very fun. I ran over and walked away. It really looked easy and difficult to walk! As soon as I stepped on one piece, I felt that I was standing on the water. I was a little dizzy and unstable., I jumped over, and my head was not dizzy.
After passing the side of the river, I looked down and carefully, and I found that the water in the river was clear. I saw the fish play in groups of three or five. There was a fish very unique. It was black and white.It seems that I am worried because I can't find a partner!
Look! There is a triangular pavilion standing on the half-hillside, which is designed for tourists-if tourists are tired, we can go inside to rest.The carved flowers, beautiful paintings, and antique atmosphere, follow the trend and look at the scenery outside the pavilion through this elegant space, is a beautiful enjoyment.
The most interesting is the rockery in the park! Many children hiding cats, cats, caught people in the rockery ... I also climbed up excitedly, compared to Fan Yan with the children, see who climbed to the top of the mountain first, and put the red flag.Pick it up, even if anyone wins, my Fan Yan technology is first -class. It quickly climbed to the top of the mountain, but there was a small problem, and the flag couldn't get it. The boy behind me caught up and grabbed the flag to grab the flag.It's a pity that the champion passes by, it's a pity!
In the setting sun, my mother and I reluctantly left Yangchunmen Park.
1、公园:公园读音为gōng yuán,是指供公众游览休息的园林。公园 gōng yuán词语解释:供公众游览休息的园林。(1) [park](2) 古代官家的园林(任诚王澄)表减公园之地,以给无业贫口。——《魏书.景穆十二王.任城王传》(3) 城市或市镇经管作为风景区,供公众游憩用的一片土地北海公园森林公园分词解释:公众:社会上大多数的人;大众:公众领袖ㄧ公众利益。园林:种有花草树木,筑有亭阁台榭,凿有水池,堆有假山,供人游览休憩的场所。中国古典园林萌芽于秦汉,宋代以后成熟。按隶属关系一般分为皇家园林、私家园林、寺观园林三大类。休息:暂停体力劳动或脑力劳动或其他活动,以恢复精力。游览:漫步观赏:游览故宫|游览黄山。...公园怎么造句,用公园造句»
2、阳春:阳春读音为yáng chūn,是指①温暖的春天:三月阳春|十月小阳春。②太平盛世:何时见阳春。阳春 yáng chūn词语解释:①温暖的春天:三月阳春|十月小阳春。②太平盛世:何时见阳春。分词解释:十月:1.一年中的第十月。 2.十个月。春天:1.春季。 2.喻温暖和希望。 3.喻充满温暖和希望的时代。温暖:①暖和;不冷不热:气候温暖|温暖的阳光|共眠布被取温暖。②亲切关怀:温暖的集体|得到家庭的温暖。何时:1.什么时候。表示疑问。 2.什么时候。表示时间难以确定。三月:1.格里历(即阳历)每年的第三个月。 2.农历(阴历)每年的第三个月,第三个朔望月。 3.三个月。...阳春怎么造句,用阳春造句»
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