"The night wind brushes the Penghu Bay, and the white waves are beaches. There is no coconut tree to drunk the sun, just a piece of sea is clear." When we walked on the beautiful and moving Golden Beach in Qingdao City, the song gently echoed this song.The soft song, the light wind moved my face, stepped on the golden and soft sand on the soles of my feet, and the beautiful scenery asked me to be refreshing.I was drunk and was intoxicated with this fairyland in the world.
The blue sea is endless, as if intersecting with the sky on the road.The milky red -billed gulls fluttered in the air in the air in the air, and it sounded loudly for a while, and it seemed to be intoxicated in the beautiful and moving sea here.The moment I saw the sea, I was deeply shocking.I was full of excitement and excitement, and I jumped into the sea decisively.I was still bounced and applauded in the sea, accompanied by the impact of the waves of the sea, I seemed to be into a small elf at sea, rolling around the cusp briskly, and hissing sounds.
On the shore, I took a leisurely walk with my friends. The waves knocked and kissed my feet, and I hid and hid, and I was so comfortable.Everyone picks up the shell and picks up the conch.Picking it up, suddenly, a big storm came back, asking my little face and the sea to be "close".Suddenly I felt that my finger was pinched, sour and itchy. I lowered my head and looked at it. It turned out that a naughty crab had "attacked" my feet ...
Then I and my friends rushed to the beach to fight sand wars.In the sand full of sky, everyone looked at me, looked at you, and saw a small face like cats, and couldn't help laughing.Everyone also used a small shovel to dig a "trap", waiting for the hunting to be deceived and fell off the trap. The whole golden beach was full of everyone's song and laughter.
The rest of the sunset sprayed on the rippling sea surface, like a golden music symbol bounced on the sea, playing a beautiful concerto.what!Golden Beach, I always remember you.
During the summer vacation, Mom and Dad took me to the Golden Beach in Qingdao, where the beauty there was in its sea.
When my little feet are exposed to thin sand, I admire the endless and vast sea.When the sea is quiet, like a bright mirror; when the seawater is running, it is like a row of neat sentry passing by in front of the podium. When the sea grows, it looks like a roar lion, rolling up a thousand layers of waves, towards towards the thousands of waves, towards it towardsThe beach comes.
From time to time, several seagulls flew in the sky, and they fluttered in the air high, adding a lot of vitality to the Golden Beach.The beautiful scenery of the golden beach has attracted many tourists.
My dad and I piled up a fortress, and I swim in the blue sea water. I also picked up many colorful shells on the beach with my mother.I walked on the beach, the sea water patted my little feet, leaving a string of footprints on the beach, a wave of waves, and the footprint disappeared without a trace.
Golden Beach is so beautiful, I like the sea here!
1、游记:游记读音为yóu jì,是指文学体裁名。记述游览经历的文章。 对游历进行记录的文体游记 yóu jì词语解释:文学体裁名。记述游览经历的文章。[travel notes] 对游历进行记录的文体分词解释:记述:用文字叙述;记载:记述往事ㄧ那篇文章对此事有翔实的记述。经历:①亲身见过、做过或遭受过:他一生经历过两次世界大战。②亲身见过、做过或遭受过的事:生活经历。游览:漫步观赏:游览故宫|游览黄山。...游记怎么造句,用游记造句»
2、青岛:青岛读音为qīng dǎo,是指草木青翠的岛屿。青岛 qīng dǎo词语意思:草木青翠的岛屿。分词解释:岛屿:四面环水的小块陆地。散处于海洋、湖泊、河流中。按成因分为大陆岛、海洋岛(火山岛、珊瑚岛)、冲积岛。世界上最大的岛屿是格陵兰岛。世界岛屿总面积约为970万平方千米,约占世界陆地面积的7%。青翠:青绿色:春天到来,田野一片青翠。草木:1.指草本植物和木本植物。 2.指荒野。 3.亦作“艹木”。比喻卑贱。多用作自谦之词。● 青 qīng ㄑㄧㄥˉ◎ 深绿色或浅蓝色:青绿。青碧。青草。青苔。青苗。青菜。青葱。青山绿水。青云直上。万古长青(喻高尚的精神或深厚的友情永远不衰)。◎ 绿色的东西:踏青。青黄不接。◎ 靛蓝色:靛青。青紫。青出于蓝,胜于蓝。◎ 黑色:青布。青线。青衫。青衣。◎ 喻年轻:青年。青春。青工。◎ 竹简:青简。青史(原指写在竹简上的记事,后指史书,如“永垂青青”)。● 岛(島) dǎo ㄉㄠˇ◎ 江海或湖泊里四面被水围着的陆地:岛屿。半岛。海岛。岛链(排列成一串的许多岛)。...青岛怎么造句,用青岛造句»
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