
时间:2022-09-26 13:31:28 | 来源:语文通



小学后勤的工作总结 篇1小学后勤工作总结优秀 篇2小学后勤的工作总结 篇3小学后勤的工作总结 篇4小学后勤工作总结优秀 篇5小学后勤工作总结优秀 篇6小学后勤的工作总结 篇7小学后勤工作总结优秀 篇8小学后勤工作总结优秀 篇9

小学后勤的工作总结 篇1


This semester, under the leadership of the principal's office and the General Affairs Office, our logistics staff fully implemented the policy of "teaching and educating people, managing and educating people"., Carry forward the spirit of "diligence and pragmatism", improve service quality and service level, work together, overcome difficulties, and reform, so that logistics service work has achieved certain results.


On behalf of the Logistics Group, I will report to the leaders from the following aspects and all teachers.


1. Strive to do daily service work and provide excellent logistics support


The soldiers and horses have not moved, and the grain and grass are first. At the beginning of the semester, it is the busiest work of the logistical work.One step first, build a platform, and let the teaching of teaching be the responsibilities of the logistical personnel.In order to ensure the successful and normally entered the new semester, the logistics group focused on the following aspects:


1. Ensure that students' books are distributed in place in time, teaching office supplies are in place, so that teaching work is carried out normally.The supplies that they really need in teaching work are guaranteed within the first time.


2. Regularly conduct safety inspections of school buildings, electrical appliances and other equipment of the school to ensure the safety of teachers and students, and summarize the inspection records, discover the problems in time, and resolutely prevent all hidden safety hazards.


3. Timely repair the damaged desk chairs, class door locks, hydropower, and teaching equipment to ensure that students take class normally.In order not to affect the normal teaching order, logistics personnel abandon the rest time and basically use holidays to repair.


4. Cooperation and active implementation. This semester can better cooperate with the teaching office, text department and young pioneers to complete various teaching and student activities. The open courses of each subject can be discharged in time.It ’s good to spend less money.


Second, safe work, often unremittingly grasping


We have strengthened school safety precautions and consistently insisting on regular and irregular inspections and timely discovery of hidden dangers to ensure that everything is foolproof.


The first is to carry out a large -scale inspection of campus safety and health.During the inspection, listed the inspection items and details one by one, clarified the scope and focus of the inspection, and conducted a comprehensive inspection of schools, teaching equipment, fire protection facilities, school cafeterias, etc., confirmed that there were no hidden dangers.Organize rectification to ensure normal use at the beginning of school.


The second is to strengthen conventional safety inspections.For key safety parts, it has been checked from time to time, pays attention to everywhere, strictly prevents, and immediately takes measures to take measures and rectify the problems or safety hazards found in the inspection.The school cafeteria strictly abides by food hygiene regulations, and employees hold certificates to work and conduct regular medical examinations.The oil, salt, firewood, rice, meat, vegetables, etc. of the cafeteria are all purchased, strictly accepted and custody.When procurement, you must ensure the "two certificates", that is, the operating unit must have a hygiene permit, and the purchased pork and other products must have a certificate of inspection.The items and meals in each day must be left, and the name, date, time, etc. are marked on the sample container box.For food, vegetable cleaning, cooking, etc., the school has strict operation processes, measures and records, and the tableware of the meal insists on disinfection per meal.


The third is to strictly strengthen the management of shuttle bus.Unified thoughts and improve their understanding.In order to do a good job of the student pick -up car, our school took the initiative to contact the traffic police squadron. Under the guidance of the superior spirit, the school held a meeting of driver driver meetings many times to study and deploy the "student pick -up car" work.Strict management and standardized operation.Our school requires the driver to sign a corresponding pick -up agreement with the parents of the students, and to be regularly transferred to the students in accordance with the prescribed requirements of the school, emphasizing the importance of safe operation, and put forward strict requirements for relevant personnel.For inspections, the owner must ensure that students are safe and not passengers.Strictly require drivers to abide by traffic rules, drive cautiously, and obey the unified deployment of the school.Schools often jointly jointly meet the traffic police brigades to strengthen the supervision of the docking of car delivery when students get out of school at the peak.In short, the responsibilities of all departments and personnel are responsible for each other.It is precisely because all of our staff work together and do the work of the car delivery. It is realistic and strict. In the past semester, no accident happened.


The fourth is to further improve the system of duty.Strictly implement the 24 -hour duty system, and there are school administrative leadership duty classes on holidays. Duty caregivers have performed their posts, diligent in duties, and maintained the school's school property.Strengthen the duty system of the doorkeeper, and all people and other people are not allowed to enter.


3. Strengthen the management of school property


1. Strengthen the management of school property, especially the management of school property.Further improve the property management systems such as shopping, storage, and use, so as to improve the system, clear responsibilities, accounts in accordance with the accounts, and accounts.Complete the procedures for shopping and entry and exit, continue to improve the management procedures for school property, to achieve accurate quantities, prices, and custody responsibility.


2. Strengthen the work of open source, and take good care of school assets.Focus on shopping management, and in accordance with the attitude of responsibility for the school, we will use every penny in all aspects.Three must be compared to shopping, try to wholesale, focus on the management of inventory materials, continue to adopt the registration system for teaching supplies, clarify the whereabouts of each piece of paper, each pen, and each box of ink cartridges to reduce waste.In strengthening the management of the text and printing room, any paper that needs to be copied has been filled in a copy of the registration form, and some school leaders sign the signature before copying, which improves the quality of service and reduces the number of consumables.


Looking back at the logistics work of the first semester, we have completed the scheduled plan, but there are some unsatisfactory places.The main manifestation is that the phenomenon of waste still exists, especially the waste of hydropower and food is serious.There is still a lamp or electric fan in the classroom unmanned state. Many leftovers and leftovers of the cafeteria have occurred from time to time.In addition, although the toilet has been distributed to each class, the management is not enough. Often, some people throw miscellaneous objects such as waste paper into the toilet, causing the blockage of the sewage pipe to further improve the system in the future work and change the bad habits.


In short, all the trivial and complications of logistics work, but it is indispensable in school education. It is a prerequisite for other schools to carry out normally, and it is important to do logistical work.We adhere to the principle of "logistics must serve teaching work" and do our best to do the logistics service.In the future, our logistics group will continue to complete the coordination of various functional departments of the school as always, ensure that the school work is carried out normally, do our best to do a good job of logistics support for the school, and strive to make our school's logistics work a new level.In short, you also ask all leaders and teachers to contain more and give more guidance.

小学后勤工作总结优秀 篇2


The logistics work of our school's semester always adheres to the service principles of "teaching needs, policy permission, optimization of services, civilized and efficient" service principles, with the purpose of "safety first, service -oriented, optimizing innovation, improvement of quality and efficiency" as the purpose.Good logistics support, continuously improving service quality, trying to obtain comprehensive benefits, solidly and steadily promoted various tasks, and achieved outstanding results. Specifically, there are six aspects:


1. Scientific decision -making and optimize logistical management.


Further revised and improved the student dining system, and detailed the management responsibilities of the student cafeteria; second, the canteen work implemented a three -level management system for supervisors, administrators, and cooks.Perform performance assessment, strengthen work specifications, and mobilize the enthusiasm of logistical personnel.


2. Pay attention to learning and optimize team building.


Adhere to the monthly logistics special meetings, mainly study the standards of professional ethics, food hygiene and other aspects, and simultaneously discuss the work, summarize and implement rectification in a timely manner, and implement rectification in a timely manner.Usually strengthen work supervision and assessment, and achieves equal emphasis on learning and assessment.In this year, the work discipline and business quality of the logistics staff of our school have improved.


Third, the implementation of harvesting has optimized food hygiene.


Food health is related to the life and health of teachers and students of the whole school, and the responsibility is particularly important.We have always been unremitting to this work and pay attention to implementation.


1. Ensure investment, improve the environment, and ensure that facilities and equipment are sufficient.Secondly, the rules and regulations have been improved. The school and relevant personnel have signed a letter of responsibility for food hygiene and safety, insisting on the responsibility of food hygiene, and the implementation of everyone.The combination of random inspections ensures the implementation of measures and standardized operation.


2. I insisted on the great rectification of the cafeteria once every two weeks, and carefully did the daily cleaning, cleaning, disinfection and sterilization work, strengthened the adoption permit and standardized operation, and ensured the food hygiene of the cafeteria.


3. Strengthen the supervision of hygiene. The leadership on duty was randomly checked once a week, found problems, immediately implemented rectification, eliminating expired deterioration and three non -food to enter the campus.


Fourth, effort and savings, optimized material management.


1. Signed a letter of property management responsibility with each class and bedrooms, which strengthened the property management of student apartments, and the damage rate of various types of facilities was significantly reduced.


2. Clean up the property uniformly, standardize the establishment of accounts, find out the bottom of the family, and avoid repeated investment and facilities idle.


Fifth, standardize operations and optimize financial management.


1. The internal review system adheres to frequent;


2. Regulate all kinds of bills and operate strictly in accordance with the prescribed procedures;


3. Material procurement implements a system for department application, supervisor approval, and financial and accounting processing, and regulates procurement behavior.In the last accounting work inspection, our school's work was well received.


6. Logistics is the guarantee of school saving teaching, involving all aspects of the school.


Doing a good job in the school's logistics work is of decisive significance for the survival and development of the school.In this semester, we also have many shortcomings, and we plan to overcome and improve them in future work.


1. The management of various types of property needs to be further standardized. The damage and idle phenomenon of commonly used items are serious, and it cannot be used.In the future work, we will further strengthen property management, fully implement the property management contracting system, and manage the supplies.


2. It is not enough for logistics service to innovate, not liberating ideas, and not new ideas.The idea determines the way out.We must constantly update our concepts, collect all kinds of information in a timely manner, strive to innovate service projects, expand the scale of service, and do a good job of digging for potential efficiency.


3. Although the construction of the logistics team has been strengthened, its quality still needs to continue to improve.This fall, we will carefully allocate personnel in the semester, carefully deploy personnel, optimize management measures, strengthen learning and training, strictly manage process management, and promote the efficient operation of logistics work to create greater comprehensive benefits.


4. It is to further standardize the procurement, storage and use of materials, and take the opportunity of the cleaning of fixed asset management to effectively strengthen the management of material management.


5. It is to vigorously advocate conservation, refine the management of various commonly used materials (water, electricity) to various rooms, manage special personnel, and try to create a conservative school.

小学后勤的工作总结 篇3


In the busy footsteps every day, the work of this semester in a blink of an eye is about to end. Under the leadership of ______, the logistics department of our school has fully implemented and carefully implemented the work deployment of __________ to carry out each solid and effective development of each.The work, this semester's project construction and school cultural construction have made breakthrough progress, and the necessary results have been achieved. Now we will summarize the logistics work of our school this semester:


1. major breakthroughs in project construction


Since last year, in order to improve the conditions of school running, the school has always ran in many parties and forge ahead for the reconstruction of teaching buildings. In this semester, under the high attention and guidance of _________In order to reduce the pressure of fiscal investment and improve the conditions for running schools in our school, the school submitted by the school over the years, and the project construction plan for school business cooperation to improve school running conditions is under the guidance of ___________________ 存, we are right.The project construction feasibility has carried out many market research, repeated demonstrations and modifications, and completed the textual schemes of the previous market research text and project construction. The design institute was hired to produce two sets of floor plan design drawings. This set of text maps was hired.The data has been formally concluded as an important basis for future investment promotion.


2. School culture officially enters the design stage


The construction of school culture is an important job in our school. This semester of the school's logistics sacrifice holiday rest, specially purchased from other places to buy two cheap ornamental stones.After the school for progress, under the high attention and lead of _________, the school signed a school cultural design contract with the ________________ company. The cultural design of our school was officially launched. At present, the school emblem and related elements are progressing rapidly.The dream of the construction of _________ in our school for many years is now realized. At this point, our school has become one of the few reinforcements, renovation, and school culture construction in the same way.


3. Logistics management is pragmatic and efficient


The hidden dangers are governed, and the school saves a lot of funds._________ East wall on the east side of the primary school is affected by the construction of the house outside the school, which leads to cracking of the retaining wall, and the cracking of the fence on the retaining wall and the ground on the wall. Based on the serious impact of the school's site safety, the school has repeatedly worked with the house developer and the construction party.The party conducted communication and coordination, and finally promoted the reinforcement and reconstruction of our school's retaining walls and damaged fences, and successfully completed. The school did not spend a penny to successfully relieve the hidden dangers of the wall.


The management of public property and greening maintenance is significant.Due to the restrictions on the venue, when the monthly calligraphy match and other large -scale activities, students need to move the desk and chairs into it. It is very inconvenient and the desk and chairs are damaged.The school decides that everyone uses a desk set to buy a small square stool.After careful preparation and meticulous work, the school used the opportunity to hold a parent meeting to publicize the work and won the understanding and support of all parents.

小学后勤的工作总结 篇4


This semester, under the direct leadership of school leaders, our logistics staff carefully studied the spirit of the relevant education work documents, implemented the policy of "teaching and educating people, managing education, and serving people", adhered to logistics and education teaching, and for teachersThe direction of life service, strengthen the management of all aspects of logistics, strengthen safety and health work, carry forward the work style of "diligence, pragmatic, efficient, and high -quality", strive to improve their own quality, continuously enhance service awareness, work together, overcome difficulties, make logistics, and make logistics.The work guarantees the normal progress of education and teaching.


We mainly do the following aspects:


1. Conventional work.Do a good job in the preparation of schools to ensure the normal start of schools. In order to ensure that the school can start normally, the logistical personnel classify the textbooks one week in advance and distribute it.The classrooms, windows, glass, hanging fan, solar lamps, etc. are often conducted carefully inspections and maintenance, and various teaching facilities and equipment are equipped in time to make teaching work normally.


2. Further improve the logistics management system, strengthen quality meaning and service awareness, and strive to provide high -quality and efficient services for teachers and students of the school.Campus management is in an orderly manner, and the staff are simple and hardworking and responsible.Popular disease staff can do a good job in disinfection according to school regulations, so that teachers and students in schools can have a safe environment.The staff has won the recognition of teachers and students with their hardships and hardships and thoughts of serving teachers and students wholeheartedly.


3. Safety management.Improve the relevant materials for safety education and welcome the inspection of the leaders of the Education Bureau.The work responsibilities of the personnel on duty this semester have improved significantly, and they have registered for visitors, received enthusiastic reception, and strictly control the safety of the school gate.Patrol more than twice at night to ensure the safety of the school.The people in and out of the country are strictly held in accordance with the regulations, inquired about the registration of visitors, and effectively maintained the school's normal teaching order, and purified the school environment.


4. Strictly implement the financial system. The school's finance is open, transparent, and does not charges.Report the branch, implement democratic financial management, and announce it on a regular basis; adhere to the volume specifications and classify the items.All kinds of teaching equipment are reported to superior review for unified procurement.Do a good job of paying wages, performance evaluation rewards, overtime salary, etc. according to the requirements of superiors.


5. Improve the various systems of the storage room.Establishing items and storage registration system, outside the item, and the system of low -value consumables.Adhere to the use of school property well, register the collar, record records, compensate for damage, and borrow registration.The property of all custody rooms is classified and organized, indoor sanitation is clean, and the items are organized.Purchase and disposal in time.Further managing fixed assets, the consolidation of the accounts for clearance is consistent.


6. The school's work logistical personnel actively participate, actively cooperate, and give support from material, manpower, and financial resources, so that various activities have achieved good results.


7. Improve the school's educating environment, beautify the green campus, cultivate teachers and students' sentiments, through the efforts of logistics and relevant personnel, the school is green grass, and the campus is a beautiful and elegant pattern.Add vitality to monotonous learning and life.Further do a good job in the green work of the school.Usually urge greening personnel to weed regularly for the school's green belt, and fertilize, remove insects and water for flowers and trees.


8. Use the holidays to organize and repair the campus environment, actively find someone to find materials, three or five times, not tireless, repair damaged tiles, ensure the safety of teachers and students, use the holiday to accompany the workers to repair the door and window desk to ensure the normal teaching order of the school.


Existing problems: Instead of doing it in open source and throwing.The phenomenon of damage to the public property still exists, and do not pay attention to saving water and electricity.


20____ June year

小学后勤工作总结优秀 篇5


This semester has been quietly. Rebelling in the past semester, under the leadership of the school committee, we did the following tasks with the joint efforts of all faculty and staff:


1. Improve the system and establish an evaluation system.


At the beginning of the semester, in order to improve the school's management plan and earnestly, each teacher has an objective, fair and moderate evaluation method in logistics work. After careful thinking and repeated consideration, we have formulated evaluation of the teachers' logistics management from three aspects from three aspects.Standards improved the school's evaluation plan and achieved the conditions and basis of evaluating teachers.At the same time, the management system of employees has also been formulated to make the school's logistics management more and more standardized.


Second, implement hydropower transformation and open management.


There are residents from foreign schools and other fronts. Due to many years of omitting problems, hydropower management of the dormitory area has become the boss.After the school studies this semester, we have implemented a thorough update of the grid, installing electronic meters, meters of meters, and electricity consumption can be checked at any time.In this way, each household recovered its own electricity condition. At the same time, it also played a role in saving electricity. We mainly replaced the bad watch on the water reform and based on the water use situation.EssenceThrough two months of trials, the hydropower management specifications have entered the right track, completely changing the phenomenon of past management chaos.


3. Strengthen property management to ensure that the property is intact.


At the beginning of this semester, we implemented a comprehensive renovation of the students' tables and stools, registered for the tables and stools of students in each class.Register and sign a contract with the custodian.We usually check all property to ensure the integrity of the property, and promote the repair of damaged glass, doors, and locks.


Fourth, do logistical work and serve education and teaching.


In the management of the cafeteria, we pay attention to the update of students' earlier varieties, the quality of Chinese food, and regular inspections of the health and safety of the cafeteria.At the same time, the ordering system for Chinese food for teachers has changed the inconvenience caused by the fact that there are many or less people in the past. Try to make teachers and students eat well and eat.


This semester, we have increased prevention and treatment according to the problem of the epidemic disease of animal pigs, controlled the situation in a timely manner, so that teachers can get an appropriate amount of Chinese New Year meat.


5. Increase financial management and do a good job of logistics support.


The school's financial resources are limited and the shortage of funds. In order to ensure the normal operation of the school, we have formulated a financial management system, implemented the application for approval system for all expenditures, and implemented the registration system for the entertainment.The system that the principal's final review was standardized, which standardized the expenditure procedures and eliminated chaos.At the same time, the accounting system was abolished, and the method of cash payment was adopted to achieve open source throttling and service teaching.


However, there are still many shortcomings in our work, especially in greening, we do not do enough to beautify the campus, and need to be improved in future work.

小学后勤工作总结优秀 篇6


The general affairs logistics work of the school is an important part of the school's work. It provides a strong guarantee for the school's successful education and teaching activities. The general affairs work adheres to the principle of "logistics work must serve the teaching center".In the past semester, under the direct leadership of the school, the General Affairs Office, in accordance with the work plan and overall requirements set up at the beginning of the semester, unite the majority of teachers and students and employees, and do their best to do the logistics service.The main tasks of this semester are summarized as follows:

一、加强员工思想建设 强化责任意识

1. Strengthen employee ideas and strengthen awareness of responsibility


We pursue the concept of "teachers and students are God", open a semester meeting, further clarify their respective responsibilities, strengthen ideological quality, firmly establish a sense of service, ensure the service image, strive to improve the level of ideological and morality of employees, with a high sense of responsibility and owner awarenessInvestment in logistics work, greatly mobilize the enthusiasm of logistics employees.

二、遵守财务规章制度 规范收费行为

Second, comply with financial rules and regulations to standardize fees


We will conscientiously organize financial and accounting personnel to learn financial regulations and regulate the two lines of revenue and expenditure.In order to strengthen the transparent management of charges, the "price service enters the campus" charges in accordance with the requirements of the competent authorities of the higher authorities, and the charges are charged according to the chapters.Under the supervision of society.

小学后勤的工作总结 篇7


Primary school general affairs logistics is an important part of our school's work. Like teaching, it is one of the two pillars of the school. At the same time, it has the characteristics of unified service guarantee, economics and educational nature.Practice tells us: With the teaching work, the general affairs logistics work has the service object. There is no general affairs logistics work, and it is difficult to carry out the teaching work. The relationship between the two is two parts of a unified body.Therefore, fully realize that although the general affairs work does not participate directly in teaching, all the thin and complicated work done are indispensable in school education.Logistics work must serve the teaching centers "and do their best to do the logistics work.


First, actively organize logistical personnel to participate in learning, and continuously strengthen their own quality construction.


Implement the education policy of the party, do a good job of serving and educating people, and earnestly implement the relevant general affairs work system formulated by the higher level.


Organize all the staff of the General Affairs Office to learn and train knowledge such as business and other aspects, solve the existing problems in a timely manner, and strive to improve the professional ethics level of logistical personnel, so that all logistics personnel recognize the importance of school logistics to liberateThoughts, seeking truth from facts, and the mental state of advancing with the times, and devoted themselves to the logistical work with a high sense of responsibility and the consciousness of the owner.


2. Persist in doing a good job of logistics services


1. At the beginning of school, ensure that the teaching supplies on the front line of teaching are in place in time, and the teaching office supplies of teachers are in place, so that teaching work is carried out normally.


2. At the beginning of the school, the property of each class was checked and registered for the property of each class, and the management of the property responsibility system was exactly implemented.


3. Standardize the school's bicycles, teachers' bicycles, motorcycles, and cars, strict management.


4. Safety inspections of school buildings and electrical appliances of the school from time to time to ensure the safety of teachers and students, and summarize the inspection records, and find problems in time to repair.


5. Maintenance of desk chairs, doors, locks, windows, and hydropower damaged students in time to ensure that students take class normally.


6. Strengthen the safety and health work of the school building, have records, and have a person responsible.


3. Regulate the charging work of the school


Strict charging system, implement a financial disclosure system, and publish them in a timely manner. Usually strengthen the charging documents of the relevant departments of the higher level, strictly follow the requirements of the superior authorities, charge the chapters, and standardize the two lines of revenue and expenditure.Let parents, students, teachers, and society supervise the school's charges without illegal charges.


Fourth, campus beautification work


The beautiful environment can improve the quality of people, strive to create a beautiful campus environment, further beautify the campus, green campus, and continue to maintain the honor of "green schools".Strengthen the cultivation and management of seedlings, flowers, plants, lawns, and pools in schools, and strive to create a good work and education environment.Improve the quality of all students through environmental education.


5. School property management


1. Strengthening property management this semester has gradually standardized school property management and strictly prevent the loss of school property.


2. Strengthen the management of fixed property increase or decrease, conscientiously implement the relevant provisions of the Education Bureau, and check the fixed assets regularly to check the accounts, cards, and things in accordance with the relevant provisions of the increase and decrease of fixed property.Register to enter the account.


3. Strengthen the management of low -value consumables, and strictly implement the approval and issuance procedures.Such as copying paper, ink, test paper, office supplies, cleaning tools, CD -ROMs, soft disks, etc.


4. Responsible for the management, maintenance and deployment of public property and public facilities in the school.


6. In terms of maintenance


Maintenance and maintenance of the school's various facilities is also an important task of the General Affairs Office. Without affecting normal teaching work, we strive to do it without waiting, take the initiative and timely, and do it in order to ensure the normal life of the teaching work and the life of school property.Work hard.


7. Existing problems and future efforts


1. The logistics departments should strengthen internal management, reasonable division of labor, clarify their responsibilities, and coordinate the work of other departments.


2. Increase the efforts of electricity, water, fire inspection, and random inspections, make various tasks, make detailed, and in place.


3. Strengthen the awareness of logistics service guarantee, strive to improve the attitude of service and service, and strive to make logistical support for education and teaching in the shortest time.


4. Increase the Wenyin Room.The management of the library, storage room and supporting room saves expenses.


Logistics work is a prerequisite for the normal development of other school work. It is important to do it. In this semester work, the General Affairs Office has well completed the coordination of various social functional departments of the school, ensuring that the school work is carried out normally, and the school is for the school.Getting a good social reputation has made its own efforts.We are determined to do a good job in the school's logistics support and strive to make our school's logistics work a new level.

小学后勤工作总结优秀 篇8

本学期,根据学校工作要求,我们后勤工作人员认真学习上级有文件精神,贯彻 执行“教书育人,管理育人,服务育人”的方针,坚持后勤为教育教学服务,为师生生活 服务方向,强化后勤内部各环节的管理,强化安全卫生工作,发扬“勤快、务实、高效、 优质”的工作作风,努力提高自身素质,不断增强服务意识,通力合作,克服困难,后勤 工作取得了一定的成绩。 本学期主要做了以下几方面的工作:

This semester, according to the requirements of the school's work, our logistics staff carefully studied the spirit of documentation, implementing the policy of "teaching and educating people, managing education, and serving people", adhered to logistics and education, and serving for education and teaching, serving teachers and students' life services., Strengthen the management of various links within logistics, strengthen safety and health work, carry forward the work style of "diligent, pragmatic, efficient, and high -quality", strive to improve their own quality, continuously enhance service awareness, work togetherscore.This semester mainly did the following aspects:

1、认真做好开学筹备工作,保障学校正常开学,为确保 9 月 1 日能正常开学,我们 提前三天到中心初中搬运教材,并进行分发。食堂的同志开学前几天,主动到校打扫餐厅 内外卫生,清洗餐具。我们利用假期对教室的门窗、玻璃、吊扇、日光灯、饮水机、房屋 等进行了认真的清理维修,及时配备各种教学设施设备,使教学工作正常进行。

1. Carefully do a good job of starting school preparations to ensure that the school starts normally. In order to ensure that the school can start normally on September 1st, we can carry textbooks in the central junior high school three days in advance and distribute it.A few days before the school comrades in the cafeteria, they took the initiative to clean up the inside and outside of the restaurant to clean and clean the tableware.We used the holidays to carefully clean up the classroom's doors and windows, glass, hanging fan, sunlight, water dispensers, houses, etc., and timely equipped with various teaching facilities and equipment to make teaching work normally.

2、加强学校食堂管理体制的改革。签订安全卫生责任书,落实职责,明确责任。总 务处重点抓,做到购菜工作有序进行,让老师能吃饱吃好。

2. Strengthen the reform of the school's canteen management system.Sign a letter of responsibility for safety and hygiene, implement responsibilities, and clarify responsibilities.The General Affairs Office focuses on the order of buying vegetables in an orderly manner, so that teachers can eat and eat well.

3、增收节支,开源节流,为学校多创收。本学期,我们对学校的黑板进行了维修, 效果明显。 根据上级要求和教师意见, 要求全校师生要爱护学校公物, 减少不必要的损坏, 另谁损坏谁赔偿。注意节水、节电随手开关电源。通过这些措施,为学校增收节支。

3. Increase revenue and revenue, open source and throttle, and create more revenue for the school.This semester, we have maintained the blackboard of the school, and the effect is obvious.According to the requirements of the superiors and the opinions of teachers, teachers and students of the school need to take care of the school's public property to reduce unnecessary damage.Pay attention to water saving and power saving.Through these measures, add revenue for the school.

4、坚持一年一度的教室管理责任签订,与各班主任和教室管理人员落实责任,定期 和不定期进行检查、记载。

4. Adhere to the annual classroom management responsibility signing, implement responsibilities with the class teachers and classroom managers, and conduct regular and irregular inspections and records.

5、严格执行财务制度,学校财务公开、透明,实行四坚持:坚持执行上级收费标准, 不乱收费,不搭车收费,多退少补,所收费用及时少交学校财务处;坚持一支笔,收支两 条线,精打细算,做到先请示后购买,先批准再报支,实行民主理财,定期公布;坚持票 据规范,分类分项,一级明细,汇总无讹。坚持管好用好学校财产,领物登记,收交有记 载,损坏要赔偿,借出有票据。

5. Strictly implement the financial system, the school's finance is open and transparent, and the four persistence is implemented: adhere to the implementation of higher -level charging standards, do not charges, do not pay for charges, refund more, and pay less in time., Two lines of income and expenditure, carefully calculate, please first ask for instructions, then approve the submitted support, implement democratic financial management, and announce it on a regular basis; adhere to the volume specifications, classification points, first -level details, and summary.Adhere to the use of school property well, register the collar, receive records, compensate for damage, and borrow notes.

6、积极配合学校中心工作。后勤人员主动参与,积极配合学校各种检查活动,从物 力、人力、财力上给予支持,从而使各种检查活动得到满意的结果。

6. Actively cooperate with the school center work.Logistics personnel actively participated, actively cooperated with the school's various inspection activities, and provided support from physical, manpower, and financial resources, so that various inspection activities were satisfactory.

7、下学期工作的主要点:校产校具管理,对各办公室的办公桌、各教室及各功能室、 教师宿舍、食堂、餐厅等校产进行清理、盘查、登记造册。

7. The main points of work in the next semester: school property management, cleaning, investigating and registering the desks, classrooms and functional rooms, teachers' dormitories, cafeterias, restaurants and other schools in each office.

小学后勤工作总结优秀 篇9


Under the correct leadership and guidance of the school leaders, all the staff of the General Affairs Office united, and the same virtue, reflecting a good collective collaboration spirit.The thoughts of dedication, love, dedication, and service for the front -line teaching of teaching are clear, the awareness of active service improves, the fast -paced, high efficiency, high quality, and creativity work, and the level of gratifying the service management work is basically completed.The work of this semester will summarize the work of this semester as follows:


I. The general affairs meeting was held at the beginning of the school, carefully studied the responsibility plan, and put forward specific requirements. It aims to strengthen the construction of personnel in the department, improve the overall quality of staff, establish a consciousness of serving and educating people.


Second, strictly implement the compensation and maintenance system for property damage. There are measures, inspections, implementation, and regularly announced damage installation.Discover problems, repair timely, and worry about the teachers and students.


Third, the school's fixed asset cleanup is completed, and the accounts are consistent.The warehouse is regularly cleaned up, the items are neatly placed, and the teachers and students receive the items to follow the leader and serve enthusiastic.


Fourth, daily service management has changed significantly, and it is basically timely and fast in the maintenance of hydropower doors and windows, which does not cause the phenomenon of affecting teaching.


5. According to the school decision, four aluminum alloy announcement columns are customized at the inside of the school's gate, and the evaluation of the campus star is completed.


6. Over the years, the teaching building of the Middle School and the south side of Building No. 1 Due to the shortage of school funds, it has not been brushed and repaired.Old retreating, the blackboard in the classroom has been repaired several times, and a lot of frames have fallen. It is neither uniform, nor coordinated. It creates a warm and comfortable work and learning environment for teachers and students.A key measure. Therefore, after the study of the school affairs meeting, the principal's instructions to the principal's instructions to take out the maintenance plan as soon as possible in order to consider further implementation, and the maintenance of various projects was fully completed in late July.


7. The pipelines of the sprinkler buried underground in the school playground have been in the ground for nearly 10 years. The pipeline corrosion is seriously corrosive, and the use of water pipes can be completely blocked.The pressure cannot be sprayed and operated, which has caused the failed to spray the playground normally in the past half of the semester, affecting students on morning exercises and normal sports activities.Therefore, with the consent of the school's leadership research, the General Affairs Office was instructed to take out the maintenance opinions, re -loaded the pipeline, and fully completed the burial work of the playground pipeline to ensure that the playground can be sprayed in time.


8. Due to the continuous rise in the price of raw coal in the market, there are also few tuning coal stored in tea stoves. The school has no reality of funding sources.To supply boiling water, and to make the so -called "dark supplement" benefits for employees, the school has really worked hard. Therefore, after the school's research decision, the school has been shut down for many years to provide employees with boiling water.


9. Further regulate the power management of residents in the school.


1. The residents upstairs of the family want to replace the meter, and they need to buy the meter by themselves, go to the relevant metering unit school watch, and then hold the invoice of the school meter in the unit to apply for the replacement of the meter at the General Affairs Office.


2. The school rental households ask for a meter to apply for an application to the General Affairs Office. The General Affairs Office recognizes that the meter needs to be replaced.The signature knows that the General Affairs Office sent an electrician to replace it in time.


3. When checking the registered meter monthly, the General Affairs Office should not only notify the residents to see the readings of their electricity meters, but also specify one or two employees to see the number of meters of the meters of the principal, the general affairs director, and the electrician in order to better superviseimplement.


X. After the school handed over the local government, the funding was very limited. Therefore, the General Affairs Office has worked hard to save water and electricity heating expenses to study the measures to be drafted on water and electricity heating costs.


11. After the school's research decided to complete the suspension procedures from the eight public telephones of our school from October.


12. According to the school arrangement, a boiler of boiler was hired for boiler houses, and the number of boilers was hired in place at the prescribed time.This winter, there are 6 boilers in the boiler room of the school, including 1 official boiler and 5. The above six people are divided into two groups. Each group is 3 people and 12 hours in the class.Arrange a furnace of a certificate.


13. In the face of such a huge funding gap in boiler operation this year, the school convened a school committee member and relevant personnel of the boiler room in early October to hold a special meeting of winter heating in the party member activity room.The following opinions have begun a pragmatic and serious discussion and analysis, and the following opinions are formed:


1. Since the local government has allocated 100,000 yuan of education funds for the number of students and standards for the school, the government has no extra special funds to give the school again.At the beginning of the furnace, the boiler coal was normal, and it was seen while burning.


2. Continue to find a way to have coal with coal industry before opening the furnace to see if it is expected.


3. This year, due to national energy increases, heating costs have increased, which makes people unacceptable in a short time. Facing reality, employees have to change their ideas.


4. Because the school housing is currently not tight, some buildings are vacant, and some buildings have only one person who lives in one person and one person can be sold to the school residents in a limited time. Considering the price increase of heating fees this year, hydropower is hydropower, hydropower and electricity.Various expenses such as expenses such as sanitary expenses have gone to the market and no longer saying welfare subsidies. Therefore, in order to reduce the pressure of the school, the school can agree to sell their housing to the employees of foreign units.Bring a new concept to the school.


5. Some employees have proposed that his building is vacant this winter. If he does not use heating, whether he can remove his own radiator, so that he will not charge a warm fee. Because the previous buildings have not been considered when the designed heating is installed in the long run, our school’s from our schoolThe heating upstairs of the family is not heating, and the installed heating tablets are small and the location is not good. Each house on the house is almost half of the house.Therefore, it is difficult to meet the requirements of the indoor temperature to meet the prescribed standards.In addition, if it is not used to separate the radiator in your home, it will often cause the frozen fissure of the water pipeline, which affects yourself and affects others. Therefore, the school believes that this is not allowed.


6. Because the family room belongs to its own private property, the heating system in the resident's home needs to be well maintained before heating to ensure normal heating in winter.The school boiler room is only responsible for the inspection and maintenance of the pipeline.


7. According to the heating area of the energy load of the school boiler, the heating area within the school alone has not been satisfied. It is a "big horse car". Therefore, you need to do it.In this way, how much can also give school income.


8. In recent years, the students of the school have decreased year by year, the quota has gradually shrunk, and the idle classrooms have also increased year by year.In other classrooms, you can rent the classroom inside or to the outside world. This can also charge a little rent and heating fee to make full use of limited resources.


9. During the winter vacation, see if you can shut down the heating upstairs.The school requires that the General Affairs Office must do this work during the recent maintenance. After the students are on vacation, they will be tried. If they can be closed, they can save expenses.The shutdown sheets or heating systems have frozen cracks and other phenomena. It is also necessary to ensure that the heating system that continues to heating and other equipment in the boiler room can be fully affected.EssenceAt the end of October, the relocation of Building No. 2 has been completed, and the boiler has been running normally. The third building and the teaching building of the middle school department will be tested during the holiday period. It can be shut down.Save funds.


10. If the student can shut down the heating upstairs after the holiday, can you consider using the vacation of students to achieve the purpose of saving expenses; whether you can consider changing the current working day of the current system every Friday to a six -day system.The school has been implemented like this, but I do n’t know what the purpose of others, but it has not heard of this as a nine -year school.


11. Since the current standard for heating fees is not received from any superior documents, in order to ensure that the coal consumption of boilers is not affected in winter, the warm fee can be charged to the employees in advance.


12. Save water and electricity coal and other resources to the maximum extent. It must be pushed back when the furnace can be pushed back. The stop time can be advanced in advance. During the normal burning period, the staff of the furnaces must scientifically zero live furnace. The weather is hot and hot.The temperature burns low, the weather is cold, and the temperature is relatively improved. In the case of ensuring that work heating is not affected, the idea can try to save energy.


14. Cooperating with the school opinion, because the 20____ year is the first year of the school's transfer of local government management, the school is very scarce in terms of funds and other aspects. Therefore, the employment staff in the school gradually retired. This work was completed in mid -October to complete in mid -October.Essence


Fifteen, the work guard work is also an important part of the school's logistics work. For many years, the school guards have been employed by employees, and the salary is not very high. In order to refund the employees, the school must give the door guard job post.It was difficult to arrange employees at the time at that time. Finally, under the bold decision of school leaders, four employees came to work in the door guards. At 6 hours of work every day, they can rest at other times.The four employees arranged for the reward will return the original guard personnel to the job.


16. Persistent cooperation with the comprehensive governance team to do a good job of the safety management of the school, do a good job of fire prevention, theft, and food poisoning, so that the above safety accidents are zero.


17. Cooperate with the various activities organized by the Teaching Office of the Primary and Secondary School, the Political Education Office, and the Young Pioneer, and do a good job of logistical support, and do a good job of coordination between departments.


Back to the first year's logistics work, with the cooperation of all faculty and staff, various tasks have been successfully completed, which has played a positive role in promoting the stability and development of the school. HoweverStudy, be brave to explore, work hard, and make your own contribution to the development of school education.