
时间:2022-07-07 14:04:03 | 来源:语文通



Everyone has their own childhood. Childhood has endless sweetness and bitterness. Sometimes you make you happy, and sometimes you are frowning ------------------------------------------------


My childhood interest is a lot. What impressed me most was that I went to the rural grandmother's house to play in the summer vacation. Through the window, the scenery in the field was very beautiful, and all kinds of wild flowers were opened. Like the splendid spots embroidered on a green land; groups of bees were busy in the flowers, sucked the flowers, and flew around hard. From time to time, several scarecrow guards the fields in the field. The car reached the door of my grandmother's house in a blink of an eye, and the trees knew that it was particularly loud, as if warmly welcomed guests from afar. Several childhood friends were already waiting in a hurry. When I saw me immediately hugged, I pulled my hand to play with me. I was very excited and played with them in front of my grandmother's house. ----. What makes me the most happy is to know and stick to it. I found a long bamboo pole, asking my grandmother to help us and the previous dough, and quietly walked to a poplar tree with a bamboo pole and wrapped a small piece of noodles on the bamboo. On the other hand, like the warrior holding a gun, searching for the enemy in the vast leaves. I knew that I was still crying. At this time, Xiaoqiang's younger brother beside him shouted with the corners of my clothes. Looking at it, I knew there, and I followed the direction of my cousin's fingers. Xiang Zhi, scared away by fear of surprise. After trying it several times, the bamboo pole looked a little trembling in my hand. I couldn't stick it in front of the swaying in front of it, but I was unwilling, what should I do? At this time, I suddenly came inspiration, adjusted my breathing, and stretched the bamboo pole in my hand to know again. I yelled loudly ------. It is not easy to capture it. It makes me have patience in the face of difficulties, and at the same time, it also makes me find the fun of playing.


My childhood also had something unhappy.I remember around the age of 6, one evening, I went to the neighbor's house with my friend Chen Long brother, and played with a happy place. I climbed to the ceiling of his house and hid to hide and seek.When I found me, I only heard a click. The wooden bar on the ceiling was crushed by the weight of the two of us. The two of us stepped off from the plastic board more than 2 meters high and fell heavily on the ground.My mother heard crying and ran over and looked at it. It was also frightened. She hurriedly pulled me and asked me where it hurt. I might really have a pain.Mom was anxious, and quickly called his father to go to the hospital. After the doctor checked, he told my parents that fortunately, the head was not on the ground, otherwise the consequences were unimaginable.This incident brings me a sober understanding, and we must pay attention to safety in the future.


In childhood, we must cherish our good memories and remember some lessons that should not happen.



One person must have a sun.


Growing up slowly, only when I think about me, is it really ordinary?


Only when we grow up slowly and look at the shadow of the world, can we know that the world is also light.


From small to large, bad grades can be said to be the summary of most of my life.It is not necessary to live easily and happily, because I have never really put down their studies in my heart, but as long as I take a class, I will come to Teacher Wu.She is not a young teacher, but she is a kind teacher who needs to be grateful for a lifetime. She doesn't need to teach me a lot, but gives me all my childhood.


Little me, I went to the teacher on weekdays, and I went to the teacher when I came back. After all, I was reluctant, but the days were long, and I liked it more and more.There are them here, a group of peers different from family members, more sisters and brothers.They liked, playing with them, eating the dishes we love to eat, waiting for the pot together, several people surround the table and chew slowly, which is part of my childhood.Perhaps my parents have never found that my little me will be so introverted. Well, it is not introverted, maybe inferiority, poor grades, and not being noticed.People, this is all I was at the time.


And listening to her counseling for me and seeing her correction of our homework is a kind of enjoyment.She was so warm that she was as beautiful as angels.Of course, we also have a favorite event to travel. You don't have to go far, but we can be happy all day.Happy childhood, we are simple and pure childhood.


In my memory, my parents are always busy, and my brother is also in school. Therefore, there is no too much memory for them, but Teacher Wu can occupy all my memory.I like her, thank her.


Until now, I felt more and more that Teacher Wu, with the most simple companionship, gave me the most innocent and beautiful childhood memory! I do n’t need to give me too much knowledge. She is like the sun. I can really feel that she gave me to meThe warmth makes me full of hope!


In childhood, Mr. Wu was my light. She gave me clean and pure, less urgency, and more frank and calm.



Time ran fast, but my childhood faded slowly, and it was getting farther and farther away from me.But childhood pastes color spots, one by one, a series of skewers, titted into the most beautiful memories.The most impressive one is the one that is the one that is most impressed ———


It was a summer that was dry, hot, and unbearable. My grandfather bought a delicious watermelon. With a brisk step, I trot to the kitchen for a while, and after getting the knife, I didn't know who the big cock of the house slipped into my kitchen. The rooster, who makes people enter my house, go quickly, where is the cool! "It seemed to understand my words," giggling "screamed, wings with wings, and there was no meaning at all, I took it, I took it, I took it. The kitchen knife shook a few times in front of its face and wanted to scare it away, but he wanted to anger it. It speeds up the wings and wings, like flying, and my head is stretched. I feel straight and see me. I saw me frightened and stepped back. When I was scared, I fell to the ground all at once, and the rooster striked on my buttocks. I was scared. The family heard the sound and drove the abominable stinky rooster. I was saved. The family laughed and made me confused. I didn't know it. In the end, Grandpa told me the truth. It turned out that the pants were pecked by the chickens. The buttocks were exposed, and I looked at my silly. The family members laughed in the watermelon in my mouth, and I laughed stupidly.


Don't be like me, you must be polite to animals. Otherwise, the animal's temper is miserable, and it will be punished by animals like me.Early, I am afraid that my butt will have been disfigured. This is not my twelve years old this year. When I see chickens, I still feel daunting. Even when I eat chicken, I still think of the past of my child pecking my little fart in my childhood.Essence



Time is a long river, and slowly sending away from childhood.Now, I am going to find and recover my childhood fun.





Another time, I played by the sea. The small shells on the beach were very eye -catching under the sun, but I think the shell in the sea must be bigger and more beautiful. It may be that there are pearls in it, which can make me rich overnight!Thinking about it, I bent down and carefully looking for those fingers -like shells.Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected situation, and a row of white flower waves came over, making me lose balance and pierced into the sea.The sea water was immediately poured into my big mouth, and I hurriedly stood up.The water is bitter and salty, far from the juice.I screamed angrily: "Who sprinkled so much salt into the water? It's salty and bitter!" The people around me were surprised to me.I hurriedly lowered my head and pretended to find shells.


When I was young, I always liked to catch a few snails and caterpillars to play, right? On that day, my friends and I played a game of cooking.There are so many snails by the flower bed. I and my friends and I catch one here.Immediately afterwards, I closed the snail into a small bottle with my friends, and then mounted them little by little with a small wooden stick.After a while, we made a bottle of "snail mud"."Yeah, open meals!" We cheered.In an instant, a bottle of snail mud was thrown into the soil by us and had been eaten.Now if you want to come, you can't help but be ashamed of the "cruel" of the year. I really want to say "sorry" to the little snails! The long river of time, please let me take a look at the colorful childhood, so that I can make meThe joy and interest in the middle of the product.



In my childhood memory, one thing made me unforgettable for a long time.Perhaps it was because of the pain that made me remember it!


At the age of four, one day, I saw the children of the neighbor's house eating sweet fruits with interest. Those fruits were all my favorite.This little cat is really coveted.I stared at those fruits, and my mouth couldn't help but move.


How to solve it?I decided to go home to call the orchard of the neighbor's house.After returning home, I won't let go of my brother and sister, and said, "Is it good to pick the fruit with me? Well, okay?"But there are good fruits. "I didn't want to give up when I was rejected.Then make your best solution.Finally, after some stubbornness, my brother and sister had to agree to my request.In this way, I have two "great generals".


We] carefully planned for a long time, and finally decided to carry out "fruit big carnival" when we took a nap.In front of the orchard of the neighbor's house, my brother and sister jumped into the dwarf wall, and turned over a few times.I saw them all passing, and shouted anxiously outside: "Sister, come and help me! I want to go in too!" "Don't shout! Then call our trace to be exposed!"Stop me, "Then I have to go in!" I said."I tell you, you take five steps to the right, there is a hole, you come in from there!" I didn't say anything, and immediately got in from the entrance of the cave.


In the garden, a variety of fruits made our cats dazzling.I hurriedly took out the "Qiankun bag" I prepared in advance, and "cleverly" a little monkey "噌 我 我" climbed up an apple tree full of "beautiful bottle".Apple fell into my bag one after another, and then I went to search for new goals.what!Li Zi became my next goal.I climbed the plum trees, took more than a dozen plums, and aimed at the next goal.After a tossing for almost an hour, finally, it was a lot of money.





Now, as long as I think of that matter, I will be ashamed, and I will secretly warn myself: I can never do such stupid things again.



Author: Zhang Wen

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In a blink of an eye, it has become a girl.Outside the window, the sky was still so blue, the cloud was still so white, and the sun was still so charming, but me, I didn’t seem to have ...

In a blink of an eye, it has become a girl.Outside the window, the sky was still so blue, the cloud was still so white, and the sun was still so charming, but me, I didn’t seem to have ...




In the impression, childhood was like this.

In the impression, childhood was like this.







I remember when I was three years old, my brother and I rushed to a grandfather's house and fought on the floor and rolled on the floor. After a while, my brother and I became the "mud".When the grandfather met, he laughed and said, "There is water in that barrel, go and wash!" The brother ran away, stood on a small stool, and pushed my brother secretly in the barrel."Flutter" -the brother fell down.This scared him, his hands slid up and down in the water, and I hurriedly shouted, "Help! Help!" Afterwards, when the parents asked what was going on, my brother took all the responsibilities to take down all the responsibilities.EssenceNow when I think of this, I am embarrassed in my heart.

I remember when I was three years old, my brother and I rushed to a grandfather's house and fought on the floor and rolled on the floor. After a while, my brother and I became the "mud".When the grandfather met, he laughed and said, "There is water in that barrel, go and wash!" The brother ran away, stood on a small stool, and pushed my brother secretly in the barrel."Flutter" -the brother fell down.This scared him, his hands slid up and down in the water, and I hurriedly shouted, "Help! Help!" Afterwards, when the parents asked what was going on, my brother took all the responsibilities to take down all the responsibilities.EssenceNow when I think of this, I am embarrassed in my heart.


At the age of six, I participated in the singing competition of Lianzhou with my brother. We sang a "Family". To this end, my brother was also forced to rename it "Liu Can Chan".Remember during that time, when we went out, someone would always ask us: "Are you Liu Qiqi and Liu Cancan?" At this time, my brother and I would answer loudly: "Yes!"? "The aunt always said with a smile:" They are dragon and phoenix. "Then, the comer would ask," Who is bigger? "Before my brother reacted, I had rushed to say," I am,Sister, he is a younger brother. Sister wants to take care of his younger brother, and his brother also has to listen to his sister. "Then he would touch his brother's head.At this time, except for my brother crying, everyone else will laugh happily ...

At the age of six, I participated in the singing competition of Lianzhou with my brother. We sang a "Family". To this end, my brother was also forced to rename it "Liu Can Chan".Remember during that time, when we went out, someone would always ask us: "Are you Liu Qiqi and Liu Cancan?" At this time, my brother and I would answer loudly: "Yes!"? "The aunt always said with a smile:" They are dragon and phoenix. "Then, the comer would ask," Who is bigger? "Before my brother reacted, I had rushed to say," I am,Sister, he is a younger brother. Sister wants to take care of his younger brother, and his brother also has to listen to his sister. "Then he would touch his brother's head.At this time, except for my brother crying, everyone else will laugh happily ...




At the age of ten, my brother accompanied me to receive a notice. When I went home, my notice was gone. I was so anxious that I couldn't find it for a long time. In the end, I was picked up by a classmate. My brother always thanked him ...Mowing

At the age of ten, my brother accompanied me to receive a notice. When I went home, my notice was gone. I was so anxious that I couldn't find it for a long time. In the end, I was picked up by a classmate. My brother always thanked him ...Mowing










This is the childhood in my impression!

This is the childhood in my impression!


Childhood, a wonderful word! It is a faint sorrow; it is the fleeting singing; it is a traceless dream! As the old man of Bingxin said: "Childhood is a dream in the dream, the dream of the real, the memories are contained inTear smile! "

Childhood, a wonderful word! It is a faint sorrow; it is the fleeting singing; it is a traceless dream! As the old man of Bingxin said: "Childhood is a dream in the dream, the dream of the real, the memories are contained inTear smile! "


Regardless of the sky, it seemed to be as blue, and the clouds seemed to be as white, and the sun was as charming as once; but I couldn't go back after all!

Regardless of the sky, it seemed to be as blue, and the clouds seemed to be as white, and the sun was as charming as once; but I couldn't go back after all!


I still remember that when I was a kid, I also fantasized myself in the future; now, I want to stop time and let myself live in the age of twelve! Unfortunately, I can't get the time to move forward! I sigh, I am sad!Stop because of me! So, what is the use of sigh now?

I still remember that when I was a kid, I also fantasized myself in the future; now, I want to stop time and let myself live in the age of twelve! Unfortunately, I can't get the time to move forward! I sigh, I am sad!Stop because of me! So, what is the use of sigh now?


Today, the only thing I can do is to cherish the valuable childhood, cherish the precious time, keep up with the pace of time, and look forward to the future! Let me leave my footprint on the way to grow, so as not to leave my life a little regret!

Today, the only thing I can do is to cherish the valuable childhood, cherish the precious time, keep up with the pace of time, and look forward to the future! Let me leave my footprint on the way to grow, so as not to leave my life a little regret!



In a blink of an eye, it has become a girl.Outside the window, the sky was still so blue, the cloud was still so white, and the sun was still so charming, but me, I didn’t seem to have ...

In a blink of an eye, it has become a girl.Outside the window, the sky was still so blue, the cloud was still so white, and the sun was still so charming, but me, I didn’t seem to have ...




In the impression, childhood was like this.

In the impression, childhood was like this.







I remember when I was three years old, my brother and I rushed to a grandfather's house and fought on the floor and rolled on the floor. After a while, my brother and I became the "mud".When the grandfather met, he laughed and said, "There is water in that barrel, go and wash!" The brother ran away, stood on a small stool, and pushed my brother secretly in the barrel."Flutter" -the brother fell down.This scared him, his hands slid up and down in the water, and I hurriedly shouted, "Help! Help!" Afterwards, when the parents asked what was going on, my brother took all the responsibilities to take down all the responsibilities.EssenceNow when I think of this, I am embarrassed in my heart.

I remember when I was three years old, my brother and I rushed to a grandfather's house and fought on the floor and rolled on the floor. After a while, my brother and I became the "mud".When the grandfather met, he laughed and said, "There is water in that barrel, go and wash!" The brother ran away, stood on a small stool, and pushed my brother secretly in the barrel."Flutter" -the brother fell down.This scared him, his hands slid up and down in the water, and I hurriedly shouted, "Help! Help!" Afterwards, when the parents asked what was going on, my brother took all the responsibilities to take down all the responsibilities.EssenceNow when I think of this, I am embarrassed in my heart.


At the age of six, I participated in the singing competition of Lianzhou with my brother. We sang a "Family". To this end, my brother was also forced to rename it "Liu Can Chan".Remember during that time, when we went out, someone would always ask us: "Are you Liu Qiqi and Liu Cancan?" At this time, my brother and I would answer loudly: "Yes!"? "The aunt always said with a smile:" They are dragon and phoenix. "Then, the comer would ask," Who is bigger? "Before my brother reacted, I had rushed to say," I am,Sister, he is a younger brother. Sister wants to take care of his younger brother, and his brother also has to listen to his sister. "Then he would touch his brother's head.At this time, except for my brother crying, everyone else will laugh happily ...

At the age of six, I participated in the singing competition of Lianzhou with my brother. We sang a "Family". To this end, my brother was also forced to rename it "Liu Can Chan".Remember during that time, when we went out, someone would always ask us: "Are you Liu Qiqi and Liu Cancan?" At this time, my brother and I would answer loudly: "Yes!"? "The aunt always said with a smile:" They are dragon and phoenix. "Then, the comer would ask," Who is bigger? "Before my brother reacted, I had rushed to say," I am,Sister, he is a younger brother. Sister wants to take care of his younger brother, and his brother also has to listen to his sister. "Then he would touch his brother's head.At this time, except for my brother crying, everyone else will laugh happily ...




At the age of ten, my brother accompanied me to receive a notice. When I went home, my notice was gone. I was so anxious that I couldn't find it for a long time. In the end, I was picked up by a classmate. My brother always thanked him ...Mowing

At the age of ten, my brother accompanied me to receive a notice. When I went home, my notice was gone. I was so anxious that I couldn't find it for a long time. In the end, I was picked up by a classmate. My brother always thanked him ...Mowing










This is the childhood in my impression!

This is the childhood in my impression!


Childhood, a wonderful word! It is a faint sorrow; it is the fleeting singing; it is a traceless dream! As the old man of Bingxin said: "Childhood is a dream in the dream, the dream of the real, the memories are contained inTear smile! "

Childhood, a wonderful word! It is a faint sorrow; it is the fleeting singing; it is a traceless dream! As the old man of Bingxin said: "Childhood is a dream in the dream, the dream of the real, the memories are contained inTear smile! "


Regardless of the sky, it seemed to be as blue, and the clouds seemed to be as white, and the sun was as charming as once; but I couldn't go back after all!

Regardless of the sky, it seemed to be as blue, and the clouds seemed to be as white, and the sun was as charming as once; but I couldn't go back after all!


I still remember that when I was a kid, I also fantasized myself in the future; now, I want to stop time and let myself live in the age of twelve! Unfortunately, I can't get the time to move forward! I sigh, I am sad!Stop because of me! So, what is the use of sigh now?

I still remember that when I was a kid, I also fantasized myself in the future; now, I want to stop time and let myself live in the age of twelve! Unfortunately, I can't get the time to move forward! I sigh, I am sad!Stop because of me! So, what is the use of sigh now?


Today, the only thing I can do is to cherish the valuable childhood, cherish the precious time, keep up with the pace of time, and look forward to the future! Let me leave my footprint on the way to grow, so as not to leave my life a little regret!

Today, the only thing I can do is to cherish the valuable childhood, cherish the precious time, keep up with the pace of time, and look forward to the future! Let me leave my footprint on the way to grow, so as not to leave my life a little regret!



Childhood is like a boat, and he does not come back. Childhood is like a leaf, flowing into the depths; childhood is like water droplets, dripping into his heart.I once remembered a moving song called "Childhood". Everyone had their own childhood, but everyone's childhood was better than others. I was no exception. Childhood was happy in my eyes.


Do you know? I was born in the countryside, where I was full of joy and laughter, and I was afraid that you can hear our happy laughter in your dreams.We all grow flowers. You can listen to what sister rapeseed says to you. You can solve it when you are angry, and you can fly to Jiuxiao Cloud.Childhood was a happy line. I took the kite's end and became a strong wind. My friend and I ran quickly. When the two of us called, I accidentally fell. I climbed it.I got up and said another sentence to my childhood. I loved my childhood. Although I fell, I was also very happy.


This deep impression of childhood, I have been printed in my mind, and my childhood memories are such unforgettable, happy, and happy.My childhood was like this.



In my childhood memory, there are many brilliant stars. The brightest star is the thing that I and my parents pick up the shell!


A sunny Sunday, my parents and I came to the sea. I looked at the sea and said, "Mom and Dad, let's pick up some beautiful shells as a bracelet." Mom and Dad quickly agreed. There are many beautiful and bright shells on the beach. They are red like sunset, pink, green, green like jasper, white like snowflakes, oval, triangular, rectangular, which is dazzling. I took a small wooden barrel, picked up a pure white shell in the small feet and put it in the small wooden barrel. Suddenly, I seemed to be shaking my eyes by something. With a dark pink stripe, I carefully held it in my palm, just like picking up the baby, and gently put it in the small wooden barrel. Family. After a while, my mother said, "The baby is about to rise, let's go home." After returning home, I took out those shells, turned them into small pieces, hit a hole in the top, and then used a line to use a line to use a line Put it up. Such a beautiful bracelet is ready.


Although it has been a long time, I have still preserved that string of bracelets, and that happy time really made me unforgettable.



1、印象:印象读音为yìn xiàng,是指事物在人脑中留下的痕迹:印象深刻|奇怪得很,这次却有迥乎不同的印象。印象 yìn xiàng词语解释:事物在人脑中留下的痕迹:印象深刻|奇怪得很,这次却有迥乎不同的印象。分词解释:迥乎不同:形容差别很大,完全不一样。事物:指客观存在的一切物体和现象:任何事物都不是一成不变的。奇怪:1.希奇特异﹐不同一般。 2.不寻常的人或事物。 3.觉得奇异﹐惊奇。这次:1.这一回。如:你这次来得太晚了。2.正在此时的。如:你这次没做对。留下:1.谓把东西搁下。 2.留住下来。 3.收受下来。 4.指付钱买下。 5.停留而攻下。...印象怎么造句,用印象造句»

2、童年:童年读音为tóng nián,是指①儿童时期;幼年。②长篇小说。苏联高尔基作于1913年。自传体三部曲的第一部。写作者童年在外祖父家的生活。外祖父家的小市民气息令阿辽沙(作者乳名)窒息,只有外祖母的慈爱给他带来安慰。她讲述的童话、背诵的歌谣对阿辽沙未来的人生道路产生了很大的影响。童年 tóng nián词语解释:①儿童时期;幼年。②长篇小说。苏联高尔基作于1913年。自传体三部曲的第一部。写作者童年在外祖父家的生活。外祖父家的小市民气息令阿辽沙(作者乳名)窒息,只有外祖母的慈爱给他带来安慰。她讲述的童话、背诵的歌谣对阿辽沙未来的人生道路产生了很大的影响。分词解释:窒息:1.呼吸困难。 2.因受阻而中断。只有:1.唯有,仅有。 2.连词。表示必需的条件,现代汉语中下文多与“才”或“方”呼应。未来:1.没有到来;不来。 2.谓尚未发生。 3.佛教语。指来生,来世。 4.将来。 5.指将来的光景。 6.即将到来。歌谣:指随口唱出,没有音乐伴奏的韵语,如民歌、民谣、儿歌等。小市民:城市中占有少量生产资料或财产的居民。如小手工业者﹑小商人等。...童年怎么造句,用童年造句»