
时间:2022-10-28 13:07:30 | 来源:语文通



祖国万岁作文 篇1祖国万岁作文 篇2祖国万岁作文 篇3

祖国万岁作文 篇1


In the north of the earth, in the east of Asia, and on the west bank of the Pacific Ocean, there is a beautiful place. This is our hometown and our homeland. This is our great motherland, the mother. She has cultivated thousands of heroes with her milk. She has given us black eyes and let us get out of the dark. She has given me yellow skin and fought with life like the Yellow River. This mother was so good at taking things that all the excellent children gave their lives to her. This mother gave generously. She spread wisdom, integrity, courage and sincerity into the hearts of heroes.


Our motherland has a vast territory and abundant resources. It has three steep mountains and five mountains, the magnificent Mount Everest, nine famous passes, four plateaus, the Great Wall, which is the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancient working people, the beautiful Ming Tombs, the Summer Palace, the Terra Cotta Warriors and the beautiful landscape of Guilin, the West Lake of Hangzhou, the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, and Banna in the west


It is because of this loveliness that many people have been bred. Look at Confucius, Sun Wu, Zhang Qian, Zu Chongzhi, Sima Qian with profound knowledge, Li Shizhen, Sun Simiao, Hua Tuo with noble medical ethics... Look at Sun Yat sen, Chairman Mao, Grandpa Deng who are brave to make contributions... They are not the pride of great mothers!


Yesterday of our motherland is worthy of our pride, and today of our motherland is full of vitality. Let's sing an eternal song to our motherland - Long live our motherland!

祖国万岁作文 篇2


"I love Tian'anmen Square in Beijing. The sun rises on Tian'anmen Square. Chairman Mao, the great leader, guides us forward...". This song is my favorite when I am babbling; When I was a little sensible, I kept asking my grandmother: Who is Chairman Mao? I looked around the "cock" on the wall to find: Where is Tiananmen Gate? Grandma told me many stories about Chairman Mao. Since then, "Chairman Mao is our great savior" has been deeply rooted in my heart. "In 1979, it was a spring day. An old man drew a circle near the South China Sea. He rose up like a fairy to build cities and miraculously gathered like golden mountains...". Another beautiful song resounds through the land of China. In addition to asking Grandma, I also learned from TV and books that this venerable and lovely old man Deng Xiaoping, with his great wisdom and courage, led the people of the country to break through the forbidden area of thought, embarked on the road of reform and opening up, and opened a new page of the motherland. "We sing Dongfanghong and stand up as masters; we tell the story of spring and become rich through reform and opening up.


The leader of carrying forward the past and opening up the future will lead us into that new era, hold high the banner and create the future... ". After Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping, under the leadership of the Party Central Committee headed by Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao, the motherland has changed its appearance everywhere; Space shuttles frequently go to the sky; In the face of the huge disaster of the Wenchuan earthquake, 1.3 billion compatriots worked together and wrote many new chapters that moved the world; The unparalleled Beijing Olympic Games shocked the world again! The military parade on the 60th anniversary of the National Day was magnificent. It is another time to show the world a rising Chinese nation! As children of the new era, how proud we are, how proud we are. A thousand words come together into one sentence: Long live our motherland!

祖国万岁作文 篇3


Today is October 1, a great and solemn day, National Day, the 65th birthday of the motherland. Long live the motherland!


Although I can't go to ********, I am excited to sit in front of the TV and watch the live broadcast of the National Day parade. Watching the great changes and prosperity of the motherland displayed on the TV screen, I can't help but be proud of the motherland and cheer for China!


China has a long history and culture. There are endless stories about China from the ancient primitive society to the founding of the People's Republic of China. China was once the most powerful country in the world, attracting worldwide attention in economy, culture, science and technology. We have made great achievements in astronomy, geography, mathematics, physics, biology, agriculture, medicine, printing, textile, machinery, architecture, governance and casting. Aren't we proud of being descendants of the Chinese people?


I slowly woke up from my memory, and people on the TV screen walked past one by one holding,, and * * * * * giant portraits. Like from war to peace, from poverty to wealth, from ignorance to science! They are martyrs of the revolution, leaders of the → WWW.. CN ← uprising, initiators of the reform door, and immortal heroes! We salute them!


It seems that I am standing on the crowded *****************************************************************************. This reminds me of a sentence: teachers are diligent gardeners, students are the flowers of the motherland. We young students are the successors and pioneers of the prosperity and development of our motherland. Our responsibility is glorious and arduous. I must study hard to achieve the great rejuvenation of our motherland as soon as possible


The National Day parade ended, but I was not calm for a long time to revenge my motherland. With such a long and glorious history, insightful leaders and selfless working people, the motherland will soon take off!


Long live the motherland! Take off! Come on!