
时间:2022-11-01 12:49:56 | 来源:语文通



党的光辉历程谢春涛心得体会 篇1党的光辉历程谢春涛心得体会 篇2党的光辉历程谢春涛心得体会 篇3党的光辉历程谢春涛心得体会 篇4党的光辉历程谢春涛心得体会 篇5党的光辉历程谢春涛心得体会 篇6

党的光辉历程谢春涛心得体会 篇1


Going our own way is the foothold of all the Party's theories and practices, and is also the historical conclusion drawn by the Party's centennial struggle. According to the public opinion survey conducted by the public opinion polling institutions in western countries, the Chinese people's trust in the government led by the CPC has been high in recent years, and this year it has reached 98%. In President Xie's opinion, "We young people have seen clearly who is really responsible for the 1.4 billion Chinese people, including young people." Seeing the efforts made by young people today to tell a good story about China, and comparing the superstition of young people to the West several years ago, he saw that young people today have a stronger national self-confidence and patriotic feelings.

党的光辉历程谢春涛心得体会 篇2


Today, I watched the glorious history of the Party and felt deeply, which gave me a better understanding of the history of our Party. After the founding of the CPC, it overcame difficulties and obstacles, led the Chinese people to victory in the new democratic revolution, established a new China, and made the Chinese people stand up in the world from then on. In the glorious course of the Party, our Party has completed the new democratic revolution and achieved national independence and people's liberation. We have won the victory of the socialist revolution and made great achievements in the socialist revolution. Having made the great decision of reform and opening up, established the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and under the correct leadership and unremitting efforts of the Party, completed the great feat of comprehensively lifting out of poverty, creating a beautiful prosperous age today. I live in this beautiful era. As a contemporary new youth, we should set up correct thinking and firm political direction, actively play a leading role and an exemplary role to drive the students around us, Firmly adhere to the Party's line, principles and policies. We must firmly believe that under the leadership of the CPC, no force can stop the pace of China's progress, and only the CPC can lead the Chinese people to prosperity.

党的光辉历程谢春涛心得体会 篇3


Teacher Xie Chuntao's moving stories once again demonstrated the glorious history of the Party. In the excitement of thought, I had a deeper understanding of this sentence. As the secretary of the second party branch of the first grid in XX community, I should perform my duties well, be the leader of the party members in the branch, and unite and lead the party members in the branch to do practical things for the masses; As an original lecturer of South Lake in Wuyuan Street, I will always remember the original mission of serving the people, learn and speak well about the history of the Party, and strive to be an excellent preacher of the history of the Party.

党的光辉历程谢春涛心得体会 篇4


Through watching, I was once again baptized in spirit and shocked in soul, and I had a deeper understanding of the glorious history of our Party from its founding to building a new China and uniting and leading the people in their heroic struggle. Our new generation of young people should inherit and carry forward the heroic and indomitable spirit of sacrifice and the lofty ideal of serving the people wholeheartedly of the revolutionary predecessors. Based on the students' own duties, we should strive to make progress and do our best to contribute to the comprehensive development of society.

党的光辉历程谢春涛心得体会 篇5


The "Party Lessons" vividly tells the history of the CPC leading the people of all ethnic groups in their arduous struggle, overcoming all kinds of difficulties and obstacles, and achieving great achievements since the founding of the party 100 years ago. Today, China has finally ushered in a situation of prosperity with numerous high-rise buildings, heavy traffic and rapid economic development. Our national strength has leapt to the forefront of the world, and our international status is also rising. The Party is our mother. It is she who leads us all the way and leads New China to the world stage. She deserves our memory and praise. The baton of history is passed into our generation. We should inherit the dedication of the older generation of Party members, fulfill our duties in our ordinary posts, cultivate the future of our country, and let them create another glory in history!

党的光辉历程谢春涛心得体会 篇6


Tonight, we watched the "Party Class Begins" and reviewed the glorious history of the Party together. Feel the great achievements of the Party. Today, the Chinese nation shows the world a thriving atmosphere and is moving towards great rejuvenation at an unstoppable pace. These are the great achievements made by the CPC in uniting and leading the Chinese people to strive hard. As a member of the Communist Party, I will, fulfill my mission, always maintain the true character of a Communist Party member, and dedicate light and heat to my own post.