
时间:2022-11-09 13:25:45 | 来源:语文通



亲情的作文 篇1写亲情的作文 篇2亲情作文 篇3亲情作文 篇4

亲情的作文 篇1


The wind, silent, blows green the earth; Love, wordless, moistens. I used to think that my father was a dull person. When I was a child, my mother accompanied me, and my father picked up the kite. Learning to ride a bike, it was my mother who helped me fall. It was my father who stood by and shouted to me to get up and continue. It was my father who beat me when I was a child and my mother who gave me medicine. It is my mother who blows candles with me on my birthday.

替我 m.d8qu.com 吹气球的是我的父亲。手指感染,上医院摘除坏指甲时微微颤抖的攥着我切反复告诉我别害怕的是我的母亲,被我紧紧攥着且一声不吭的是我的父亲……莫非是我的父亲不会表达感情,还是……自从那件事,就让我体会到了父爱。我的父亲是个厨艺了得的人,可他不是厨师,所以他的厨艺只能在家里显摆,可晚饭不是他做的,只有家里有客人或吃宵夜时,才能尝到他烧的饭菜。那天,离期中考试的日期越来越近了。那天的作业也比较多,如果做完了学校作业,还有一大堆的复习,我趴在桌上马不停蹄地做着堆积如山的作业,“当当——”时钟已指向了10点。

Replace me with M.D8QU COM is my father blowing balloons. Finger infection. When I went to the hospital to remove my bad nails, I shook my hands and repeatedly told me that it was my mother who should not be afraid. It was my father who was tightly held by me and said nothing. Could it be that my father could not express his feelings, or... Since that incident, I have learned to love my father. My father is a good cook, but he is not a cook, so he can only show off his cooking skills at home, but he does not cook dinner. Only when there are guests at home or have a snack can you taste the food he cooks. That day, the date of midterm examination was getting closer and closer. There was also a lot of homework that day. If I finished my school homework and had a lot of review, I would lie on my desk and do a mountain of homework without stopping. The clock had already pointed to 10 o'clock.


At this time, I was sleepy and tired. My fingers were gone and my arms could hardly be lifted. His head was also dull, his eyelids were sour and astringent, his eyes were vague, and the words he looked out looked like wriggling worms. I yawned. If only I could have a good sleep! Suddenly a familiar figure appeared in my eyes, and turned to see that it was my father. He was carrying a bowl of steaming wonton, and a delicious smell came to his nostrils. My father said with concern, "Get tired, have a rest and eat a bowl of wonton." After doing my homework for so long, I was really hungry. I took the bowl and immediately ate it. My father stood by and looked at me with a smile, contented and relieved. I looked at the wontons in the bowl. They were just like lilies. Laver and egg shreds floated on the delicious soup. Dad made them for me!


If mother is compared to a blooming lily, emitting its charming fragrance in every corner, then father's love is a jasmine, which silently spits its fresh fragrance in a corner! Only praise the great maternal love, but who knows the implicit paternal love!

写亲情的作文 篇2


I sat at the table, looking at the delicious breakfast in front of me, but I didn't even move my chopsticks. I just sat there and stared at the breakfast on the table. My mouth was full of chatter and my heart was still complaining: "I have eaten these every morning. I can't change my taste if I have seen enough!" Grandma saw that I was in low spirits and asked me a few questions with concern. Who knows, I suddenly launched an "attack" and kicked off the stool. At this time, I seemed to lose control and vent my dissatisfaction on Grandma. I blamed her for not cooking well and why she didn't change her taste... After "making trouble for nothing", I threw my chopsticks heavily on the ground, sat down on the sofa with my mouth pursed, and gasped for breath. Grandma didn't say anything but put down her chopsticks gently and stopped eating. I understand. Grandma is unhappy.


Afterwards, I felt guilty. Grandma worked hard to cook for me, but I was so picky. I thought of admitting my mistakes in front of Grandma, but I didn't have the courage.


On this day, I came to the classroom with a feeling of uneasiness. I always felt sorry. I didn't dare to face the eyes of teachers and students. I was afraid that they would find this "secret", so I kept my head down and said nothing. The scene always came to my mind. I remembered that the teacher said to us that we should respect the old and love the young, and be filial to our elders. But I was so ashamed that I could no longer look up when I thought of this. I felt that the day passed very slowly.


The school bell rang, and I walked to the door with heavy steps. When I looked up, I saw that there was still a stool and a pair of slippers at the door, just as before. In the past, Grandma did this in order not to waste my time. Now, Grandma and I have a "cold war", but she is still doing this silently. My heart is more ashamed. I put on my slippers and walked into the house. The room was empty. There was no one in sight. My grandfather, grandmother, father and mother were not at home. But there was a table of "delicious food" on the table. The delicious taste of the food attracted me, making me unable to sit down. This table of different tastes made me salivate. I "robbed" it regardless of three or seven or twenty-one, and then took a satisfied pat on my full stomach, I'm going to do my homework. When I opened the door, I was surprised to find that my "garbage heap" - my desk was clean and tidy, the desk lamp was adjusted to the appropriate brightness, and there was a cup of brewed chrysanthemum tea on the table, which was full of fragrance; The bed was also covered with quilts, and my favorite doll was also placed beside my pillow... Seeing these, I felt infinitely moved. I walked over quietly. Suddenly, I found a note under the pillow: "Today, we are not at home. Don't read too late at night. It is cold. Please cover up and don't catch cold..."


When I saw this, I could not help crying on the bed. I deeply felt that love, sometimes silent, silent love, can make everyone's heart warm, and this warmth, even under the pressure of winter, will always exist.

亲情作文 篇3


When I was seven years old, something very impressive happened to me.


At that time, I was the most naughty boy in the village. I still remember a time when I went to the back mountain with some friends to play firecrackers. Unfortunately, my leg was burned. Other people who played with me also ran around like rabbits. Only a familiar figure stood in front of me and called my name. I lay on the ground and struggled with all my strength. At that time, my eyes were astringent and I didn't know how to express it. I thought, can't I go back today? No, there seems to be a strong force supporting me in my heart. I am extremely confident that this person standing in front of me will save me, because he is my brother who has been sleeping with me for many years. He seems to have a strong sense of fear in his heart, but his loyalty has hidden the fear of his heart. He tried his best to find a way to finally put me on his weak and weak back, I seem to feel a strong force supporting my weak mind. No, I will not fall down. Finally, my brother carried me down from the mountain and sent me to the local hospital for treatment,


This unforgettable relationship has always been in my heart

亲情作文 篇4


The car drove slowly on the very familiar road. Through the window, I saw the empty land filled with loess. It was very abrupt in the towering buildings. Looking at the empty land, I felt as if I had lost something. All of a sudden, memories like the flood that opened the floodgates poured out crazily


More than half a year ago, adults suddenly decided to move away from this ten year old house and rebuild it. In this way, my grandparents and I were separated and didn't see each other often,


This winter vacation home, all day study and all day tense nerves can relax. It suddenly occurred to me that I had not seen my grandparents for more than three months, and the yearning spread quickly and uncontrollably.


My grandparents live in my aunt's old suite. At the moment when I opened the door, I saw my grandmother. It seemed that she was still in my memory, but she was much older. Grandpa went to work in the temple, and Grandma was at home alone. In the huge living room, there are only two mottled old wooden chairs, which are very empty. As usual, she kept asking, did you eat more? Are you tired of studying After talking for a long time, she just looked at me quietly. As before, she always liked to watch me eat and write my homework, as if to print my appearance into her slightly turbid but shining eyes. Grandpa came back from work, and I saw his silver threads, like the sharp edge of a sword, pricking my heart. The old man who can't hide himself is no longer like the one who taught me to write with vigour.


Time is slipping away. I have to go. Grandma carefully took out a large bag of snacks from the cabinet and handed it to me. She smiled and said, "Your grandpa's temple often divides some food. We keep it until you come back." Looking at the huge cabinet with only two cans left, my nose suddenly became sour, and my hands were heavy. It was their love and yearning for me for more than three months that turned into a strong affection that could not be dissolved. It was heavily pressed on my hands and my heart.


Grandma sent me downstairs and told me to take good care of myself. I knew that she was reluctant, and so was I. More than three months of missing and saying goodbye turned into tears, which filled my eyes wildly. I didn't want her to see me crying, and couldn't bear to look at her reluctant eyes again. After saying goodbye, she turned and walked away. Tears struggled to burst out. I held my breath to restrain tears, but turned around to see the stooped figure, tears trickling down one 's cheeks.


A few weeks ago, when I returned home, I learned that my grandmother had gone to the hospital with angina pectoris. My numb heart was suddenly tightened by the pain of learning. I was frightened. Fear enveloped my heart. I was afraid that my grandparents would suddenly disappear one day. We had not seen each other for a long time, but we would never see each other again. At that moment, I suddenly wanted to go back to the old house that had been mottled for more than ten years without gorgeous decoration. The thick kinship was enough to decorate the old house warmly, No matter how magnificent the house is, it can only be an empty shell if it is not repaired by family.


Looking at that piece of land from afar, there was an old house and my memories of more than ten years, but now there is only one piece of loess. When the wind blows, the yellow sand rises, blurring the vision and memory. But my heart will be watching here, watching the fort that recasts memories brick by brick, watching the laughter and laughter linger in this land again, watching the family like a tree root entrenched in this place, endless!