
时间:2022-11-11 12:49:13 | 来源:语文通



小老鼠作文 篇1小老鼠作文 篇2小老鼠作文 篇3小老鼠作文 篇4

小老鼠作文 篇1

小老鼠吃苹果 一天,小老鼠到果园散步,它看见一棵大苹果树,树上结满了一个个又大又红的苹果,还散发出一股甜甜的味道,馋得直流口水。可是小老鼠个子太矮了,摘不到苹果,怎么办呢? 小老鼠想了想,终于有办法了——爬树。它抱住苹果树用力的往上爬,可刚爬几步就掉了下来。小老鼠想:这么好吃的苹果吃不着,多急人呀!它急的都哭了。

The little mouse ate apples one day. The little mouse went for a walk in the orchard. He saw a big apple tree, which was full of big and red apples, and gave out a sweet taste, making his mouth water. But the little mouse is too short to pick apples. What should we do? The little mouse thought for a while and finally found a way to climb the tree. It hugged the apple tree and tried to climb up, but it fell down just a few steps after climbing. The little mouse thought: How anxious it is to eat such delicious apples! It was so worried that it cried.

这时一只松鼠看见了说:“别伤心,我帮你摘。”接着松鼠摘给了一个苹果给小老鼠。小老鼠说:“谢谢。”松鼠说:“不用谢。” 小老鼠开心的抱着苹果回家。爸爸,妈妈正在找吃的,看见小老鼠抱着苹果,直夸它真能干!

Then a squirrel saw it and said, "Don't be sad, I will help you pick it." Then the squirrel picked an apple and gave it to the little mouse. The little mouse said, "Thank you." The squirrel said, "You are welcome." The little mouse happily carried the apple home. Father and mother were looking for food. When they saw the little mouse holding the apple, they praised it for its ability!

小老鼠作文 篇2


One day a little mouse planted a tree on the ground. The tree flew to the sky in one second. The little mouse climbed up the big tree. When it got to the sky, it found a huge house. It got into the house through a small window at the door of the house. It found that a teacup in the house was as big as a person. Later, it heard someone come in and quickly got into the bread. The giant picked up the bread with the little mouse and ate it. Fortunately, the mouse hid in a piece of bread. At that time, the giant left and the little mouse went out. At that time, the giant found it. The little mouse was startled. The giant said to it, "Can I make friends with you?" The little mouse said, "Good!"


The little mouse and the giant became unique friends in the world.

小老鼠作文 篇3

有一天晚上,外面夜黑风高,屋子里面静悄悄地,小老鼠跑到电脑前说:“终于可以玩电脑了。”小老鼠正玩得开心地时候,不小心按到了照片,突然,一只又大又肥地猫出现在小老鼠眼前,把小老鼠吓得四肢无力,小老鼠眼珠子一转,说:“猫大哥,你饶了我吧,我已经一年没洗澡了,猫大哥饶了我吧,求你饶了我吧。”大猫说:“那你走吧。等一下,不过你得天天把你食物送给过来。”老鼠说:“好。”等等,那只大猫怎么一动不动呢?小老鼠转过身来看,突然发现这只猫是一张-作文迷§www..cn 图片,小老鼠都快气炸了,它把电脑关掉了。

One night, the dark wind was high outside and the room was quiet. The little mouse ran to the computer and said, "Finally, I can play computer." While the little mouse was having fun, he accidentally pressed the photo. Suddenly, a big and fat cat appeared in front of the little mouse, scaring the little mouse into weakness, and the little mouse turned its eyes, Said: "Brother Cat, please forgive me. I haven't had a bath for a year. Brother Cat, please forgive me." The cat said: "Then go. Wait a minute, but you have to give your food to me every day." The mouse said: "OK." Wait a minute. Why doesn't the cat move? The little mouse turned around to look, and suddenly found that the cat was a picture of a composition fan. The little mouse was about to explode, and it turned off the computer.

小老鼠作文 篇4


This year is the Year of the Rat, so we will write about Little Mouse. Most people hate him when it comes to mice. Because his appearance is not beautiful, and the harm to human beings is also great.


It is thin and long. Most mice have gray brown fur, which is not so bright. The little mouse has a triangular head. The long, sharp mouth protrudes forward, and there are several whiskers around the mouth. The eyes of the little mouse are small and round. A pair of ears are long and round. They are very sensitive. When they hear something, they immediately run away. The forelimbs are short, thick and well developed, and the hind limbs are long. Its tail is thin and long, like a rope. It can climb high and keep balance.


The little mouse eats all kinds of cereals. It eats all kinds of fruits, leaves, meat and even clothes and furniture.