I am an out -of -the -box foodie. From morning to night, I do n’t seem to let my mouth go. The family always says “the illness comes in”, but I have been doing it properly., It's peaceful.But today, I received a lesson.
Today's weather is extremely hot. I deliberately refrigerated my beloved cream cake before eating, and it feels more refreshing than the warmer.Moreover, I also ate two yogurt ice cream and drank two glasses of ice drinks.The cool cold drink swept the hot summer heat.However, when I was fast, I didn't realize that these were buried.
In the evening, I felt a stomachache for a while, and then the position became more and more painful, and then vomited.While I vomited, I pressed my stomach, panting and breathing, and my eyes were blurred.In the end, I spit out only the acid water, and the eyes were dark, and the cold sweat was continuously leaked.At this time, I realized that it might be a cold drink, and my stomach began to make trouble.
I went to the community hospital to see a doctor. The doctor told me that excessive consumption of cold drinks can cause gastrointestinal cramps and cause digestive dysfunction.I took medicine, and the pain gradually improved, but I still had a lot of heart.It is said that our adolescents are "don't hit the south wall and don't look back." This incident can at least make me learn from some lessons. Don't repeat the same mistakes.
I have a "silly and funny" classmate.
As long as we see him, our classmates will laugh, including our teacher, and they will not help laughing when they see him.As long as you are with him, there will be a lot of interesting things.
I remember that in the summer vacation, his parents went to work outside and wanted to put him alone at home, but felt that he would not take care of himself at all, so he decided to "board" him to our house.
He did not need to adapt to the new environment at all. As soon as he arrived in our house, he began to grab snacks with me, and grab the game console with me again. Anyway, what I want to do, he will do what he wants.
In the evening, my mother said that we had been playing for a day and let us take a bath.I thought, just right, my "revenge" opportunity finally came.Thinking of what he snatched my day, my blood vessels seemed to be his betrayal.I sneered twice and rushed into the bathroom with him.I said with a smile, "It's too hot that day, or let's get some ice cubes and put it in, it must be very cool." He agreed happily.So we knocked a plate of ice from the refrigerator into the bath barrel.I looked at the bath barrel and said to him, "I will challenge first, you wait for me outside." After he went out, I quickly started to do "warm -up exercise".Rub the skin until I rubbed it, I jumped in.When I felt a bit cold, he just opened the door and saw that I was soaked "proud". He ordered me: "You come out, it's my turn."
I jumped out of "" and asked me, "Isn't it cool?" I laughed: "Of course, if you haven't urged me, I still want to soak it for a while." I heard me answer like this.He quickly took off his clothes and jumped in alone ...
"Ah, ah, ah-" A sound came out, wow! The sound of this screaming sound is probably broken, and I almost shattered my glass. I rubbed my ears and relaxed me and me.Ear membrane.I saw that he rushed out like a burning buttocks and lay on the ground. I helped him up and wanted to comfort him. As a result, his mother appeared. Looking at his embarrassment, he quickly asked what happened.As a result, he revealed me 151.Later, it was conceivable that my heartbreaking shouting would also shock the building.
I thought I could give him "color" this time, but I got "lesson".
1、教训:教训读音为jiào xùn,是指①教育训戒:教训孩子。②从错误或失败中取得的知识:接受教训,改进工作。教训 jiào xùn词语意思:①教育训戒:教训孩子。②从错误或失败中取得的知识:接受教训,改进工作。分词解释:孩子:①儿童:小孩子丨男孩子。②子女:她有两个孩子。错误:①不正确;与实际不合:错误的看法。②指不正确的观点、行为等:犯错误|错误非常严重。接受:对事物容纳而不拒绝:接受任务 ㄧ接受考验ㄧ接受教训 ㄧ虚心接受批评。失败:1.没有达到预期的目的。 2.被对方打败:输给对方。...教训怎么造句,用教训造句»
2、暑假:暑假读音为shǔ jià,是指学校夏季的假期,一般在公历七八月间。 指学校夏季的假期,在七、八月间暑假 shǔ jiǎ词语意思:学校夏季的假期,一般在公历七八月间。[summer vacation] 指学校夏季的假期,在七、八月间分词解释:七八:1.七八成。表示将近达到某种极限。 2.差不多;大概。 3.七乘八,五十六。夏季:1.见“夏天”。2.埃及古历一年三季之一,每季四个月,其他两季为冬季和洪水季。...暑假怎么造句,用暑假造句»
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