
时间:2022-09-17 13:22:19 | 来源:语文通



庆元旦迎新年作文 篇1庆元旦迎新年作文 篇2迎新年庆元旦作文初 篇3庆元旦迎新春作文 篇4迎新年庆元旦作文 篇5迎新年庆元旦作文 篇6庆元旦迎新年作文 篇7迎新年庆元旦作文 篇8庆元旦迎新年作文 篇9庆元旦迎新年作文 篇10

庆元旦迎新年作文 篇1


The weather is very good today. The blue sky is floating in white clouds, the clouds are light and clear, and the weather is extremely clear. My parents and I went to Yongwang Mengle City.Dad helped me see a piano performance meeting here today.

不知不觉十几分钟我们很快就到永旺了,一下车我就快步跑到商场,寻找钢琴演奏的地方,很快我就发现那里聚集人很多的地方肯定是演奏的地点,果然醒目的几个大字“ 梦之乐”音乐会,我先看到的是一个十多岁的姐姐在演奏,不知道她弹奏的什么歌曲,弹了大约二三十分钟,好长时间呀,我很惊讶,不仅时间长,她弹奏的真的很投入,手指特别弹的有力,看她乐在其中,真的心里很羡慕她,就连主持人也夸奖她。

Unconsciously, we soon arrived in Yongwang. I ran to the mall quickly when I got out of the car and looked for the piano performance. Soon I found that there were a lot of places where there were many places where they were playing.A few big characters "Dream of the Dream" concert, what I first saw was a ten -year -old sister who was playing. I don't know what songs she played. It has played for about 20 or 30 minutes.I was surprised that not only for a long time, she was really devoted to it. Her fingers were particularly powerful. Seeing that she was happy, she really envious of her, and even the host praised her.


The next thing is that Professor Li Qingyuan performed the song "Defend the Yellow River". He also played very exciting. Listening to the host said that this person returned from abroad. The song played expressed his love for the motherland.A brother and a sister are really a master. They are really masters. The bounce is much better than me. It seems that I have to double hard and learn from them. They are really a good example for me to learn. Today, my gain is really big.

庆元旦迎新年作文 篇2


I look forward to the long -term celebration of the New Year's Day Parent -Children's Gala.


do you know?Why do I look forward to New Year's Day?Because we would dance and sing that day, and there were fun parent -child games.


The first show of the party was the "New Year's Day Dance Music" by me, Tian Jiaxin, Zhou Junyu, etc., and we danced while singing, very happy!Then there are passwords, taekwondo, hip -hop performed by other students ... The students are versatile, and my parents and my mother and I have a lot of interest.Finally it was our turn to play again, the 8th show is our!"Thanksgiving Heart", Wei Ming and Wei Yang sang, me, He Yuxin, Xu Xinyue and other singing and jumping, winning applause.


The most exciting moment has arrived and started playing parent -child games.The first level stepped on the balloon. Our children were enthusiastically raised to participate. I raised my hands high and felt wonderful.A group with my dad, we worked together to step on the balloon of many students, we got the second place!The second level, the group hug, the group of our boys, a girl group.When the host hugs a few, a few people must be held together.Reporting a few small numbers earlier, our boys cooperate well, and girls eliminate a lot. Seeing that our boys are about to win. When the host reports nine, the ten boys report together.I was a little frustrated, and a few children were crying!But the rest of the other boys cooperated very well, and in the end, our boys won!The third level is the Tower of Renren. The children such as Zhang Jinghan, Xiao Yuhan, and other children were held and carried by their dads, united and cooperated, and in the end, 14 people in our group stood on a sponge pad. We got the first place.EssenceWe are particularly happy!


In laughter and laughter, we spent a happy morning.Is it interesting to celebrate the New Year's Day Parent -Children's Gala in the New Year?

迎新年庆元旦作文初 篇3


Today, it is Friday, and it is New Year's Day 20__ in the past day. Today, New Year's Day celebrates party in our class.This activity is responsible for this activity, and the preparation time: 2 days.The teacher issued this order, and we immediately got busy, thinking: "It is necessary to complete the decoration of the New Year's Day party within two days. We must be quickly whip."


So the burden was pressed on the two of us, I was responsible for writing inscriptions, downloading songs, design game activities, dubbing and charges.The squad leader is responsible for hosting, buying items, layout classes, maintaining discipline, and organizing songs.After a day after class, we didn't get idle, hurriedly discussed the countermeasures, and then ran each other.It's hard to sleep all night!


It is 30 minutes before New Year's Day. Labor members and sports members are decorated for class. Disciplinary members are maintaining discipline. I and the monitor and I are responsible for arranging and preparing everything.


Half an hour has passed under our busy work. With the sound of the bells of the next get out of class, the thrilling moment of New Year's Day Party came. Cheng Hong (classmate) entered the background and did a good job of tuning.


The squad leader and the host read the opening speech emotion: "Dear classmates ... I announced that New Year's Day Party started now. The audience immediately broke out of applause. Cheers, applause, music sound, and handed over into a beautiful song.symphony.


First of all, the host and the monitor chorus "Ode to Joy", and the background sound sounded.With the melodious singing, the students waved their arms and swinging the melody.


Then, enter the game, the first game: blow table tennis, the rules are: all four cups are equipped with flour. Seeking it in the first cup, you need to cross those three through skills and strengthAmong the four cups.The difficulty is very high.And if you are disfigured by contacting this game, it is not responsible!


Everyone listened, and the test of the onto -stage test after the on stage, I hoped that the prizes could fall into its hands.Is the squad leader? It is a big white face, and everyone laughed at everyone. The squad leader went down to the stage ashamed. Everyone rushed to the stage and took turns test. Look! Everyone smiled and frowned after blowing.


Then, the game that everyone wait and see: drumming.Transmitting items: citrus.Send the right side of the oranges in the music playback. When the music stops, the sentence falls in the hands, whoever has to perform a show on the stage.Everyone starts to be nervous, what should I do?The squad leader ordered: MusicGo! Symphony immediately rang.Everyone was busy breathless, no one dared to delay for a minute ... The music suddenly ended.Orange fell into the hands of a male classmate. He slowly walked to the stage and wanted everyone to recite a poem ...


Then, students can sing their own songs and evaluate excellent.The host first appeared, sang a song, the naughty king (nickname) secretly held the spray tape, sprayed it behind him to "brush", sprayed the center of the brain, and a orchid blossom ...


One hour passed in the laughter and passion of everyone's classmates. At the time of closing, the squad leader read the closing words: Today we ... this time on New Year's Day ended.

庆元旦迎新春作文 篇4


Paper -cutting is a culture and an art that can see paper -cutting throughout the country.In order to spread the art of paper -cutting, our holiday team launched the "Paper -cutting Welcome New Year's Day" event.


The event began. First of all, my mother told us the culture of paper -cutting, and then told us some techniques. When we saw a very small hole, we must fold the paper pairs and choose a little bit.At the same time, we told us how to make your hands be used freely for scissors. These techniques are in mind in our hearts.Mom looked at everyone very much and wanted to try it, so she sent it to everyone to cut.Seeing a variety of patterns in our hands, we are very happy. These patterns are simple and difficult; some people (uncle farmers, people who dance square dances), animals (monkeys, roosters), and little white rabbits, and little white rabbitsMoving vegetables and so on.


The pattern I got was a rooster, which was very small in the middle and very difficult. I immediately used my mother to teach us.The more I cut it, the more confident I cut it. Finally, I cut the small part of the middle, and only the simple part of the periphery was left. After a while, my cute and fiery rooster was cut.Jumping three feet high, excited!


At this time, the students also completed their works one after another, and appreciated them very seriously. Some faces laughed at flowers, seemingly satisfied, and some of them narrowed their eyes, thinking about writing the story of the works in my hand, moreIt was as happy as me holding paper cutting, cheering on New Year's Day ... Mom was also deeply moved by our performance, and spoke many words of praise and encouragement.


The event ended in the happiness and laughter, and we both picked up the rags, brooms and mopping, and recovered the classroom as the original and cleaned and neat.On the way home, I was still immersed in a lively and warm atmosphere. This paper -cutting welcoming New Year's Day was really unforgettable!

迎新年庆元旦作文 篇5


Today, our school will launch the "Balabara" to celebrate New Year's Day.Everyone in the school is decorating everyone's school.


When taking physical education, the teacher told us to move freely.I saw many colorful ribbons falling down during the event, and I asked my classmates to help.Everyone used both hands to help these "poor" ribbons and let them return to their home again.In the afternoon, everyone came to the big playground with a neat team.Although the weather is cold, the playground is lively.


Soon the show started.The first two shows sang the motherland with their sweet and high -pitched singing.Now it is the classmate who is a hip -hop.All of them were as scary as "ghosts", and I also saw my cousin also performed on it.Their show was so exciting.At the time of the awards, I heard the cousin's performance hip -hop "first prize", really happy for her! At the same time, I also secretly determined.Take first.

迎新年庆元旦作文 篇6


On Friday afternoon, the students were sweating.Look, this is not the middle of the blackboard: "Celebrate New Year's Day." There are two smiley faces below, and two fireworks are drawn on both sides of the balloon.


Our teacher also prepared many prizes, including pen, pen, book, sugar ... that is the prize for students who won the show.


Wang Yi asked as the host of the show, and she announced that the New Year's Day celebration began.The show has mime, grab chairs, singing, taekwondo performances ... Among them, I think grabbing chairs is the most interesting.I participated in the performance with other students!In the first round, we turned around, turn, and turn around the chair, "stop!" A classmate eliminated, and he left disappointed.In the second round, the four students turned around and turned around, "stop!" Another classmate was eliminated, and he left reluctantly.In the third round, I thought to myself: I can't eliminate me this time, I must cheer!"Starting" with the host, we turned around around the chair again.At this time, the students shouted, "Come on! Come on! ..."


Hearing this exciting shout, I thought: "Must win!" The host shouted "Start!" The last classmate and I turned around and turned around for a few laps. My heart "Polying and fluttering "jumped quickly.The classmate "stopped" the first step, sitting on the chair, I only sat in a corner of the chair, but it was a few seconds slower!


In this game, I understand a truth: If we want to succeed, we must recognize a goal, strive for time, concentrate, and actively work hard.


Today's celebration is really interesting!

庆元旦迎新年作文 篇7


On New Year's Day, New Year's Day is here, everyone will relax well and welcome the new year happily, but in the Yuan, it also indicates that the final exam is about to be used.In the exam.Therefore, this New Year's Eve must be happy and not pulled out of the exam. It is very hard.


Welcome to the New Year, the New Year is coming soon.We have to move towards the new year.In the new year, it indicates that the new future, new starting point, and new challenges, we must have the spirit of adequateness, and use action to tell 20xx that I will not admit defeat!Everyone must face 20xx years with firm determination, believe in the eyes, and a good mentality.


Creating good results, the final exam is an extremely important test, we must devote themselves to the exam.In the new year, we should even mention the spirit, bravely go to the exam, firm determination, believe in the eyes, and a good mentality. I think these three points are enough to defeat the test.The final exam is to detect the knowledge we have mastered since half a semester. Even if you make any effort and no matter how good the grades are, the final exams are smashed, and your efforts in this half semester will be in vain.If you want to get a good grade, you must review it well, take a good results, let others see, let everyone envy, and let yourself have a happy New Year.


New Year's Day, welcome the New Year, make good achievements, let us believe together!IntersectionIntersection

迎新年庆元旦作文 篇8


On the New Year's Day of 20XX, we are very happy.This is the happiest holiday we have been in junior high school, and everyone's Yaxing is very high.I was also happy to play, and spent a festival in a class.There are not many but very lively shows. Our class teacher also took a few photos with us to keep as a memorial.


First, a social dance was performed. They danced well.The movements are also very rich, they jump very cool and dazzling.There is a kind of big sister.Later, the one was a jazz dance, and they jumped very dazzling. It was good -looking. Some people were a bit stiff.Later, a group of boys jumped Jiangnan, also known as riding dance.It's just to settle the atmosphere, jumping very hi.The girls were also played together, and then they played a stool game. A group of people were playing, and one person stopped to remove a person and a stool every time.Every two people play a game every two people, that game must be awkward.Later, I did n’t have time to play, so I packed the class.


The girls in our class made the class very warm together, and it looked very lively atmosphere.In the class, the color of the colorful ball balloon and colorful paper class were hung in the class and replaced it with a very warm color.The people in the class were harmonious and jumped a few shows.Come and help everyone, everyone laughs so much.We were all happy, and there was no unhappy.Only a happy atmosphere.


Back to the bedroom, we recalled our happy things in the class together in the bedroom, because it recorded our last New Year's Day.I like this joy very much, I will definitely remember this New Year's Day Gala.


I wish you all the New Year's Day Hi Pi!IntersectionIntersection

庆元旦迎新年作文 篇9


Today, we wrapped dumplings and dumplings.


Let's pack it first. The dumplings we have packed are informal, round, and the shape of the sugar triangle. It is really different in shape.I was focusing on dumplings. Suddenly someone threw flour from behind me. I looked back at Li Mihuan, and others saw it and also joined, so the flour war began.You throw a handful of flour, I still last for a long time.Even Teacher Liu didn't know who was wiped out of the flour. Like us, he became a little cat.


Next we boil dumplings and eat dumplings. We all said it was so delicious.We must share with others such delicious dumplings, so we took the dumplings to other classes and shared with more students and teachers. Then we returned to the class happily.After playing the game, we will play the game happily together ...


Today is really happy. Our classmates say that today can be described in one word, which is "hi".

庆元旦迎新年作文 篇10


The new year is here.On the first day of New Year's Day, a very funny thing happened.


On December 31st, my parents took me to Wuhan to attend a party of my father and college classmates, and lived in a hotel in Huazhong University of Science and Technology at Huazhong University of Science and Technology.


On New Year's Day, we swim in the East Lake, and they said that they went to the school to take pictures before the sculpture of Grandpa Mao Zedong in the school.Because I have been there in the morning, I don't want to go.So my sister, Zhuang Zhuang, and my mother went to play badminton.


At the beginning, nothing happened yet.Later, Zhuangzhuang posted a fierce ball. I did not expect that the badminton planned to settle on the tree and not come down.Mom wanted to throw it up with a badminton racket, maybe she could get the ball down.The mother threw the racket, not only did the ball come down, but the racket was stuck.


When we saw it, we were stupid first, and then smiled.


At this time, I said humorously: "On the first day of the new year, because Zhuang Zhuang sent the badminton to the big tree, the badminton racket was self -made, and the badminton was rescued.! ""


My mother drove the car under the tree, opened the sunroof, let me go up, and took the ball down.


I asked my mother, "What should I do?" "Let it stay here for a memorial." Mom replied.


On the plane back to Hangzhou, we told everyone this, and everyone laughed.