
时间:2022-09-12 13:20:33 | 来源:语文通



我的好伙伴作文 篇1我的伙伴作文 篇2我的伙伴作文 篇3我的.伙伴作文 篇4我的伙伴优秀作文 篇5我的伙伴作文 篇6我的伙伴优秀作文 篇7

我的好伙伴作文 篇1


A pair of small eyes, a pair of thick and thick eyebrows, a round face full of smiles, a big mouth that can say, with two rows of white teeth in the mouth -who is this?This is Li Guanqiao, the big businessman of our class.


Speaking of this brothers, no one knows in our class, no one knows.People send the nickname: "Oil Mouth Man".Of course, the name is not in vain. This class of bazaar has allowed me to appreciate the style of this oil mouth, and the style of the city wall.


I saw the dear stroll around and looked right, the pair of little eyes turned around from time to time.Suddenly, Comrade Xiao Li's eyes brightened, and he ran to the book "Survival of the Wild" like the arrow of Li Xian.Seeing this scene, I immediately turned around and recommended this book to Li Guanqiao endlessly.Who knows, Li Guanqiao's pattern is motionless and asked me, "Are you finished?"


I suddenly stunned and returned: "It's over." "Then you opened a price, I bought it."


So cool!Feelings are a big local tyrant!I was happy in my heart, saying, "Fifteenth5, fair price, no money and no bargain."


The dear was about to get out of his pocket, listening to me, it was covered on the spot, and a little panic flashed in the small eyes.After a second, his mouth started again and asked me:


"Lao Jia, don't sell 20 yuan?"


Then I still use my heart to bloom in my heart, and nodded in a hurry: "Selling!"


Li Guanqiao's face flashed with a smile: "16 yuan for selling it?" I hesitated, or said, "Sell!"


This guy smiled, blinked with savvy eyes, and then said, "What about 14 yuan?"


This is lower than 15 yuan, I think.But when I thought about it, I had a faster money, and I agreed again.


"What about 12 yuan?" "This ... sell!" "What about 8 yuan?"


"This, don't sell." "What?" "Sell!"


"5 yuan?" "Sell!" I was almost crying, and Brother Li finally decided to buy it.


Looking at the little plum that jumped and jumped, and then looked at the wrinkled 5 yuan in my hand, I smiled helplessly.This Li Guanqiao is really a guy who can speak!

我的伙伴作文 篇2


My partner has a brown -red hair, a pair of big eyes, a tail that is not long or short, and always likes to shake.Haha, maybe everyone has guessed that it is a dog named pudding.


Pudding is my best partner. Whether I am doing my homework or eating, or doing other things, I have its companionship around!Dad told me that when I was not at home, it would be unhappy and always sleeping!But whenever I got home, Pudding jumped around in front of me and greeted me.At this time, I would squat down and touch it, and it will lie down my belly upwards and lifts two front legs. It is so enjoyable.Look.Why!This guy who likes coquettish.


Today I took the pudding to the park to take a walk. I took it with a rope. It seemed unhappy, so I started to circle with me as the center. I looked at myself in a blink of an eye and had become a mummy. Hey!This naughty guy!


This is my partner, a Teddy dog called Pudding.

我的伙伴作文 篇3


I have another new partner -kitten!"Yeah!" I cheered loudly.


Big watery eyes want to shine in the night sky; the kitten's nose is round, like a small black ball; he is wearing black and white sweaters and pretty little tails on his body!It is naughty, everything at home can be played as a toy.And he is still very enthusiastic!As soon as I saw someone, I rushed up to "hug" ... I also gave it a name "lost".


I still remember that I had just returned home from school. As soon as I put down my schoolbag, I just screamed to me "Meow Meow", and seemed to say hello to me: "Little master, you are back! Come here! Let's play with me! "After that, it immediately jumped to my feet and" hugged "and looked at me affectionately. I started to write my homework, and immediately jumped on the table, seeing my writing, and when I touched my pen with my hands from time to time, licked my hand with my tongue, and looked at me strangely. In my homework, I held a pen in front of "Dan Di" and dangled, "Dan Di" looked right at once, and suddenly looked up, as if full of curiosity about the pen! Suddenly, I felt that "throwing" seemed to be a drunk poet who was creating his own poetry, turned left and right at once, and was turned around by me! I slowly stroked the head of "throwing" and said softly: "Really good! Little guy! Reward you to eat!" "Dan Dan" heard my reward, more kind! After a while, I rushed to my arms, lying on my leg like "Birds", and seemed to say, "Long live the master! Yeah! Finally, there is a fish!" I took out a fish, I took out a fish, I took out a fish, I took out a fish, I took out a fish, I took out a fish, I took out a fish, I took out a fish, I took out a fish, I took out a fish, It was shaken a few times in front of "throwing", which means to test the jump ability of "throwing"! "Dan Di" flowed out of saliva, "Wow! So big fish! I really want to eat it!" Dan Di "seems to be talking. I am also prepared, I picked up the fish, and mentioned it again. This can be mentioned. This can be mentioned. It was hard to stump "throw", and it took a lot of energy to eat. Finally, when I didn't pay attention, it "stole" the fish! He slowly ate and taste it! "Those" rushed into my arms again, and I fell asleep sweetly in my sandwich ...


I love cute and naughty partners- "Discontinar"!did you like it?

我的.伙伴作文 篇4


I have a good partner, her name is Shi Fandi, 9 years old.She and I go to school.


Shi Fandi had a dark black hair. When he saw me, he hugged me as if he saw me for the first time.His eyes were big, with two rows of white teeth in his mouth. She loved to speak, and there were many endless words.


Once, I met Shi Fandi. As soon as she saw me, she shouted happily and shouted me covering my ears.After shouting, she told me a lot of things, and I was impatient.In the end, Shi Fandi was going home.After Shi Fandi returned home, I said, "This Shi Fandi is really too much."


However, I still like this good friend!

我的伙伴优秀作文 篇5


Last summer, I went to my grandmother's house to play, where I had a partner.


She is a grandmother's neighbor, 13 years old.The round face and dark skin give people a sense of loyalty.At first, I was not impressed by her.A fade -colored top, a pair of trousers, and a pair of worn leather shoes give people a rustic feeling in the soil.But one thing later made me completely change to him.


August 19 is her birthday.In order to celebrate, she put on a dress she was usually reluctant to wear.Under the sun's shining, she seemed extremely beautiful.I think, "If I give her a prank, let her change from" white swan "to" ugly duckling "how fun!" I told this idea to other partners and immediately got their support.So, we racked our brains and finally thought of a "magic plan."


We said to her falsely, "Can we go out and play?" She agreed.We played with her for a while, and then started our plan.We led her to the small ditch and beside it, we set up "ambush,", and waiting for "fish to hook"!We asked her to "lead."Suddenly, just listened to her "wow", and fell on the ditch to mud?IntersectionWe tied to the small tree by one end of the trench with one end of the rope, and the other end was called a partner hidden in the forest. She came and pulled the rope, and she was tripped.


After she stood up, the dress was full of mud, and even her face was stained with mud.Looking at her, we laughed like a game.But she didn't care, and washed the mud on the skirt in the small ditch and played with us again. We saw that she didn't cry, and he was stunned.When she saw us stunned there, she said, "I don't have to worry about me." I was sad when I heard this, because the cause and effect of things were caused by me.In order to show my own care, I told him the original committee. She said, "It's okay, I'm not angry." Her measurement was amazing.


Since then, I have become good friends with her.

我的伙伴作文 篇6


This summer, I have a new partner -last.It is a puppy I picked from the beach of Xiushan Island.


At that time, the summer vacation was just on my mother's island homestay.One afternoon we went to the beach of the Aegean Sea, and an uncle showed us a variety of difficult actions on the sand, which caused us to admire it.Inadvertently, we found that a puppy was curled up as he was sleeping, and I was a little distressed to watch its small thin figure. The owner who couldn't help but complained about it did not take it home to sleep?The night came, and we went to the street to eat barbecue. My mother looked at the photos taken on the mobile phone. When I turned to the puppy photo, I said I didn't know if the dog had already returned home?Otherwise, let's go to the beach to take a look!In case it was still ... I was laughed at by my mother like this, but my mother took me to the beach.When we returned to the beach we were visiting in the afternoon with the flashlight of our mobile phone, we found that the puppy was still there.


"This puppy must be abandoned!" Mom immediately judged.Looking at the puppy, I held it in my arms distressed. I looked at my mother with the eyes of begging: "Mom, save the puppy! We will take it back, otherwise it will die."


So in the homestay in early August, we had the last time, and at the end of the name I gave it.There was a guest at home in the homestay. He saw that the puppy was probably just one month after the puppy.I remember when I hugged it home on the first night, because my grandparents didn't like dogs, they did not agree to let the last bedroom.So my mother and I had to put it on the sofa of the yard. I don't know if it was because of fear or loneliness.Looking at the poor eyes of the end of the dark, my mother and I took it to our bedroom.Sleeping on the bed, I fell asleep after a while, I guess: I miss my mother ...


Under the careful care of my mother and me, a change in the last day, more and more energetic.One morning, I couldn't find the last morning. There were no everywhere in the garden and living room ... I thought it went to the neighbor's house next door to find a small flower, but I didn't find it when I walked over.It was taken away by the people passing by.I cried!Keep calling the last.Grandma also looked for all corners, and there was no result.


I thought desperately: It's over!I will definitely lose it in the end!At the end of the lunch, the grandfather found the last in the gap between the two washing machines in the washing room. This lazy guy was sleeping!It really finds a place.It hurts me a shock!


In mid -August, I returned to Hangzhou and was left on the island at the end; the end of the day I walked around me, and it seemed to be reluctant to leave. At that moment, I really wanted to take away the last time, but I didn’t do it.Can.


One day, my mother told me that my grandparents didn't want to raise the last, because it pulled up on the carpet of the living room, so the grandmother wanted to send it back to the beach.I was so sad that I learned about this news. I called my grandmother and grandmother to ask them not to send away the end, and wait for me to deal with it next time I came to the island.Later, I went to the homestay again. My grandfather and grandmother insisted that I couldn't raise the last time. I had to deal with it in a few days. I had no other way.So I am with the end every day. I want to spend the last happy time with it ...


It was only a few days since the end of the summer vacation. One night, my mother and I took the last walk to the reservoir. Some people were chatting on the reservoir dam. The mother shouted, "Does anyone want a dog?"


"Show me? I want a dog!" Great, someone can adopt the end!I am happy and reluctant.I held the end tightly, "Can I give you again tomorrow?" Because this was a worker who had been renovated for our homestay before.So he agreed quickly, and we made an appointment to meet him tomorrow.I am happy for the end, after all, someone adopts him than letting it wander on the beach.


During the National Day holiday, I went back to the homestay again; my grandmother went to the uncle's house to take the last home. We met again. I haven't seen it for a month.Shock my tail desperately towards me!Turning around me, I also used its hairy head to pinch my legs.My classmates and I took it for a long time, and my classmates also liked the last.


Although I don't have much time to get along with the last, I love the last.I also believe that no matter what the future is, I will remember the joy of being together in the end.

我的伙伴优秀作文 篇7


She, with a yellow coat with some round black spots on it, leaving a ponytail, and a mouthful of eloquent mouths under the eyes of Shui Lingling. She is my bold and helpful.Little partner -Huang Yunfeng.


She is bold and good at all.At noon that day, after she had a meal from the cafeteria, she went to the Gao Shi facility to eat and ate it with great boldness when she saw it.Teacher Wei then asked with friendly and naughty: "Teacher Wei, where are you going?


It's right to say that she is happy.Once, did she play the game with the good partners who were inseparable from Xingying? Suddenly, Li Yu fell, and some blood was like an ant on the hot pot -anxious, Huang Yunfeng's gangs had herbs in the courtyard,Let's pick it up.Later, she endured her red scarf to Li Yu.


You will always be my good partner -Huang Yunfeng.