It is very good and beautiful in our environment, but some will start to destroy.
For example, when someone is used up with a bicycle sharing, it will not stay in the position and place it anywhere. More people do it. They are all on the road.All the shared bicycles are all down, and it is difficult to walk.
When using water, it was not related to the faucet. Instead, the water was left again and again. The passersby did not care about it. They turned away and walked away. They were dripping for several days.
A little guy threw the drink bottle in the diameter of the beverage to the trash can. More and more people kept throwing it next to the trash can, and finally slowly turned into a garbage mountain.
In the park, there are some naughty children, trampled on the lawn at will, and the notice next to them are "unable to trample".It was still destroying the trees in a forest, breaking a tree stick, and the scene began to destroy.
The last lush tree slowly turned into a withered and dirty tree.
Some people put the shared bicycles one by one on the position, so that the roads and the streets open the road, turn off the dripped faucet, put the garbage next to the trash can in the trash can, so that all the garbage disappears all the garbage disappearsIn the city, it slowly turned into a beautiful city.
Slowly withering and dirty trees became a tall towering tree.
Protect the environment well, one more caring and more strength.
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