
时间:2022-11-19 13:03:16 | 来源:语文通



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次走夜路作文 篇1


In the long river of time, there are countless "firsts", many of which are like shining stars, embellishing the dark sky. The "first time" that impressed me most was my first night walk.


The night is quiet. The stars in the sky are like countless gems, set on the "black blanket". "Dad, I'm not going. It's terrible outside." "No, no, I have to go." A loud noise broke the silence of the night. My father asked me to buy soy sauce outside the community. "But it's night. It's dark outside!" I protested loudly. "What are you afraid of? Buy soy sauce!" My father insisted that I buy soy sauce. From my father's indisputable tone, I knew I had to go this time.


Holding the money, I stepped into the dark sidewalk. The wind was blowing like a ghost howling. The cloud is like a big hand, covering the moon for a while, and opening the hand for the moon to appear. The tree swayed its branches, like the hand of a monster. Everything was gloomy.


At this time, I thought of the ghosts in Liaozhai. My heart was pounding and pounding, as if it was about to jump out. A dark shadow appeared in the grass beside me, with green eyes. I saw the shadow walking slowly towards me. The green eyes stared at me, and the foot made a "rustling" sound, which was like a monster's scream. what is it? Is it a ghost emitting green light? How terrible! I thought uneasily. The shadow was getting closer and closer to me, and I stared to see what was going on. I grabbed a small stone from the ground and threw it at the shadow. "Meow... meow..." It was a kitten, which scared me. I quickened my pace and even ran at last. Finally, I got to the shop and went home.


Walking, walking, a white shadow appeared on the road. Is this the ghost? What should we do? What should I do? There must be no ghosts in this world. It must be an illusion. I walked slowly towards the white shadow. It turned out to be a plastic bag.


A gust of cold wind blew, and I could not help but shrink my neck, feeling like a ghost spitting cold air at me. This makes me more and more afraid. It is extremely short to walk this road in the daytime, but it is extremely long to walk this road at night.


When I finally got home, I proudly gave the soy sauce to my father and said happily, "Dad, I succeeded."


Although it is terrible to walk in the night, as long as you take the first step bravely, you will take the second step... and finally move towards success. Isn't it the same with other things?

次走夜路优秀作文 篇2


Walking through the wind and rain, shaking the bell all the way, picking up the fragrance all the way, singing all the way... I walk on the road of growth and experience every time.


That night after school, I walked home alone. That was the first time I walked home alone at night. The trees along the road were rustling with the wind and sand. The sound was almost the same as that in the TV play. From time to time, there were several howls of wild cats, which made my heart beat faster and I was at a loss.


I was walking, "Zizizi". The roadside lights seemed to be against me, but they were all flashing because of the fault. Walking beside the street lights, I always felt as if something big and tall was swinging around, like a ghost. I thought to myself, "Mom is really right. It's the first time that I've been allowed to walk home alone at night at this late hour." At the thought of this, I whispered, "Is there really a ghost?"


After a while, there was a quiet breeze all around me, which made me feel a sense of fear. The more I was afraid, the more I felt guilty. After only a minute or two, I felt as if something was following me, right and left, tightly and quietly, but there was no such thing when I turned around... "I won't be watched by ghosts, will I?" At the thought of this, I could not help shivering. But I dare not look back. I'm afraid the ghost behind me will eat me. I could not help but cry out "ah", spread my feet and ran forward.


I ran more and more tired, and the light became darker and darker. I felt that the "ghost" could not catch up with me. At this time, I stopped out of breath. As soon as I stopped, a thing with white clothes and hair spread out in the distance, which looked like a person but not a ghost, appeared. My heart was pounding harder and almost broke down. But I took a forbearance glance. It turned out that an aunt came home. It was a false alarm.


After walking for less than half a minute, the performance began to shine. It was my home. I arrived home. I was as happy as an ant to find my mother! My mother stood at the door waiting for me. He had already prepared delicious food. I told my mother about my experience. My mother couldn't help praising me and said, "When you grow up, you will go home alone. You should learn to face difficulties alone and do it bravely."


Yes, on the road of growth, everyone has a first time, will experience wind and rain, but each time you will have something to gain. This time, I gained independence.

次走夜路作文 篇3


In life, everyone will have many firsts: the first time to ride a bike, the first time to cook, the first time to perform, the first time to travel


They are like a star in the memory sky, lighting up the road I can't see at night. I clicked the bright star and fell into memory.


In the evening, my parents went to work, and I was hungry, so I planned to buy something to eat in the street.


After buying a box of noodles, I was about to go home when I saw a path only a few steps away from me. In the daytime, I go that way every day. However, I only walked in the daytime and never went in at night. Looking at the dark entrance, I suddenly had the idea of entering. After hesitating for a long time, my curiosity finally defeated the terror. Although there are lights on the main road, once I enter, it seems that I am surrounded by a gloomy atmosphere. I remember that I was crazy about ghost stories at that time. I had to watch a few stories every day, so I was always suspicious of things around me.


As I walked slowly, I was thinking about the ghost stories I had seen before. When I thought of "one hand stretched out from behind", I couldn't help shivering, and I didn't dare to look back. As I continued to walk, my heart suddenly tightened with a "creak". After staying for several seconds, I moved my feet and walked faster. After another journey, it seems that the original short road has been extended for a long time, and there is no end to it.


There are still lingering fears in my heart. I have no intention to glance at the trash can which is only a few steps away from me. In a trance, there is a small shadow moving faintly beside the trash can. I was surprised. Can it be a ghost?! The stone just put down in my heart began to hang in my mind. How unlucky, should I not encounter a ghost? Many terrible pictures flashed in my mind, and I moved quickly. Then I felt funny again. Such a small ghost


It seems that there are often mice in the daytime. Is it possible that it is a mouse? Just thinking, the little shadow moved and made a tiny "squeak" sound. Relax, I quickened my pace again, almost by running, and "escaped" from the "right and wrong place".


The feeling of walking on the night road for the first time was really thrilling. It also made me understand that we can't judge things by one side, but by combining various factors. Now think about it, there seems to be nothing terrible, we still have to believe in science!

次走夜路作文 篇4


There will be many firsts in one's life, but what is the most unforgettable "first"? First time winner? First time cooking? The first time I went to school... This "first time" is like the experience of everyone's growth, which is indispensable. On the way I grew up, I experienced many "firsts" - the first competition, the first exhibition, the first criticism by teachers, etc. And what I want to say is the first time to walk alone at night. It was a dark and windy night.


I just played at my uncle's house, but now I'm walking home alone. I'm alone and it's dark everywhere. It's the first time for me to walk alone at night! Still in the countryside! I'm so scared. I'm so nervous, because I'm afraid of the dark. In fact, I'm afraid of ghosts. I regret that I saw too many ghost movies before! Now repeat the horrible pictures in ghost movies in your mind. I'm so scared! I always feel that something is following me, so I take a look at it from time to time. But I thought, don't look back, if you look back! What if I see a person or ghost? If it's like in a ghost movie - there is nothing at the beginning, but when you look back, ah! Then I turned around and looked back. What if there was nothing left? This is really a shock! In fact, I lied to myself. What are you afraid of? I smiled in my heart. I can't help looking back, but I still look back unconsciously. There is nothing. I'm relieved


I've been walking for a long time, but I haven't arrived yet? I became scared and nervous. I thought: It's not that far! It should be almost there, right? Why haven't we arrived yet? How far is it? The more I think about it, the more scared I become. I simply stop thinking about it. I calm down and comfort myself: I'm not afraid. It should be coming soon


Now I have encountered a thorny problem - I have arrived at a haystack, which is the only way to go home. Seeing this, it proves that I am almost there, but there are insects in the haystack, which are insects. I'm afraid! Apart from ghosts, I am most afraid of worms. I thought that if I rushed up, there would be ants crawling on my feet, which would give me goose bumps. But if I wanted to end this "nightmare" quickly, I had to bear my head and rush forward! I can go home for dinner after rushing here! At the thought of food, I'm not afraid... I closed my eyes, shivered, and rushed to my house in one breath, great!


There is no difficulty that cannot be overcome. You can't speculate in the difficulties. As long as you keep a fearless attitude and are full of the will to overcome difficulties and strive forward, "nightmares" will not dare to find you. Difficulties will always "fear" you!

次走夜路作文 篇5


Everyone has had the experience of walking home alone! Some people may be very scared and run away; Some people are brave enough to walk home leisurely; Others may be paranoid and go quietly... Come and see what kind of person I belong to!


One night last summer, I was still at my grandmother's home after 9 o'clock. My parents were busy, so I couldn't come to pick me up, so I had to walk home by myself.


It's the first time for me to walk alone at night. You see, the dark night sky is filled with many stars shining in all directions, like diamonds embedded in the black night. When the moon rose, she opened a corner of the curtain and showed half her face, but she tried to cover her pretty face with a black veil as if she were shy. After a long time, maybe it was because she couldn't help being lonely, she slipped out again and opened her sweet smile; The white Milky Way lies quietly in the blue sky


There was not a pedestrian on the road, only the curved moon and shining stars accompanied me. Because I was afraid, I walked quickly with my head buried, looked around from time to time, touched the red scarf, and gave myself courage. As I walked, I thought of the old man Bang Bang who was injured at night on TV. Ah! That night was as dark as this one, and the figure of the villain flashed in my mind. I can't help shivering at the thought of this. I tried to control myself from thinking about these things, but my mind was disobedient. I remembered the ghost in Liaozhai, and my heart was pounding. Horror images keep popping up in my mind: Charles IX, The Adventure Tigers, The Famous Detective Conan... However, the more afraid of ghosts escaping from ghosts, a dark thing emerges from the roadside ditch. I was so scared that I almost cried out, my legs began to shake, and my mouth whispered, "Amitabha, God bless you." Hey, I was so scared that I read "China and the West are connected"! "Meow meow", it turned out to be a cat - a false alarm. I scolded myself in my heart: what a coward, cheer me up!


Suddenly, I remembered the teacher's words: there is no ghost in the world. So I became bolder, and my steps were no longer like lead. Before long, I got home safely.


Now you know what type I am! I was - timid at first, then courageous.


However, I also realized a small truth: it's stupid to be suspicious. One more thing, this


There is no ghost in the world!

次走夜路作文 篇6


On the road of life, there are many firsts: the first time to cook, the first time to raise small animals, the first time to camp, the first time... All firsts are like footprints, deeply imprinted on our growth path. Looking back on the road of growth, the "first time" that impressed me most was the night walk.


I remember when I was young, I lived in my hometown. I often play at my grandpa's house during the day and go back to my second aunt's house at night. But I usually go back to my second aunt's house before dark, because I'm afraid of the dark. When it gets dark, I can't walk outdoors. one day. I missed the time. It was already dark. I had not returned to my second uncle's home. Because of this, I had the unforgettable experience of walking at night, and also gave myself a chance to exercise my courage.


That night, my mother took my hand and walked on the dark path. The night was very quiet, but the more quiet it was, the more frightened I felt. My rich imagination began to open its teeth and claws: the howling wind sounded like ghosts crying and wolves howling; The branches swayed in the wind, as if the devil were waving to me; The scarecrow stands on the field, just like a ghost wandering in the field. I always feel chilly behind me. It seems that something is following me. I really felt creepy and thought: "Why is the vibrant countryside in the daytime so different at night, so creepy and horrible?" I opened my eyes to see the dark road ahead, and my script could step back to go back to my grandpa's house. But my mother held my hand tightly and said, "Zhong Zhou, are you still a man? If you are a man, go ahead." Yeah! I have always been proud of being a man. I just walk at night. How can I be so timid! I closed my eyes suddenly and began to count in my mind without looking at the surrounding scenery, so as not to let myself imagine those terrible scenes. My little hand tightly held my mother's hand and walked forward carefully step by step. Although this made me feel less afraid, I still felt that it was not a long way to go for a long time. When I walked into the Second Aunt's house, I thought the lights were so bright, safe and comfortable.


That was my first experience on the night road. When I grow up, I still remember that experience clearly. But I felt that I was so naive that I scared myself into that. Now I have learned that sometimes what we fear is our own heart. As long as we defeat our own demons, nothing is terrible. Now, I am much more courageous, and I will not be afraid to walk at night any more!