
时间:2022-10-28 13:07:34 | 来源:语文通



关于劳动节的作文 篇1关于劳动节的作文 篇2五一劳动节作文 篇3劳动节作文 篇4关于劳动节的中考满分作文 篇5

关于劳动节的作文 篇1


Junqing Junior High School 0807 Sun Guanglin


We left the exam on Friday and started a five-day holiday with excitement.


On Labor Day, we returned to our hometown, a small village in Gaomi City. At six o'clock in the morning, I was woken up by the birds in the branches. Put on your clothes and stretch your limbs in the yard. The air is so good!


At this time, I saw a lighter on the windowsill that I liked to play with when I was a child, and there was some straw in the kitchen door. I'm a little happy. Every time I go to Grandma's house, my favorite thing is to light a fire. So I added water to the pot and put the steamed bread. Hold the lighter, light a handful of straw, put it under the pot, slowly pull the bellows, wait until the fire spreads, and then add some firewood to it. The fire is getting bigger and bigger, and the beating flame reflects my face, which is warm. After a while, the water began to boil, the heat slowly rose, and the steamed bun was hot.


Grandma and grandpa were warmed up by the kang, and ran to the kitchen to see that the meal was ready. The superstitious grandpa said to me: "You are a man of fire. You have loved burning fire since childhood. The city is not allowed to burn it. Now it's OK. You can burn it three times a day!" I nodded happily and accepted the job. It is not only because of interest, but also because of a sense of responsibility. I always feel that when I grow up, I should contribute to everyone who cares about me.


The next day was the familiar six o'clock. It rained last night, and the straw was wet. It was lit several times without being lit. When I was worried, I felt my pocket and some pocket money from my mother. I had an idea, so I quietly opened the door and ran to the village market. There are so many sellers in the market. I bought six steamed buns and some fried dough sticks for breakfast. When I got home, I saw my family's faces blooming with joy. Grandma said excitedly, "My nephew is sensible and can work!" Other people praised me, and I was very happy.


Unconsciously, the five-day long vacation has passed. Although I returned to the campus, I did not have the task of cooking, but I still took labor as my motivation for growth and learning. This holiday I tasted the joy of labor, although short, but very substantial.

关于劳动节的作文 篇2


Junqing Junior High School 0807 Chen Lerong


When the May Day holiday came, we were ready to have a small holiday. The Chinese teacher walked to the front of the platform and asked us with a smile: "Boys and girls, what will you do during the May Day holiday?" Immediately there was a voice below the platform, and the students talked happily, one sentence at a time. "I want to go out to play, go to Mount Tai..." "I want to do my homework at home and preview new lessons", "I want to play games, brush videos..." The teacher clapped his hands and said loudly: "OK, it's up to you, but it's going to be a real May Day!"


On May Day, my parents and I returned to my grandmother's house. Before the holiday, the Chinese teacher stressed that this time, we had a real Labor Day. I was thinking about what to do in my bedroom, when I suddenly looked out of the window, the rose in the flower bed was in bloom. I went out of the door and watched the "golden beauty" walk in. The petals were clearly layered, and it was a gradual change of orange. The outermost petal is flesh orange on one side, and the middle is rendered with flesh color and light yellow. I had an idea. I'd better trim the flowers in the flower bed. There are several flowers growing out, and they look very messy


I asked my father to teach me how to cut flowers. Dad was very happy. He dragged me to the tool room without saying a word. He said that we should pay attention to safety when pruning, and do not get stuck; Cut the branches that do not blossom or have no buds; If there are dead leaves or dead branches, cut them. While listening, I put on my old clothes, gloves and tools. My father gave me a demonstration first, only to see him holding scissors in one hand and gently fiddling with the branches in the other. The body moves from time to time, bending its head, lowering its head and lifting its head, which is really professional.


Finally, it's my turn. I jumped into the flower bed excitedly. Fortunately, I didn't step on them, so I imitated my father's action and thought of what he said repeatedly. One hand gently placed the branches, and the head was put forward. He searched for dead branches and leaves with all his strength. Suddenly, I found a dead branch. Although there were several half yellow and half green leaves at the top of the branch, the whole branch did not have a bud. I immediately figured out a solution. That branch was hidden very deeply. Behind many branches, I slowly squatted down, bound my gloves with leather bands, and carefully passed through one branch after another with scarlet spikes. I held my breath, and my hands reached. One hand is pulling the top of the branch, and the other hand is deep near the root of the rose. The right hand is holding the scissors tightly, and the eyes are laboriously looking for its end, oh! eureka! The scissors in your hand are pointing at it, "click"! Hey, what's going on? It's not broken! But I tried too hard and sat down beside the flower bed. "Ha ha ha ha ha", my father laughed until his stomach ached. I immediately changed my posture, looked at it with breathless concentration, and silently thought: I can do it, I will do it. Finally, with a perfect click, the branches fell down perfectly. I gently took them out and put them aside, and trimmed some dead leaves.


After working for about an hour, it was finally completed, and my clothes were soaked with sweat! This is really May Day! I realized my father's hard work and gained a share of ability and technology. Well, that's good!

五一劳动节作文 篇3


I remember when I was very young, I often followed my brother and sister to learn the poem "At the noon of the weeding day, sweat drips down the grain. Who knows, every grain is hard to eat", but I don't know its meaning. In one summer vacation, I really realized the meaning of labor at the three fathers' home in Qianjiang.


At that time, the three dads were busy working in the paddy field. I thought it was interesting and insisted on going. The adults had no choice but to take me there. I was very excited.


When I came to the edge of the field, I saw the whole paddy fields around me. The sun was relentlessly baking the earth. It was really hot. Curiosity prompted me to come to Tanaka. I followed the example of an adult and planted the seedlings in the field. But just after planting, the seedlings floated up again from the water. I pressed it down and it floated again. I don't know what to do. The third father seemed to see my mind. He came to me and taught me hand in hand. He also told me: "The middle finger and the index finger grip the seedlings separately and insert them into the field, usually one inch deep..." I remembered the words of the third father, and tried to insert them again, which was quite effective. The seedlings no longer floated, but were firmly inserted in the mud. I was so happy that I worked hard. The sweat ran down from my forehead, and the mud stuck to my leg. I didn't seem to notice it. It seemed that I was fascinated by the job of transplanting rice seedlings. That day's work made me very tired, but I was very happy. My face was sunburnt and my waist was sore. After supper, I fell asleep early. In my dream, the rice seedlings I planted grew ears of grain, which were golden with gusts of wind. The ears of grain fluttered with the wind, just like a dancing girl


The next day, I got up early and sneaked to the field with my adult on my back. I thought I could see golden ears of grain, but what I saw was still the small seedlings. I was discouraged and sat at the edge of the field with a small mouth. "Juanjuan -", the third father came and asked me with concern, "Who bullied you?" I shook my head, pointed to the seedlings in the field and said, "Why doesn't it grow up?" The third father smiled and said, "This seedling can only grow up after fertilization, weeding, and catching insects." At this time, I realized the real meaning of "at the noon of the weeding day, sweat drips down the soil. Who knows, every grain is hard to eat".


Ah! I was surprised to find that I had grown up in labor.

劳动节作文 篇4


"Wow! It's so hot! I really want to have a cup of mung bean soup!" Mom listened to me and immediately made 20 cups of mung bean soup. I was dumbfounded and asked me to finish the 20 cups of mung bean soup. "It's impossible," I shouted Anyway, I'm going to see you "drink" 20 cups of mung bean soup for me, whatever way you like. "My mother said cunningly. My mother's words reminded me of the traffic police, sanitation workers and volunteers who served us in the sun on a hot day! I immediately put 20 cups of mung bean soup in a box and went out.


"Ouch - it's so hot!" I've been sweating since I went out. Think about them. They have to spend more than ten hours in the sun every day. How tired they are. Look, there is a traffic police uncle on the road. I ran to him with a cup of mung bean soup in my hand, and said: "Uncle traffic police, you've worked hard, drink a cup of mung bean soup! "Thank you, little friend!" At this time, my heart is in full bloom!


Then, I met many environmental sanitation workers as volunteers and traffic police! Every time I give it away, my heart will warm up!


This May Day, although hard, is very happy!

关于劳动节的中考满分作文 篇5


Today is Labor Day, with overcast weather and showers. However, my parents still drove me to Pingtan for vacation without decreasing their enthusiasm for traveling.


The car runs along the "Dazhen Line" highway, listening to the melodious piano music in the car and looking at the beautiful rural scenery outside the window, we feel very happy. After Pingtan Bridge, the vast white sea unfolded in front of us. At this time, the weather was not beautiful, and the sky was drizzling. Although the weather was bad, we could not see the distant scenery clearly, but we also enjoyed different scenery.


After a while, the rain stopped. Before we knew it, we arrived at the first stop - "Jiangjun Mountain". The high memorial tower stood on the top of the mountain, which was very magnificent. There were various stones in different shapes all around. Climbing on the top of the tower, you can see the endless blue sea emerging in front of you. The sea and sky are the same color. You can't tell which is the sea and which is the sky. The sea breeze with the smell of the sea blows through, making you feel fresh and comfortable. A group of seagulls circled through the air, accompanied by their cries, as if they were talking about the joy of flying.


Then we came to the beach, where countless tourists were enjoying themselves. Some were swimming, some were rowing, some were flying kites, and a group of children were piling sand and soil. We picked up shells along the coastline barefoot, and let the sea beat my feet. A wave of wavy flowers seemed to play hide and seek beside me. Our family played with each other and chased on this vast beach, leaving our happy laughter and happy footprints here.


Finally, we came to the "Haitan Ancient City" in the new area. The antique architectural community attracted tourists from home and abroad. There are a variety of goods on display in the street, including Taiwan specialties, as well as many souvenirs made of shells. They are so lifelike that people can't put them down. Today, I have the honor to watch a song and dance performance of Taiwan's mountain people. They sang and danced, which brought the audience to climax and won applause. It is a place where the people of the mainland and the people of Taiwan are united, friendly and close knit, and it also builds a bridge for the two peoples to live together peacefully.


The trip of a happy day is over. It always makes people reluctant to part. I look forward to meeting Pingtan again.