Oasis in the desert are usually hopeful, and what is my oasis?
My oasis are eager for people around the world to live in a place without war.Let everyone not have to worry about life, don't worry about life safety, don't worry about whether the homeland will be destroyed, and don't worry about tomorrow's life.
You see, from the beginning of human beings, the war has not stopped.From the two emperors of Yanhuang to fight against Chi You, to the establishment of the Xia Dynasty, the tyranny of the world was overthrown, and to the first world war and the second war in modern times, it can be said that the war has never stopped.
After talking about the war, let's talk about what the war brings!
The war brought people hungry meals, the death of a large number of people and animals, brought smoke and gunpowder, brought a heavy blow to the country, and the damage to the earth ... This is the war brought by the war.s consequence.Let's talk about why the war is launched.
Why do you want to mobilize? The reason for it is simple and complicated.Some people launched war for rights, some people launched a war for money, and some people launched war for the expansion of the territory.In fact, in the end, only the result of two defeats.
Some people say that the people who launched the war are very hateful, but the storm has fallen temporarily. Which snowflakes are innocent?
How much land is there in the world that has not been destroyed by the war? We don't know.We can only keep the imagined oasis in our hearts.
Wish, there is no war in the world.
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