
时间:2022-08-01 14:02:46 | 来源:语文通



The winter solstice will be solar terms tomorrow. Every winter solstice solar terms, I think of the scene of dumplings at that time.


I learned to make dumplings during the new military training.First, the instructor gave everyone the whole process of making dumplings. First, mix the meat filling as well as as well as as well as possible, then roll out a lighted round skin, and then use a chopstick to get a small meat filling, put it on the dough on the skin,Fold it up and pinch the folding dough in the middle.At this time, everyone swallowed saliva and saw the instructor put the dumplings of the dumplings one by one.I thought: If I can also wrap one, then I can eat my own dumplings?Both my classmates and I felt that the dumplings were very simple.


Finally, the instructor sent a large pot of meat and a lot of noodles to everyone. I died in excitement, and I couldn't wait to get a dumplings with a dumplings.I thought that the instructor informed everyone's tips for making dumplings, put the meat in the dumplings first, then folded the noodles, pinching his feet to the middle, but he hadn't finished it, and the dumplings were trapped in that chubby body.Just out of the mother's belly.


"Is my meat filling too much?" I still knew myself in my heart.This is the failure, so I asked the instructor to get a noodle again, and gradually made the dumplings.


This time, I put some meat stuffing in the noodle skin and pinched the two corners to the middle."Hey, the dumplings are wrapped." I was successful than plum blossoms, and my little emotions were also excited.I can't wait to give the dumplings I wrapped to education. Education takes a look at the left, and then touched, and then said to everyone, "Everyone stops first, and it is unhappy to see the dumplings packed by Ma Yiming.The cheers given to this classmate. "Everyone gave me very applause.


According to the continuous try, I finally succeeded, and I defeated myself.



In 2021, the intelligent high -tech, culture and art festival intelligent follow -up car contest, asked me to gain a lot, in addition to the joy of successful success, compared the last year's contest, more than the self -self and facing the dilemma!


——The composition title


The competition venue was crowded, and the students and the teachers shuttled back and forth at the venue. It seemed that there was extremely prosperous. In a corner of the intelligent follow -up car race, I lowered my head and held the screws on my hand.Love sports car -Fuxing.The quota of this game is that I tried to ask the teacher to ask for it, plus the stubbornness, and it can be said that it is not easy!Therefore, I attach great importance to this game.I was very careful and carefully assembled my "Fuxing", and I did not allow myself to have a little mistake.After the assembly, I met another meticulous check before it was slightly relieved.


Immediately you need to go to your own appearance. Standing in the waiting area, holding my "Fuxing" firmly, staring at the sports cars of other contestants on the track, but the mood couldn't help but ran towards the last year.That game: "Come on! Hurry! Quick!" I cheered "rapidly" for my own car, but did not want to be at the turning point of the neighboring terminal.The car leisurely left the track.I only heard the jury loudly: "But the next player!" My face was full of unwillingness and sense of constraints, and I thought quietly: Next time, I must come back again againIntersectionNext time, I will be able to rush through the terminal.


"The 30th contestant appeared!" The jury's sound pulled my mood back to the game. I raised my chest, shook my fist tightly, and shouted for myself. I squatted down and gradually put the "Fuxing" on the track, and then turned on the vehicle power switch. With the operation of the module, the sports car ran forward like a flying arrow. In the corner of the last year, I stared at the "Fuxing", stared at the "Fuxing", held my fist tightly with both hands, and kept reading in my heart: "Come on! Come on! Rush! Fuxing, rush, rush, rush, rush, rush, rush, rush, rush, Ah! "Although in just a few seconds, I asked me to feel the long time! Yeah, turn around! It was getting closer to the terminal, and finally it passed ... When the "Fuxing" rushed across the terminal, I jumped very happy! In the end, I scored a high score with excellent scores of 29 seconds and 15! The teacher and partner helped me give me a praise, but who could understand how long I prepared in advance for better. In order to better prove that I can do it myself, I have invested several times hard work; the test results of the competition were obtained. Compared with the previous year, I even defeated myself!


This time, I 100 points!


This time, I succeeded!


This time, I defeated myself!



Every time I took out the dumpling skin, I also remembered the scene of the first dumpling.


I remember once, my mother and brother were making dumplings in the kitchen.When I saw it, I said to my mother, "You teach me too, I want to wrap it." Therefore, the mother taught me carefully, put the dumpling skin in my hand first, and clamped some dumplings with the other hand with chopsticks.Stuffed, put it in the middle of the dumpling skin, then pinch the left, pinch the right, pinch the right, and pinch left ... like that dumplings are wrapped.


After listening to my mother, I suddenly felt that dumplings were very simple.Because I like to eat the dumplings in the rice dumplings, I put it a little more.And I did not give up without encountering frustration. I used a dumpling skin, covering it in the area where I couldn't pack, and squeezed it hard.I didn't understand it, and I put it on the cutting board, but after a while, it collapsed.I am not happy, the first time I fell, I wrapped it out, and I really didn't want to wrap any more.


My father seemed to see my thoughts and said to me, "Unsuccessful is the mother of success. Who has not suffered some setbacks on the road to learning training. For example, I followed the first time that dumplings were also having dumplings.You are the same, but I have not given up, and my father is looking forward to the people who do not want to do anything and give up. "After listening to my father, I gradually wrapped the dumplings with my heart.I have developed a very big development before, and I finally defeated myself. I firmly believe that as long as I persist, I will definitely be wrapped stronger.


Based on the dumplings, I also understand a great truth: persistence is to win.



1、战胜:战胜读音为zhàn shèng,是指1.在战争中取胜;经战斗而获胜。 2.指一种思想克服另一种思想。 3.指科举考试登第。 在战争、竞争或竞赛中取得胜利或取得成功战胜而得。——宋. 苏洵《六国论》燕、 赵、 韩、 魏闻之,皆朝于 齐。此所谓战胜于朝廷。——《战国策.齐策》战胜 zhàn shèng词语意思:1.在战争中取胜;经战斗而获胜。 2.指一种思想克服另一种思想。 3.指科举考试登第。[defeat;triumph over; win; vanquish] 在战争、竞争或竞赛中取得胜利或取得成功战胜而得。——宋. 苏洵《六国论》燕、 赵、 韩、 魏闻之,皆朝于 齐。此所谓战胜于朝廷。——《战国策.齐策》分词解释:科举考试:隋唐以来封建王朝设科取士而定期举行的中央或地方级考试。获胜:取得胜利。如:甲队以五比○获胜。战斗:①敌对双方兵团、部队、分队、飞机、舰艇间进行的武装冲突。是实现战争目的的主要手段。是战役的组成部分。有进攻和防御两种基本类型。②泛指斗争。...战胜怎么造句,用战胜造句»

2、自身:自身读音为zì shēn,是指亲自;自己。自身 zì shēn词语解释:亲自;自己。(1) [self;oneself]∶自己泥菩萨过江,自身难保(2) [personally;in person]∶亲自分词解释:自己:1.代词。自身﹐本身。 2.自己人。 3.知己亲近;关系密切。亲自:自己亲身。● 身 shēn ㄕㄣˉ◎ 人、动物的躯体,物体的主要部分:身躯。人身。身材。身段。船身。树身。◎ 指人的生命或一生:身世。献身。◎ 亲自,本人:自身。亲身。身教。身体力行。◎ 统指人的地位、品德:出身。身分(fèn )。身败名裂。◎ 孕,娠:身孕。◎ 量词,指整套衣服:做了一身儿新衣服。● 自 zì ㄗˋ◎ 本人,己身:自己。自家。自身。自白。自满。自诩。自馁。自重(zhòng )。自尊。自谦。自觉(jué )。自疚。自学。自圆其说。自惭形秽。自强不息。◎ 从,由:自从。自古以来。◎ 当然:自然。自不待言。自生自灭。放任自流。◎ 假如:自非圣人,外宁必有内忧。...自身怎么造句,用自身造句»