
时间:2022-11-07 13:09:15 | 来源:语文通



友情伴我同行作文 篇1友情伴我成长作文 篇2友情伴我同行作文 篇3

友情伴我同行作文 篇1


What is friendship? When it is difficult, a friend can help you in time. When you are sad, a friend can give you a generous shoulder. When you are happy, a friend can share with you. When you are sad, a friend can shoulder with you. What is this? This is a friend. This is friendship.


My most unforgettable experience is the graduation association that I graduated from the sixth grade of primary school. At that time, the teacher asked everyone to have fun. The students pretended to be happy on the surface, but in fact, they secretly reddened their eyes where we could not see them. But it didn't take long for us to adjust. We first held a meeting in the classroom. We sang together in the classroom, saying goodbye to the former good sister band. However, some students could not help shedding tears because of this song. Over the years, students have been with us for six years, and we are about to leave. How can we not miss it.


We left the classroom and went to the playground. We entered the example and management. When we entered the gym, we knew that we might not have much time to spend with our classmates, so we should seize and cherish every minute we spent with our classmates. In the gym, we played an interactive game. We had six classes. Some students volunteered to stand in the middle and sing songs. Some students sang very beautifully, while others sang out of tune. But we won't expose him. We will give her the warmest applause when the curtain call ends. Some students are writing classmate records, and some students are holding together to talk and laugh, and then their eyes become red unconsciously, and tears fall from their eyes.


It seemed that I was playing a big adventure with you. Finally, all the performances have been completed and the curtain call has been successfully completed. However, we all still feel that our psychology is empty, not as happy as last year's party, and our eyes are red unconsciously. When the students saw it, they would laugh and say, What's the matter? If you are a student with some good face, you will say, How could you? You just yawned. After hearing this sentence, we just laughed and didn't expose him. But if they meet some people with thick skin, they will say, yes, I can't bear to part with you. After all, at 4:40, we had to go our separate ways. After packing our bags, we hugged each other. Each of us had a red eye, and the teacher couldn't help it. Some students have red eyes. Tears have fallen down. It was time for the school bell to ring. We hugged each other reluctantly, said goodbye to each other for several times, and couldn't help walking out of the classroom. Finally, we walked out of the classroom together. This is, some students have been crying. Our six-year schoolmate career is coming to an end. Who is not sad?


We sang as we walked, without saying goodbye, and sang and cried to many students whose eyes were red. The teacher took out his mobile phone and fixed our current state here forever. Forever fixed in every color photo. After singing this song, we will say goodbye after all, but this song and the school primary school graduation party have become a memory in my heart that will never fade.

友情伴我成长作文 篇2


Friendship is a beautiful word! When you are sick, bring you love; When encountering setbacks, it will bring you support; When I am proud, I will remind you that although I have met many friendships, I will never forget that time


I remember when I was a sophomore in primary school, I had a friend named Xiaoming. She and I had good grades at that time. Our grades were hard to tell! Sometimes my score is higher than her, sometimes her score is higher than mine, but in mathematics, I must win! Once, we compared again. I asked her what? She said it was better than math. My heart finally fell to the ground. Maths, you are far from it!


When I handed out the paper, I finished it with a few "whoops" and handed it to the teacher immediately. I was very happy to see Xiaoming as if he had encountered a problem. I was still delusional: that's so simple, I must score 100 points. Xiaoming, you are today


Get the test paper, she gets 100 points, I get 99 points! The reason is that I'm missing a decimal point. Seeing my sad tears, she came to comfort me: "It's OK. Next time, do better!" I pushed her hand away.


It's raining this day! I think: let's make it bigger, then we won't have classes! But the weather was unpredictable, and the rain stopped before school! I have to go to school!


Stepping on the muddy road, I was very careful, as if I would fall down at any time! Walking, a figure appeared in front of me. Isn't that Xiaoming? I walked quickly, step by step. I don't know why, my competitiveness makes me must surpass her. Three steps to go, two steps to Xiaoming suddenly fell down! I thought: Do you want to help her? She is my good friend! Who told her to surpass me? Leave her alone! I walked past her mercilessly!


I may have walked too fast, and I fell a "dog gnaws at the mud"! I don't know when she stood up. She extended the "hand of friendship" to me and pulled me up. This is the friendship that I felt most.


Everyone has what he thinks is the most precious: some people think friendship is the most precious; Some people think honesty is the most precious; Some people think that the care of others is the most precious, but in my opinion, friendship is the most precious thing, and nothing can replace it. Friendship is the sea, which can contain your shortcomings; Friendship is fire, which warms you in the cold wind; Friendship is a book, which makes you understand more truth; Friendship is the sunshine that illuminates your life.


In a word, without friendship, the world would not be beautiful. Now, I have grown up, friendship is still around me, and friendship accompanies my growth!

友情伴我同行作文 篇3


Time flies like an arrow. In the twinkling of an eye, we entered junior high school. Looking back on the colorful life in primary school, friendship is one of the friends who accompanied me to thrive.


"Ding Lingling -", today we write a test. With the ringing of the bell, the teacher's task was issued immediately. The writing test book has been handed out, and all the students have devoted themselves to writing seriously.


Outside, the cold wind is howling and the heavy snow is flying. Although the doors and windows of the classroom are all tightly closed, the naughty wind will still come in through the cracks in the doors and windows. I hold a pencil in my right hand and an eraser in my left. I have wiped this word many times, but my frozen hand makes me unable to write it well. "Oh, I used to be a good writer, but I don't think I can pass this time. What can I do now?" I thought anxiously, rubbing my hands quickly, and breathing hot air with my mouth. Before I knew it, my eyes were fogged with tears.


Suddenly, something orange appeared in my blurred vision. I quickly wiped my tears with my hands and looked closely. It was an orange warm hand bear! Eh, isn't this my deskmate? I looked at my deskmate in surprise, and saw that he was smiling at me. I pointed to Little Bear and just wanted to ask him. Unexpectedly, the deskmate opened his mouth first, "You can use it quickly! I see you are crying, and you haven't written a few words. Your hands must be frozen! Please warm your hands and write again!" I listened to my deskmate's words, and broke through tears into laughter. I could not finish writing. A warm current came to my heart.


The next day, the teacher made a grade. When I reported my name, my heart was like a tight string. "You!" When the teacher reported the excellent, I took my notebook back with a smile, but no one noticed. The tears kept rolling in my eyes. This was a moving tear, and a warm current came to my heart again.


"Yesterday, thank you for your warm hands!" I thanked my deskmate, who waved his hand and said, "It's OK, my friend."


So far, the orange warm hand bear has been clearly printed in my mind. The bear, like the orange sun, has given me warmth and strength. Isn't this strength just the strength of friendship?


During my growth, friendship is indispensable; On my growth path, thick friendship accompanied me all the way!