It was a winter, the wind and anger, there were very few people on the street, and the color was in a hurry. They walked quickly with cotton clothes, and only two bright street lights on the roadside. They stood there quietly without avoiding it.Facing the baptism of the wind.But I walked slowly step by step, raised my head from time to time, looked up at the night sky expressionlessly, and looked at the looming but lonely moon.
A cold wind blew into the clothes from the neck, and the neck was already cold. I didn't care about this, and let the cold wind continue to blow into the clothes.After failure, I am thinking about a question that looks very simple: Why learn?This question has trapped me all the way, but I still didn't find the answer.The body temperature of the body decreased little by little, and the original hot heart was already cold to the extreme.
Finally walked outside the door, but I paused, and I was in a heavy mood.After stomping hard, there was no response. The corridor was dark and everything was quiet.I can only go up with my head with my feet.Suddenly, a light appeared, the door opened, and the light gradually became larger.Seeing that I appeared in the dark corridor, I was not particularly surprised. I thought she had heard my footsteps.I hurriedly said, "As soon as you want to knock on the door, you are here. You see how many we are in the heart." Mom laughed and said, "Don't stand there and say it, come in, and the rice is ready!" I hurriedly hurry upPulling the door in, but ignored the frustrated worries flashed by the mother's eyes.
After entering the door, looking at the ordinary meal that could not be ordinary on the table, a warm current poured into my heart.After washing your hands, picking up the chopsticks, and the family of four started eating.The sequence of the east sentence on the table made my nervous heart slowly relax.The bright lights on the table shine on the four happy faces.
After eating, walking into my hut, opening the table lamp standing on the desk, I just felt warm.Pull over the stool and sit down.Thinking back to the anxious results, I still went with expectations in the morning, and returned to the night.I smiled bitterly.
Mom came in quietly."She should already know," I think.But my mother didn't say anything, but just pulled a chair and sat next to me.I won't go to see her, twist my face to the side, and whisper and ask: "What is the use of learning?" "Maybe for you now, learning is just one task, but when you grow upIt will be found that learning is really important, but it is too late at that time. Don't let the future you regret now. "Mom replied in my ear.I was said to be moved, but I remembered my grades, and I could only lower the original low head and lower."Failure is the mother of success. Don't give up. I will always accompany you to see you reach the peak!"
Mom's words, hitting my heart string, the original cold heart beating.That sentence is like a vertical light, looking into my long -seated heart, warming me, encouraging me, and illuminating my way forward!I raised my low head, looked straight at my mother's eyes, and took my head heavy.
After a while of wind and rain, looking up, the sun was still brilliant!
1、前行:前行读音为qián xíng,是指前锋。前行 qián xíng词语解释:前锋。分词解释:前锋:1.先锋;先头部队。 2.今多比喻起先锋作用的人或事。 3.篮球﹑足球等球类比赛中主要担任进攻的队员。 4.清代守卫皇城的满蒙旗人﹐称“前锋”。见《清会典事例.侍卫处.仪制》。● 行 xíng ㄒㄧㄥˊ◎ 走:行走。步行。旅行。行踪。行百里者半九十。行云流水(喻自然不拘泥)。行远自迩。◎ 出外时用的:行装。行箧。行李。◎ 流通,传递:行销。风行一时。◎ 从事:进行。◎ 流动性的,临时性的:行商。行营。◎ 足以表示品质的举止行动:行径。品行。言行。操行。行成于思。◎ 实际地做:行礼。行医。行文。◎ 可以:不学习不行。◎ 能干:你真行。◎ 将要:行将毕业。◎ 古代指物质的基本元素:五行(“金”、“木”、“水”、“火”、“土”)。◎ 古诗的一种体裁:长歌行。◎ 汉字字体的一种:行书。◎ 姓。● 前 qián ㄑㄧㄢˊ◎ 指空间,人面所向的一面;房屋等正门所向的一面;家具等靠外的一面,与“后”相对:前面。前边。前方。面前。前进。前程。◎ 指时间,过去的,往日的,与“后”相对:以前。前人。前此。前科。前嫌。前言。前车之鉴。◎ 顺序在先的:前五名。◎ 向前行进:勇往直前。...前行怎么造句,用前行造句»
2、温暖:温暖读音为wēn nuǎn,是指①暖和;不冷不热:气候温暖|温暖的阳光|共眠布被取温暖。②亲切关怀:温暖的集体|得到家庭的温暖。温暖 wēn nuǎn词语意思:①暖和;不冷不热:气候温暖|温暖的阳光|共眠布被取温暖。②亲切关怀:温暖的集体|得到家庭的温暖。词语意思:家庭:以婚姻和血统关系为基础的社会单位,包括父母、子女和其他共同生活的亲属在内。集体:许多人合起来的有组织的整体(跟‘个人’相对):集体生活ㄧ集体领导ㄧ个人利益服从集体利益。亲切:1.切近。 2.亲近;亲密。 3.贴切。 4.真切;确实。 5.引申为准确。 6.形容热情而关心。布被:布制的被子。多以状生活清苦。不冷不热:指温度不高不低,冷热适中。亦比喻对人态度一般。...温暖怎么造句,用温暖造句»
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