
时间:2022-11-05 12:47:50 | 来源:语文通



《驯龙高手》观后感作文 篇1《驯龙高手》观后感作文 篇2《驯龙高手》观后感作文 篇3《驯龙高手》观后感作文 篇4

《驯龙高手》观后感作文 篇1


Yesterday, my mother took me to the cinema to see a film. We picked and chose the 3D film "Master of Dragon Training 2".


Dragon Training Expert 2 is a 100 minute animation film released on August 14.


Story: The film is set five years after the first film, and the hero, Xiao Hiccup, and the heroine begin to explore the unknown world with their own dragons. However, they found themselves and their clansmen were involved in the center of a war, and they must lead to defend the peace of this land.


Now let me talk about my experience of watching movies.


First of all, the plot of the film is very exciting. However, some shots are a little short. It can be longer so that viewers can fully enjoy the flying of dragons and the howling of wind. Moreover, the cute expression of the hero's dragon - toothless boy in the film made the cinema laugh.


Secondly, the villain (whose name is too long to remember) in the film is compared with the hero's totally different method of dragon training, telling people that animals should be treated with sincerity, rather than deterrence. At the same time, the hero Xiaohuachup's final victory also tells people that success or failure depends on faith.


Finally, we recommend you to have a look.


(If some students go to see it, they'd better watch 3D, which will be more exciting.)

《驯龙高手》观后感作文 篇2


This film tells the story of the hero Hikarp, the son of the Viking patriarch, who has been fighting against the dragon for generations. They fight the dragon, fight and fight again. Hikarp is a timid man. Every time he fights with the dragon, he hides in fear. People of his clan think he is not worthy of being a Viking. However, one day he caught a night ghost. Instead of killing the dragon, he became a good friend with it and named it toothless. Their feelings grew deeper and deeper. Finally, they defeated the Dragon King together. The Longs and the Vikings began to live in harmony.


In this film, the boy Hiccup is kind, because when he caught the dragon, he did not kill it, but released it, and he came to feed it every day. He is also a smart boy who observes carefully. Because when flying without teeth, he found that toothless was always unstable. When toothless fell, he found that toothless had only half of his tail. He returned home and made a half tail for toothless. After several upgrades, he finally succeeded. He was also brave. When fighting with the Dragon King, he rushed forward bravely to fight with the Dragon King, and did not mean to retreat. Facing the heavy attacks of the Dragon King, he did not escape, but continued to fight back. He still cherishes friendship very much. In the face of his father's reprimand, he did not break off the friendship with toothless, but continued to make friends with toothless. How wonderful, how valuable and how worthy we are to learn from him!


What I like most is the cute, brave and smart dragon - Toothless. It is so cute and lovely. It opened its round and big eyes, opened its mouth slightly, looked at you innocently, as if it was smiling at you! It is also very obedient. Whenever its master orders it, it always obediently listens to its master's orders. It is also very naughty sometimes. When Hiccup and Ashtree ride it together, it sometimes flies high, sometimes rushes straight to the ground, sometimes rushes to the sky, and still turns around in the sky, scaring the girl half to death. He is very loyal and brave. When fighting with the Dragon King, he always tries his best to cooperate with his master and never flinches. When the master was about to fall into the sea of fire, it flew straight to the master and tried its best to protect the master with its wings. How I want to have a loyal dragon like toothless!


Be a person with personality charm, so as to get sincere friendship.

《驯龙高手》观后感作文 篇3


A few days ago, I watched Dragon Taming Expert 2, and then I changed the movie version into a text version of the movie.


The main characters in the film are Little Hiccup and Biazi. Biyazai is a dragon. They are good partners. They fly and play together in the sky. Little Hiccup can fly. He and his dragon take off in the sky. They flew and suddenly found an Iceland. When they flew down, they saw that it was the enemy's destination. His dragon was tied there. Little Hiccup tried everything to get out of his dragon. On the way home, Xiaohunchup met a masked knight. When he took off his mask, he saw Xiaohunchup's mother. His mother has been away from him for 20 years. Xiaohuachup thought his mother was dead. After listening to her mother's story, he knew why her mother likes dragons now, because she was saved by dragons. Since then, they have made good friends. In the end, the evil dragon and the good dragon decided to fight. Later, Biazai was controlled by the enemy, and a lightning laser was emitted from his mouth. Little Hiccup's father blocked Little Hiccup and sacrificed himself. Little Hiccup didn't know that Biazi was under the control of the enemy, so he scolded Biazi. The bad guys took Biazi back to their base. Little Hiccup still didn't give up on BYA, and still went to save BYA. With a familiar face and sound, Little Hiccup finally woke up BYA. From then on, BYA had the function of lightning laser. He gave this function to his little friends, who together killed the huge dragon and defeated the duel.


I feel deeply after seeing this film. A little boy was able to kill a huge dragon. Little Hiccup's perseverance and self-improvement are worth learning. Bi Yazi killed his father in time. Little Hiccup still insists on saving Bi Yazi. Little Hiccup is a strong little boy. He solves all difficulties by himself. He never needs help from others and will not shrink back. He will go forward bravely and overcome difficulties, Challenge yourself.


We should adhere to our own spirit, and at the same time learn from the spirit of others. The spirit of perseverance and self-improvement like Xiao Hiccup is very worthy of our active study. We should also learn from his spirit of brave progress and never retreat.

《驯龙高手》观后感作文 篇4


Today, I saw a very wonderful film in the composition class - Master of Dragon Training.


This film mainly tells a story: In the past, Vikings' nature was adventure, so they all killed dragons. Xiaoge, the son of the patriarch, is very different from others. Xiaoge is much thinner than them. But by chance, Little Ge accidentally shot a Yesha dragon. After a period of twists and turns, Little Ge became good friends with Yesha and named him "toothless boy". Later, "No Teeth Boy" took Xiaoge into the dragon cave and let the patriarch know unintentionally, so all the Vikings went to the dragon cave to kill the dragon. But I met a huge dragon, several times larger than other dragons. In the end, Little Gege took the night demon and killed him. However, Xiaoge lost a leg, but he made all the villagers get along with Long in a friendly way.


After watching the film, I couldn't calm down for a long time. The little Gege here is so great that he made the whole village abandon the old idea that dragons are very fierce and terrible. And accept the new concept: dragons are lovely, and dragons also have feelings. In fact, what we need to learn is the spirit of not being constrained by old ideas and being brave to challenge.


This film has brought me many insights: everything must be tried to know the truth. Don't judge only on the surface. This will only confuse you and not discover the truth of the matter.