
时间:2022-10-22 12:53:18 | 来源:语文通


你我走过的日子作文 篇1你我走过的日子作文 篇2你我走过的日子作文 篇3你我走过的日子作文 篇4你我走过的日子作文 篇5你我走过的日子作文 篇6你我走过的日子作文 篇7你我走过的日子作文 篇8你我走过的日子作文 篇9你我走过的日子作文 篇10

你我走过的日子作文 篇1


If there is another kind of behavior in the world that makes me ashamed all my life, and makes me spend all my life without being able to erase it, then it must be my act of reaching out!


I stretched out my hand and asked you for all kinds of expenses with a cool face. I should have spent the money you exchanged with blood and sweat. I was so righteous once and thought it was your obligation. At that time, I didn't understand that obligation and power were relative. If you performed obligations, what about your rights? Finally, the gesture of reaching out made me ashamed and uneasy, but I had nothing to do except reduce the gesture of reaching out. When I took it for granted, you were 37 years old, and the wrinkles around your eyes were getting deeper and deeper


I never thought that growing up was such a terrible thing, just because my growth witnessed your aging. When I was young, I always watched you leave again and again. Will it be you who watched me leave again and again? All our lives, we live in each other's eyes, and our eyes only leave a deep impression of each other


I know that I always lose something, but this time, I know that I haven't lost much, so I'm grateful from now on: Mom, thank you, your love will be the biggest power on my way!!

你我走过的日子作文 篇2


Time flies, quietly, you and I have changed from inseparable to silent.


Perhaps, some things, lost will know how to cherish.




I still remember when I first met you, your thin body at that time seemed lovely when you were not stunned. There is a light of wisdom between the eyebrows, but they don't like talking. At that time, you got to the top of the class with mediocre performance. Out of friendship, I bravely walked up to you when you were alone. "Hello, my name is Chen Kun. Can you make a friend?" You looked at me curiously, then smiled frankly and extended your hand


With your company, life is more fun. When I have a problem that I don't understand, you patiently explain the problem to me until I understand; When I am bored, you patiently explain the topic to me until I understand; When I was bored, you made up jokes like a magician, which made me laugh and cry.


When I failed in the exam, you calmly put forward learning strategies for me to encourage me... Of course, there are also conflicts between us.


When I fail in the exam, I always feel envious of those who have excellent scores, but I can't say anything. I can only express my anger with silence, as if you have done something wrong. And you are absolutely right, because any words may irritate me at any time. You always follow me silently until I get rid of anger, and then you talk to me. And I always feel embarrassed from time to time


Kindness, friendship, innocence, only the traces of time.


Friend, you are just like this.


Unconsciously, those few roads that did not understand how many times they had gone through opened up wild flowers, and we also faced the choice of parting - the high school entrance examination.


Gradually, a variety of homework makes us have less time to contact with each other, the communication between two people is reduced, and we are inseparable from each other and are sitting in our seats doing countless homework. However, occasionally, I would look at each other from time to time, and then I would do my homework again with confidence... In this way, we spent three years together, and the time passed quickly. I never understood that you have become an inseparable part of my life. On the day of graduation, when they met, they did not understand what to say. I really hoped that time would come again, but the just time made us separate.


Maybe, when you and I are alone in the new campus, you will occasionally remember each other, think of each other's appearance, think of the years between you and me, occasionally see a familiar figure or hear a voice, suddenly look back with surprise, and then you can't help but be disappointed. In fact, I have a lot to say to you——


Thank you, thank you for accompanying me through the third three years of my junior year.


Sorry, I should pretend not to see the fetters between us.


And I will always remember you, friend.

你我走过的日子作文 篇3


On the growth path of life, no matter what I lose or gain, as long as I have you by my side, even day and night, I feel no regrets.



Just like the calm sea can't stop the waves, but the turbulent waves can't cover the road you and I have walked; Like the blue sky can't stop the sudden storm, but the sudden storm can't cover the back of you and me


It was you - the book that taught me how to be strong and brave!


Having read Ostrovsky's How Steel Was Tempered, Paul Kochagin, the revolutionary pioneer who dedicated his life to the cause of proletarian liberation, made me understand that a seriously ill person can persevere for the sake of ideals. Although the trauma in his heart is much heavier than that in his physiology, being strong and brave can defeat everything!


It was you - the book that made me understand the true meaning of love!



Whenever I see Fangweng's poems, I can't help thinking of the Shen Garden, which is written about the sad things about talented people and beautiful women. At the beginning, Fang Weng and Tang Wan almost staged a love story that had been handed down for thousands of years. However, it turned out to be contrary to his wishes. For the sake of official career and filial piety, Fang Weng was forced to break up with his beloved woman Tang Wan against his will, and finally wrote a piece of Hairpin Phoenix that made him regret his life. A warm current of love is surging in my heart


It is you, the book, that has taught me that pay is proportional to return!


You introduced Sima Qian to me, a great historian, who suffered from unimaginable palace torture behind the creation of Records of the Historian. How many people can understand the contribution? How can I not be moved?


It is you, the book, that taught me that enduring humiliation is the key to success!


The overlord of the Western Chu Dynasty and the king of Yue, Gou Jian, were two generals who could not be ignored in history. The few win the many, and become the leader of one side. There is no doubt that both of them have a will that is difficult for ordinary people to have. No wonder Pu Songling used them to encourage himself: where there is a will, there is a way. He broke the boat and sank the boat. One hundred and two Qin passes belong to Chu; A painstaking man can live up to the promise of heaven. He can endure hardships and hardships. Three thousand Yue Jia can swallow Wu.




Remember the days you and I have gone through, because with you, I understand how to cherish; Because of you, I know dedication; Because of you, I have achieved success; Because of you, I become more perfect



You, the book I can't leave in my life, I want to be with you forever!

你我走过的日子作文 篇4


Graduation is coming soon.


I don't know why, the stone in my heart can't be put down safely. Perhaps it is the students' voices and smiles that affect my heart. But. On the eve of graduation, why am I so quiet? No, I was thinking about the days we had together.


I remember it was a month ago. However, things are still so clear in my mind. In retrospect, I can still taste the bitter taste


In the morning, the birds in the trees broke the silence of the morning. That day, I always felt that it was a good day. However, God intended to make people happy, but such time has not been retained for a long time. At noon, when we got off school, we stayed on duty, and the teacher also assigned the task of endorsement. I'm in a group with Yan Binwen. Due to Yan Binwen's poor academic performance, his performance seems to affect his self-confidence, and he recites his endorsement very slowly. Although I warned him many times: "Try to understand!" But it didn't improve at all. Also because I spent most of my time on duty with Yan Binwen, I began to make up for my mistakes. I wiped the table with a rag. Zhang Jie, my deskmate, came over and grabbed the rag in my hand: "Are you still on duty as the chief leader? Let me wipe it!" I went to sweep the floor again, and Fan Fei, a member of the team, said, "We have all been on duty, but you didn't!" I feel embarrassed to listen to them. Although I wanted to cry, I didn't do that, because I knew that if I cried, I would lose my friends and the friendship I had established over the years. I also understand: "Friendship can only be stronger after wind and rain!" But this time, I was injured too much, I was tired, I couldn't fly, I couldn't live in pain!


A day has passed, a week has passed, and a month has passed, and I still can't forget the mark on my heart. Although I haven't lost friends, I haven't lost friendship, but


Are the days passed together perfect? Or sad?

你我走过的日子作文 篇5


Autumn is a season of departure. Uncle Feng brings wonderful things from afar, and my heart becomes restless. Mom, I want to go out of this small world of self under your protection and wander far away. In that faraway place, I will settle down and stop wandering. Mom, please don't be sad! In the spring of next year, perhaps I will take root and sprout in the desolate desert and build another home, where I will have unlimited vitality because of my arrival; Perhaps I will take root and sprout on the steep cliff and build another home, where I will add infinite scenery because of my arrival; Perhaps I will take root and sprout along the busy road and build another home, where the infinite dust will be reduced because of my arrival; Maybe


Mom, please don't miss me, please don't worry about me. With your support, I am strong enough to adapt to the harsh environment, I can fight against wind, frost, rain and snow. I believe that I will create a new world if I step out of my own small world.


Mom, I left with love and hope to realize my dream


Dear mother, when the first ray of sunshine shines again in the morning, please don't get up early to kiss your child. He has gone, and you will never find him again! Maybe he will appear in the poet's hymn, maybe he will appear in the photographer's work, maybe he will appear in people's words - then, please be proud of him!

你我走过的日子作文 篇6


Walking on the road, the birds on both sides of the tree call into my ears from time to time. The leaves also make a "rustling" sound from time to time, which combines with the bird calls to form a music of nature. The sun shines on the trees, and the shadows of the leaves hit me. I put my hand on my forehead, looked at the sky, and my thoughts drifted away.


"Why are the clouds in the sky?" A little girl pointed to the sky and said. "I don't know. Maybe the clouds are the dolls of the sky." Little I am confused to answer. "Hee hee, as I said, the sky is too lonely! Find these clouds to accompany it." Little Ya said with an inscrutable look. "Wow, you are really good. It's so hard to understand." I said childishly. Ya smiled. She was really cute. I was seven and Ya was eight. At that time, she was like a little adult.


"Hey, this question is very simple. I can teach you." Ya saw that I was holding my head and frowning. I nodded and Ya said patiently, "First, then..." I said happily. " "Of course." Ya said proudly. I smiled foolishly. We have been in the third grade of primary school, and we often stay together, playing and doing homework together... Ya has always been with me. Although she beat me one year old, I never called her sister. She is my friend and good partner.


However, one day, I hurried home. Today, Ya didn't wait for me. I threw down my schoolbag and asked my mother, "Mom, did you see Ya? I didn't see her today!" Her mother sighed, "Ya's family is moving today. Her parents want her to go to a better school." My eyes filled with tears when I heard that Ya she was going to leave, and she has been with me since childhood. I went to her house step by step and was helping her parents move things. "Ya......" I cried. Ya looked at me sadly. "I'm leaving now, and I can't play with you anymore." "Ya......" This time, I cried out loud. Tears poured out of my eyes, and I couldn't stop myself. " Well, you should always write to me in the future. Maybe you can come to see me directly. I'm always welcome. " Ya seems to be holding back tears and pulling out a light bitter smile. "Well, I will remember, you can't forget me!" I held her tightly in my hands. Ya patted me on the back like a big sister. " "You must not forget me." "Hmm.". Ya said softly. My clothes are a little wet and warm, and close to my skin. Ya gets on the bus and drives slowly, leaving a lot of dust. Ya put her head out of the window, her big eyes seemed to be saying something, and I looked at the car in silence. My heart is really sad. I will never forget the memories of Ya and me.


Maybe I know how to answer the question when I was a child. Ya is "cloud", and I am "sky". Our relationship may be like the sky and cloud.

你我走过的日子作文 篇7


You love tea. Everywhere you go, you like to carry a teacup. When you open the tea lid, the faint aroma of tea is filled with air, which makes people relaxed and happy. Inadvertently found that you are as thin as tea. Without your vigorous posture and strong skin, just your bent back and deep wrinkles, your sharp eyes are still so thrilling.


The days you and I have gone through are just a short childhood. It is the repeated misreading and simple package. It is your silent love and my ignorance that enrich each other. Grandpa, I didn't know you until now. You love me. You are cold and old-fashioned, but I love to laugh. You are silent, but I have misread your silent love. I am dissatisfied with you, but you are full of expectations for me.


When I was a child, I joined the "Calligraphy Club", but I always felt that my words were far from my classmates'. At this time, you encouraged me to say, "Work hard, just like tea, even though it was so ordinary, it became thin and dry after being green, dried and fried... But the fragrance when it was brewed was fascinating. At this time, it has a beautiful connotation, as long as you work hard, it will have a beautiful connotation." I answered and then left. A month later, I participated in the calligraphy competition and won the third prize. Although I was a little sorry, I was affirmed by the teacher. I thought you would be happy when you saw all this, but you just looked at it, raised your mouth and smiled. Holding the certificate, I felt a lot of reluctance, and my mood fell to the bottom.


Sometimes, when I see grandpa's indifference to me, I always feel that I am so redundant


Once, my grandparents came to my home for the Spring Festival. When I saw Grandpa, he smiled at me. My heart was stung and I always felt that this was the first time he smiled at me. I have a bad habit. I always kick the quilt when I sleep. These days, my nose is running down and I yawn... But these days, when I get up, the quilt is always well covered. I thought it was my mother, and my heart was filled with warmth. It was late at night. I couldn't sleep for a long time because of a bad cold. At this time, a light shot through the crack of the door. I quickly closed my eyes. He helped me cover the quilt, stroked my forehead with the back of his hand, and then sighed and left. I slowly opened my eyes, and the curved back gradually disappeared in the dark... Could the temperature of this hand and the roughness of his hand be grandpa


The days you and I have gone through are all kinds of misunderstandings. I don't know how to resolve them, but let the misunderstandings become deeper and deeper. In a conversation with Grandma, she said: "Your grandpa is such a fool. He didn't know how happy he was when you won the prize last time. He always told everyone that my grandson writes well... but he just pretended to disdain." At this moment, I realized that my grandfather's disdain was an encouragement to me, to let me not indulge in temporary success. It turns out that the days you and I have gone through together are not misunderstandings, but also love and happiness.

你我走过的日子作文 篇8


Thirteen years, time flies, along the way, I have walked with not only my family, but also you, my dear Liu Hai.


Since childhood, I have had a bunch of bangs scattered on my forehead. The reason for the haircut is very simple. My mother really can't see my boy personality, so she forced me to go to the barber shop for a haircut to make me a lady. And I, of course, was reluctant.


Since then, this guy has been with me from primary school to junior high school.


To tell the truth, I really hate this thing. When I play with my classmates and catch up with each other, it always sweeps around in front of me like a dark shadow, always blocking my sight; Once in the hot summer, it is more annoying to get your hair wet with sweat, either sticking it into strips or sticking it on your forehead; On a windy day, the little thing began to dance: the breeze blew, and the group scattered to the right; When the cold wind blows, it is the disheveled split shape; When the wind blows, good guy, there is a "skyrocket" directly, which is really "a mess".


Finally, I can't stand this annoying guy.


One day, I was alone at home, facing the mirror, holding a pair of scissors in my hand, and made a gesture in front of my forehead. Finally, I solved the problem with a knife. Suddenly, a sense of relief came into being. I looked in the mirror again. Well, it was not bad. Although it was a little short, there was still a kind of uneven abstract beauty. I smiled at the mirror with satisfaction and walked away quite calmly.


The next day when I went to school, I took a big step and walked into the classroom as usual. I only felt that my classmates had a strange look at me and the atmosphere was strange. It must be that these inexperienced people have not appreciated my unique style. Tut tut, how fashionable it is.


After many days of "praise and comments" from my classmates, I decided that I could not be so ostentatious in the future. It really felt like "sensationalism", which would not give our fashion people face.


However, in this way, I will spend a lot of time and money in the barber shop because of this bangs, and I have become a regular customer of the barber shop.


In order to conquer this hateful bangs, I tried all kinds of bad moves. For example, I tried to grow it long, but I always gave up because it grew to the eyelashes and poked the eyes too much; Another example is that I want to tie my hair, but I can't even look at myself. After using up all the moves, he still ended up in failure.


Touching the fringe on his forehead, he shook his head and sighed, "Alas, what should I do with you?" My deskmate, holding a book in his hand, looked down and casually replied, "What should I do? Cold salad! In fact, it's not a bad thing to have bangs in front of my forehead. You think, when we reach puberty, when everyone else is full of acne, you can use bangs to cover them. Besides, your bangs are actually pretty good to cut, and we will be very unaccustomed to it if they disappear suddenly!"


I suddenly realized that what my deskmate said was so reasonable that I would never be bothered by bangs any more. Instead, I accepted it calmly and joyfully, stroked it gently, and murmured, "Maybe you will accompany me all your life, good friend!"

你我走过的日子作文 篇9


At night, it is as dark as ink, bringing down the dark curtain to the blue sky. The rain poured down in torrents, and there was no form in the night. Only the umbrella above my head was smashed by raindrops. I walked across the intersection with an umbrella and came to the door of my community. When I looked up, there was the familiar figure


I remember when I was in the first grade of primary school, my mother's lumbar disc herniation became more and more serious, so she had to go to the hospital for surgery. After the surgery, she had been at home for a long time. At that time, I didn't go to school very long. I couldn't go to school by myself, so my grandmother, who was nearly 60 years old, picked me up and sent me to school every day.


Every morning when I went out, Grandma always grabbed my schoolbag from my shoulder and carried it on her back. On the bus, the crowd crowded the bus. Grandma always used her modest body to protect me from being crowded by others. Until the parents stopped, Grandma gave me her schoolbag and asked me to go to school. I remember one time, when I walked to the school gate, I inadvertently looked back and saw my grandmother's figure still standing there. The same is true after school.


Up to the fourth grade, I was able to go to and from school by myself, but my mother was still worried when it was raining heavily, but my mother's waist was swollen and painful when it was raining, so she couldn't pick me up and see me off, so my grandmother still picked me up from time to time.


Now, I have grown up, but grandma is slowly getting old. Grandma has more and more white hair, wrinkles left on her face over the years, her back is more and more hunched, and her steps are more and more slow... She is getting older and older. Now I have entered junior high school, and the school time is much later than before. Every time I get home, it is already dark. Grandma is worried about what will happen so late, so she goes to the gate of the community to wait for me every night.


My grandmother and I walked on the way home with an umbrella, silent, just like every day we had spent before.

你我走过的日子作文 篇10


Dear mother, I'm leaving. I want to go out of my own small world to see the big world.


mom. Don't blame Uncle Feng for taking me away. I left. Choose my own way to wander around.

人们都说“父母在,不远游”,可是我却 作文迷 离开了你温暖的怀抱,不再承欢膝下!妈妈,在您的培育下,我已经长大;飞翔的翅膀逐渐强壮,飘游的念想占据了我的整个心房,妈妈,我要实现它!

People say that "parents are here, but I don't want to travel far away", but my composition fans have left your warm embrace and no longer take pleasure in your family! Mom, I have grown up under your cultivation; The flying wings are getting stronger and stronger, and the wandering thoughts occupy my whole heart. Mom, I want to realize it!


In spring, in your warm heart, I have a desire to visit the outside world. So, in the call of spring breeze, in the baptism of spring rain, in the touch of spring sun, I poked my head out of your branches. Ah! Grass like grass, fragrant flowers, thawed lake water, flying butterflies, singing birds... How beautiful and vibrant these are! Seeing these scenes, I felt energetic, so I stretched out my waist to make myself grow up, and even opened small but also beautiful flowers to add color to spring.


In the hot summer, the sun has lost its charm and tenderness of spring. Like a vicious witch, it is frying us vigorously. I become listless, shrugging my shoulders and ears, and frightened. In order to resist the power and attack of the sun, I had to constantly absorb nutrients and water from you and try to become strong. Finally, I shook off the scattered petals, and the remaining calyx filled with the nectar of life. I became a small fruit standing on the branch!