
时间:2022-07-13 13:38:50 | 来源:语文通



Pour a glass of sake.


Evaluate the moon, chant the poem of Li Bai, the first person in China, look at his life carefully, rising, falling, stunning, rubbing sparks with the blue sky, and getting along with nature.


"You can pick the stars in your hands", you want to go to the sky at night to be a fairy and be a Buddha, easy and free, chic and painful.


"Raise your head and look down on your hometown."Looking up at Yuanyue, my heart is unlimited, thinking of hometown, thinking about family, and sending sorrows to Mingyue, hoping that it will return its heart.


"Taohuatan's water is thousands of feet deep, and it is not as good as Wang Lun."Hold a friend's hand next to Taohuatan, and then think about it.The flat boat slipped across the water, and the friendship was deep.


"It is difficult to walk, it is difficult to walk! Du Mo Road, Jin'an is there?".He was forced out of Beijing, and his friends came to walk for him.


"The apes on both sides of the strait can't cry, and the light boat has passed through the mountains."You smile, stand on the bow, amnesty in the world, look forward and calm.


"Look at each other, only Jingting Mountain."The mountain road twists and turns, only Jingting Mountain can't tire of yourself. If you want to sing high, freedom is your own unique Jingting Mountain.


A glass of wine was drunk for half a Tang Dynasty.


Li Bai, in that era of power, saw through, left, he indulged himself in drunk, he regretted it, but he dared to move forward and unique.


"Li Du's articles are here, and the flames are long."


Wine wine and poetry, enjoy the moon, and want to see life with Li Bai.



1、千古:千古读音为qiān gǔ,是指①很长的年代:千古之业|千古奇冤|雄笔映千古。②对人死去的委婉说法:不意友人一朝成千古,令我悲痛不已。现常用为哀悼死者之词,多用于挽联、花圈的上款。千古 qiān gǔ词语解释:①很长的年代:千古之业|千古奇冤|雄笔映千古。②对人死去的委婉说法:不意友人一朝成千古,令我悲痛不已。现常用为哀悼死者之词,多用于挽联、花圈的上款。分词解释:千古奇冤:千百年来最奇特的冤案。不已:1.不止,继续不停。 2.岂非。 3.不得已。说法:1.宣讲宗教教义。 2.引申为讲解道理。 3.说书的方法。 4.措词。 5.意见﹔见解。上款:谓在书画等上端题写的受物者的姓名﹑称谓﹑事由等字样。...千古怎么造句,用千古造句»

2、留下:留下读音为liú xià,是指1.谓把东西搁下。 2.留住下来。 3.收受下来。 4.指付钱买下。 5.停留而攻下。留下 liú xià词语解释:1.谓把东西搁下。 2.留住下来。 3.收受下来。 4.指付钱买下。 5.停留而攻下。分词解释:攻下:1.占领,夺得。如:国王的军队攻下了该城。2.见“攻克”。3.打败。东西:①东边和西边。②从东到西(距离):这座城东西三里,南北五里。留住:1.等待。 2.宋元时一种泛用的市井青年名字。...留下怎么造句,用留下造句»

3、诗仙:诗仙读音为shī xiān,是指1.指诗才飘逸如神仙的诗人。 2.指唐代诗人李白。由于李白诗‘笔落惊风雨’的独特风格﹐贺知章称其为“谪仙人”﹐故后人称李白为诗仙。诗仙 shī xiān词语解释:1.指诗才飘逸如神仙的诗人。 2.指唐代诗人李白。由于李白诗‘笔落惊风雨’的独特风格﹐贺知章称其为“谪仙人”﹐故后人称李白为诗仙。分词解释:仙人:1.亦作“僊人”。 2.神话传说中长生不老﹑有种种神通的人。 3.唐人用以称女道士。 4.古代杂戏的一种。 5.南北朝时高丽官职名。 6.书法名称的一种。飘逸:神态出众,举止潇洒:飘逸脱俗|塑像情致飘逸,神态如生。神仙:1.亦作“神僊”。 2.神话传说中的人物。有超人的能力。可以超脱尘世,长生不老。 3.宫殿名。诗人:1.指《诗经》的作者。 2.写诗的作家。独特:独有的;特别的:风格独特ㄧ独特的见解。...