
时间:2022-06-18 13:29:42 | 来源:语文通



This year's birthday is really special, because I have received the most special birthday gift.


What is this gift? It is a magical magic suit that my mother gave me.I still saw such a novel gift for the first time. I was very happy and couldn't wait to open the packaging. I was shocked. I was showing all kinds of props in front of me. I was ecstatic and found in the bottom of the box.A manual, the explanation of the magic performance process in the instructions is very detailed.There are eight magic in them, namely the Sun and Moon God Cup, Broken Protocol, Explosive Sieves, Garden Dudu Magic, Elves Elves, Wonderful Book Phantoms, Strange Snow Bao and Baixi Magic Box.It was so interesting once again. It turned out that there were so many institutions and mysteries hidden in those magical magic, and I also turned into a big magician!


I called for my parents and my sister to watch my wonderful magic performance. "Everyone, please watch my first show -the secret method of gardener!" As soon as the words fell, I took out an empty flower pot and sprinkled the magicThe seeds, waved the magic rod, read the spell, as the magic stick slowly raised in the center of the flower pot, a beautiful bunch of beautiful flowers immediately grew from the bottom of the pot.Mom and dad applauded in unison, amazed, "It's so amazing!"


Everyone wants to know how this magic has changed? Let me tell you the answer. In fact, there is a bunch of flowers hidden in the magic stick. There is a magnet at the bottom of the flower stem.As the magic rod lifts up, the bouquet is magically displayed in front of the eyes and stood steadily in the flower pot.How about it? Is it unexpected?


The second magic I performed is the restoration of the object. Have you ever seen the living people on the stage that are cut into three sections of the magic? Let me use this little magic box to perform this magic mini version of this magic.I first put a complete small stick in the box to push the middle position of the magic box. It was instantly divided into three sections. The three sections were poured out to display, and then the three sections were placed in the box.In the original position, the small stick was magically recovered.Mom and dad and sister were also stunned.


The principle of this magic is that there are three broken sticks in the box in advance, and the complete small sticks that are later put in are hidden inside.How about it?Not only appreciated the magical magic, but also understood many mysteries.


I performed six other six magic one after another. The home was so lively like a New Year's party.


Thanks to my mother's special birthday gift, he opened my wisdom and let me see a different world.



Wait, I hope, the summer vacation is here, my ten-year-old birthday is also followed. There should be nothing to have a happier birthday than birthday this summer vacation.


On my birthday, I was the first to get up in the whole family, because I was so excited, I woke up early, and came together to run around in the living room. When I was tired, I sat on the sofa.EssenceWhat kind of gifts will you give to me, what will be in the box ... the more I think, the more excited I think, and soon it is time for breakfast. The family of four of our family ate a bowl of longevity noodles.After breakfast, Dad went out.At noon in a blink of an eye, my sister, my sister, and mother sat in front of the table to enjoy a delicious lunch of my mother.


After lunch, my father was back. My mother felt that the ten -year birthday was very memorable, so I took us to the photo studio to take the family portrait. After taking the family portrait, I went home and took the gift I prepared for my friends.Essence


After arriving at the hotel, I was even more happy.I just arrived for a while, and my friends came one after another.At this moment, my sister and I were buried in a gift. Because my sister and my sister had only one day, my mother asked my sister to have a birthday with me on the same day, so there were a lot of gifts I received today.At this moment, my sister and I were like the happiest children in the world. Soon I also gave the gift to the little friends, and they were very happy after receiving the gift.


After a while, I opened meals, full of delicious food.We sat together and drank together.After about an hour, several waiters pushed our birthday cake into the box with a car and sang a birthday song for us.Suddenly, I felt full of rituals and happiness.After the birthday singing, the hotel staff performed a show "True and False Gege" for us.During the performance, she also asked me to jump together. I shyly pushed Zhang Chenhan up, and soon the performance ended.


Seeing that the ten -year -old birthday will end, I am very reluctant, I hope the time of this moment can be slower.I don't know what I have done in this decade, but I believe I will never forget this day, because this day is my most special birthday.


My ten -year -old wish is that I have to work hard to change some bad habits, study hard, and let my parents worry about me.Another desire is to hope that the epidemic will end quickly and restore the peaceful life before.



In the summer of my eight -year -old year, I received a special birthday gift.


That day, I got up very early, and my heart thought about how many gifts, cakes, and new clothes should I receive today ... But when I saw nothing on the empty table, my mood suddenly plummeted, as if falling in, as if falling inThe abyss.I started anger and tear my hair angrily.At this time, my mother came back from get off work.


As a result, I vented all my dissatisfaction and resentment on my mother."Why is there no gift? Why!" I roared, like lunatic lunatic."Child, you listen to your mother ..." "Go away! I don't listen!" I looked at my mother angrily, and I couldn't wait to tear everything in the room."Okay, sorry, child, mother ... Mom goes to buy gifts for you ..." Said, the mother turned and walked out. At the moment she turned, I saw the tears in my mother's eyes.


Mom is gone.I stayed in the room alone and gradually reflected myself that I had just rude behavior. Just at this time, I gently opened a book, and a word written on the page immediately hit my heart: "Children’s children’s’sBirthday, my mother's suffering day. "I read this sentence repeatedly, and suddenly felt a lot of acid water in my heart, sad, regret, guilt ... Yeah, my birthday, isn't my mother suffering?Today, 8 years ago, my mother may be lying on the bed, moaning painful for my arrival ... Thinking of this, I shed tears.


"Squeak", the door opened, her mother came back, she seemed very happy, and she was holding my favorite Vini bear puppet."Xiaoying, come, come and see, do you like it?" I stood in the same place, watching my mother panting, watching a drop of sweat from her forehead, thinking that my mother usually treats me at me.All kinds of goodness, can't help but feel sad and guilty.


"Xiaoying, what's wrong, baby, isn't it uncomfortable?" My mother looked at me standing still, her face became worried, but she hadn't walked to me yet. Suddenly, there was a unstable footing at her feet.Sliding on the ground.This time it was my turn to panic. I scared my mother, and saw her red face and sweaty face, crying."It's okay, don't cry, stupid child, today is your birthday, how can you cry? Mom ... Mom is a heat stroke, just drink some water ..." "Sorry, mother, thank you!" I criedAnd laughed too.


After a few years, I would still think of that day. On that day, I actually got the most beautiful gift -that is, I know that my birthday is the day of my mother.


Therefore, I hope everyone can keep this sentence in mind: their birthday, mother's suffering day, and blessing to their mother that day.


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"Dingling Bell" was out of school. When I heard the ringtone, I ran home like an arrow, because today is my nine -year -old birthday.With excitement and happiness, I walked on the way home, and there were a few sweet "marshmallow" floating in the sky. That should be a special gift for me to prepare for me.IntersectionThe soft sunshine jumps on my shoulder as if saying, "Happy birthday!" The bird squatted on the branches and sang a happy song for me, which added a lot of joy to this lively city.


When I was home, I pushed open the door, thinking that my parents would give me a big surprise, and deliberately said, "I'm back!" But the family was empty.The clock walked on the wall, and the fan rang on the ceiling.I think: Maybe my parents are still choosing a birthday gift for me!I went to the refrigerator and took a box of blueberry -flavored ice cream, sat on the sofa with one butt, turned on the TV to watch my favorite animation channel, and then watched the TV and ate ice cream.


The time passed one minute by minute. I looked at the clock on the wall and found that it was 10 o'clock. I went to take a bath myself, brushed my teeth, and continued to sit on the sofa and waited.At this time, I think: Why haven't my parents come back yet?They usually add up to 9 o'clock overtime. Did they have forgotten that today is our birthday?Unconsciously, I was asleep. I saw my parents prepared a beautiful birthday cake and a birthday gift for me. When I saw it, I woke up.With a "Kaga", the door opened, and the people who came in were mom and dad, and I cried "wow--". My mother came over and hugged me, giving me a kiss, yesI said, "Baby. Sorry, Mom and Dad have something to come back today ..." I looked at my father and mother's tired face, "Mom and Dad, you have given me the best gift in the world just now, I dream ofA beautiful double -layer cake. "Mom and Dad smiled happily.


Although there is no mouthful birthday cake today, there is no fun birthday gift, but I have received the most precious things in the world -the love of my parents.



The birthday of the small spot dog Feifei is here, and he wants a special birthday gift.


cake?It does not want.bone?Taiping ordinary.Collars?There are three or four in it, and it is very unwilling to fasten its neck.


"Feifei, what birthday gift do you want?" Fei Fei's mother asked softly.


"I just want one, very special gift, unique, others have nothing." Feifei thought about it, saying.


This time, Feifei's parents were in trouble.Where to find such a birthday gift?


"Otherwise, let's buy a fragrant meat for Afei? It will definitely eat very happy." Fei Fei thought about it and said.When it was a kid, it liked to eat delicious and delicious meat.


"I think it's okay. Xiaofei wants a special gift. Where is the steak?" The spotted dog Feifei's refrigerator's refrigerator was filled with meat rows.


"It really doesn't work, let's get a little sauce, there are pepper sauce, salad sauce, and tomato sauce." Feifei Dad looked back at the various deliciousness of the hostess's refrigerator.


"Look at what you said, you don't want to eat all day or eat, Feifei's pouting problem is passed down, I think, buy it for it." Fei Fei's mother saw a little white cat when she was a childThere is a small blue bell on the neck, which is really energetic.


"Okay." Fei Fei's father couldn't think of any good gifts.


Feifei's birthday is here. Under the urging of parents, it disassembled the beautifully packaged box, lying on a small golden bell lying inside, walking up, the bell on the neck "Ding Ding Dang, Ding Ding Dangdang Dangdang Dangdang"Send a crisp and cheerful ringtone.It is happy.


Every day, Feifei brought this little bell, and even sleeping was not willing to take off. Other friends were envious of it.


Once, Feifei heard the conversation of parents and mother, and changed his thoughts.


"Children, Dad, we have grown bigger and bigger recently."


"It should be because of that bell. There is no way. The bell is really expensive, so I have no money recently." Feifei said helplessly.


Feifei shocked.It ran out.


Half an hour later, it returned, holding zero scattered coins in his hand: "Dad, mom."


Feifei's father and mother were stunned: "Child, why are you rich in your hands? Where did you come from?"


Fei Fei's face was a little blushed, and said, "Parents, this is the money I sold off the bell. Maybe it is not as expensive when you buy it. I think it is at least money."


Fei Fei's mother laughed: "Child, it's okay, we have nothing to do with it. Let's change the bell back."


Fei Fei resolutely rejected: "Mom and Dad, it doesn't matter if I sell the bell. In the future, I will make money by myself. I will never spend money again!"


Feifei Dad asked, "A Fei, what about your gift?"


Feifei said, "It's okay, I don't want the gift! I will never want any special gifts in the future. You can accompany me with you. This is the most special gift!"



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Suddenly, Feifei's parents burst into tears.

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In a large forest, there are many small animals.


The kittens are about to celebrate their birthdays, and the little animals gathered together.


"Oh! What gift do you want to give to the kitten?" The little rabbit thought of sweating above his head, and couldn't think of it, "Ah, yes! The biggest wish of kitten is to fly into the blue sky.Come and help him to fulfill this wish. "The bird said," Okay, okay, but how do you help him realize this wish? "" Isn't it easy, isn't there a sister Bai Yun on the top of the mountain?It's easier. "


So the partners used the morning to climb to the top of the mountain."Sister Bai Yun, Sister Bai Yun!" "Children, do you have something to do with me?" In the distance, Sister Bai Yun drifted slowly, so the partners told Sister Bai Yun in the ins and outs of this matter."Oh, I know, it turns out, okay, I will help you, rest assured!"


In the evening, the partners went to celebrate the birthday to the kitten. When everyone was scattered, the partners called the kitten outside. Sister Bai Yun: "Kitten, come to the back of the sister." So Sister Bai Yun took XiaomaoAfter a long time, the kitten stood up with excitement and shouted, "Thank you, this is the best gift I received!"



It was when my 11th birthday, my father and mother gave me a beautiful and delicious gift -birthday cake.This is not an ordinary birthday cake. There is a sailing boat on the cake. The hull is blue and the sails are white.There was a villain on the sailing boat. The villain had black hair, wearing a green hat, and his hands had patterns.The little man held the rudder in his hands and was driving this beautiful sailing boat!Looking at it, I inexplicably felt that I was this child, and she was about to sail like sailing!


After eating the birthday cake, I couldn't wait to know why my parents put this sailing on the birthday cake?I guess, is it because of good -looking?Is it a toy for me?I thought it was unreliable for a long time. I simply asked my dad: "Dad, why do you put this sailing boat on this birthday cake?" Dad replied with a smile, "I put on this birthday cake on this birthday cakeThis sailing boat hopes that you will be smooth in the future. "After I heard it, I nodded thoughtfully, and I probably knew that I would do it.


In the next days, whenever I go home to write homework but be lazy, as long as I look at the sailing boat, I have the motivation to write homework.I didn't like to read a book before. Later, I could insist on reading a book and a half hours a day. After reading it, I did what I wanted to do.Maybe my consciousness made my dad strange. Once he couldn't help but ask me, "When did you become more like to learn than before?" I replied, "Dad, don't you say I hope meWill you have a smooth sailing in the future? Only by doing the preparation of the navigation can you be smooth! "Dad laughed:" The smooth sailing I said is that your study will be smooth, but you also hope that your life can be smooth sailing.! ""


This sailing boat brought me a different life. It encouraged me to study hard, and it also pinned my parents' expectations for me.I believe that with its help, one day I can sail away!



1、特别:特别读音为tè bié,是指1.不一般,与众不同。 2.格外。 3.特地,特意。 4.尤其。特别 tè bié词语意思:1.不一般,与众不同。 2.格外。 3.特地,特意。 4.尤其。(1) [special;out of the ordinary unusual;exceptional]∶不一般;与众不同特别的场合(2) [exceptionally]∶格外一个特别聪明的孩子(3) [particular;specially]∶特地;特意我特别提到那一点(4) [especially;in particular]∶尤其我喜欢乡下,特别是在春天分词解释:尤其:副词。表示更进一步:他各门功课都好,语文尤其突出|数量固然要紧,质量尤其重要。特地:1.亦作“特的”。 2.突然,忽然。 3.亦作“特底”。特别,格外。特意:1.不同的认识和看法。 2.表示专为某件事。格外:①副词,表示超过寻常:久别重逢,大家格外亲热ㄧ国庆节的天安门,显得格外庄严而美丽。②额外;另外:卡车装不下,格外找了一辆大车。...特别怎么造句,用特别造句»

2、生日:生日读音为shēng rì,是指1.出生之日。亦指每年满周岁的那一天。 2.指有生之日。人出生的那一天,每年满周岁的那一天也叫生日祝你生日快乐生日 shēng rì词语解释:1.出生之日。亦指每年满周岁的那一天。 2.指有生之日。[birthday]人出生的那一天,每年满周岁的那一天也叫生日祝你生日快乐分词解释:有生:1.有生机。 2.有生命者。 3.有生命。 4.生活;生存。 5.生来。一天:1.一昼夜。 2.指一个白天。 3.犹一时,泛指不太长的时间。 4.整天;成天。 5.某一天。 6.一块天空。 7.指满天。 8.一重天。 9.如天之大。形容很大,很多。出生:1.胎儿从母体中生出来。 2.指事物的产生。 3.舍生。 4.分出。...生日怎么造句,用生日造句»