
时间:2022-10-13 13:20:14 | 来源:语文通



读《一粒种子》有感 篇1读《一粒种子》有感 篇2读《一粒种子》有感 篇3读《一粒种子》有感 篇4读《一粒种子》有感 篇5读《一粒种子》有感 篇6读《一粒种子》有感 篇7读《一粒种子》有感 篇8读《一粒种子》有感 篇9读《一粒种子》有感 篇10

读《一粒种子》有感 篇1


This story makes me understand that the growth of seeds needs the care of spring wind, the watering of spring rain, and the help of earthworms. Let me feel that each of us is growing like a seed. Our parents, like the spring breeze, constantly care about us and remind us; Our teachers, like spring rain, spare no effort to irrigate us, provide sufficient nutrients for our growth, and bring us nutrients of knowledge; Our grandparents are also like hardworking earthworms. They help us in obscurity, give us warmth, and let us grow up quickly.


Although the seed cannot grow without the help of nature, just as we cannot do without parents and teachers, if it wants to break through the ground and grow into a big tree, it still has to rely on its own efforts to straighten up its body. The seed needs to absorb nutrients, just as we need to accept knowledge, so that we can grow into useful people. This tells us a truth: if you don't work hard, no amount of care and care can help you. As long as you are like a seed, root well and work bravely, you will not be overwhelmed by difficulties. If you have difficulties, you must find ways to overcome them.


A seed, because of its tenacious vitality, can take root and sprout no matter how bad the environment is. This is the reason why I like this article best.

读《一粒种子》有感 篇2


At seven o'clock in the evening, I opened another book and read it with great interest under the light. I was reading I Am a Seed

我是一粒种子,开心的来到一户人家,找到了亲爱的伙伴。我们刚想离开,可是主人却把我们埋藏到土里,让我们生长,成为为人类做贡献的好种子。我们非常了解主人的心思,于是,我们就努力的长啊长,最后终于长出了小苗,见到了光明。啊,我们终于见到光明了,我和朋友激动的喊着。可是,我发觉自己的身体在琢渐长高,还长出了一个绿绿的小东西,于是我惊奇的喊道:啊!我这是怎么回事?我原来不是这样的呀!谁能告诉我,我究竟是怎么了?不光是我一个人,其它伙伴也是这样。伯伯听到了我们一连串的问题,走过来给我们讲解:“你们这是长大了,原先你们是小小的种子,在泥土公公的帮助下,你们破土而出,最后在主人的帮助下,你们就会长成高大的麦子,成为人们最好的食物。”“哎可惜呀,可惜……”他叹了一口气,而我们却期待着自己快快长大,为人们做贡献。后来,主人就像辛勤的园丁,为我们浇水施肥。慢慢地,我们长成了高大的麦子被人们拿去加工成了人们的口中的食物。 我们本以为长大以后就会为人们做贡献了,可是人们却不知道珍惜我们,如此浪费岂不让农民伯伯白白辛苦了一场,所以请人们要珍惜我们,珍惜农民伯伯的劳动成果!

I am a seed, happy to come to a family, found a dear partner. We just wanted to leave, but the master buried us in the earth, let us grow, and become a good seed for human contribution. We knew the master's mind very well, so we worked hard to grow and grow, and finally we saw the light. Ah, we finally saw the light, my friend and I cried excitedly. However, I found that my body was growing taller and taller, and a little green thing had grown up, so I shouted in surprise: Ah! What's the matter with me? I was not like that! Who can tell me what happened to me? Not only I but also other partners. After hearing a series of questions from us, the uncle came to us and explained: "You are growing up. You were a small seed. With the help of the soil grandfather, you broke through the ground. Finally, with the help of the master, you will grow into tall wheat and become the best food for people." "Alas, alas..." He sighed, while we were looking forward to growing up quickly and making contributions to people. Later, the master, like a diligent gardener, watered and fertilized us. Slowly, we grew into tall wheat which was taken by people and processed into food in people's mouths. We thought we would make contributions to people when we grow up, but people don't know how to cherish us. Such waste will not make the farmer's uncle work in vain, so please cherish us and cherish the farmer's uncle's achievements!


My friends, do you blush when you see the story above? right! Now many people in the country do not cherish food and all of them have rushed into the sewers. In one day, tens of thousands of tons of food are fished out of the sewers all over the country!

读《一粒种子》有感 篇3


A Seed is mainly about a seed before. It always feels very humble. It thinks that it is too small and insignificant to attract attention and concern from others. Year after year passed. One day, a traveler saw the seed and took him to a desolate place. He buried it under the bottom surface. Years later, the seed grew into a towering tree and helped people. Suddenly, it showed a bright and confident smile.


Some of us, like seeds, always feel stupid and insignificant compared with others. But he looked very tall.


Although the seed can not grow without the help of nature, just as we can not do without parents and teachers, if it wants to break through the ground and finally become a big tree, it has to work hard to straighten itself up. This tells us a truth: if you don't work hard, no matter how well you care and care, you can't be talented. Only like a seed, root well and strive bravely can we not be overwhelmed by difficulties.


I wish I could become a grass seed, because it has tenacious vitality. No matter how bad the environment is, it can take root and sprout with unlimited vitality.


You are a grass, I am a grass, no matter how big you are.


Your city is a flower, and I am a flower. Whether you are beautiful or ugly, this garden is decorated.


Come on, stand up! The stars twinkle, the grass turns green, and the flowers bloom. Stand up bravely, face others with confidence, make life full of passion, and continue to work hard! You will be the greenest grass and the most beautiful flower!

读《一粒种子》有感 篇4


I read the article "Belief in a Seed" and felt that a person should not go all the way to the dark, and should change his thinking, just like "all roads lead to Rome".


This article is about: a girl did not enter high school, so she became a teacher and was overthrown by her classmates. When she returned home, the little girl's mother did not blame her and asked her to continue to look for a job... Finally, the little girl returned home, and her mother was old. The little girl asked, "Mother, why do you support me like this?" Mother gave her a positive answer


This article makes me feel that life is like a piece of land. You can't grow beans, rice, rice, fruit... sooner or later you can plant something.


I did my homework badly every day, but my mother not only didn't blame me, but also asked me to find a lesson I liked to exercise myself. As a result, I chose mathematics. My mother said, "Yes." I said definitely, "Sure, I won't let you down." With my efforts, I have won many awards in various regions, such as the first prize in Olympic math and the first prize in mental arithmetic.


My impression from this article is that people should not just take a road that is not suitable for them. For example, a person with good handwriting has finally embarked on the road of scientific research. If you go all the way to darkness, the end may be a wall blocking your path at the end, or it may be an exit. But in this case, it may be a wall, so we should change our thinking to avoid the possibility of hitting the wall.

读《一粒种子》有感 篇5


After reading The Power of Seeds, what I felt most was a trampled and unnoticed grass. With its tenacious vitality, it overturned the stones on its body and stubbornly drilled out of the ground, showing the valuable spirit of fearing danger, being brave to temper and always optimistic. We also need such spirit on the way to climb the scientific peak. I believe that as long as we move forward step by step and unswervingly, the door of the treasure house of knowledge will be opened by us and the peak of science will be reached. We must not "cultivate potted flowers in the greenhouse". When we encounter difficulties, we will sigh pessimistically and lose the confidence to move forward. That will only lead to step back. I once had such an experience: I participated in the composition contest with my classmates, but failed to play well, so I lost the election. Looking at the joy of the students who won the prize, I was so sad that I secretly shed tears several times, and even lost confidence in writing. Later, several compositions fell far behind the students. At this time, The Power of Seeds strongly encouraged me, so I braced myself up, studied hard, kept a diary every day, made progress, and won the trust of my classmates and teachers. In the future, I will continue to carry forward the spirit of grass, not afraid of difficulties, not afraid of setbacks, and always strive to make progress.

读《一粒种子》有感 篇6


I recently reread Anne of Germany. The Travel of a Seed, written by Moeller. Reading this book again, I have a different feeling.


The book tells us that when we want to travel long distances, we can take trains, cars or even planes; If you want to take a short trip, you can ride a bike or walk directly.


But plants have no way of doing this. Even so, we still found their tenacious figures in some of the most incredible places, such as: in the crevices of stones, in the corners of squares, or on the high roofs... How did they get to these places? Can plants also travel and cross mountains?


In fact, plants themselves do not travel, but they will send their seeds on the journey. Some seeds fly in the wind; Some are attached to small animals and travel by free animal buses; There are also some plants that can project their seeds far away by their own power.


After reading this book, I not only marveled at the way these plants "thought out" to survive, but also admired the author's observation ability. Even these details can be clearly described. It's really not easy! Of course, the author only tells us the travel methods of some plant seeds, and we need to explore the rest by ourselves. I think, as long as we observe things carefully, we will certainly have unexpected gains!

读《一粒种子》有感 篇7


A Seed is my favorite text.


This text makes me understand that the growth of seeds needs the care of spring wind, the watering of spring rain, and the help of earthworms. I think the growth of each of us is like a seed. Our grandparents, just like the spring breeze, constantly care about us and remind us that our teachers, just like the spring rain, spare no effort to irrigate us and provide sufficient nutrients for our growth; Our parents, like earthworms, provide us with conditions and create opportunities.


Although the seed can not grow without the help of nature, just as we can not do without parents and teachers, if it wants to break through the ground and grow into a big tree, it must rely on its own efforts to straighten up. This tells us a truth: if you don't work hard, no amount of care and care can help you. Only like a seed, root well and strive bravely can we not be overwhelmed by difficulties.


I wish I could be the seed of a small grass, because it has strong vitality. No matter how bad the environment is, it can take root and sprout with unlimited vitality.

读《一粒种子》有感 篇8


In the world of books, the sun is always warm and the wisdom is always shining. In the world of books, we linger and forget to return. We are so intoxicated that we don't know where to go back. In those good books, there are always some stories that move us, and there are always some stories that make us feel deeply.


My favorite book is Success is a Seed. There are many touching stories in this book, among which my favorite is the story of "removing the stone in my heart". This story mainly tells about a big stone in Tom's yard. If he is not careful, he will be kicked to fall or get bruised. Tom said to his father, "Why don't you remove the big stone so that people won't fall." His father said, "You don't know how deep the big stone will be buried because it is so big. It must be hard to dig. Don't dig at all, and it will save energy!" So the stone continued to stay there. After a few years, Tom decided to remove the stone because he did not know how many times he had tripped over it. So he picked up a hoe, took a bucket of water, sprinkled water around the stone, and easily dug out the stone with a hoe. It turned out that it was neither buried so deep nor as big as people imagined. People are deceived by its appearance.


After reading this story, I know that when we encounter problems, we often focus on finding solutions, but ignore the simplest "try first" to make the impossible possible. In fact, innovation is not all profound, mysterious and complex, and the key depends on whether you have removed the hard stone in your heart.


Boys and girls, read! A book is a ladder to help you to succeed, a tree to protect you from wind and rain, and a road to success. Read, books are friends that accompany us all our lives.

读《一粒种子》有感 篇9


Today, my mother and I read a book called "A Seed Changes the World". The book tells the story about Yuan Longping's grandfather. Grandpa Yuan Longping spent his whole life researching hybrid rice, constantly improving the excellent varieties of hybrid rice, and made great contributions to solving the food problem for our country and the world. Reading, reading, I thought of our vineyard.


Grandma planted a garden of grapes. The grapes have many colors, including green and purple. I used to wonder why all grapes are different colors? At that time, Grandma told me that the grape varieties were different, so the color was different. In order to make grapes taste better, have more water and taste sweeter, we will combine our own experience to improve grape varieties by cultivating excellent grape seedlings. At that time, I still didn't understand what Grandma said. However, through reading the story of Yuan Longping's grandfather and my mother's explanation, I have a deeper understanding of this. Grandma, like Grandpa Yuan, kept groping in the fields they were familiar with. They may fail, but they have been studying and accumulating experience. Grandpa Yuan has planted hybrid rice that shocked the world, and Grandma has planted grapes that sell well in the market.


As a Young Pioneer in the new era, while learning scientific and cultural knowledge well, I should continue to explore unknown knowledge and improve my ability like Grandpa and Grandma Yuan. I will use my determination and perseverance to make constant improvement and progress and make my own contribution to the society.

读《一粒种子》有感 篇10


"At the noon of the weeding day, the sweat drips down the soil. Who knows, every grain is hard to eat." I believe everyone has heard this poem, which teaches us to cherish food. The article "Changing the World with a Seed" aims to let us study hard and be a person with great ideals like Yuan Longping in the article.


"Changing the world with one seed" is Yuan Longping's ideal. In the ordinary decades, he has made extraordinary scientific discoveries and great scientific and technological achievements to keep human beings from starving. It has been given many good names, such as "Father of Hybrid Rice". In order to cultivate hybrid rice, Yuan Longping and his wife found male sterile plants together. Only 6 plants were found in more than 14000 rice ears. Yuan Longping exposed himself to the scorching sun in order to make human beings live a happy life without fear of hardship, which made me cannot help but pay more respect to Yuan Longping.


Another time, Yuan Longping's seedlings planted in the experimental field were all uprooted! He was not willing to let his efforts disappear, so he picked up the mud in the experimental field with his hands to find the surviving seedlings. Finally, he found five dying seedlings. His quality of not admitting defeat, not afraid of hardship, and not afraid of tiredness makes me respect him.


After years of hard work and sweat, Yuan Longping finally cultivated a "three line hybrid rice". The wide application of hybrid rice has made great contributions to the world food shortage. Yuan Longping's patriotism makes me proud that I am a Chinese like him.


I am Chinese, and we are all Chinese. Don't you feel proud because we are Chinese? Only a few seedlings have solved the food problem of people all over the world. I decided to study hard when I was young, and when I grow up, I will give my share to the motherland like Yuan Longping!