
时间:2022-11-28 12:44:44 | 来源:语文通






1. Zizhi Tongjian, the Second Year of Emperor Gaozong's Military Construction in Qi Dynasty: "In the past, the Emperor Shizu rode hundreds of thousands of steps with the power of turning back mountains to the sea, facing melon steps in the south, and all the counties descended."


2. Song · Yang Wanli's "Getting Sick on the 24th of June and Enjoying the Rain": "The enemy is very strong at the beginning of the illness, and it is difficult to cope with the overwhelming situation."


  【成语】: 排山倒海

[Idiom]: overwhelming mountains and seas

  【拼音】: pái shān dǎo hǎi

[Pinyin]: P á I SH ā N D ǎ O H ǎ I

  【解释】: 推开高山,翻倒大海。形容力量强盛,声势浩大。

[Explanation]: Push away the mountains and turn over the sea. It describes the power and momentum.

  【出处】: 《资治通鉴·齐纪高宗建武二年》:“昔世祖以回山倒海之威,步骑数十万,南临瓜步,诸郡尽降。”宋·杨万里《六月二十四日病起喜雨》:“病势初来敌颇强,排山倒海也难当。”

[Origin]: "Zizhi Tongjian, the Second Year of Emperor Gaozong's Military Construction in Qi Dynasty": "The ancient ancestors rode hundreds of thousands of steps with the power of turning back mountains and overturning seas, facing melon steps in the south, and all the counties descended." Song · Yang Wanli's "Getting Sick on the 24th of June": "The enemy is very strong at the beginning of the illness, and it is difficult to deal with mountains and seas."

  【举例造句】: 这种排山倒海的巨潮,是任何顽固势力所不能抵挡得住的。 ★邹韬奋《抗战以来·自动奋发的千万青年》

[Example]: This overwhelming tide can not be resisted by any stubborn force. ★ Zou Taofen, Since the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Thousands of Young People Who Have Endeavoured Automatically

  【近义词】: 翻江倒海、翻天覆地

[Synonym]: turn the world upside down


Combined type; As predicate, attribute and adverbial;