
时间:2022-10-13 13:20:15 | 来源:语文通



小学作文教学设计 篇1小学作文教学设计 篇2小学作文教学设计 篇3小学作文教学设计 篇4小学作文教学设计 篇5

小学作文教学设计 篇1


Design concept:


Let the students have a strong interest in observing common ants. With the observation task of "What is the body of an ant?", they can constantly improve the observation methods in the independent observation, obtain a direct understanding of the ants, and realize the diversity and autonomy of learning and expression.


Design objective:


1. Understand the body characteristics of ants through observation;


2. Try to solve the difficulties encountered in the process of observing ants and cultivate students' observation ability;


3. Be able to write down the observation process, my feelings and imagination in an informal way, and pay attention to the expression of new and interesting content.


4. Cultivate students' feelings of concern and closeness to nature.


Teaching tools:


Cup with ants, white paper, magnifying glass, insect observation box, small wooden block, small plastic foam, paper, brush, sink, beaker, small red paper, etc.


Preparation before class: assign students to catch some ants.


Teaching time: 2 class hours


Teaching process:


1、 Painted ant


1. Boys and girls, the teacher asked us to catch some ants before class. Did you catch them?


2. How did you catch it?


(seduce with cookies; seduce with candy...)


3. It seems that there are many ways for students to capture. Now, the teacher asks you to draw an ant with a pen, can you?


4. Please draw as fast as possible. Three students can paste the picture on the blackboard.


(Students draw ants, and then paste ants on the blackboard.)


2、 Ant watching


1. Are the ants we catch the same as they painted? Let's take a look at the captured ants.


(Design description: The teacher's question aims to attract students' attention: what exactly are the ants we caught? It urges students to start from the heart and eager to observe.)


(Students observe ants)


2. Which student will speak on behalf of the group?


(Students speak, but there will be differences:


The little ant has eight feet; The little ant has six feet


The little ant is divided into head and body; The ants are divided into three parts: head, body and tail.)


3. It seems that the students in the group had differences. Did they encounter difficulties in observation?


(Ants are small and can't see clearly. Ants always crawl around and can't see clearly.)


4. What should we do? Each group can discuss and think of a way to observe. One way is to put a five pointed star on the paper to see which group has more five pointed stars.


(Design description: the problem is not given by the teacher, but generated by the students in the observation. New problems urge students to explore.)


(Students think and discuss)


5. How many five pointed stars did your group get? (Answer by students)


6. Are there more than them? (Answer by students)


7. Are there any more groups than them? No, Then ask your group to introduce the three best methods. The other groups listen carefully. Did they mention your methods? If not, you will introduce them later.


(lure it with food to prevent it from running around;


The hair on the brush caught the ant, and then observed it with a magnifying glass;


Stop ants with glue to observe;


Put the ant on the foam plastic block in the water to observe...)


(Design description: The teacher gives full play to let the students try to learn independently, cooperatively and explosively, and open their minds to learning. In fact, although the students are small, their creativity and imagination are extremely rich, often beyond the teachers' expectations.)


8. We have so many methods. The teacher has such an observation instrument (show it). It's called an insect observation box. Put the ants in it, and you can observe them directly. Each group of us selects an observation method, and each group leader is requested to select the tools needed to see what the ants are like? How many knots does it have? How many feet? Where are your feet? What about the head? What you have observed can be described in your own words.


(Student observation and teacher tour)


3、 Say ant


(1) Talk about the body of ants in order


1. Who can talk about the body of the small ant on behalf of his team? Think about the order before you speak.


2. What sentence are you going to begin with? Ex.: What a strange ant.


(Head -- like rice grains; tentacle mouth -- pointed eyes -- small body -- divided into three sections; three pairs of feet -- slender, longer than the body -- brown)


(2) Broaden thinking


1. Just now, we have preliminarily observed the body of the ant. Now let's see what the ant is doing?


(Climbing around in a hurry)


2. What is the little ant thinking?


(Missing home, missing friends, missing mom...)


3. What about that?


(Send the ants home)


4. Where is the home of the little ant?


(Under the big tree; small ants often crawl in and out of the cracks at the corner of the wall; there are also small ants in the flower bed...)


5. Let's take the ants home together.


(3) Synthesis (Talk about the process of observing ants.)


1. Just now we had a careful observation on the ants we caught, and made many new discoveries. Finally, we sent the ants home. Now let's connect the whole observation process.


(Students practice freely)


2. In group communication, teachers participate in difficult group communication.


3. Collective communication, teacher and student evaluation.


4、 Writing ant


1. Let's draw up a loud topic for the exercise.


(Observation of Little Ants Strange little ants, I will send them home...)


2. Students practice, teachers inspect and give individual guidance to students with learning difficulties.


Featured tips:


This design adopts the five step teaching method of "catching, drawing, observing, speaking and writing" to observe composition, aiming to create a learning mode of autonomy, cooperation and exploration, fully stimulate students' initiative and enterprising spirit, and reflect the new concept of the new curriculum.


1. Create a relaxed atmosphere and rich materials to publicize students' personality. In the whole process of inquiry learning, group cooperative learning as a basic organizational form runs through. Students' autonomous learning has been closely linked with cooperation. In the method of exploring small ants, students can fully and independently discuss and communicate with each other in small groups around the problems generated in the initial observation.


2. Task driven, problem driven, teacher guidance - to achieve students' independent inquiry. Students are drawing queen ants, the teacher pointed out; Do the ants we catch have the same number of knots and feet as the ants in the picture? This prompted students to be eager to observe the ants. The teacher complied with the students' wishes to observe the ants for the first time, but it was obviously very difficult to see such small and constantly crawling ants. New problems were generated in the observation. Driven by the task, the students were urged to find out where the problems were. Then, each group selected equipment from the buffet observation materials provided by the teacher and made a second observation attempt. The students also completed the observation of the body characteristics of the ant in the continuous improvement of the observation method.


3. Pay attention to observation, attach importance to discovery, and express personal unique feelings - "use my handwriting and my mouth". Although the ants captured by students are almost the same, there are also differences in species and size. Because of his own observation, he finds something and has a strong desire to express himself. In order, it is not just a general telling, it contains its own rich feelings, expressing the understanding and thinking of ants. The diversification and autonomy of expression have laid a solid foundation for the completion of composition.

小学作文教学设计 篇2


"Introducing myself" is an exercise of "Chinese Garden 3", Volume 2, Grade 3, Primary School Chinese, People's Education Press. This exercise, let's introduce ourselves to others. You can talk about your personality and hobbies, as well as your strengths and weaknesses. In a word, we should grasp our own characteristics, tell the truth and show others a real you. Add another topic after writing, such as "I draw a picture of myself", "This is me", and "A girl who loves crying". You can also read the exercises to people who know you, listen to their opinions, and carefully revise them.


The third grade exercises in primary school are not only a natural extension of the training of reading pictures and speaking and writing, but also a preparation for the training of writing in senior grades. The Curriculum Standards points out that "in the teaching of writing, attention should be paid to the cultivation of the ability to observe, think, express and evaluate. Students are required to tell the truth, the truth and the truth, and not to tell lies, empty words or platitudes." The third grade students' homework is at the initial stage, so the requirements cannot be too high. In teaching, we should focus on students' reality, create an atmosphere to make students dare to speak, encourage students to find themselves, tell the truth, and try to use the language accumulated at ordinary times, especially the words and sentences with a fresh sense, etc. I am willing to read my homework to others and share the happiness with others. At the same time, we should organically integrate oral communication and writing, attach importance to the practice of "speaking", let students speak fully first, and let students write on the basis of speaking, so that students will not feel difficult when writing. Do "I say my heart, I write my mouth". Reflect the idea of curriculum integration. When students write a composition, the difficulty they encounter is what to write and how to write. Therefore, this composition guidance should start with the content and be closely combined with oral communication. On the basis of a series of activities to train students to listen, speak and evaluate, students should be guided to read some articles about writing themselves to inspire ideas. Therefore, this teaching design has done two things: First, it is to clarify the content and scope, so that students know what they should write; Second, we should broaden our thinking so that every student can write something.


Teaching objectives


1. Through speaking and writing activities, students can grasp one or two characteristics of themselves and write about themselves. In communication, we should objectively recognize our own advantages and disadvantages, and learn to correctly evaluate ourselves and others.


2. Cultivate the interest in writing, so that students can write down what they want to say clearly and orderly, and are willing to use the words learned from reading and life in writing.


3. Learn to evaluate and revise articles written by yourself or others.


Key and difficult points in teaching


Teaching focus:


1. By introducing yourself, summarize some methods of introducing yourself, such as grasping the appearance, clothing, personality, hobbies, advantages and disadvantages of the characters, and can also be illustrated by one or two examples.


2. When introducing yourself specifically, pay attention to highlighting the characteristics of one or two aspects.


Teaching difficulties:


1. How to create a dialogue situation and communication platform for students in oral communication.


2. Introduce how your classmates can speak completely, fluently, concretely and vividly, and how to listen to students' speeches clearly, focus on key points, find problems, and put forward appropriate suggestions for improvement and supplement.


Through the creation of classroom situations to help students in oral communication.


Teaching preparation


Teacher: Courseware materials (including words and expressions about the appearance and personality of characters, and sample essays about self introduction)


Student: Small mirror, exercise book.


Class hour arrangement: two class hours


Teaching process:


Section A


1、 Create a situation to inspire writing enthusiasm


1. The teacher shows two examples of self introduction. Tell me which one is good and why?


2. The students have been together for a long time. I believe that careful people will find that each of us is different. Even twins are different. For example, the twins in our class are not exactly the same. Think about it: What makes a person different from others? (Students speak freely and write on the blackboard: appearance, personality, hobbies?) How do you plan to introduce yourself so that others can remember it at once?


3. Teacher's summary: voice, appearance, age, personality, hobbies, experience?? In fact, there are many differences with others, which refers to a person's characteristics. (blackboard writing: characteristics)


2、 Combination of speaking and writing, try to write


(1) Guide appearance description


1. Transition: Everyone has his own characteristics. Let's look at ourselves in the small mirror, find the most characteristic part of his appearance, and use the methods we have learned to describe the appearance of the characters to show a different "me"!


2. Students observe, name and say.


(Student said, teacher evaluation, guide students to speak their distinctive appearance characteristics in humorous and humorous language, and also tell students to talk about their appearance at the same time.)


3. (Pave the bridge to lead the way) Show: the fragments about the appearance characteristics of the characters. Let the students read and understand how to describe the appearance.


4. Write: describe your appearance and express a distinctive "me". (Don't write your name. Prepare for the "Guess" game.)


(2) Guiding personality description


1. Transition: After drawing the shape, you have to show your personality! What character are you a child? What are your hobbies? Let's use one or two specific examples to say that we should pay attention to writing good actions and words to express our personality and let everyone remember you!


2. Show the fragments of character description in the courseware.


3. What impression do you have on the young writer? Why do you have such an impression? What inspired you? (Total sentence narrative discussion)


4. The students can't wait to write down their personality characteristics and hobbies, right? Students write clips and teachers patrol.


(3) Game review, improve writing


1. "Guess" game. The teacher put together the paragraphs about the appearance characteristics, personality characteristics and hobbies described by the students just now, and read them randomly. Let the students guess who he is? The teacher consciously picked out two pairs of twins and asked the students to guess which one was it?


2. Let's say which student wrote it correctly, and why?

小学作文教学设计 篇3


1、 Arrange observation and accumulate materials


After learning Discovery of Childhood, give students plenty of time to observe people, things and things around them and see what new discoveries they have; Try to recall the materials accumulated in your mind and think about what discoveries you have made.


2、 Stimulate interest and expand ideas

1、谈话导入 ,激发学生习作的欲望。如,可以这样说:著名的艺术家罗丹曾经说过,对于我们的眼睛,不是缺少美,而是缺少发现。牛顿因为发现苹果落地的秘密而发现了万有引力;瓦特因为发现了壶盖跳动的原因而发明了蒸汽机有多少发现,就给人带来多少惊喜。可见,发现是一个特别了不起的本领,谁掌握了这个本领,谁就有可能成为有本事的人!正值童年的你们,一定也有自己独特的、有趣的发现,想把你的发现告诉我们吗?

1. The conversation is introduced to stimulate the students' desire for writing. For example, it can be said that the famous artist Rodin once said that our eyes are not short of beauty, but lack of discovery. Newton discovered gravity because he discovered the secret of apple falling; Watt invented the steam engine because he discovered the reason why the lid of the kettle jumped. How many discoveries he made, how many surprises he brought to people. It can be seen that discovery is an extraordinary skill. Anyone who has mastered this skill is likely to become a capable person! As you are in your childhood, you must have your own unique and interesting discoveries. Do you want to tell us about them?


2. Let students freely say what they have found. Students may talk about discoveries in daily life. For example, I found that my mother loved beauty and my father was diligent; I found that the street lights along the road were on on time, and there were more animals in the park; Discover how seeds germinate and how sunflowers rotate; I found that there are more environmental advertisements on TV and that people are learning English; It is terrible to find war, and the United States is too domineering. It may also refer to the discovery in study and life. For example, find that the Chinese books have changed and the texts are more interesting than before; I found that the way teachers teach has changed and there are more school activities; It is found that there are five solutions to word problems, and there are also tips for memorizing new words; I find that the new teacher is like a friend, and my deskmate is no longer annoying. According to what the students said, the teacher should properly summarize and evaluate: you are talking about the discovery in daily life, and you are talking about the discovery in learning. It's really thoughtful! In this way, we can affirm students' discoveries and open their minds.


3. Guide students to read the exercise tips and think about how to tell others clearly about their findings. It is required to write clearly what has been discovered and the process of discovery. The topic can be found by me or drafted by myself.


3、 Practice independently and teach students in accordance with their aptitude


The teacher will give individual guidance to the students who have difficulties when the students write their own compositions after they conceive. Be sure of the situation of the class's exercises, select typical exercises (such as those with unclear process and problems in language expression), evaluate them carefully, and give specific guidance.


4、 Read the exercise aloud, review and revise it


Choose three to five typical exercises, read and evaluate one by one, and the teachers and students will evaluate them together. Evaluate whether the discovery process is clearly written, whether the language is fluent, and whether the words are accurate. In combination with the evaluation, guide the students to orally modify or supplement the assessed work. Then, revise the exercises and transcribe them. When modifying, you should modify yourself first, and then ask the partner to help you.


5、 Appreciation of excellent works and incentive evaluation


This link is arranged after reviewing the exercise. First of all, we will select the exercises with different characteristics in terms of material selection, structure, language, etc., and ask the young writers to read them to everyone for appreciation. Teachers and students will briefly analyze them; Then ask the students who have made great progress in this exercise to read their works, and the teacher will comment and encourage them. Finally, the teacher concluded that he should not only praise the students' achievements in writing, but also praise their discovery and creation.

小学作文教学设计 篇4


Course schedule:


1 class hour


Teaching process:


1、 Conversation import:


A good book, a good article, after reading the moving plot and beautiful words, we will be excited, inspired, educated, and even unforgettable for life. Writing down these feelings is the feeling after reading. In this lesson, we are going to learn how to write a good feeling after reading.


2、 Group discussion and consensus expression:


1. In the fourth grade, we have been exposed to the feelings after reading. According to our own reading experience and writing practice, we can talk about how to write the feelings after reading.


2. Group discussion, in class communication, random blackboard writing by teachers:


The feeling after reading, as the name implies, refers to the feeling after reading an article or a book. In the teaching of composition after reading, reading is the foreword, feeling is the focus of writing, and it is also the purpose of teaching. Only when students carefully understand the text and grasp the main content and central idea of the text, can they understand the author's thoughts and feelings, write their true feelings, and receive education and enlightenment from it.


(1) Carefully reading the original text and understanding the spirit of the article are the premise of writing a good reading impression;


(2) Choosing what you feel the most about is the key to writing a good impression;


(3) It is an important part of the reading experience to closely link with the reality;


(4) We should handle the relationship between "reading" and "feeling", and combine discussion, narration and lyricism.


General writing method (or structure) of the feeling after reading:

3. Discuss the general writing method (or structure) of the feeling after reading:


Beginning: Briefly introduce the title of the works read and the general feelings.

Beginning: Briefly introduce the title of the works read and the general feelings.


Middle: Talk about feelings and feelings, compare with people and things in real life, and talk about feelings. It is important to quote celebrity events properly.

Middle: Talk about feelings and feelings, compare with people and things in real life, and talk about feelings. It is important to quote celebrity events properly.


Conclusion: Return to the works read, summarize the theme of improvement and propose the direction of your efforts。

Conclusion: Return to the works read, summarize the theme of improvement and propose the direction of your efforts.


4. The teacher summarizes the writing method of the feeling after reading.


In the new curriculum standard, the seventh unit of the fifth grade volume one of primary school Chinese arranges the teaching of composition after reading. For the first time, students will always encounter new problems when they are writing a post reading composition - difficult to write, or even unable to write. Because most primary school students' compositions are mainly narrative, students can generally write out the course of events in the order of their development. However, writing a composition with feelings after reading is different from narratives. It must write the content with feelings after reading. You can write the understanding of a word in the text, or you can write the understanding and perception of a sentence or a paragraph; Of course, you can also write the general feelings or opinions about an article or a book. Put forward your own doubts in the post reading feeling, express your own views and feelings through analysis. It can be seen that the composition after reading has the composition of argumentation. Therefore, in the teaching of composition after reading, the key is to teach students the writing methods.


How to teach students to write a good composition after reading? In general, composition teaching can be carried out around the four links of "introduction, analysis, connection and connection".


Quote: or quote the original point of view, or quote the content of the original.


Argument: The original text cited reflects the viewpoint.


Couplet: On the basis of the given original text, it starts to develop and make comments. From here to there, it connects with similar or opposite phenomena in modern life and related issues.


Conclusion: Put forward opinions from the perspective of explaining what enlightenment the original text gives, and summarize the full text.


3、 Write in writing, and the teacher will patrol and guide.


4、 Composition comments


1. Point out that students should read their own compositions, and teachers and students should comment on them together to prevent the composition from entering the following mistakes:


(1) The original narration is too much, without feeling or feeling;


(2) Feelless and far fetched;


(3) Empty and abstract, lacking association;


(4) Dragonflies can drink water in every way.


2. Appreciate the excellent works, understand the writing characteristics of the feeling after reading, and think about how to write while listening:


Beginning: Reading leads to feelings, so as to get straight to the point and summarize feelings.


Middle: (1) Feel concrete, talk while talking, and do not copy the original story to discuss and feel appropriately.

(2)结合现实生活中的人、事,指导自己行动,不然写作无意义。 结尾:概括升华主题。

(2) Combine people and things in real life to guide your actions, otherwise writing is meaningless. Conclusion: Summarize the theme of sublimation.


3. Students report their gains and questions to improve their understanding.

4、总结选材:人无我有,人有我优,想人未想之点,写人未写之材 好的开头:起句如爆竹,骤响易彻,使人一见钟情。

4. Summary and selection of materials: no one has his own advantages, no one has his own advantages, no one thinks about what he has not thought about, and a good beginning to write about what he has not written: a sentence is like a firecracker, which makes people fall in love at first sight.


Good conclusion: The ending is like ringing a bell, with a quiet voice.


Real and vivid: persuasive and tasty


5. Questioning: students, what gains or doubts do you have in mind.


"I am not tired of revising articles hundreds of times, and good works often come from their own revision."


Everyone's life accumulation, knowledge accumulation and language accumulation are different. Only when there are differences can they inspire each other, form complementarities, and revise their compositions according to their own understanding.


5、 Revise the composition after class, supplement and improve it.


6、 Blackboard design:


General writing method (or structure) of the feeling after reading:


Beginning: Briefly introduce the title of the works read and the general feelings.

Beginning: Briefly introduce the title of the works read and the general feelings.


Middle: Talk about feelings and feelings, compare with people and things in real life, and talk about feelings. It is important to quote celebrity events properly.

Middle: Talk about feelings and feelings, compare with people and things in real life, and talk about feelings. It is important to quote celebrity events properly.


Conclusion: Return to the works read, summarize the theme of improvement and propose the direction of your efforts

小学作文教学设计 篇5


1. Learning objectives


① Students exchange stories of people around them who are worthy of admiration. Be natural and generous in attitude, fluent in sentences, able to express and comment according to the requirements of oral communication, and clear and specific in content.


② Write a person you admire, with specific content, fluent sentences and careful modification.


③ Different usages of quotation marks were found.


④ Accumulate idioms describing spiritual will.


⑤ Read idiom stories to understand the meaning and improve reading ability.


2. Preparation before class


① Visit the most admired people around you, observe or record them, and get ready for oral communication and practice.


② Idiom Stories.

第一课时 口语交际

Lesson One Oral Communication


3. Conversation induction


In this group of teaching materials, we have known people with brilliant spirit, including Galileo, who was dedicated to the pursuit of truth in the 17th century, Rodin, who was obsessed with his work, deaf and dumb youth who made fish swim on paper with diligence, and persistent, industrious and simple farmers. They all made us respect. In fact, as long as we have a pair of eyes that are good at discovery, there are people around us who are worthy of our admiration and learning. In this oral communication class, let's talk about the people around us who are worthy of admiration.


4. Group communication


① Put forward a request: make things clear and specific, and express your admiration.


② Take out the observation records or photos of people you have done before class and think about how to introduce them to everyone.


③ Take turns in the group to talk about the people you admire most.


④ Group selection: First, select the people who are most worthy of our admiration and learning; First, select the most specific and vivid students.


⑤ Each group selects a representative to participate in the class exchange, and the group students help him to explain the case clearly and concretely.


5. Class communication


① The representatives of each group take turns to say that the whole class will evaluate: First, whether the content of the evaluation is clear and specific, and whether it can express admiration; The second is to evaluate whether the expression is generous, loud and emotional.


② Teachers can guide students to actively evaluate and interact with each other. They can not only accept the suggestions of students and teachers, but also speak a part of the content again.


③ Guide the students to write the name of the person they admire most on the blackboard and tell them what style they are worth learning.


6. Extension


The students in the group should work together to make a copy of the newspaper, and arrange the "observation records" and photos of people in the newspaper reasonably.

第二、三课时 习作

Exercises for Class Two and Three


7. Stimulate interest in writing


In the last class, we met those people who are worthy of our study and admiration in life through oral communication. In this class, let's write down these characters and edit a class composition collection of People We Admire.


8. Clarify the requirements for writing


The students read the exercises by themselves, with clear requirements: show the characteristics of the characters through their images and specific examples; The content should be specific, the sentences should be smooth, and after writing, it should be carefully revised.


9. Wonderful review


① Recall the part of oral communication that was recognized by the group members.


② Recall what the students who were praised by the teachers and classmates said during the class communication.


10. Exercises


① Students try to write, teachers patrol, understand the situation, individual guidance.


② It is required to modify it after writing as required.




① First read your composition quietly and mark the paragraphs that you think are better written.


② Exchange the exercises with the students in the group, find the good paragraphs written by the other party, mark them, and write a few comments; Mark where the other party needs to modify, and help the other party to modify.


③ After the revision, the group will read and enjoy the composition in a long way. Each group will select a complete composition and a beautiful piece to participate in the class exchange.


④ During the whole class communication, students should be guided to appreciate the following points: specific content, smooth sentences, and the character description can show the character characteristics.


12. Copy the exercises and edit the class composition collection The People We Admire