
时间:2022-09-21 13:41:03 | 来源:语文通



清明节扫墓作文400字 篇1清明扫墓作文500字 篇2清明扫墓 篇3清明节扫墓作文 篇4清明节扫墓作文500字 篇5清明节扫墓作文400字 篇6清明节扫墓作文 篇7清明节扫墓作文400字 篇8清明节扫墓500字作文 篇9清明节扫墓 篇10

清明节扫墓作文400字 篇1


At the Qingming Festival, my sister, my sister and mother went to Xishan Park to sweep the grave.I was not the tomb of relatives and friends, but the tomb of revolutionary martyrs.In the morning, my mother woke me up early, and we took the bus to Xishan Park.Along the way, spring is full of spring.


When I walked into the gate of Xishan Park, the park was full of spring atmosphere.Then we walked into the Martyrs Memorial.Looking at the photos of the martyrs full of walls, including: the pioneer of the 1911 Revolution Ning Taiyi; the anti -Japanese famous general Zuoquan; the Red Army military commander Cai Shenxi; Zhu Kejing, the new Fourth Army liaison; the only female Jie Zhang Lan who went to the country with Li Dazhao; left a blood book;Chen Jue and Zhao Yunxiao, who moved hundreds of millions of people ...


After leaving the museum, we came to the Martyr's Monument, organized the flowers in front of the monument, raised the wreath, and after cleaning the garbage, we knelt down and knelt down and watched three noises, respecting it.Later, we came to the statue of General Zuoquan.General Zuo Quan was holding a telescope in his hand, and his majestic eyes stared at the front. He seemed to look at such a prosperous Lingling. The people lived a happy and happy life. They felt particularly relieved.meaningful.


On the way home, I think the prosperity of the country and the people today is exchanged by blood and life, and it is also a beautiful ideal for the martyrs to fight for it.Inheriting the martyr's legacy and building a beautiful home is our inconspicuous mission and responsibility.Let us work together today, facing the future, to complete the unprepared career of the martyrs, and work hard to build the rich and healthy Fuling!

清明扫墓作文500字 篇2


Today, my parents asked me to sweep the grave with their grandfather with them. I was very happy, so I set off with the "Qingming item".Walking on the cemetery.


Suddenly I remembered the poem that Grandpa taught me to read, and then read it softly: "In the Qingming season, there were rain, and pedestrians on the road wanted to break the soul. By ask the restaurant where there is, shepherd is far away from Xinghua Village."


When I finished reading this poem, I remembered Grandpa.On the way, the rapeseed flowers were "Lin Li" on both sides, and they swayed in the wind, revealing all kinds of sorrow.Finally arrived at the woods in front of the grave, the forest was silent, and there was no pedestrian.The breeze blew, the leaves rang "rustling", and I couldn't help but shivered.


At a glance, I looked at it.There are many graves here, and each tombstone is tied together, like lonely islands.There is also a grandfather here that he heard that he is a nearby villagers.


He had a white hair and a crutch.When we arrived in front of Grandpa's tomb, Dad piled up the prepared things on the ground and burned it after litting. Dad stood up in front of the tomb and worshiped three times.I also learned about my dad and gave a pot of flowers and worshiped three worships.I also silently said that the first worship was that Grandpa would live well in heaven; the second worship was to hope that my parents were by my side; the third worship was that I had a good result.My mother also worshiped three worships, and her face was serious.


Then, my mother turned around and said to me with a long -term heart: "Grandpa will bless you healthy and healthy." I put the flower end on the grave, and also put a few Huang Chengcheng and sweet pear.I think: Grandpa hasn't eaten fruits for a long time, and he must let him taste it today.My parents and I stepped forward to remove the weeds, and cleaned the grave.I swept and thought: Grandpa, I come to see you every year, I hope you are everything in heaven.

清明扫墓 篇3


The annual Qingming Festival is coming immediately. Today, on April 2nd, our school organized fifth grades to go to the cemetery of martyrs to sweep the grave.We want to remember the revolutionary martyrs of the heroic sacrifice for the liberation of the motherland, and to pay attention to their great power.

我们走进了烈士陵园,一排排的小花也绽放了,像烈士在跟我们打招呼呢!石阶旁边绿茵茵的樟树,像烈士那宽大的手一样保护着我们。我们看到了一个高高的石碑,这石碑就是为了纪念先烈们造的,扫墓仪式开始了,当几位同学敬献花圈时,我在心里深深的祝愿:先烈们你们安息吧!当哀婉的乐曲徐徐放起的时候,我们都低下了头,庄重地默哀:解放军叔叔,谢谢你们!如果不是你们,就不会有我们今天的幸福,今天的和平!如果不是你们用自己的鲜血来战胜敌人,今天的世界不知会怎样 ……后来我们还听了侯爷爷讲话,我们知道了三要三不要:1要做好事,不要做坏事;2要做好人,不要做坏人;3要好学习,不要厌学习。 最后我们宣誓:我是少先队员,我在国旗下宣誓:我们时刻准备着,为中华之崛起而读书,宣誓人:杨佳熠。扫墓仪式结束了,我们准备去烈士纪念馆。

We walked into the martyr's cemetery, and the rows of flowers bloomed in rows, like martyrs in greet us! The green camphor tree next to the stone step protects us like martyrs' large hands. We saw a tall stone monument. This stele was made to commemorate the martyrs. The grave sweeping ceremony began. When several students presented wreaths, I wished deeply in my heart: you can rest in the martyrs! When the sorrowful music fell slowly, we all lowered our heads and said solemnly: Uncle PLA, thank you! If it wasn't for you, there would be no happiness of our today, peace today! If it wasn't for you to defeat the enemy with your own blood, I don't know what will happen today ... Later, we also listened to Grandpa Hou's speech. We know that three or three should be done: 1 do good things, do not do bad things; 2 Don't be a bad person; In the end, we were sworn in: I am a young pioneer, and I swore in the country: we are always preparing to study for the rise of China, and the oath: Yang Jiayi. The grave sweeping ceremony is over, we are going to the Martyrs Memorial.


When I walked into the memorial, I watched the remains of many martyrs. How much effort did they sprinkle!Like Xuanzhong, he said in a hurry at that time: "You killed me, nothing more than killing a Xuang China, but millions of revolutionaries will get up to kill you!"No regrets.How strong they are!After visiting the memorial hall, we started free activities.


Over time, we finally bowed to the martyrs in our hearts to express their deep nostalgia for the martyrs ...

清明节扫墓作文 篇4


"In the Qingming season, there were rain, and pedestrians on the road wanted to break the soul ..." The Qingming Festival is approaching. Unconsciously, this poem occupies me again.I couldn't help but think of Grandpa in another world again.


Qingming, our family went to the cemetery to sacrifice Grandpa.Before arriving at the cemetery, the tears of grandma had rotated in the eyes.I know that grandma's pain is unable to appreciate anyone.And I lost my grandfather who hurt me and loved me.


Finally, our family came to Grandpa's tomb. Grandma took out the offerings and burned yellow paper. In the light, I seemed to see Grandpa's kind face from the lid.Grandpa, you know, without your days, our life is like the flowers have lost color. Without your days, we have not enjoyed the perfect happiness a day.What you left for us is the heavy thoughts, as the rivers and riverside thoughts.


Grandpa, I know you are gone. When you are alive, you give your love to our family. You can rest assured that we will take care of grandma.


I'm leaving, I look back silently, counting the position of Grandpa's grave."1, 2, 3 ..." is the second rising from the sun.

清明节扫墓作文500字 篇5


Speaking of the Qingming Festival, I remembered a poem written by Du Mu, "There are rain in the Qingming season, and pedestrians want to break the soul on the road."But this year's Qingming Festival did not rain. Instead, the air was particularly fresh and the sun was extremely brilliant, as if adding vitality to us.


In the morning, my dad and I went to the grave for grandparents. We stepped on a heavy footing, and set off with the mood of respecting grandparents.We came to a high mountain in Langqi, where the mountains were surrounded by mountains, the small river was lush, the trees were lush, and the mountain roads were crooked. Occasionally, we could hear a few crisp bird calls.The Qingming Festival is full of grave sweeping people, and sometimes there is a miserable cry, which is a great thought of the old relatives.Sometimes there are also crying crying for children, and the mountains are really lively.


When we came to the grave of grandparents, my mood became heavy, and in my heart silently said to my grandparents, "Grandpa, grandparents, the grandson you have never seen before seeing you, you went to a warm kingdom paradise, is it okay?? But the silent tears and crying crying for loved ones are left. I hope you will always be happy in the distant paradise. "


Dad was busy using brooms and sickles to remove the fallen leaves and weeds next to the grave to keep the grave clean.I also learned to pick up the scanch like my father and sweep the garbage around the leaves and weeds around the grave.Then he picked up the rag, dipped it with water, and carefully wiped the tombstone.After some powerful wipes, the ancestors.The tombstone is not dyed, and it is as bright as new.Unconsciously, at noon, we should go down the mountain. I said to my grandparents loudly, "You can rest assured, I will come to see you every year."The three backs went down the mountain.


Qingming is a season of remembering and commemorating the ancestors.The Qingming Festival has passed, and the time dilutes everything, but I can't dilute my thoughts.

清明节扫墓作文400字 篇6


"Long Hua Qianzheng's high wind ..." With a warm spring breeze and a gentle sunshine, he echoed in the solemn but beautiful Longhua martyrs' cemetery in the beautiful spring.It turned out that this was a grave sweeping activity under the leadership of the teachers.


Entering the cemetery, the first goal of entering is the statue of many martyrs: some hold their hands up, hold their fists, and open their eyes;Iron bones, righteousness; some disregard the rain of guns and bombs, and move forward bravely; some generous words expose the ugly face of the imperialist reactionaries ...


The simple and solemn ceremony began: Before the majestic monument, we recite one poems about revolution and martyrs; in the end, we bowed to the monument to the monument and offered flowers.Essence


Next we visited the Martyrs Memorial.There are martyrs in Li Bai in "The Never Passing Radio", Gu Zhenghong, a worker martyr who was killed for leading workers' strikes, many martyrs who sacrificed in the May 30s tragedy, and many unknown or even unknown martyrs.


Stay, first martyrs!You use blood to exchange today's peaceful beauty, we will cherish, study hard, and serve the motherland!

清明节扫墓作文 篇7


Today is the Qingming Festival. The weather is cool, gray, and slightly drizzle.After lunch, Grandpa led us and his party to sweep the ancestors. There are many people who go to the grave sweeping.EssenceSome people take the hoe, some people take the sacrifice to worship, and go to the ancestral graveyard on the back mountain in the mighty umbrella.


I played the role of the big sister along the way. I pulled my brother and sister up the mountain. The mountain road was slippery. We walked carefully, so we did not wrestle and arrived at the place of grave sweeping smoothly.Then, each has its own busy, adults are busy using hoe to remove the weeds in front of the grave.Put worship in front of the grave, and then give the ancestors, burn paper money, and set off firecrackers.I was the first to give my ancestors incense. When I was incense, I prayed that my ancestors would bless our family peace and happiness. I learned progress.We went home after sweeping the grave.

清明节扫墓作文400字 篇8


The Qingming Festival was a festival circulating in ancient times, and Du Mu's "Qingming" vividly described this festival.


On this day, the sky was clear and the sun was bright. Our family and my aunt decided to climb the mountain together.We took the aunt's car and took a long time to get to Ziwuyu. If I could spit on the car in ten minutes.We came to the foot of the mountain and started climbing step by step, but just after climbing for a while, we heard others say that the mountain was on fire, so we went down the mountain again.


We came to another mountain. First of all, we ate some food under the mountain. After a while, we were full and drinking, so we added full horsepower up the mountain.We encountered difficulties on the mountain, because it was not raining for too long, the sand was covered with the road, and the road was slippery.Coupled with my soles of my shoe, it was even more difficult.When I encountered a sliding place, my feet trembled, and even my hands were a little trembling.Dad continued to encourage me while pulling me, giving me a lot of confidence, helping me overcome this difficulty, and finally we climbed to the top of the mountain.The scenery on the top of the mountain is beautiful. After a long break, we were ready to go down the mountain.On the way, I saw the peach trees full of pink flowers. The apricot trees had white white flowers. The mountains were full of green pine trees. Each was straight, as if the PLA soldiers guarded this beautiful mountain forest.There are also many colorful wild flowers that can't even call the name. These beautiful scenery make me remove fatigue. Today's experience really makes me unforgettable.

清明节扫墓500字作文 篇9


The Qingming Festival is here today.We put on a uniform school uniform, a red scarf, a white chrysanthemum made in our hands, and set off with a neat team.Along the way, everyone rarely speaks. With grief and heavy mood, I can't help but think of "the rainy season is raining, and pedestrians want to break the soul on the road."


When you come to the door of the Martyr's Cemetery, you first see a gray stone monument with five eye -catching characters: Martyrs Monument.Behind the stone monument is the rolling mountains, which is proudly standing, like guarding the monument, and the straight willows on both sides are also guarding in obscurity. There are several wreaths in front.of.I couldn't help but feel sad, because I thought of the heroic deeds like General Yang Jingyu ...


When we came to the monument in front of the monument, the squad leader said in a serious tone: "Make the revolutionary martyrs, be grateful for a happy life, and the grave sweeping ceremony starts now." Then, I saw him walking forward seriously, facing the monument, both feet together, standing upright, standing straight upThe body, raise your right hand to salute, bend down, bow down 90 degrees under your body, bow three times deep, we bow three times in the same way.


In the end, everyone was lined up in an orderly team, and the white flowers in my hand were gently placed next to the stele. When it was my turn, I silently thought in my heart: revolutionary martyrs, thank you for your efforts, I want to learn from you!


After the ceremony, on the way back, the students kept talking about the heroic deeds of the revolutionary martyrs. At this time, I thought in my heart: I must study hard and grow up to be useful to the country.

清明节扫墓 篇10


This year is the first year of the Qingming Festival vacation. I can also go to the grave with my parents.


The tomb sweeping of the Qingming Festival is from the traditional exercise of our Chinese nation.


The Qingming Festival is a day when we remember our ancestors, solemn and solemn.


Although the worship of the upside of Qingming on the mountain is very tired, sometimes it will fall a few wrestling, and the mountain road is very difficult, but the mood of commemorating the loved ones is pious.


Today, my parents and I went to my grandma's grave.Grandma was only 50 years old when she died. I hadn't been born at that time. Although I did not exist in my grandma's image, I missed my grandmother's feeling without decrease.Parents come to sacrifice every year, change words for the tombstone, and remove some weeds.But the grass's vitality is so strong, just a year of work to cover the entire tomb.It's really "the wildfire is endless, and the spring breeze is blowing again." It seems that the task of cutting grass is very arduous. I quickly picked up the sickle and weeding.It's off.At this time, Dad came to help me. He said, "Cut the grass first, then press the grass tightly, then press the grass down, and then cut it with a sickle to cut the grass." Follow Dad’s method, I really cut it!With the efforts of my parents and my mother, the grass was finally cleaned.I also helped my mother sweep the ground, and put the flowers respectfully, so that the grandma's graveyard also turned into a green and environmentally friendly net garden.


Qingming is determined to have advantages and disadvantages on holidays. Although everyone can have time to go to the grave, the traffic on the mountain has become a big problem. On the way back, we blocked the car for an hour.Tired, I think there is also a norm in the security dredging in the future.composition


Today, although I am very tired, I am very happy. I have learned knowledge and used my own labor to express my nostalgia and respect for the ancestors.