
时间:2022-07-16 13:30:19 | 来源:语文通



My mother is a very stupid person.


In order to better encourage me to study hard, she said that my development future was dim; in order to better play with me less and can study hard, she endured the regrets of future laid -off.Only she often stayed up late to carry the boring "Labor Law".


I hate her imagination and lips that could not stop at all, so I am very happy to work overtime, work overtime, and buy fruits.


Every day I return home, my mother has been greeted "Are you tired? How about it today?" Asked, but I didn't look high, "Well, OK." A reply, and he passed by by her., Fly into the room, close the store, and then close at the door.I'm really smart.


There are no adults in the heavenly family. I came over to accompany you to talk to me for the primary and secondary school graduation certificate, and inadvertently turned to her mother's secrets -it was her college graduation certificate and a letter.The photos on the qualification certificate are very old, but I feel that I have never seen that face, brilliant, fresh, as if all of her brows jumping the sun. Did my mother laugh so self -confident and elegantly?How could I not be able to put the young woman in the photo and the woman who remembered it and honestly in my memory, and the dull mother contacted together.My heart was full of doubts. Under the promotion of curiosity, I opened the first letter: it was the incentive letter written by my mother's university professor to the original outstanding students!


This secret statue of the secret statue of invisibly opened the box of the feelings and memory: She looked at the work and responsibilities in her work, and basically I could win the "best employee award" every year;Rightly washed the home in an orderly manner; in order to better understand, I understand more relaxed, more efficient, and share a lot of learning methods and work experience with me; in orderScientific research recipes ... I used to take a look at my mother and listen to her words.I walked from her every day, because I never thought about the "wrapping pot of rice" in my home every day. The mother who worked hard all day was so clever; I never thought that she had dealt with the coldness of her daughter.What kind of emotions?


I always feel that my mother is stupid, not clever and clever, so I am not only close to her, but I have always been indifferent to her thoughts and attention.I am like a passerby and keep passing from her, and she turned into a passerby I know very well.


Mom, I am too "intelligent", I just want to pass by you, but I never want to explore your heart, your happiness, your sorrow, and all of this.Essence


Mom, you are the little fairy on the banks of the stars, weaving the rainbow spinning, Tibetan clouds catch the moon, for me, remove the feathers, and make soup.I passed you past you, ignoring you, I hope I will not miss it now.Mom, I am walking by you, dyed the fragrance of love, and accompany me all the way.



1、路过:路过读音为lù guò,是指1.途中经过。路过 lù guò[pass by (through) a place] 途中经过 他每次路过总要来看望他的老战友 从天津到上海,路过济南路过 lù guò途中经过。 宋 苏辙 《梁山泊见荷花忆吴兴五绝》之四:“花开南北一般红,路过 江 淮 万里通。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第九回:“前年进京时,路过 上海 。” 赵树理 《杨老太爷》:“村长问他说:‘你是请假回来看看呀,还是出差路过回来看看?’” ...路过怎么造句,用路过造句»